Ninilchik Russian Dictionary


F - f

fábr'ika   ФАБРИКА.

n. cannery.

another recording; keep which?? variant pábr'ika. Ya tam na fábrik'i rabótal. I worked there on a factory. na pábr'ik'i on a factory. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, Wayne Leman, Conor Daly, buildings.

another recording; keep which?? variant pábr'ika. Ya tam na fábrik'i rabótal. I worked there on a factory. na pábr'ik'i on a factory. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, Wayne Leman, Conor Daly, buildings.

fam'íl'a   ФАМИЛИЯ.

n. family, immediate family. plural fam'íl'i. See: s'im'yá. Category: relatives.

n. lantern, flashlight. fanáram ?? ?? lampa ... ránchi ... ?? lamp ... See: lámpa. Category: light.

fars'ít'   ФОРСИТЬ.

v ipfv. dress up, try to look nice, show off. Aná fars'ít. She shows off. Stupáy fársit'! ?? Go show off! ??

fanár'   ФОНАРЬ.

n. lantern, flashlight. fanáram ?? ?? lampa ... ránchi ... ?? lamp ... See: lámpa. Category: light.

fars'ít'   ФОРСИТЬ.

v ipfv. dress up, try to look nice, show off. Aná fars'ít. She shows off. Stupáy fársit'! ?? Go show off! ??

fanár'   ФОНАРЬ.

n. lantern, flashlight. fanáram ?? ?? lampa ... ránchi ... ?? lamp ... See: lámpa. Category: light.

fars'ít'   ФОРСИТЬ.

v ipfv. dress up, try to look nice, show off. Aná fars'ít. She shows off. Stupáy fársit'! ?? Go show off! ??

f'íl'in   ФИЛИН.

n. owl. Category: birds.

F'il'ip'ína   ФИЛИПИНО.

n. Filipino. plural F'il'ip'ín'i. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, nationalities.

f'in'ík   ФИНИК.

n. date. fruit. Category: food.

n. wick. plural f'it'íl'i. F'it'íl mózhna fanári palózhit. ?? ?? See: fanár lamp. Category: light.

f'it'íl   ФИТИЛЬ.

n. wick. plural f'it'íl'i. F'it'íl mózhna fanári palózhit. ?? ?? See: fanár lamp. Category: light.

f'it'íl   ФИТИЛЬ.

n. wick. plural f'it'íl'i. F'it'íl mózhna fanári palózhit. ?? ?? See: fanár lamp. Category: light.

F'iwrál'   ФЕВРАЛЬ.

n. February. Category: time, months.

fkúsnay   ВКУСНЫЙ.

adj. tasty. óchin' fkúsnay very tasty. Category: food.

fkúsnay   ВКУСНЫЙ.

adj. tasty, delicious, good. óchin' fkúsnay very tasty. On fkúsnay. It's tasty. Fkúsn'im páhn'it. It smells good. See: haróshay good. Category: food.

n. flag.

flak   ФЛАГ.

n. flag.

flak   ФЛАГ.

n. flag.

F'ódar   pn. variant F'yódar. Fred. Category: names.

F'ókla   pn. Feokla. Category: names.

fónagraf   ФОНОГРАФ.

n. phonograph. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, entertainment, music.

frúkta   ФРУКТ.

n. fruit. plural frúkt'i, frúkta. Frúkta zak'ís. The fruit turned rotten. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, fruit.

fse   ВСЕ.

pro. everybody, everyone, everything, all. Fse b'izhát. Everybody is running. See: fs'o; fseh.

fseh   pro. everybody, everyone, all. variant fse. l'úchi fseh best (lit. better than everyone??) See: fs'o. Category: quantity.

pro. always, all the time. variant fs'igdá; another: s'igdá. fs'idá   ВСЕГДА.

pro. always, all the time. variant fs'igdá; another: s'igdá. fs'idá   ВСЕГДА.

pro. always, all the time. variant fs'igdá; another: s'igdá. On fs'idá zhálawayitsa. He always complains.

On fs'idá n'ézhitsa. He is nagging all the time. On s'igdá payót. ?? ?? See: wéchna. Category: time.

On fs'idá n'ézhitsa. He is nagging all the time. On s'igdá payót. ?? ?? See: wéchna. Category: time.

fs'igdá   ВСЕГДА.

pro. all the time, always. variant fs'idá, s'igdá, s'idá. Ya znáyu Boh fs'igdá pamóg'it mn'é, ya znáyu Boh fs'igdá pamóg'it mn'é. Yézhl'i ya imú zhivyú i fs'yó imú ya pr'ilazhú, ya znáyu Boh fs'igdá pamóg'it mn'é. I know that God will always help me (2 times). If I live for him and bring everything to him, I know that God will always help me. On s'igdá payót. ?? ?? See: wéchna. Category: time.

fsk'ip'ít'   v pfv. boil. Ya cháyn'ik fsk'ipú. I will put the tea kettle on to boil. Cháyn'ik fsk'ipél? Did the teakettle boil? ipfv: k'ip'ít'. See: kap'yat'ít'. Category: water.

fs'o   ВСË.

pro. all, everything. variant so. Fs'o pagarél. Everything burned up. Ya fs'o n'i znáyu. I don't know it all. (everything??) Ya so n'i znáyu. (compare recordings??) I don't know everything. ?? (another recording; keep which one??) Aná dúmayit aná fs'o znáyit! She thinks she knows everything! On mnóga p'il sf'o w'írwal. He drank a lot, (and) vomited up everything. fs'o rawnó doesn't matter. Fs'o harashó w'íshla. Everything went well.

Fs'o harashó w'íshla.   phr. Everything went very well.

fs'o fíwo ?? everything (written??) in a book ?? See: fse; fseh. Category: quantity.

Fs'o harashó w'íshla.   phr. Everything went very well.

fs'o fíwo ?? everything (written??) in a book ?? See: fse; fseh. Category: quantity.

Fs'o harashó w'íshla.   phr. Everything went very well.

fs'o rawnó   phr. doesn't matter.

fspat'ét'   v pfv. sweat. Ya fspat'él. I sweated. ipfv: pat'ét'. See: pot. Category: body.

fspómn'it'   ВСПОМНИТЬ.

v pfv. remember. Ya fspómn'ila. I (female) remembered. ipfv: pómn'it'. Category: cognition.

v pfv. meet. In NR, as in English, this can refer to meeting someone for the first time or getting together with someone that you already know. ?? ipfv: fstr'ichát'. An'í hóchit iwó strét'it. ?? They ?? to meet him. ?? Ya iwó stréchu. ?? I will meet him.

fstrét'it'   ВСТРЕТИТЬ.

v pfv. meet. In NR, as in English, this can refer to meeting someone for the first time or getting together with someone that you already know. ?? ipfv: fstr'ichát'. An'í hóchit iwó strét'it. ?? They ?? to meet him. ?? Ya iwó stréchu. ?? I will meet him.

fstrét'it'   ВСТРЕТИТЬ.

v pfv. meet. In NR, as in English, this can refer to meeting someone for the first time or getting together with someone that you already know. ?? ipfv: fstr'ichát'. An'í hóchit iwó strét'it. ?? They ?? to meet him. ?? Ya iwó stréchu. ?? I will meet him.

fstr'ichát'   ВСТРЕЧАТЬ.

v ipfv. meet. variant pr'ichát'; pfv: fstrét'it'. An'í stricháyut. ?? They are meeting. ?? An'í stricháyut drúgiya lúd'i. ?? They are meeting other people. ?? T'i ét'i Rusakóf fstrechál? Did you meet those Russians? M'i ta schl'úpachk'i spuskál'i, m'i Baránawa fstrechál'i. We let the small boats down on water, we were meeting Baranof. Category: Conor Daly, Kibrik-Bergelson.

ftaróy   ВТОРОЙ.

adj. second. See: pérway first. Category: numbers.

Ftaróy Bánka   pn. Second Bar. See: Perway Bánka. Category: locations.

Ftórn'ik   ВТОРНИК.

n. Tuesday. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, days, time.

funt   ФУНТ.

n. pound. ftugúyu   adv. tightly. See: tugóy; túga.

funt   ФУНТ.

n. pound. ftugúyu   adv. tightly. See: tugóy; túga.

funt   ФУНТ.

n. pound. Páw'il, Páw'il, fúnt pr'ibáw'il. Paul, Paul, added a pound. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, size, weight.

fut   ФУТ.

n. foot (measure). Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, distance.

fút'ina   phr. smelly, stinky. said when something smells something bad, such as rotten fish or if someone passed gas. another recording; keep which?? another recording; keep which?? Chiwóta ?? páhn'it, fút'ina! ??l Something smells, it stinks! ?? See: páhn'it'. Category: exclamations.