T - t
n. tobacco. See: tabat'érka ‘tobacco pouch’. Category: smoke.
tabat'érka n. tobacco pouch.
An'í d'érzhat tabat'érku ... They have a tobacco pouch ...
... zawal'ít polózhat v tabat'érku. ... (and they) put the snoose into the tobacco pouch. See: tabák; kasét. Category: smoke, containers.
n. tobacco. See: tabat'érka ‘tobacco pouch’. Category: smoke.
tabat'érka n. tobacco pouch.
An'í d'érzhat tabat'érku ... They have a tobacco pouch ...
... zawal'ít polózhat v tabat'érku. ... (and they) put the snoose into the tobacco pouch. See: tabák; kasét. Category: smoke, containers.
n. tobacco. See: tabat'érka ‘tobacco pouch’. Category: smoke.
tabat'érka n. tobacco pouch.
An'í d'érzhat tabat'érku ... They have a tobacco pouch ...
... zawal'ít polózhat v tabat'érku. ... (and they) put the snoose into the tobacco pouch. See: tabák; kasét. Category: smoke, containers.
pro. you. Ya s tabóy idú. I'm going there with you.
On s tabóy payd'ót. He will go with you.
Ya búdu s tabóy. I will come with you. ?? See: t'i; t'ibé; t'ib'á; twoy; w'i; s. Category: pronouns.
Ya búdu s tabóy. I will come with you. ?? See: t'i; t'ibé; t'ib'á; twoy; w'i; s. Category: pronouns.
n. 1 • wheelbarrow. variant tár'ichka; plural táchk'i.
2 • rolling toy. This word was used for the name of a toy made in Ninilchik by nailing a can lid to the end of a stick, then running along holding the stick while the lid rolled along the ground. "Andrew Cooper always had the best tachka when I was a kid. You were considered high up if you had a Hills Brothers coffee can lid nailed on the end of a stick." -Dean Kvasnikoff. See: katúshka. Category: play.
tadá pro. then. See: patóm; kadá. Category: time, record.
tágzha pro. same. variant tákazhi.
tágzhi kak zd'es same as here. See: takóyzha; padrugómu. Category: quality.
pro. like, thus, this way. ТАКО is a Russian dialect pronunciation for ТАК (H. Sheynin). In Ninilchik Russian both táha and tak are used. Ya swayi rúk'i táha d'érzhu kadá ya s tabóy gawar'ú. I hold ("present") my hands this way while I talk to you.
Iwó?? Gr'igór'i mózhna táha náz'iwayut, ... ?? an'í iwó tútaka Gr'íshka náz'iwayut. ?? They also called him Grigori, ?? they called him Grishka also here. ?? See: tak.
Iwó?? Gr'igór'i mózhna táha náz'iwayut, ... ?? an'í iwó tútaka Gr'íshka náz'iwayut. ?? They also called him Grigori, ?? they called him Grishka also here. ?? See: tak.
pro. so. Wot tak. That's the way it is. Ya tak dúmayu. I think so! See: táha. Category: cognition.
takóy pro. such, that kind. plural tak'íya ‘those kinds’.
Chiwó éta takóy? What kind is it? See: kakóy.
Chiwó éta takóy? What kind is it? See: kakóy.
pro. same. See: tágzha; padrugómu; takóy. Category: quality.
Táksabak n. Negro, black person. variant dóks'ibaks. said to be a Yupik Eskimo word. See: N'égra. Category: nationalities.
talkát' ТОЛКАТЬ.
v ipfv. push. On talkáyit'. He's pushing (something).
Talkáy! Push (it)! Category: move.
n. willow. word and meaning not well remembered in Ninilchik. See: wérba; kust'í; wén'ik. Category: trees, Kibrik-Bergelson.
pro. there, over there. G'il'd'ís', tam sn'ek na goré! Look, there's snow on the mountain!
Dom tam. The house is over there. antonym tut ‘here’. See: támaka ‘there’. Category: locations.
pro. over there, there - over. Chiwó támaka? What's over there? See: tam; tútaka. Category: locations.
támbur n. crochet hook ; See: p'órka. Category: Wayne Leman, handcraft, tools.
v ipfv. pull, drag. On t'án'it. He is dragging (something).
On w'irófku t'án'it. He is pulling on the rope.
Sabáka nárzd'i t'án'it. The dog is pulling the sled. See: d'órgat' ‘jerk, pull’. Category: move.
tapar'ísha ТОПОРИЩЕ.
n. ax handle. See: tapór. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, tools.
n. ax. See: tapar'ísha ‘ax handle’. Category: tools.
tárachka n. tart, little pie. plural tárachk'i. See: p'irazhók; tár'ichka. Category: food, record.
t'ápat' ??. chop. for example, to chop wood with an ax.
On drawá t'ápait. ?? He's chopping wood. ??
T'i mógish étu t'ápnut. ?? ??
On d'erwá t'ápul. ?? He chopped wood. ??
On adnó?? t'ápnul. ?? He chopped ??
Ya iwó t'apnúla. ?? I (female) chopped it. ??
Ya iwó t'ápnu. ?? I will chop it. ?? See: rub'ít'; atrub'ít'. Category: wood, record.
n. ax. See: tapar'ísha ‘ax handle’. Category: tools.
tárachka n. tart, little pie. plural tárachk'i. See: p'irazhók; tár'ichka. Category: food, record.
t'ápat' ??. chop. for example, to chop wood with an ax.
On drawá t'ápait. ?? He's chopping wood. ??
T'i mógish étu t'ápnut. ?? ??
On d'erwá t'ápul. ?? He chopped wood. ??
On adnó?? t'ápnul. ?? He chopped ??
Ya iwó t'apnúla. ?? I (female) chopped it. ??
Ya iwó t'ápnu. ?? I will chop it. ?? See: rub'ít'; atrub'ít'. Category: wood, record.
n. ax. See: tapar'ísha ‘ax handle’. Category: tools.
tárachka n. tart, little pie. plural tárachk'i. See: p'irazhók; tár'ichka. Category: food, record.
v ipfv. rush. variant tarópisa ??. On tarap'ítsa. He's rushing.
On tarópisa. He's rushing.
On gón'ay (gón'i??) tarópisa. ?? He is always in a hurry.
On gón'i tarópisa a ya kapúha. ?? He's always in a hurry but I'm a slowpoke.
A t'i gón'i tarápisa. ?? You're always in a hurry.
N'i náda tarap'ítsa! Don't hurry!
Tarap'ís! Hurry! Category: speed.
n. inner part of winter boots. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, clothes.
tarbushína n. tripe. Category: meat, record.
n. plate. Category: food, containers.
tár'ichka n. rolling toy. variant táchka. See: katúshka; tárachka. Category: play.
tasawát' v ipfv. shuffle. tasawát kart'i shuffle the cards. Category: cards.
tashchít' ТАЩИТЬ.
v ipfv. bring, carry. On wódu táshchit. He's bringing water.
Tashchí iwó! Carry him! pfv: patashchít'. See: taskát'. Category: move.
táska n. packboard, backboard. A súmka can be strapped to a táska to make it easier to carry the súmka.
ruzhyó, moy táska i tapór gun, my packboard and axe. See: súmka. Category: tools.
v ipfv. carry, pack. Ya taskáyu. I'm carrying (something). Ya taskál. I carried (something).
On mn'é fs'idá r'íbu taskáyit. He always brings me fish.
N'i náda gl'ínu taskát! Don't bring in the mud!
Ya mnóga karam'íslam wódu taskál. I packed lots of water with a yoke. See: pr'in'ist'í ‘bring’; tashchít' ‘bring ; carry ; haul’. Category: move.
Ya mnóga karam'íslam wódu taskál. I packed lots of water with a yoke. See: pr'in'ist'í ‘bring’; tashchít' ‘bring ; carry ; haul’. Category: move.
n. friend, buddy, comrade. plural tawár'ishi. Ya ushól r'ibáchit' sa swayím tawár'ishum. I went fishing with my friends. See: druh. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, people.
táyit' ТАЯТЬ.
v ipfv. melt. Sn'ek táyit. The snow is melting. Sn'ek id'ót, fs'o táyit. Snow is falling, and melting. pfv: rastáyit'. Category: weather.
táyshi n. dried fish tails. 'dried fish' is pronounced as daishi, with three syllables, in Dena'ina; Ninilchik speakers borrowed this Athabaskan word and compressed it to two syllables as táyshi; in Ninilchik this word only refers to fish tails that are dried; dried fish is yúkala.
An'í pakúshal'i táyshi. They are eating dried fish. Ya tagdá tаyshú tózhi zd'élаyu. I'm going to make taysha too. See: yúkala; balík; chíkalin. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, Wayne Leman, food, fish.
t'ápnut' v pfv. hoe, work with a hoe. Náda ishó kúchk'i t'ápnut' We need to work more with a hoe. Category: record.
n. body, flesh. U m'in'é t'éla zud'ítsa. I'm itchy (lit., I have body itching).
U t'ibé t'éla bl'édnay? Is your skin pale? Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, body.
n. shadow. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, nature.
t'erm'in'ít' v pfv. turn around. T'erm'in'í! Turn around!
n. dough. Éta ... patóm, kahdá an'i pastáw'ut kwashn'u, patóm t'ésta ... kahdá {it's all finished} .. tadá t'ésta. It becomes dough when it is all finished (explaining the meaning of the word kwáshn'a). See: kwashn'á. Category: food.
pro. you. plural w'i. Kak t'i pazhiwáish? How are you? See: t'ibé; tabóy; twoy. Category: pronouns.
t'ib'á pro. you, your. T'iatókas ?? pn. Virgin Mary. from Greek Theotokos which meant "Mother of God". See: Bózhiy mát'ir ‘Mother of God’. Category: church.
t'ib'á pro. you, your. T'iatókas ?? pn. Virgin Mary. from Greek Theotokos which meant "Mother of God". See: Bózhiy mát'ir ‘Mother of God’. Category: church.
t'ib'á pro. you, your. Kakóy u t'ib'á pagóda? How's your weather? See: t'i; t'ibé; tabóy; twoy; w'i. Category: pronouns.
pro. you. On t'ibé n'i znáyit. He doesn't know you.
On t'ibé kn'ígu dal? Did he give you a book? See: t'i; t'ib'á; tabóy; twoy; w'i. Category: pronouns.
n. current. fast flowing water. variant chut'én'a. Category: water.
t'ihastúptsi n. slippers. Lit: soft-steppers See: nad'iwáshk'i. Category: clothes.
n. current. fast flowing water. variant chut'én'a. Category: water.
t'ihastúptsi n. slippers. Lit: soft-steppers See: nad'iwáshk'i. Category: clothes.
n. current. fast flowing water. variant chut'én'a. Category: water.
t'ihastúptsi n. slippers. Lit: soft-steppers See: nad'iwáshk'i. Category: clothes.
t'ihát' v ipfv. sneeze. variant chihát', st'ihát'.
Wot t'é ?? t'iháyu. ?? I'm sneezing. ??
M'in'é t'ihát náda. I need to sneeze.
Ya dúmala sto a ?? búdu t'ihát. I thought I was going to sneeze. Category: body, sickness.
t'ik'ót' v ipfv. leak, drip. variant t'ichót. T'ik'ót. (It is) leaking.
t'il'igrám n. telegram. Category: record.
t'il'ónak ТЕЛЕНОК.
n. calf. as of a cow or moose. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, animals.
t'imnatá ТЕМНОТА.
n. darkness. See: t'imn'ét'; t'ómna; t'ómnay. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, light, record.
t'imn'ét' ТЕМНЕТЬ.
v ipfv. darken, get dark. another recording (keep which??)
Kr'ísha t'ik'ót. The roof is leaking. Próshliy god kr'ísha t'ok. Last year the roof was leaking.
Kr'ísha t'ok. The roof leaked. Category: water.
t'il'igrám n. telegram. Category: record.
t'il'ónak ТЕЛЕНОК.
n. calf. as of a cow or moose. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, animals.
t'imnatá ТЕМНОТА.
n. darkness. See: t'imn'ét'; t'ómna; t'ómnay. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, light, record.
t'imn'ét' ТЕМНЕТЬ.
v ipfv. darken, get dark. another recording (keep which??)
Kr'ísha t'ik'ót. The roof is leaking. Próshliy god kr'ísha t'ok. Last year the roof was leaking.
Kr'ísha t'ok. The roof leaked. Category: water.
t'il'igrám n. telegram. Category: record.
t'il'ónak ТЕЛЕНОК.
n. calf. as of a cow or moose. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, animals.
t'imnatá ТЕМНОТА.
n. darkness. See: t'imn'ét'; t'ómna; t'ómnay. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, light, record.
t'imn'ét' ТЕМНЕТЬ.
v ipfv. darken, get dark. T'imn'éyit. It's getting dark. pfv: pat'imn'ét'. See: t'ómna; t'ómnay. Category: nature.
t'inút' ТЯНУТЬ.
v ipfv. tug, pull. T'i swoy úshu t'án'ish. You're tugging on your ear.
adv. now, immediately. another recording (keep which??)
An'í raspór'il'is', t'ipér'i an'í n'i gawar'átsa. They got in an argument, now they aren't talking to each other. Ya t'ipér'i húda slúshayu. I cannot hear well now.
t'ipér'icha adv. now. T'ipér'icha on r'íbu sab'irát'. Now he (went to) collect fish. See: t'ipér'i. Category: time, record.
adv. warm. M'in'é t'ipló. I am warm. Tútaka t'ipló. It's warm here. Yimú fs'idá hóladna, m'in'é fsidá t'ipló. He is always cold, (and) I am always warm. adjective t'óplay. See: zhárka; hóladna. Category: temperature.
t'ipér'i pat'irátay ?? ?? See: s'ichás; t'ipér'icha. Category: time.
t'ipér'icha adv. now. T'ipér'icha on r'íbu sab'irát'. Now he (went to) collect fish. See: t'ipér'i. Category: time, record.
adv. warm. M'in'é t'ipló. I am warm. Tútaka t'ipló. It's warm here. Yimú fs'idá hóladna, m'in'é fsidá t'ipló. He is always cold, (and) I am always warm. adjective t'óplay. See: zhárka; hóladna. Category: temperature.
t'ipér'i pat'irátay ?? ?? See: s'ichás; t'ipér'icha. Category: time.
t'ipér'icha adv. now. T'ipér'icha on r'íbu sab'irát'. Now he (went to) collect fish. See: t'ipér'i. Category: time, record.
adv. warm. M'in'é t'ipló. I am warm. Tútaka t'ipló. It's warm here. Yimú fs'idá hóladna, m'in'é fsidá t'ipló. He is always cold, (and) I am always warm. adjective t'óplay. See: zhárka; hóladna. Category: temperature.
n. patience. U n'ey mnóga t'irpén'a. Not much patience. See: t'irpét' ‘endure, be patient’. Category: personality.
t'irpét' ТЕРПЕТЬ.
v ipfv. endure, be patient.
t'ít'ka n. nipple (of breast), teat, breast. plural t'ít'k'i.
Mayízhi t'ítka! ?? ?? See: núshk'i ‘breasts’; sóska ‘nipple (bottle)’. Category: body.
t'érp'it endures (pain, or misery).
On mnóga t'érp'it. He endures a lot. ?? See: t'irpén'a ‘patience’; chirpát' ‘dip’. cf. chérpit', an alternate pronunciation of chirpát'. Category: personality.
t'ít'ka n. nipple (of breast), teat, breast. plural t'ít'k'i.
Mayízhi t'ítka! ?? ?? See: núshk'i ‘breasts’; sóska ‘nipple (bottle)’. Category: body.
t'érp'it endures (pain, or misery).
On mnóga t'érp'it. He endures a lot. ?? See: t'irpén'a ‘patience’; chirpát' ‘dip’. cf. chérpit', an alternate pronunciation of chirpát'. Category: personality.
t'ít'ka n. nipple (of breast), teat, breast. plural t'ít'k'i.
Mayízhi t'ítka! ?? ?? See: núshk'i ‘breasts’; sóska ‘nipple (bottle)’. Category: body.
adj. heavy. On t'izhólay. He's heavy.
M'in'é s'iwódn'i t'izhiló. I felt heavy today.
óchin chizhólay kámin' ?? very heavy rock. antonym l'óhkay. Category: weight.
tóha adv. also, too. variant tózha.
Ya tóha paydú. I will go also.
tok ТОК.
n. current. pastayánay tok direct current (electricity). p'ir'iménay tok alternating current. Category: Conor Daly, record.
prt. only, but, just, recently. variant tóyka. tól'ka ТОЛЬКО.
prt. only, but, just, recently. variant tóyka. tól'ka ТОЛЬКО.
prt. only, but, just, recently. variant tóyka. tól'ka dóma only at home.
Tóyka n'i baís'! Just don't be afraid!
Ya wadú sk'ipú tóyka ya wádu hachú. I'm boiling water but I want water.
adj. thick, hefty. On hlébu tólstay na rézal. ?? ??
tólstay kníga ?? thick book.
On pahód'it tólstay. ?? He looks hefty. ?? antonym tón'inkoy. See: zhírnay ‘fat’. Category: shape.
On tóyka s'ichás pr'ishól. ?? He just now arrived. ??
An'í tóyka pr'ishl'í. They just arrived.
adj. thick, hefty. On hlébu tólstay na rézal. ?? ??
tólstay kníga ?? thick book.
On pahód'it tólstay. ?? He looks hefty. ?? antonym tón'inkoy. See: zhírnay ‘fat’. Category: shape.
On tóyka s'ichás pr'ishól. ?? He just now arrived. ??
An'í tóyka pr'ishl'í. They just arrived.
adj. thick, hefty. On hlébu tólstay na rézal. ?? ??
tólstay kníga ?? thick book.
On pahód'it tólstay. ?? He looks hefty. ?? antonym tón'inkoy. See: zhírnay ‘fat’. Category: shape.
adv. dark.
adj. dark. Can be of a dark color or darkness in the evening. On t'ómnay. He's very dark (skinned). t'ómn'iya glazá dark eyes.
t'omnay kómnata dark (poorly lit) room. dimunitive t'ómn'in'kay. See: t'imn'ét'; t'imnatá; chórnay; t'ómna. Category: light, Wayne Leman.
Tut t'ómna. It's dark here. See: t'ómnay; t'imn'ét'. Category: nature.
adj. dark. Can be of a dark color or darkness in the evening. On t'ómnay. He's very dark (skinned). t'ómn'iya glazá dark eyes.
t'omnay kómnata dark (poorly lit) room. dimunitive t'ómn'in'kay. See: t'imn'ét'; t'imnatá; chórnay; t'ómna. Category: light, Wayne Leman.
Tut t'ómna. It's dark here. See: t'ómnay; t'imn'ét'. Category: nature.
adj. dark. Can be of a dark color or darkness in the evening. On t'ómnay. He's very dark (skinned). t'ómn'iya glazá dark eyes.
t'omnay kómnata dark (poorly lit) room. dimunitive t'ómn'in'kay. See: t'imn'ét'; t'imnatá; chórnay; t'ómna. Category: light, Wayne Leman.
t'ómn'in'kay adj. dark.
On t'ómn'in'kay. He's dark. non-dimunitive t'ómnay. See: t'ómna; t'imnatá; t'imn'ét'; chórnay. Category: light.
adj. thin, skinny. On tón'in'kay. He is skinny.
tónkay rubáshka n. t-shirt. variant tónkaya rubáshka. Category: clothes, Kibrik-Bergelson, record.
tópkay adj. spongy. Category: texture, Wayne Leman.
kníga tón'in'koy ?? thin book.
rúbashka tón'in'koy ?? The shirt is thin. ??
tón'in'kiya b'il'ó ?? thin clothes ??
On nós'it tón'in'koy rabáshku. ?? He's wearing a thin shirt. ?? antonym zhírnay ‘fat’; tólstay ‘thick, hefty’. Category: shape, body, record.
tónkay rubáshka n. t-shirt. variant tónkaya rubáshka. Category: clothes, Kibrik-Bergelson, record.
tópkay adj. spongy. Category: texture, Wayne Leman.
kníga tón'in'koy ?? thin book.
rúbashka tón'in'koy ?? The shirt is thin. ??
tón'in'kiya b'il'ó ?? thin clothes ??
On nós'it tón'in'koy rabáshku. ?? He's wearing a thin shirt. ?? antonym zhírnay ‘fat’; tólstay ‘thick, hefty’. Category: shape, body, record.
tónkay rubáshka n. t-shirt. variant tónkaya rubáshka. Category: clothes, Kibrik-Bergelson, record.
tópkay adj. spongy. Category: texture, Wayne Leman.
adj. warm.
n. washboard. variant shchórka; plural t'órk'i. Ya tóha past'ílk'i st'irála .. na t'órk'i. I also washed diapers on a washboard.
T'i mógish shórkat na t'órk'i. ?? ?? See: shtórka ‘curtain’. Category: house.
t'óplay d'en' warm day.
t'óplay dom warm house.
t'óplay mésta warm place. adverb t'ipló. See: hóladna ‘cold’. Category: temperature.
n. washboard. variant shchórka; plural t'órk'i. Ya tóha past'ílk'i st'irála .. na t'órk'i. I also washed diapers on a washboard.
T'i mógish shórkat na t'órk'i. ?? ?? See: shtórka ‘curtain’. Category: house.
t'óplay d'en' warm day.
t'óplay dom warm house.
t'óplay mésta warm place. adverb t'ipló. See: hóladna ‘cold’. Category: temperature.
n. washboard. variant shchórka; plural t'órk'i. Ya tóha past'ílk'i st'irála .. na t'órk'i. I also washed diapers on a washboard.
T'i mógish shórkat na t'órk'i. ?? ?? See: shtórka ‘curtain’. Category: house.
n. aunt. variant t'ótka. mayá t'ót'a my aunt. Category: relatives.
n. aunt. variant t'ót'a. another recording; keep which??
t'ótk'ina dom Auntie's house.
Éta t'ótk'ina dom. This is Auntie's house.
Eta t'ótk'ina s'in. This is (my) aunt's son.
mayá t'ót'a my aunt.
adv. also, too. variant tóha. Ya tózha páydu. I will go also.
Aná mayá t'ótka. She is my aunt. See: d'ád'a. Category: relatives.
adv. also, too. variant tóha. Ya tózha páydu. I will go also.
Aná mayá t'ótka. She is my aunt. See: d'ád'a. Category: relatives.
adv. also, too. variant tóha. Ya tózha páydu. I will go also.
Spas'iba t'ibé tózha. Thank you to you also.
Ya tózha hachú. I want to also. On tózha rúskiy znáyit. He knows Russian too.
trak n. truck. na trák'i by truck. Category: travel, record.
trap ТРАП.
n. ladder. See: l'ésn'itsa. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, tools, record.
trápachka n. wash rag, towel.
another recording; which one is better?? non-dimunitive tr'ápka. Category: record.
trápachka n. wash rag, towel.
another recording; which one is better?? non-dimunitive tr'ápka. Category: record.
n. rag, cloth.
another recording; which one is better?? plural tr'ápk'i.
M'i d'érzhu mókray tr'ápku pasúd'i m'it. ?? We use a dry cloth to wash the dishes. ?? variant trápka; dimunitive trápachka. Category: material, record.
another recording; which one is better?? plural tr'ápk'i.
M'i d'érzhu mókray tr'ápku pasúd'i m'it. ?? We use a dry cloth to wash the dishes. ?? variant trápka; dimunitive trápachka. Category: material, record.
n. grass. See: séna. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, plants.
trayn'ik n. triplet. plural trayn'ik'í. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, people.
n. clubs (of cards).
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trétay ТРЕТИЙ.
num. third. Category: numbers, record.
another recording; keep which?? singular tréfa. Category: cards.
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trétay ТРЕТИЙ.
num. third. Category: numbers, record.
another recording; keep which?? singular tréfa. Category: cards.
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trétay ТРЕТИЙ.
num. third. Category: numbers, record.
num. three. Category: numbers.
tr'ík'i trák'i phr. shaker handle. This is a handle for shaking grates on a coal stove so ashes will fall down into the pit below the fire.
Tr'ík'i trák'i, tr'i makák'i, na nawóz'i, ha ha ha! Shaking-ashes-down-handle, three monkeys, outside (to the ashpile), ha ha ha! See: makáka; na nawós'i. Category: fire, sayings.
num. thirteen. Category: numbers.
tr'ísat' ТРИДЦАТЬ.
num. thirty. Category: numbers, record.
n. shaking, quaking. See: zámatr'isén'a ‘earthquake’. Category: motion.
n. cod. chórnaya tr'iská black cod. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, fish.
n. stove pipe, chimney. dimunitive trúpka. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, house.
adv. with difficulty; hard. Imú trúdna had'ít'. It's difficult for him to walk. Category: quality.
n. pipe. for tobacco smoke. L'íman'ina trúpka Leman's pipe (Joe Leman Sr.'s pipe). non-dimunitive trubá ‘stovepipe’. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, smoke.
n. coward. Trus, on fs'o bayítsa. Coward, he is scared of everything. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, Wayne Leman, personality.
n. king, czar. plural tsar'í, sar'í; variant sar. See: karól'i. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, cards, jobs.
tsarápat' v ipfv. steal; rob. to take (the property of another or others) without permission or right, especially secretly or by force. Sabirayut den'gi.. den'gi tsarapayut! (They) collect money, they steal them! See: pakast'ít'. Category: Conor Daly, record.
adj. entire, whole. tsélay l'éta the whole summer.
tsélay kúcha M'ir'ikántsi a whole bunch of Americans. Category: quantity, time.
n. chain. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson.
n. chick. plural tsipl'ónk'i; variant s'ipl'ónak, s'ip'ónak (s'ipl'ónak??).
U kúr'i s'ipl'ónak. The hen has a chick. See: kúra. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, birds, record.
U kúr'i s'ipl'ónak. The hen has a chick. See: kúra. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, birds, record.
tswet n. color.
Kakówa tswéta? What color is it? Category: colors.
tsw'itóchka n. flower. plural tsw'itóchk'i; non-dimunitive tsw'itók. tsw'itóchk'ina s'im'iná flower seeds. Category: plants.
tsw'itók ЦВЕТОК.
n. flower. variant sw'itók; plural sw'itk'í, tsw'it'í; dimunitive tsw'itóchka. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, Wayne Leman, plants.
tubíts n. 25 cents, quarter. The second word is pronounced as English "beets". This is a modified loan word from English "two bits". Category: money.
n. cloud. plural túchi. another plural recording; keep which??
Maya máma s'idá gawaréla túchi. ?? My mother always said "tuchi". ?? dazhn'íya túchi rain clouds. See: ablaká. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, Wayne Leman, weather.
tudá ТУДА.
pro. to there. See: tut; kudá. Category: Conor Daly, record.
adv. tight, hard. Yimú túga papálas'. He is in a tight spot. See: tugóy; ftugúyu. Category: quality.
n. cloud. plural túchi. another plural recording; keep which??
Maya máma s'idá gawaréla túchi. ?? My mother always said "tuchi". ?? dazhn'íya túchi rain clouds. See: ablaká. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, Wayne Leman, weather.
tudá ТУДА.
pro. to there. See: tut; kudá. Category: Conor Daly, record.
adv. tight, hard. Yimú túga papálas'. He is in a tight spot. See: tugóy; ftugúyu. Category: quality.
n. cloud. plural túchi. another plural recording; keep which??
Maya máma s'idá gawaréla túchi. ?? My mother always said "tuchi". ?? dazhn'íya túchi rain clouds. See: ablaká. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, Wayne Leman, weather.
tudá ТУДА.
pro. to there. See: tut; kudá. Category: Conor Daly, record.
adv. tight, hard. Yimú túga papálas'. He is in a tight spot. See: tugóy; ftugúyu. Category: quality.
adj. tight. variant túgay. tugóy w'iráfka tight rope.
t'úhl'i n. high heels. These are high heeled women's dress shoes. singular t'úhla; variant t'úfl'i. cf. Cyrillic ТУФЛИ. See: bashmák; kalbak'í. Category: clothes.
n. fog. Tumán pad'imáyitsa. The fog is appearing. ?? Category: weather.
Mayí plát'a tug'íya. My dresses are tight. adverb túga; antonym slábay. See: ftugúyu. Category: quality.
t'úhl'i n. high heels. These are high heeled women's dress shoes. singular t'úhla; variant t'úfl'i. cf. Cyrillic ТУФЛИ. See: bashmák; kalbak'í. Category: clothes.
n. fog. Tumán pad'imáyitsa. The fog is appearing. ?? Category: weather.
Mayí plát'a tug'íya. My dresses are tight. adverb túga; antonym slábay. See: ftugúyu. Category: quality.
t'úhl'i n. high heels. These are high heeled women's dress shoes. singular t'úhla; variant t'úfl'i. cf. Cyrillic ТУФЛИ. See: bashmák; kalbak'í. Category: clothes.
n. fog. Tumán pad'imáyitsa. The fog is appearing. ?? Category: weather.
n. flat, swamp, muskeg. called a "flat" in English by Ninilchik people. dimunitive túndrachka. See: W'ídr'inay túndra. Category: locations, flats, swamps.
túndrachka n. small swamp. non-dimunitive túndra. Category: locations, flats, swamps. Category: Wayne Leman.
túnta n. poop, feces, droppings. Widely used in Ninilchik but considered a slang word, not a Russian word. Gavnó is considered the real Russian word used in Ninilchik. It means the same thing as túnta.Source: RD ?? or L ?
Éta sahát'ina túnta. Those are moose droppings. See: gawnó; sráka.
tupól'ina n. cottonwood. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, trees.
tupól'n'ik n. cottonwood patch, alder patch. uncertainty about this word and its meaning. Where Nick Leman had his house; some men used to trap there and they would kill porcupines there. Category: locations.
tupól'n'ik n. cottonwood patch, alder patch. uncertainty about this word and its meaning. Where Nick Leman had his house; some men used to trap there and they would kill porcupines there. Category: locations.
adj. dull. Éta nózhik tupóy. This knife is dull. See: wóstray.
tur'íst ТУРИСТ.
n. tourist. plural tur'íst'i. Category: people.
n. ace. variant tup. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, cards.
pro. here. Aná tut. She's here.
Wa tut d'es yes. ?? ?? antonym tam ‘there’. See: sudá ‘here’; zd'es' ‘here’; d'es' ‘here’; tam ‘there’; tútaka ‘here’. Category: locations.
Id'í sudá! Come here! СЮДА.
adv. here. See: tut. Category: locations.
another recording; keep which?? synonym tut; antonym támaka ‘there’; tam ‘there’. See: sudá ‘here’; zd'es' ‘here’. Category: locations.
another recording; keep which?? synonym tut; antonym támaka ‘there’; tam ‘there’. See: sudá ‘here’; zd'es' ‘here’. Category: locations.
n. cottage cheese. Category: food.
twayá pro. your (feminine). plural twayí.
twayá bábushka your grandma.
Éta twayá s'istrá. That is your sister.
Kak twóya mat'? How is your mother? masculine twoy. See: t'i; twoyí. Category: pronouns.
twayí pro. your (feminine). singular twoy, twayá.
twoyí pronunciation from another speaker ??
twayí bashmak'í your shoes.
twayí karów'i your cows.
you. associative case. T'i b'izhála sas twoyím brat'? Did you (female) run with your brother? nominative twoy. Category: pronouns.
pro. your (masculine). plural twayí. twoy ТВОЙ.
pro. your (masculine). plural twayí. twoy ТВОЙ.
pro. your (masculine). plural twayí. twoy at'éts your father.
twoy bashmák your shoe.
Éta n'i twoy! That is not yours!
twoyá mat' your mother.
twoy mat' your mother.
twoyá doch your daughter.
twoy dócha your daughter.
twoyá s'istra your sister. At least one speaker can say both twoy and twoyá with a biologically feminine noun: twoyá bábushka your grandmother.
Ya twoy bábushka w'idál. I saw your grandmother. feminine twoyá. See: t'i; twayá; wáshiy; moy ‘my’. Category: pronouns.