G - g
n. loon. another recording; keep which??
Ya l'ubl'ú slúshat kadá gagára pláchit. ?? I like to listen when the loon cries. ??
Kadá t'i slíshish gagára búd'it dosh. ?? When you hear a loon it's going to rain. ?? Some Ninilchik people liked to make a play on words between this word for 'loon' and Gagarin, the name of the first astronaut (a Russian cosmonaut) to go into space. Category: birds.
galánka ?? n. denim coat. Category: clothes.
galashtán adj. naked (person). Galashtán béb'ichka pr'ishól. The baby without pants came. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, people.
n. loon. another recording; keep which??
Ya l'ubl'ú slúshat kadá gagára pláchit. ?? I like to listen when the loon cries. ??
Kadá t'i slíshish gagára búd'it dosh. ?? When you hear a loon it's going to rain. ?? Some Ninilchik people liked to make a play on words between this word for 'loon' and Gagarin, the name of the first astronaut (a Russian cosmonaut) to go into space. Category: birds.
galánka ?? n. denim coat. Category: clothes.
galashtán adj. naked (person). Galashtán béb'ichka pr'ishól. The baby without pants came. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, people.
n. loon. another recording; keep which??
Ya l'ubl'ú slúshat kadá gagára pláchit. ?? I like to listen when the loon cries. ??
Kadá t'i slíshish gagára búd'it dosh. ?? When you hear a loon it's going to rain. ?? Some Ninilchik people liked to make a play on words between this word for 'loon' and Gagarin, the name of the first astronaut (a Russian cosmonaut) to go into space. Category: birds.
galánka ?? n. denim coat. Category: clothes.
galashtán adj. naked (person). Galashtán béb'ichka pr'ishól. The baby without pants came. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, people.
n. head. M'in'é galawá bal'ít. I have a headache.
gólay galawá bald head. Ya t'ibé gólawu slamú. I will beat you up (lit., I will break your head). See: bashká. dimunitive galófka. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, body.
n. trout. Category: fish.
n. broom.
gal'ít' v ipfv. catch, prey on, take, fish. refers to catching anything, whether fish, a dog, or something else ??
On gal'it'. He's catching (fish). ??
another recording; keep which?? plural gal'ik'í. See: m'itló. Category: tools, housework.
gal'ít' v ipfv. catch, prey on, take, fish. refers to catching anything, whether fish, a dog, or something else ??
On gal'it'. He's catching (fish). ??
another recording; keep which?? plural gal'ik'í. See: m'itló. Category: tools, housework.
gal'ít' v ipfv. catch, prey on, take, fish. refers to catching anything, whether fish, a dog, or something else ??
On gal'it'. He's catching (fish). ??
A gd'é t'i r'íbu gal'ísh? Where do you catch fish?
M'in'é núzhna gal'it' éta moy sabáku. ?? I need to catch my dog. ??
M'in'é núzhna sabáku gal'ét'. ?? I need to catch (pursue??) the dog. ??
gal'ét' pursue ?? ; chase ??
Tri chas ya gal'él sabáku. ?? ??
T'i éta óchin ?? gal'íl? ?? ?? See: law'ít'; gan'át'.
M'in'é núzhna gal'it' éta moy sabáku. ?? I need to catch my dog. ??
M'in'é núzhna sabáku gal'ét'. ?? I need to catch (pursue??) the dog. ??
gal'ét' pursue ?? ; chase ??
Tri chas ya gal'él sabáku. ?? ??
T'i éta óchin ?? gal'íl? ?? ?? See: law'ít'; gan'át'.
adj. hungry. See: atashát'. Category: body.
n. fishhead. another recording; keep which?? plural galófk'i. galófk'i sup soup made out of king salmon fishheads. dimunitive galawá. Category: fish.
galón ГАЛЛОН.
n. gallon. pyat' galón five gallons. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, quantity.
n. necktie, tie. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, clothes.
galub'íyi shtan'í ГОЛУБЫЕ ШТАНЫ.
n. blue jeans. See: shtan'í. Category: clothes.
galubóy ГОЛУБОЙ.
adj. blue. galub'íyi shtan'i blue jeans. See: s'ín'ay ‘blue’. Category: clothes, colors.
gan'át' ГНАТЬСЯ.
v ipfv. chase. Sabáka kóshku gan'áyit. The dog is chasing a cat.
Sabáka iyó gan'ál, at'éts sabáku gan'ál. The dog was chasing her, (and her) father was chasing the dog.
Ya iwó gan'áyu. I'm chasing him. pfv: prógnat'. See: gal'ít'. Category: motion.
n. hill, mountain. for instance, the hill area beside the Russian Orthodox church. plural gór'i ‘hills ; mountains ; mountain range’. G'il'd'ís', tam sn'ek na goré! Look, there's snow on the mountain!
pad garéa ?? at the bottom of the hill (lit., under the hill).
On na makúshk'i na garéa. ?? It's on top of the hill.
Garás'im pn. Grassim. Grassim Oskolkoff. Category: names.
garazhán'i n. town people. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, people.
Ya znáyu gars'íya (??) kakóy góra. ?? ?? See: bugór; ut'ós. Category: Wayne Leman, Kibrik-Bergelson, locations.
Garás'im pn. Grassim. Grassim Oskolkoff. Category: names.
garazhán'i n. town people. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, people.
Ya znáyu gars'íya (??) kakóy góra. ?? ?? See: bugór; ut'ós. Category: Wayne Leman, Kibrik-Bergelson, locations.
Garás'im pn. Grassim. Grassim Oskolkoff. Category: names.
garazhán'i n. town people. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, people.
adj. hooked, humpbacked. garbátay nos hooked nose. See: garbúsha. Category: shape.
n. pink salmon, humpy, humpback salmon. Lit: humpbacked plural garbúshi. See: s'ómga; k'itá; k'ízhuch; chaw'ícha; krásnay r'íba; garbátay. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, fish.
n. mustard. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, food.
garét' ГОРЕТЬ.
v ipfv. burn. Agón' gar'ít. The fire is burning.
Skóla gar'ít. The school is burning.
... pl'itú gar'ít. ?? ??
Kadá úshi gar'át ohtáta pra t'ibé gawarít. ?? When ears are burning someone is talking about you. pfv: pragarét'. See: zgarét'; pagarét'; pazhár. Category: fire, sayings.
n. weasel, ermine. kak garnastáy na p'ál'i as an ermine on a skinstretcher. See: láska ‘weasel’. Category: animals.
n. peas. Category: food.
n. garden, vegetable patch. variant agarót. On garót w'íkapal. He dug the garden. Category: plants, land.
n. 1 • pot. especially used for a zawal'it grinding container. garshók ГОРШОК ??
n. 1 • pot. especially used for a zawal'it grinding container. garshók ГОРШОК ??
n. 1 • pot. especially used for a zawal'it grinding container. another recording; keep which??
2 • darn. T'i ?? gárshók! ?? ?? See: Góspad'i. Category: exclamations.
another recording; keep which?? See: zawal'ít. Category: containers.
2 • darn. T'i ?? gárshók! ?? ?? See: Góspad'i. Category: exclamations.
another recording; keep which?? See: zawal'ít. Category: containers.
2 • darn. T'i ?? gárshók! ?? ?? See: Góspad'i. Category: exclamations.
adj. ready. T'i gatóway? Are you ready?
Ya gatóway. I'm ready.
T'i gatówaya? Are you (female) ready?
v ipfv. speak, talk, tell. gawarét' (Is this an alternate infinitive??)
On gawar'ít'. He's speaking.
On mnóga gawar'ít. He talks a lot.
T'i m'in'é gawar'ísh? Are you talking to me?
N'i náda n'ikamú gawar'át! Don't tell anyone!
N'i náda tak gawar'át! Don't talk like that!
Aná nichiwó n'i gawar'it. ?? She doesn't say anything. ??
L'íshnay n'i náda gawarét! ?? Don't speak superfluously! ??
Ya gawar'íl. I talked.
Ya t'ibé dwa rás n'i búdu gawar'át'! I won't tell you twice!
Nu ??, Chál'i, shto gawarét? (English "new"??) ??, Charlie, what is said? ?? See: skazát' ‘say’. Category: speak.
gawar'átsa v ipfv. talk to each other.
An'í n'i gawarátsa. They are not talking to each other. See: gawar'at'. Category: speak.
n. poop, feces. In Ninilchik this seems to be considered the more Russian word compared to túnta. See: sráka; túnta; kála. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, body.
gazal'ín n. boat, fishing boat. plural gazal'ín'i. This word was borrowed from the English word "gasoline"; it was used in Ninilchik to refer to a gasoline-powered boat. It is more commonly used in Ninilchik than lótka.
gazal'ínka n. toy boats. These were little boats village boys would make and play with on the river. plural gaz'il'ínk'i. See: gazal'ín. Kartófi paspél, paspél, paspél.
gazéta ГАЗЕТА.
n. newspaper, magazine. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson.
U m'in'é gazal'ín.lótka I have a boat. See: parahót; kát'ir; gazal'ínka. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, boats.
gazal'ínka n. toy boats. These were little boats village boys would make and play with on the river. plural gaz'il'ínk'i. See: gazal'ín. Kartófi paspél, paspél, paspél.
gazéta ГАЗЕТА.
n. newspaper, magazine. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson.
U m'in'é gazal'ín.lótka I have a boat. See: parahót; kát'ir; gazal'ínka. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, boats.
gazal'ínka n. toy boats. These were little boats village boys would make and play with on the river. plural gaz'il'ínk'i. See: gazal'ín. Kartófi paspél, paspél, paspél.
gazéta ГАЗЕТА.
n. newspaper, magazine. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson.
gazn'ík n. gas can; usually a five gallon kerosene can. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, containers.
gd'e pro. where. variant a d'e, gd'éta. Gd'e w'i id'ót'i? Where are you (many) going?
A d'e twayá doch zhiw'ót? Where does your daughter live?
A gd'e t'i rad'ílsa? Where were you born?
A gd'e núzhn'ik? Where is the toilet?
A gd'éta twoy pal'tó? Where is your coat?
A d'e zha twoy {automobile}? Where is your car? See: ad'é; d'es'; kudá. Category: locations.
gd'éta ГДЕ-ТО.
adv. somewhere. Prach'itál ya gd'éta tózha. Also, I read somewhere.
n. general. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, Wayne Leman, military.
Giórgi pn. George. See: Grits. Category: names.
G'irás'ima Kanáwa n. Grassim's Ditch. a ravine in the bluff near the present day school on Sterling Highway. See: kanáwa. Category: locations, record.
G'irás'ima Óz'ira ГЕРАСИМОВО ОЗЕРО.
n. Grassim's Lake. Category: locations.
g'itára ГИТАРА.
n. guitar. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, music.
v ipfv. iron. glád'it' ГЛАДИТЬ.
v ipfv. iron. glád'it' ГЛАДИТЬ.
v ipfv. iron. (An'í) na stal'é glád'il'i. They ironed on the table. Ya glád'u. I'm ironing. T'i glád'ish? Are you ironing?
Ya l'ubl'ú bil'ó glád'it ízhi m'in'á n'i astanów'at, ya hachú kónchit. I like to iron clothes if they don't stop me, I want to finish. ?? See: ut'úk.
zád'it' iron ?? Category: housework.
adj. smooth, serene, peaceful. variant glád'inay. práwa gládnay translation?? (maybe 'warm' as of a warm personality). Daróga gládna. The road is smooth. Category: quality.
adj. smooth, serene, peaceful. variant glád'inay. práwa gládnay translation?? (maybe 'warm' as of a warm personality). Daróga gládna. The road is smooth. Category: quality.
adj. smooth, serene, peaceful. variant glád'inay. práwa gládnay translation?? (maybe 'warm' as of a warm personality). Daróga gládna. The road is smooth. Category: quality.
n. eye. plural glazá, galzá. kár'iya glazá brown eyes.
s'ín'iya glazá blue eyes.
z'il'ón'iya glazá hazel (lit. green) eyes.
Atkróy swayí galzá! Open your eyes!
Kak'íya twoyí glazá? What color are your eyes? Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, body.
gláwnay adj. main, bossy; ГЛАВНЫЙ. gláwnay daróga main road. plural gláwn'iya. mnóga gláwn'iya l'úd'i many bossy people. See: haz'áyin. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, Conor Daly, jobs.
v ipfv. 1 • look at, look for. variant g'il'd'ét'. Gl'id'í, sahát! Look, a moose!
Gl'id'í, tam sn'ek na garé! Look, there's snow on the mountain!
On n'i znáit ad'é gl'id'ét'. He doesn't know where to look. pfv: pagl'id'ét'. See: w'íd'it'.
2 • look after, watch for.
Ya béyb'ichku gl'izhú. I am looking after the baby.
Ya búdu yiwó gl'id'ét'. I will look after him.
An'í yiwó gl'id'át. They watch after him. See: karaúl'it'; nán'it'. Category: sight.
Ya béyb'ichku gl'izhú. I am looking after the baby.
Ya búdu yiwó gl'id'ét'. I will look after him.
An'í yiwó gl'id'át. They watch after him. See: karaúl'it'; nán'it'. Category: sight.
n. mud. Daróga pólan gl'ín'i. The road is muddy (lit. full of mud).
N'i náda gl'ínu taskát! Don't bring in the mud! Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, nature.
n. blueberry. variant klubn'íka. variant gulbn'íka, galbn'íka. Ninilchik people love to pick this berry, eat it, and cook with it. In the Ninilchik area these berries grow fairly close to the moss in swamps (flats). They do not grow higher on bushes as commercial blueberries do. Berry specialists call this berry a bog blueberry. See: k'inkáshl'a. Category: berries.
adj. deep. variant gulbókay. for example, of a well. glubókay wadá deep water.
glubn'ika КЛУБНИКА.
n. blueberry. variant klubn'íka. variant gulbn'íka, galbn'íka. Ninilchik people love to pick this berry, eat it, and cook with it. In the Ninilchik area these berries grow fairly close to the moss in swamps (flats). They do not grow higher on bushes as commercial blueberries do. Berry specialists call this berry a bog blueberry. See: k'inkáshl'a. Category: berries.
adj. deep. variant gulbókay. for example, of a well. glubókay wadá deep water.
glubn'ika КЛУБНИКА.
n. blueberry. variant klubn'íka. variant gulbn'íka, galbn'íka. Ninilchik people love to pick this berry, eat it, and cook with it. In the Ninilchik area these berries grow fairly close to the moss in swamps (flats). They do not grow higher on bushes as commercial blueberries do. Berry specialists call this berry a bog blueberry. See: k'inkáshl'a. Category: berries.
adj. deep. variant gulbókay. for example, of a well. glubókay wadá deep water.
glubók'iya sétk'i deep nets. Category: size.
adj. deaf. On gluhóy. He's deaf.
On glahóy. (newer recording; keep which??) He's deaf. Aná glaháya. ?? She is deaf.
n. deaf (person). Category: sickness.
glupóy ГЛУПЫЙ.
adj. stupid. See: durák. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, people, personality.
... glahóy ... (locked in the shed story; finish transcription??) ?? ... he's deaf ... (translation??) See: aglóhnut'.
n. deaf (person). Category: sickness.
glupóy ГЛУПЫЙ.
adj. stupid. See: durák. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, people, personality.
... glahóy ... (locked in the shed story; finish transcription??) ?? ... he's deaf ... (translation??) See: aglóhnut'.
n. deaf (person). Category: sickness.
glupóy ГЛУПЫЙ.
adj. stupid. See: durák. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, people, personality.
Gnáshka pn. Small name for Ignatius. Category: names.
gn'ilóy ГНИЛОЙ.
adj. rotten. gn'ilóy d'ér'iwa rotten wood. Category: quality.
n. nest. pt'íchi gn'izdó bird's nest. aról'i gn'izdó eagle's nest. ar'ól'ya gn'izdó eagle's nest.
warón'i gn'izdó crow's nest.
warón'ina gn'izdó crow's nest. ukúd'ik'ina gn'izdó bee's nest. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, birds.
n. pus. Category: sickness.
gólas ГОЛОС.
n. voice. plural gólas'i. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, speak.
gólat ГОЛОД.
n. hunger. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, body.
adj ??. bare, bald. On gólay. He's bald.
gólay galawá bald head. See: pl'esh. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, body.
gón'ay adv. always, all the time.
On gón'ey bégayit. ?? He always runs around. ??
On gón'ay (gón'i??) tarápisa. ?? He is always in a hurry.
On gón'ay wr'ot. He always lies.
On gón'ay na láydu id'ót. He is always going to the beach. ??
On gón'i takarwarchít. ?? He always ??
Úb'il gón'i króshk'i. ?? Coal is always scraps. Category: time.
gón'ay adv. always, all the time.
On gón'ey bégayit. ?? He always runs around. ??
On gón'ay (gón'i??) tarápisa. ?? He is always in a hurry.
On gón'ay wr'ot. He always lies.
On gón'ay na láydu id'ót. He is always going to the beach. ??
On gón'i takarwarchít. ?? He always ??
Úb'il gón'i króshk'i. ?? Coal is always scraps. Category: time.
n. town, city. This would be a place bigger than Ninilchik, such as Kenai. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, locations.
adj. intransigent, very stubborn, proud. stronger meaning than upórnay: Selma 06 July27-2017.WAV@00:17. See: upórnay ‘stubborn’. Category: personality.
adj. intransigent, very stubborn, proud. stronger meaning than upórnay: Selma 06 July27-2017.WAV@00:17. See: upórnay ‘stubborn’. Category: personality.
adj. intransigent, very stubborn, proud. stronger meaning than upórnay: Selma 06 July27-2017.WAV@00:17. See: upórnay ‘stubborn’. Category: personality.
adj. bitter. Category: taste.
n. throat. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, body.
gorp ГОРБ.
n. hump. as on a moose. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, animals.
górn'isa n. living room.
M'i s'id'ím górn'is'i. ?? We are sitting in the living room. Category: house.
gorp ГОРБ.
n. hump. as on a moose. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, animals.
górn'isa n. living room.
M'i s'id'ím górn'is'i. ?? We are sitting in the living room. Category: house.
gorp ГОРБ.
n. hump. as on a moose. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, animals.
n. Lord! Spas'í, Góspad'i! Save, (oh) Lord!
Góspad'i, pam'íluy! Lord, have mercy! See: garshók. Category: church.
Góspad'i, pam'íluy! Lord, have mercy!
n. year. plural góda.
goy ??. ??
(preceding context for goy) ??
A n'i znáyu ... naziwáyut ... Ya d'élayu ... Ya chitáyu ... Ya kr'ist'i d'élayu m'in'é ?? yes ... dwa ?? ??
Ya ad'ínatsat' gadá stárshi iyó. I am eleven years older than she is.
Mayá s'istrá ... shabóyka ... ?? My sister ... ?? See: l'et. Category: time.
goy ??. ??
(preceding context for goy) ??
A n'i znáyu ... naziwáyut ... Ya d'élayu ... Ya chitáyu ... Ya kr'ist'i d'élayu m'in'é ?? yes ... dwa ?? ??
Ya ad'ínatsat' gadá stárshi iyó. I am eleven years older than she is.
Mayá s'istrá ... shabóyka ... ?? My sister ... ?? See: l'et. Category: time.
goy ??. ??
(preceding context for goy) ??
A n'i znáyu ... naziwáyut ... Ya d'élayu ... Ya chitáyu ... Ya kr'ist'i d'élayu m'in'é ?? yes ... dwa ?? ??
n. rake. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, tools.
grammát'ika ГРАММАТИКА.
n. grammar. Ya grammát'iku nauchíls'a. I learned grammar. Category: Conor Daly.
gr'as ГРЯЗЬ.
n. soil, dirt. See: zéml'a. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, nature.
n. hail. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, weather.
adj. dirty. Twoy dom gr'áznay. Your house is dirty.
Bashmak'í gr'ázn'iya. (Your) shoes are dirty.
On gr'áznay, on zamarálsa. He's dirty, he has gotten dirty.
Gr'áznaya b'il'ó mózhna w'íbras'it; an'í stáraya shípka .. abarwát'iya. One can throw away dirty clothes; (if) it is (they are??) very old, ragged.zamarátay. Category: quality.
On gr'áznay, on zamarálsa. He's dirty, he has gotten dirty.
Gr'áznaya b'il'ó mózhna w'íbras'it; an'í stáraya shípka .. abarwát'iya. One can throw away dirty clothes; (if) it is (they are??) very old, ragged.zamarátay. Category: quality.
n. comb.
another recording; keep which?? See: w'ík'is'it'. Category: groom.
another recording; keep which?? See: w'ík'is'it'. Category: groom.
n. sin. plural gr'ehí. U m'in'é mnóga gr'ehí. I have lots of sins. Category: Wayne Leman, Kibrik-Bergelson, church.
gret' v ipfv. warm, bask, warm up. Ya t'ib'á gréyu. I am warming you up. See: grétsa.
grétsa ГРЕТЬСЯ.
v ipfv. warm, bask, warm up. Na pl'it'é gréyitsa. It is warmed on the stove. See: gret'. Category: temperature.
gr'ibát' v ipfv. row. variant gr'ib'ít'. Joe Leman rowing with his wife Selma bailing.
On gr'ib'yót. He's rowing.
gr'ib'ít (He/she) rows.
another recording (keep which??)
Ya gr'ib'yú. I'm rowing. Gr'ib'í! Keep on rowing! See: gr'ibók ‘oar’. Category: boats.
n. oar, paddle.
Gr'igór'i pn. Gregory. Gregory Oskolkoff. See: Gr'íshka. Category: names.
another recording (keep which??) plural gr'ibak'í, gr'ipk'í.
Ya ... (complete transcription of this funny story ??) I ... (complete translation ??) See: gr'ibát'; lapátka; w'isló. Category: boats.
Gr'igór'i pn. Gregory. Gregory Oskolkoff. See: Gr'íshka. Category: names.
another recording (keep which??) plural gr'ibak'í, gr'ipk'í.
Ya ... (complete transcription of this funny story ??) I ... (complete translation ??) See: gr'ibát'; lapátka; w'isló. Category: boats.
Gr'igór'i pn. Gregory. Gregory Oskolkoff. See: Gr'íshka. Category: names.
n. German. Category: nationalities.
v ipfv. make noise. gr'imét' ГРИМЕТЬ ??
v ipfv. make noise. gr'imét' ГРИМЕТЬ ??
v ipfv. make noise. Chiwóyta gr'im'ít. What's that noise?? (Something is making noise. ??)
On gr'im'ít. He is making noise (for instance, by rattling).
gr'imónchik n. harmonica. Category: music, Kibrik-Bergelson.
gr'imóshka ГАРМОШКА.
n. accordion. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, music.
Gr'íshka pn. Gregory. small name for Gregory; affectionate term ??
another recording; keep which??
Éta bul d'édushka Gr'íshka, éta bul moy d'édushka. ?? This was grandfather Grishka, this was my grandfather. ??
Iwó?? Gr'igór'i mózhna táha náz'iwayut, tak?? an'í iwó tútaka Gr'íshka náz'iwayut. ?? They also called him Grigori, ?? they called him Grishka also here. ?? See: Gr'igór'i. Category: names.
Gr'íshk'ina Túndra ГРИШКИНА ТУНДРА.
pn. Grishka's Flat. On p'iristál gr'imét'. ?? ?? pfv: zagr'imét'. See: gr'om ‘thunder’. Category: sounds.
gr'imónchik n. harmonica. Category: music, Kibrik-Bergelson.
gr'imóshka ГАРМОШКА.
n. accordion. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, music.
Gr'íshka pn. Gregory. small name for Gregory; affectionate term ??
another recording; keep which??
Éta bul d'édushka Gr'íshka, éta bul moy d'édushka. ?? This was grandfather Grishka, this was my grandfather. ??
Iwó?? Gr'igór'i mózhna táha náz'iwayut, tak?? an'í iwó tútaka Gr'íshka náz'iwayut. ?? They also called him Grigori, ?? they called him Grishka also here. ?? See: Gr'igór'i. Category: names.
Gr'íshk'ina Túndra ГРИШКИНА ТУНДРА.
pn. Grishka's Flat. On p'iristál gr'imét'. ?? ?? pfv: zagr'imét'. See: gr'om ‘thunder’. Category: sounds.
gr'imónchik n. harmonica. Category: music, Kibrik-Bergelson.
gr'imóshka ГАРМОШКА.
n. accordion. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, music.
Gr'íshka pn. Gregory. small name for Gregory; affectionate term ??
another recording; keep which??
Éta bul d'édushka Gr'íshka, éta bul moy d'édushka. ?? This was grandfather Grishka, this was my grandfather. ??
Iwó?? Gr'igór'i mózhna táha náz'iwayut, tak?? an'í iwó tútaka Gr'íshka náz'iwayut. ?? They also called him Grigori, ?? they called him Grishka also here. ?? See: Gr'igór'i. Category: names.
Gr'íshk'ina Túndra ГРИШКИНА ТУНДРА.
pn. Grishka's Flat. another recording; keep which?? Category: locations, flats, swamps.
adj. sinful. On gr'ishnóy. He's sinful.
Grits pn. George. nickname for Giórgi, George.
Dédushka m'iné ?? nazhidál ?? Grits. ?? Grandpa called me Grits. ?? See: Giórgi. Category: names.
adj. sinful. On gr'ishnóy. He's sinful.
Grits pn. George. nickname for Giórgi, George.
Dédushka m'iné ?? nazhidál ?? Grits. ?? Grandpa called me Grits. ?? See: Giórgi. Category: names.
adj. sinful. On gr'ishnóy. He's sinful.
Grits pn. George. nickname for Giórgi, George.
Dédushka m'iné ?? nazhidál ?? Grits. ?? Grandpa called me Grits. ?? See: Giórgi. Category: names.
v ipfv. gnaw, chew. See: zhuwat' ‘chew’. Category: food.
n. thunder.
another recording; keep which?? variant gr'om. See: gr'im'ít' ‘make noise’. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, weather.
another recording; keep which?? variant gr'om. See: gr'im'ít' ‘make noise’. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, weather.
adv. loudly. On grómka gawar'ít. He talks loudly. Category: sounds.
n. coffin. plural grob'í. On grop d'élayit. He's making a coffin. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, church.
grúpka ГРУБКА.
n. firebox. Category: fire, house, Kibrik-Bergelson.
grus mushroom, mushrooms; ГРУЗДЬn. plural grúzd'i.
another recording of the plural; keep which??
Mnóga grúzd'i tut. There are many mushrooms here. Category: plants, food.
another recording of the plural; keep which??
Mnóga grúzd'i tut. There are many mushrooms here. Category: plants, food.
n. chest. See: núshk'i. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, body.
pn. Mushroom Flat. This is a bumpy flat near Butch Leman's place where people used to pick mushrooms. See: grús ‘mushroom’. Category: locations, plants.
pn. Mushroom Flat. This is a bumpy flat near Butch Leman's place where people used to pick mushrooms. See: grús ‘mushroom’. Category: locations, plants.
pn. Mushroom Flat. This is a bumpy flat near Butch Leman's place where people used to pick mushrooms. See: grús ‘mushroom’. Category: locations, plants.
n. lip. plural gúb'i. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, body.
v ipfv. visit, walk. Aná chásta gul'áyit. She visits often.
Aná w'izd'é gul'áyit! She's visiting everywhere!
Mózhit m'i payd'óm gul'át'. Maybe we're going to go visit.
M'i payd'óm gul'át' Ir'ín'i. We will go visit Irene. Lit: We will walk to Irene's (place). See: had'ít'. Category: motion.
adj. deep. variant glubókay. Category: size.
gúpka ГУБКА.
n. birch fungus, birch burl. used to make a kind of snuff ?? See: káratsa. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, trees.
gus' ГУСЬ.
n. goose. plural gús'i. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, birds.
adj. dense, strong. Ya n'i hachú gustóy chay. I don't want strong tea. gustóy ГУСТОЙ.
adj. dense, strong. Ya n'i hachú gustóy chay. I don't want strong tea. gustóy ГУСТОЙ.
adj. dense, strong. Ya n'i hachú gustóy chay. I don't want strong tea. Yólk'i pálk'i gustóy l'es! Spruce trees, canes, dense forest! See: tólstay. Category: quantity, sayings.
guwermánt n. government. Category: government.
guwernátar n. governor. Category: jobs, government, record.
n. nail. to hammer. plural gwózd'i. gwos' ГВОЗДЬ.
n. nail. to hammer. plural gwózd'i. gwos' ГВОЗДЬ.
n. nail. to hammer. plural gwózd'i. On na gwos' nastup'íl. He stepped on a nail. Category: tools.