Ninilchik Russian Dictionary


Z - z

adj. cute. zabáwnay   ЗАБАВНЫЙ.

adj. cute. zabáwnay   ЗАБАВНЫЙ.

adj. cute. Béyb'ichka zabáwnay. The baby is cute. Aná zabáwnaya. She is cute.

zab'ít'   ЗАБЫТЬ.

v pfv. forget. n'i kras'íway, a zabáwnay not pretty, but cute. Eta mal'chíshka zabáwnay. This boy is cute. See: kras'íway. Category: quality.

zab'ít'   ЗАБЫТЬ.

v pfv. forget. n'i kras'íway, a zabáwnay not pretty, but cute. Eta mal'chíshka zabáwnay. This boy is cute. See: kras'íway. Category: quality.

zab'ít'   ЗАБЫТЬ.

v pfv. forget. Ya zabúl. I (male) forgot (it). Ay, ya mnóga zabúla. Oh, I forgot a lot. ?? On fchirá zabúl hl'éba kup'ít'. Yesterday he forgot to buy bread. Ya zabúla aprastát pamóyn'ik. I (female) forgot to dump the slop bucket. Zabút'! Forget (it)! Ya zab'íl mnógah slow. I forgot many words. Ya n'i hachú t'ibé zabút. ?? I don't want to forget you. ?? Ya znála tól'ka ya zabúla. I (female) knew, only I forgot. Ya t'ib'a wet' n'i zabúl ... I'll Never Forget You (song): (translation ??) ipfv: zabuwát'. See: Ya t'ib'a wet' n'i zabúl.

zab'iwát'   ЗАБИВАТЬ.

v ipfv. nail. Ya gwózd'i zab'iwál sas malatók. I hammered (was hammering??) the nails with a hammer. ?? See: gwos'; zabuwát' forget.

zabr'at'   ЗАБРАТЬ.

v pfv. take away. Ya zh'al. I took away (something). ipfv: br'at'. Category: move.

zabuwát'   ЗАБЫВАТЬ.

v ipfv. forget. On zabu(??)d'ílsa. ?? ?? Category: cognition.

zab'iwát'   ЗАБИВАТЬ.

v ipfv. nail. Ya gwózd'i zab'iwál sas malatók. I hammered (was hammering??) the nails with a hammer. ?? See: gwos'; zabuwát' forget.

zabr'at'   ЗАБРАТЬ.

v pfv. take away. Ya zh'al. I took away (something). ipfv: br'at'. Category: move.

zabuwát'   ЗАБЫВАТЬ.

v ipfv. forget. On zabu(??)d'ílsa. ?? ?? Category: cognition.

zab'iwát'   ЗАБИВАТЬ.

v ipfv. nail. Ya gwózd'i zab'iwál sas malatók. I hammered (was hammering??) the nails with a hammer. ?? See: gwos'; zabuwát' forget.

zabr'at'   ЗАБРАТЬ.

v pfv. take away. Ya zh'al. I took away (something). ipfv: br'at'. Category: move.

zabuwát'   ЗАБЫВАТЬ.

v ipfv. forget. On zabuwáyit. He forgets. On zabuwáyit mnóga. He forgets a lot (of things). On mnóga zabuwáyit. ?? He forgets a lot. On zabuwáyit n'imnóshka. ?? He forgets a little. ?? U m'in'é mnóga zabuwáyit. ?? ?? Ya zabuwáyu, ya n'i gawarú parúski, ya mnóga zabiwáyu. ?? I forget, I don't speak Russian, I forget a lot. ?? On zabuwáyitsa. He keeps forgetting. Ana nichiwó n'i zabuwáyit. ?? She doesn't forget anything. ?? Ya smáhu zabuwáyu. ?? I am quickly forgetting. ?? Ya smáhu zabuwáyutsa. ?? I quickly forget. ??

Ya n'i hachú t'ibé zabuwát. ?? I don't want to forget you. ?? pfv: zab'ít'. See: zab'iwát' nail. Category: cognition.

Ya n'i hachú t'ibé zabuwát. ?? I don't want to forget you. ?? pfv: zab'ít'. See: zab'iwát' nail. Category: cognition.

zachém   ЗАЧЕМ.

pro. why. Zachém t'ibé znat'? Why do you want to know?

zad'ét'   v pfv. touch. Zachém t'i m'in'é ... ?? ??

zad'ét'   v pfv. touch. Zachém t'i m'in'é ... ?? ??

zad'ét'   v pfv. touch. On m'in'é zad'él. He touched me.

zád'i   СЗАДИ.

adv. behind. zád'i pl'itú behind the stove. zád'i dómu behind the house. On p'ir'ót; ya zád'i iwó. He's in front; I'm behind him. See: nazát; p'ir'ót. Category: locations.

Zád'i Kat'ir'ín'i   pn. Behind Katherine's. Category: locations.

zádnay   adj. back, hind. zádnay nagá hind leg. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, record.

n. rear end, butt. See: zhópa; payasn'ítsa. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, body.

záftrak   ЗАВТРАК.

n. breakfast. zádn'itsa   ЗАДНИЦА.

n. rear end, butt. See: zhópa; payasn'ítsa. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, body.

záftrak   ЗАВТРАК.

n. breakfast. zádn'itsa   ЗАДНИЦА.

n. rear end, butt. See: zhópa; payasn'ítsa. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, body.

záftrak   ЗАВТРАК.

n. breakfast. another recording; keep which?? Category: eat, food.

záftr'i   ЗАВТРА.

adv. tomorrow. variant záftr'a. Záftr'i búd'it l'úchi. Tomorrow will be better. ЗАВТРА БУДЕТ ЛУЧШЕ. See: pósl'izáftr'i day after tomorrow. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, time, sayings.

záftr'ikat'   ЗАВТРАКАТЬ.

v ipfv. eat breakfast. Ya záftr'ikayu. I am eating breakfast. See: yis'; záftrak. Category: eat.

zagal'éts   ??. ?? See: gal'ít'. Category: fish.

zagal'éts   ??. ?? See: gal'ít'. Category: fish.

zagarad'ít'   v pfv. block the way.

zagarátsa   v pfv. warm up. Wadá zagarálsa. The water is warming up.

v pfv. agree. Ya zaglashílisa. I agree. zaglashítsa   СОГЛАСИТСЯ.

v pfv. agree. Ya zaglashílisa. I agree. zaglashítsa   СОГЛАСИТСЯ.

v pfv. agree. Ya zaglashílisa. I agree. Ya s tabóy zaglashílsa. I agree with you.

zagn'ít'   v pfv. rot. See: gn'ilóy. Category: record.

zagnút'   v pfv. fold. Ya s tabóy zaglashílas. ?? Ya n'i hachú zaglashítsa s tabóy. I don't want to agree with you. Ya zaglashílas it'i s taboy. I have agreed to come with you. Ya zaglashus' it'i s taboy. I will agree to come with you.

zagn'ít'   v pfv. rot. See: gn'ilóy. Category: record.

zagnút'   v pfv. fold. Ya s tabóy zaglashílas. ?? Ya n'i hachú zaglashítsa s tabóy. I don't want to agree with you. Ya zaglashílas it'i s taboy. I have agreed to come with you. Ya zaglashus' it'i s taboy. I will agree to come with you.

zagn'ít'   v pfv. rot. See: gn'ilóy. Category: record.

zagnút'   v pfv. fold. Zagn'í! Fold (it)!

zagr'imét'   v pfv. ?? Chiwóyta zagr'imél. Something made a noise. ipfv: gr'im'ít'. Category: sounds.

zahad'ít'   ЗАХОДИТЬ ??

v ipfv. enter, come in, flood. Zahad'í! Come in! Ya t'ipér'icha zahód'u. I am now coming in. Wadá zahód'it'. The tide (lit., water) is flooding (lit., coming in). antonym w'ihad'ít'; pfv: zayt'í. Category: motion, water.

zahwarát'   v pfv. get sick. Ya n'i zahwaráyu. I am not going to get sick. Aná zahwarála. She got sick. ipfv: hwarát'. See: bal'ét'. Category: sickness, record.

v pfv. grab. zahwat'ít'   ЗАХВАТИТЬ.

v pfv. grab. zahwat'ít'   ЗАХВАТИТЬ.

v pfv. grab. Ya iwó zahwat'íla. I (female) grabbed him. Zahwat'í iwónay rúku! Grab his hand! ipfv: hwatát'. See: karápn'it'.

zaikátsa   ЗАИКАТЬСЯ.

v ipfv. stutter. Aná zaikáyitsa. She is stuttering. On zaikálas. He stuttered. Aná zaikálasa. She stuttered.

N'i náda iwó prasméyiwat, on zaikáyitsa. ?? Don't tease him, he stutters. ?? See: ikát' ??. Category: speak.

N'i náda iwó prasméyiwat, on zaikáyitsa. ?? Don't tease him, he stutters. ?? See: ikát' ??. Category: speak.

zakapát'   ЗАКОПАТЬ.

v pfv. bury. On zakapál. He buried (it). See: haran'ít'.

zakat'ítsa   ЗАКАТИТЬСЯ.

v pfv. set (about the sun). Sóntsa zakat'ílsa. The sun set.

zak'ísnay   adj. rotten. zak'ís ?? Yáysa zak'ís. ?? The egg is rotten. ?? Category: quality.

(alternate recording; which keep??) antonym pad'imátsa. See: w'ihad'ít'; sest'. Category: nature.

zak'ísnay   adj. rotten. zak'ís ?? Yáysa zak'ís. ?? The egg is rotten. ?? Category: quality.

(alternate recording; which keep??) antonym pad'imátsa. See: w'ihad'ít'; sest'. Category: nature.

zak'ísnay   adj. rotten. zak'ís ?? Yáysa zak'ís. ?? The egg is rotten. ?? Category: quality.

zak'ísnut'   v pfv. rotten. Frúk'ta zak'ís. The fruit turned rotten. See: zak'ísnay; k'íslay.

zakón   ЗАКОН.

n. law. plural zakón'i. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, government.

zakón'it'   v pfv. make law. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, Wayne Leman, government.

zakr'ít'   ЗАКРЫТЬ.

v pfv. close, seal. On zakr'íl. He closed (it). Zakr'íy dwér'i! Close the door! Zakróy galzá! Shut (your) eyes! An'í r'íbu w bánk'i zakr'iwáyut. They are canning fish (lit., they are closing fish in cans). antonym atkr'ít'. Category: move.

zakwáska   ЗАКВАСКА.

n. yeast. See: kwáshn'a; drózhi. Category: cook.

zal'ápan'iy   adj. sticky. U n'iwó rúk'i zal'ápan'iyi. ?? See: zal'ápat'. Category: record.

zal'apat'   v pfv. get something sticky. On rúk'i zal'ápal. ?? See: zal'ápan'iy. Category: record.

adj. golden. zalatóy   ЗОЛОТОЙ.

adj. golden. zalatóy   ЗОЛОТОЙ.

adj. golden. (another recording; which to keep??) On zalatóy. It is golden. noun zólata gold. Category: colors.

zal'ést'i   ЗАЛЕЗТЬ.

v pfv. climb up. On zal'és na l'isínu. He climbed up a tree. Ya hachú zal'ést'i. I want to climb up. Ya hachú zal'ést'i na kr'íshu. I want to climb up on the roof. Zal'és na gazal'ín! (He) climbed on the boat! ipfv: zal'izát'. Category: motion.

zal'izát'   ЗАЛЕЗАТЬ.

v ipfv. climb. On zal'izáyit. He is climbing. On na kr'íshu zal'izáyit. He's climbing onto the roof. R'ib'it'íshk'i na l'isínu zal'izáyot. ?? Children are climbing the tree. pfv: zal'ést'i. Category: motion.

zamaknút'   v ipfv. lock. Zamakn'í! Lock it! On dwéri zamaknúl. He locked the door.

v pfv ??. On zamakáit. He is locking it.

Ya iyó tam zamaknúl ad'ín ras. I locked her in once. izhi on m'in'a padzamkn'ot ... if he locks me in ... noun zamók. zamakát' ЗАМЫКАТЬ.

v pfv ??. On zamakáit. He is locking it.

Ya iyó tam zamaknúl ad'ín ras. I locked her in once. izhi on m'in'a padzamkn'ot ... if he locks me in ... noun zamók. zamakát' ЗАМЫКАТЬ.

v pfv ??. On zamakáit. He is locking it.

zamalchít'   v pfv. shut up, be silent. that is, stop talking. Ya zamalchú. I'm shutting up. Aná zamalchála. She shut up. T'i zamalchál. You (male) shut up. Zamalchít! Shut up! ipfv: malchát'. Category: speak.

zamarát' ??   dirty. On zamarál. ?? ?? Category: record.

zamarátay   adj. dirty. See: zamarátsa; gr'áznay. Category: quality.

zamarátsa   v pfv. get dirty. can include getting a dirty diaper.

zamaróz'it'   v pfv. freeze. Aná swayí pál'tsi zamaróz'ila. Her fingers were frost bitten. (lit., She had her fingers frost bitten?? She froze her fingers??). adjective zamorózinay. See: zam'órznut'. Category: temperature, sickness.

zamatát'   v pfv. wrap, wind up. Béyb'ichka zamarálsa. The kid has gotten dirty. On gr'áznay, on zamarálsa. He's dirty, he's dirty. ?? Ya w agarót'i rabótala i zamarálas'. I worked in the garden and got dirty. See: zamarátay; gr'áznay; abasrát'. Category: quality, babies.

zamaróz'it'   v pfv. freeze. Aná swayí pál'tsi zamaróz'ila. Her fingers were frost bitten. (lit., She had her fingers frost bitten?? She froze her fingers??). adjective zamorózinay. See: zam'órznut'. Category: temperature, sickness.

zamatát'   v pfv. wrap, wind up. Béyb'ichka zamarálsa. The kid has gotten dirty. On gr'áznay, on zamarálsa. He's dirty, he's dirty. ?? Ya w agarót'i rabótala i zamarálas'. I worked in the garden and got dirty. See: zamarátay; gr'áznay; abasrát'. Category: quality, babies.

zamaróz'it'   v pfv. freeze. Aná swayí pál'tsi zamaróz'ila. Her fingers were frost bitten. (lit., She had her fingers frost bitten?? She froze her fingers??). adjective zamorózinay. See: zam'órznut'. Category: temperature, sickness.

zamatát'   v pfv. wrap, wind up. Zamatáy! Wrap (it up)! See: zamatátay.

zamatátay   adj. tangled. zamatátay. (all) tangled up. See: zamatát'.

n. earthquake. variant zéml'atrasén'a. Pómn'ish éta bal'shóy z'éml'atr'is'én'a? Do you remember that huge earthquake? See: zéml'a. Category: nature.

zámatr'isén'a   ЗЕМЛЕТРЯСЕНИЕ.

n. earthquake. variant zéml'atrasén'a. Pómn'ish éta bal'shóy z'éml'atr'is'én'a? Do you remember that huge earthquake? See: zéml'a. Category: nature.

zámatr'isén'a   ЗЕМЛЕТРЯСЕНИЕ.

n. earthquake. variant zéml'atrasén'a. Pómn'ish éta bal'shóy z'éml'atr'is'én'a? Do you remember that huge earthquake? See: zéml'a. Category: nature.

zamók   ЗАМОК.

n. lock, padlock. Atkróy zamók! Open the lock! verb zamaknút'. See: zapór. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, tools.

adj. frozen. Písht'a zamoróz'inay, m'ása, r'íba zamoróz'inay. The food (is) frozen, meat, fish (is) frozen. ?? Ya zamarózawas. I froze. ?? verb zamaróz'it'. See: marós; zast'ílay. Ya zast'íla ?? zamaróz'iwas. ?? ?? Category: temperature.

zam'órznut'   v pfv. become frozen, freeze. zamoróz'inay   ЗАМОРОЖЕННЫЙ.

adj. frozen. Písht'a zamoróz'inay, m'ása, r'íba zamoróz'inay. The food (is) frozen, meat, fish (is) frozen. ?? Ya zamarózawas. I froze. ?? verb zamaróz'it'. See: marós; zast'ílay. Ya zast'íla ?? zamaróz'iwas. ?? ?? Category: temperature.

zam'órznut'   v pfv. become frozen, freeze. zamoróz'inay   ЗАМОРОЖЕННЫЙ.

adj. frozen. Písht'a zamoróz'inay, m'ása, r'íba zamoróz'inay. The food (is) frozen, meat, fish (is) frozen. ?? Ya zamarózawas. I froze. ?? verb zamaróz'it'. See: marós; zast'ílay. Ya zast'íla ?? zamaróz'iwas. ?? ?? Category: temperature.

zam'órznut'   v pfv. become frozen, freeze. On zam'órs. He's frozen. Ya zam'órzla. I (female) am frozen. See: zast'ít'; marós. Category: temperature.

zanawéska   ЗАНАВЕСКА.

n. curtain. See: shtórka. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, house, record.

zanóza   ЗАНОЗА.

n. 1 • splinter.

2 • nosey person, tempter. Wot, éta zanóza! Here, this is a splinter! (that is, this person is nosey or tempts you).

zapás'iwat'   v ipfv. save. An'í fs'o zapas'iwál'i. They saved everything. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, Wayne Leman, record.

zapát'   ЗАПАД.

n. west. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, locations, record.

zapét' ??   ЗАПЕТЬ ??

??. sing??, start singing ??

zap'inát'   v ipfv. kick. On zapél. ?? ??

zap'inát'   v ipfv. kick. On zapél. ?? ??

zap'inát'   v ipfv. kick. On zap'ináyit? Is he kicking?

zap'inátsa   v ipfv. trip (over something). On zap'ináyitsa. He ?? pfv: pnut'. See: p'inát'.

zap'inátsa   v ipfv. trip (over something). On zap'ináyitsa. He ?? pfv: pnut'. See: p'inát'.

zap'inátsa   v ipfv. trip (over something). On zap'ináyitsa. He's tripping (over something).

zap'íska   n. note; short letter. See: p'isát'; nap'isát'.

zapláta   ЗАПЛАТА.

n. patch. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, sew, record.

zaplát'it'   v pfv. pay. An'í ih zaplat'íl'i. They paid them. ipfv: plat'ít'. Category: money.

adj. moldy. zapl'és'l'inay   ЗАПЛЕСНЕВЕЛЫЙ ??

adj. moldy. zapl'és'l'inay   ЗАПЛЕСНЕВЕЛЫЙ ??

adj. moldy. zapl'és'l'inay hl'éba moldy bread.

zapl'ésn'it'   ЗАПЛЕСНЕТЬ ??

v pfv. get moldy, get rotten. Láwushnay hl'éba zapl'ésn'it. Store-bought bread gets moldy. ?? Damáshnay hl'éba - haróshiy hl'éba; láwushnay hl'éba zapl'ésn'it, móg'it zapl'ésn'it'. Homemade bread is good bread; store-bought bread gets moldy, can get moldy. Category: quality.

zapór   ЗАПОР.

n. lock, eddy. plural zapór'i. On wz'al zapór i zamaknúl swayí dwér'i. He took a lock and locked his doors. Éta kl'uchí n'i padahód'at na zapór. These keys don't match the lock. See: zamók lock. Category: locations.

zapútanay   ЗАПУТАННЫЙ.

adj. tangled, messed up. This is not about hair. zapútanay w'ir'ófka tangled rope. W'ir'ófka zapútanay. The rope is tangled. U t'ib'á galawá zapútanay. You have mixed up thinking. See: kasmátay unruly. Category: quality.

zapyátat'   v pfv. hide. W'íbras'i étu zapl'és'l'inay hl'ébu. Throw away this rotten bread. (moldy bread??) See: zapl'ésn'it'. Category: quality.

zapl'ésn'it'   ЗАПЛЕСНЕТЬ ??

v pfv. get moldy, get rotten. Láwushnay hl'éba zapl'ésn'it. Store-bought bread gets moldy. ?? Damáshnay hl'éba - haróshiy hl'éba; láwushnay hl'éba zapl'ésn'it, móg'it zapl'ésn'it'. Homemade bread is good bread; store-bought bread gets moldy, can get moldy. Category: quality.

zapór   ЗАПОР.

n. lock, eddy. plural zapór'i. On wz'al zapór i zamaknúl swayí dwér'i. He took a lock and locked his doors. Éta kl'uchí n'i padahód'at na zapór. These keys don't match the lock. See: zamók lock. Category: locations.

zapútanay   ЗАПУТАННЫЙ.

adj. tangled, messed up. This is not about hair. zapútanay w'ir'ófka tangled rope. W'ir'ófka zapútanay. The rope is tangled. U t'ib'á galawá zapútanay. You have mixed up thinking. See: kasmátay unruly. Category: quality.

zapyátat'   v pfv. hide. W'íbras'i étu zapl'és'l'inay hl'ébu. Throw away this rotten bread. (moldy bread??) See: zapl'ésn'it'. Category: quality.

zapl'ésn'it'   ЗАПЛЕСНЕТЬ ??

v pfv. get moldy, get rotten. Láwushnay hl'éba zapl'ésn'it. Store-bought bread gets moldy. ?? Damáshnay hl'éba - haróshiy hl'éba; láwushnay hl'éba zapl'ésn'it, móg'it zapl'ésn'it'. Homemade bread is good bread; store-bought bread gets moldy, can get moldy. Category: quality.

zapór   ЗАПОР.

n. lock, eddy. plural zapór'i. On wz'al zapór i zamaknúl swayí dwér'i. He took a lock and locked his doors. Éta kl'uchí n'i padahód'at na zapór. These keys don't match the lock. See: zamók lock. Category: locations.

zapútanay   ЗАПУТАННЫЙ.

adj. tangled, messed up. This is not about hair. zapútanay w'ir'ófka tangled rope. W'ir'ófka zapútanay. The rope is tangled. U t'ib'á galawá zapútanay. You have mixed up thinking. See: kasmátay unruly. Category: quality.

zapyátat'   v pfv. hide. Zapyátay! Hide it! See: pyátatsa; zapyátatsa.

zapyátatsa   v pfv. hide oneself. Kudá t'i zapyátalsa? Where did you hide? zapyátal'is' (They) hid. ipfv: pyátatsa.

zárzha   n. rust. variant zázha. Mnóga zárzha tut. (There is) much rust here. See: zháfchina rust; zarzháway rusty; sázha soot. Category: quality.

zárzha   n. rust. variant zázha. Mnóga zárzha tut. (There is) much rust here. See: zháfchina rust; zarzháway rusty; sázha soot. Category: quality.

zarzháway   adj. rusty. variant zárzhinay, zázhinay.

zarzháw'it'   v pfv. get rusty. zarzháw'il (It) got rusty. variant zarzhawél. See: zárzhit'; zháfchina; zárzha.

zárzhit'   v pfv. rust, get rusty. zárzhil (It) got rusty. Nózhik zárzhil. The knife got rusty. See: zarzháw'it'; zháfchina; zárzha. Category: quality.

zárzhinay nózhik rusty knife. nózhik zázhinay The knife is rusty. ?? See: zháfchina; zárzha; rushównay; zárzhit'; zarzháw'it'. Category: quality.

zarzháw'it'   v pfv. get rusty. zarzháw'il (It) got rusty. variant zarzhawél. See: zárzhit'; zháfchina; zárzha.

zárzhit'   v pfv. rust, get rusty. zárzhil (It) got rusty. Nózhik zárzhil. The knife got rusty. See: zarzháw'it'; zháfchina; zárzha. Category: quality.

zárzhinay nózhik rusty knife. nózhik zázhinay The knife is rusty. ?? See: zháfchina; zárzha; rushównay; zárzhit'; zarzháw'it'. Category: quality.

zarzháw'it'   v pfv. get rusty. zarzháw'il (It) got rusty. variant zarzhawél. See: zárzhit'; zháfchina; zárzha.

zárzhit'   v pfv. rust, get rusty. zárzhil (It) got rusty. Nózhik zárzhil. The knife got rusty. See: zarzháw'it'; zháfchina; zárzha. Category: quality.

zashít'   ЗАШИТЬ ??

v pfv. sew.

zashiwát'   ЗАШИВАТЬ.

v ipfv. sew. Ya mnóga zashiwáyu.. rázn'iya shtúk'i: bil'ó, pakr'iwál'i. I sew a lot .. all kinds of things: clothes, covers. On zashiwáyit. He is sewing. pfv: zashít'. Category: sew.

zaskl'ignútsa   v pfv. slid, slip. Ya zaskl'ignúlas'. I slipped (slid). See: askl'íska; kl'ískay. Category: motion.

zasónay   adj. sleepyhead.

n. Fchirá ya zashíla pakr'iwála. Yesterday I sewed covers. Ya záftr'i zashyú nów'iya plát'a. Tomorrow i will sew new dresses. Aná záftr'i zashyót iwónay br'úk'i. Ízhi aná paprawl'áyit, aná pachin'ít ... pachin'ít br'úk'i. Tomorrow she will sew him slacks. If she is fixing (them), (it means) she will mend them ... mend the slacks. ipfv: zashiwát'. Category: sew.

zashiwát'   ЗАШИВАТЬ.

v ipfv. sew. Ya mnóga zashiwáyu.. rázn'iya shtúk'i: bil'ó, pakr'iwál'i. I sew a lot .. all kinds of things: clothes, covers. On zashiwáyit. He is sewing. pfv: zashít'. Category: sew.

zaskl'ignútsa   v pfv. slid, slip. Ya zaskl'ignúlas'. I slipped (slid). See: askl'íska; kl'ískay. Category: motion.

zasónay   adj. sleepyhead.

n. Fchirá ya zashíla pakr'iwála. Yesterday I sewed covers. Ya záftr'i zashyú nów'iya plát'a. Tomorrow i will sew new dresses. Aná záftr'i zashyót iwónay br'úk'i. Ízhi aná paprawl'áyit, aná pachin'ít ... pachin'ít br'úk'i. Tomorrow she will sew him slacks. If she is fixing (them), (it means) she will mend them ... mend the slacks. ipfv: zashiwát'. Category: sew.

zashiwát'   ЗАШИВАТЬ.

v ipfv. sew. Ya mnóga zashiwáyu.. rázn'iya shtúk'i: bil'ó, pakr'iwál'i. I sew a lot .. all kinds of things: clothes, covers. On zashiwáyit. He is sewing. pfv: zashít'. Category: sew.

zaskl'ignútsa   v pfv. slid, slip. Ya zaskl'ignúlas'. I slipped (slid). See: askl'íska; kl'ískay. Category: motion.

zasónay   adj. sleepyhead.

n. On zasónay. He's a sleepyhead. See: sónay. Category: sleep.

zastawl'át'   v ipfv. demand; force, tell someone to do something. On m'in'é n'i zástawl'áyit. He is not telling me (what to do).

zast'igát'   ЗАСТЕГИВАТЬ.

v ipfv. button up. On zast'igáyit. He's buttoning up. pfv: zast'ignút'. See: pr'ist'igát'. Category: clothes.

zast'ignút'   v pfv. button up. Zast'ign'í! Button up! ipfv: zast'igát'. See: pr'ist'ignút'. Category: clothes.

zast'ílay   adj. frozen. zast'ílay réchka frozen river. See: zast'ít'; halódnay; zamoróz'inay. Category: temperature, weather.

zast'ít'   v pfv. 1 • get cold (about a person). Ya zast'íla. I (female) am cold. Ushá zast'íl. My ear got cold. (lit., The ear got cold) ?? Mayí nóg'i zast'íl'i. My feet got cold. See: zam'órznut'; halódnay.

2 • freeze. L'ot zast'íl. The ice froze. adjective zast'ílay, zamoróz'inay. See: zamaróz'it'. Category: temperature, weather.

zatap'ít'   ЗАТОПИТЬ.

v pfv. ignite, start fire ; On zatap'ít. He is starting the stove/fire. Zatap'í! Start the fire! See: rastap'ít'. Category: fire.

zat'ílak   ЗАТЫЛОК.

n. nape. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, body.

zawalchát'   v pfv. bawl out; fuss at. On m'in'é zawalchál. He bawled me out. Category: speak, record.

zawal'ít'   v pfv. chew snuff. Prézhn'iyi l'úd'i zawal'íl'i. Old times people chewed snoose.

zawal'ít   n. snus, snoose, snuff. An'í na zawál'il'i zawal'it. ?? They chewed snoose ?? ipfv: zawál'iwat'.

zawal'ít   n. snus, snoose, snuff. An'í na zawál'il'i zawal'it. ?? They chewed snoose ?? ipfv: zawál'iwat'.

zawal'ít   n. snus, snoose, snuff. another recording; keep which?? another recording; keep which?? In Ninilchik this was a homemade mixture made from birch burl (káratsa), tobacco, and ashes. The mixture was ground together in a garshók. Often part of a broom handle was used to grind with. Like chewing tobacco it was placed between the cheek and gums. It was not inhaled like snuff. It had an "upper" effect on those who used it. Men and some old ladies in Ninilchik used zawalit. Moy at'éts d'irzhál zawal'ít. My father used to have snuff.

zawál'iwat'   v ipfv. chew snoose. Mayá mat' zawál'iwala .. a at'éts n'i l'ub'íl .. aná at atsá pr'átala .. état zawal'ít. My mother chewed snoose, but my father did not like it. She was hiding it from my father .. this snoose. pfv: zawal'ít'.

zawastr'ít'   ЗАОСТРЯТЬ.

v pfv. sharpen. (tobacco discussion; transcribe??) ?? See: káratsa; garshók; tabák tobacco.

zawál'iwat'   v ipfv. chew snoose. Mayá mat' zawál'iwala .. a at'éts n'i l'ub'íl .. aná at atsá pr'átala .. état zawal'ít. My mother chewed snoose, but my father did not like it. She was hiding it from my father .. this snoose. pfv: zawal'ít'.

zawastr'ít'   ЗАОСТРЯТЬ.

v pfv. sharpen. (tobacco discussion; transcribe??) ?? See: káratsa; garshók; tabák tobacco.

zawál'iwat'   v ipfv. chew snoose. Mayá mat' zawál'iwala .. a at'éts n'i l'ub'íl .. aná at atsá pr'átala .. état zawal'ít. My mother chewed snoose, but my father did not like it. She was hiding it from my father .. this snoose. pfv: zawal'ít'.

zawastr'ít'   ЗАОСТРЯТЬ.

v pfv. sharpen. Zawastr'í! Sharpen it! See: wóstray. Category: tools.

zaw'izát'   v pfv. tie. Zaw'izhí swayí bashmak'í! Tie your shoes! An'í w'ir'ófku zaw'izál'i. They tied the rope. Ya hachú zaw'izát. I want to tie (it). ipfv: zawyázawat'. Category: groom.

zawyázawát'   ЗАВЯЗЫВАТЬ.

v ipfv. tie. On zawyázawayit. He's tying (something). pfv: zaw'izát'.

zayéhat'   v pfv. drive in, drive to. Mashína perestál, mashína zaéhal. The car stopped, the car drove in. Category: record.

v pfv. come in, enter. Ya n'i magú zayt'í. I cannot come in. ipfv: zahad'ít'. Category: motion.

zazhéch   ЗАЖЕЧЬ.

v pfv. light, ignite, kindle. zayt'í   ЗАЙТИ ??

v pfv. come in, enter. Ya n'i magú zayt'í. I cannot come in. ipfv: zahad'ít'. Category: motion.

zazhéch   ЗАЖЕЧЬ.

v pfv. light, ignite, kindle. zayt'í   ЗАЙТИ ??

v pfv. come in, enter. Ya n'i magú zayt'í. I cannot come in. ipfv: zahad'ít'. Category: motion.

zazhéch   ЗАЖЕЧЬ.

v pfv. light, ignite, kindle. Zazhg'í pl'itú! Light the stove! On sp'íchku zazhg'ót He will light the match. An'í rastópk'i d'érzhut' pl'itú zazhéch. They hold the kindling to start the stove. ipfv: zazhigát. See: rastap'ít'. Category: fire.

zazhigát   ЗАЖИГАТЬ.

v ipfv. light, make fire. On spichkam'i zazhigayit. He lights fire with matches. pfv: zazhéch. See: rastap'ít'. Category: fire.

zazhít'   ЗАЖИТЬ.

v pfv. heal.

zazhiwát'   v ipfv. heal. On n'i zazhiwáyit. He is not healing. ?? Éta rána n'i zazhiwáyit. This wound is not healing. pfv: zazhít'. Category: sickness.

zdaróf   ЗДОРОВ.

adj. healthy. On skóra zázhil. It healed fast. Éta rána n'i zazhuw'ót. This wound will not heal. On zázhit rán'shi kak t'i zhén'ishs'a. It will heal before you get married. ipfv: zazhiwát'. Category: sickness.

zazhiwát'   v ipfv. heal. On n'i zazhiwáyit. He is not healing. ?? Éta rána n'i zazhiwáyit. This wound is not healing. pfv: zazhít'. Category: sickness.

zdaróf   ЗДОРОВ.

adj. healthy. On skóra zázhil. It healed fast. Éta rána n'i zazhuw'ót. This wound will not heal. On zázhit rán'shi kak t'i zhén'ishs'a. It will heal before you get married. ipfv: zazhiwát'. Category: sickness.

zazhiwát'   v ipfv. heal. On n'i zazhiwáyit. He is not healing. ?? Éta rána n'i zazhiwáyit. This wound is not healing. pfv: zazhít'. Category: sickness.

zdaróf   ЗДОРОВ.

adj. healthy. Bud' zdaróf! Be well and healthy! This is said after someone sneezes once. non-contract: zdaróway.

adj. husky, stout, sturdy, well-built, heavy. for instance, of a good-looking moose or a stout, healthy person. zdaróway   ЗДОРОВЫЙ.

adj. husky, stout, sturdy, well-built, heavy. for instance, of a good-looking moose or a stout, healthy person. zdaróway   ЗДОРОВЫЙ.

adj. husky, stout, sturdy, well-built, heavy. for instance, of a good-looking moose or a stout, healthy person. On zdaróway. He is stout. contract: zdaróf. Category: quality, size.

zd'élat'   v pfv. do, make. zd'élanay   adj. made of. s b'ir'óz'i zd'élanay made of birch. Nózhik iz zhil'éz'i sd'élanay. The knife is made of iron. See: d'élat' make.

zd'élat'   v pfv. do, make. zd'élanay   adj. made of. s b'ir'óz'i zd'élanay made of birch. Nózhik iz zhil'éz'i sd'élanay. The knife is made of iron. See: d'élat' make.

zd'élat'   v pfv. do, make. Ya n'ichiwó n'i mógu zd'élat'! I can't do anything! Ya s b'ir'óz'i karam'ísla zd'élal. I made a yoke out of birch. ipfv: d'élat'. See: zd'élanay.

zdes'   ЗДЕСЬ.

adv. here. On n'i zd'es'. He's not here. Tak i zdes'; zd'es' tak i nazwál'i bán'a. Here it's the same, here it's called the same – banya. See: bán'a. See: tut here; sudá. Category: locations.

Zdráfstuyt'i!   ЗДРАВСТВУЙТЕ.

phr. Hello (respectful)! Zdráfstuyt'i kumá! Hello, Godmother! Category: greetings.

zéml'a   ЗЕМЛЯ.

n. ground, earth, dirt, land. variant z'iml'á, z'im'á, zém'a.

zérkala   ЗЕРКАЛО.

n. mirror. variant sérkala. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, house, record.

zgaltát'   v ipfv. swallow. Ya wódu galtáyu. I'm swallowing water. Palozh yiwo na z'iml'ú .. na zéml'u! Put it on the ground! See: pil' dust; gr'as soil ; dirt; zámatr'isén'a earthquake. Category: nature, land.

zérkala   ЗЕРКАЛО.

n. mirror. variant sérkala. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, house, record.

zgaltát'   v ipfv. swallow. Ya wódu galtáyu. I'm swallowing water. Palozh yiwo na z'iml'ú .. na zéml'u! Put it on the ground! See: pil' dust; gr'as soil ; dirt; zámatr'isén'a earthquake. Category: nature, land.

zérkala   ЗЕРКАЛО.

n. mirror. variant sérkala. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, house, record.

zgaltát'   v ipfv. swallow. Ya wódu galtáyu. I'm swallowing water. Ya hachú zgaltát'. I want to swallow. pfv: zglatnút'. Category: body.

zgarét'   v pfv. burn up. Skóla zgarél. The school was burning. ipfv: garét'. See: pazhár; agón'; pagarét'. Category: fire.

zglatnút'   v pfv. swallow. T'i séru zglatnúl? Did you swallow your gum? ipfv: zgaltát'.

zha   ЖЕ.

prt. still, well, other meanings. A d'e zha twoy {automobile}? Where is your car? Ya t'ib'a wet' n'i zabúl, ya wet' t'ib'a wet' n'i zabúl, a kak zha ya t'ib'á zabúdu, a t'i tsalúy m'in'é! I will never forget you <two>, so how then I will forget you, and you kiss me! See: Ya t'ib'a wet' n'i zabúl.. Category: songs.

zháfchina   РЖАВЧИНА.

n. rust. See: zarzháw'it'; zárzhit'; zarzháway; zárzha. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson.

zhálawatsa   ЖАЛОВАТЬСЯ.

v ipfv. complain. On fs'idá zhálawayitsa. He always complains. See: n'ézhitsa nag. Category: speak.

zhal'ét'   ЖАЛЕТЬ.

v ipfv. feels sorry for, pity, regret. Aná zhal'éyit. She feels sorry for (someone).

zhálka   ЖАЛКО.

adv. sorry, miserably, pitifully. variant hálka. Zhálka. I'm sorry. M'in'é t'ibé zhálka. I feel sorry for you. Hálka ih, n'ichiwó n'i pad'élayish. I feel pity for them, but there is nothing to do about it. See: izw'in'ít'. Category: emotions.

zhar   ЖАР.

n. heat, fever. See: zhár'it'. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, sickness, temperature, record.

zhár'it'   ЖАРИТЬ.

v ipfv. fry. Aná r'íbu zhár'it. She is frying fish. Ya yáytsi zhár'u. I am frying eggs. Ya s'iychás m'ásu búdu zhár'it'. Now I will fry fry meat. pfv: izhár'it'. See: zhar; zhárka. Category: cook.

adv. hot. zhárka   ЖАРКО.

adv. hot. zhárka   ЖАРКО.

adv. hot. Zhárka. It's hot. M'in'é zhárka. I'm hot. (lit., To me it is hot.) See: t'ipló; hóladna; zhár'it'. Category: weather, temperature.

zhénshchina   ЖЕНЩИНА.

n. wife. variant zhénshina. The difference between zhiná and zhénshchina was explained by a Ninilchik Russian speaker as having to do with the amount of time the woman has been married. In early marriage she is a man's zhénshchina, but after quite a while, perhaps 20 years, she becomes a zhiná. óchin' kras'íwaya zhénshchina very beautiful wife. See: zhiná. Category: marriage, relatives.

zhést'inay   adj. divine; solemn. The Ninilchik word appears to be shortened from the standard Russian word tarzhéstv'inay. zhárn'ik   n. skillet, frying pan. See: mashínka; skówarada; skawarótka. Category: containers, cook.

zhénshchina   ЖЕНЩИНА.

n. wife. variant zhénshina. The difference between zhiná and zhénshchina was explained by a Ninilchik Russian speaker as having to do with the amount of time the woman has been married. In early marriage she is a man's zhénshchina, but after quite a while, perhaps 20 years, she becomes a zhiná. óchin' kras'íwaya zhénshchina very beautiful wife. See: zhiná. Category: marriage, relatives.

zhést'inay   adj. divine; solemn. The Ninilchik word appears to be shortened from the standard Russian word tarzhéstv'inay. zhárn'ik   n. skillet, frying pan. See: mashínka; skówarada; skawarótka. Category: containers, cook.

zhénshchina   ЖЕНЩИНА.

n. wife. variant zhénshina. The difference between zhiná and zhénshchina was explained by a Ninilchik Russian speaker as having to do with the amount of time the woman has been married. In early marriage she is a man's zhénshchina, but after quite a while, perhaps 20 years, she becomes a zhiná. óchin' kras'íwaya zhénshchina very beautiful wife. See: zhiná. Category: marriage, relatives.

zhést'inay   adj. divine; solemn. The Ninilchik word appears to be shortened from the standard Russian word tarzhéstv'inay. zhést'inay l'iturg'íya divine liturgy. Category: church.

zhigat'   v ipfv. Ya iwó zgy'ú. I'm burning it.

n. vein, tendon. zhíla   ЖИЛА.

n. vein, tendon. zhíla   ЖИЛА.

n. vein, tendon. another recording (keep which??) plural zhíli. Raspúhla zhíla. The vein got swollen. See: zhílay. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, body.

zhílay   adj. of veins or tendons. See: zhíla.

Zhíl-bil u bábushk'i séren'kay kózl'ik   phr. Russian poem for children.

zhil'étka   ЖИЛЕТКА.

n. vest. Category: clothes, Kibrik-Bergelson, record.

Zhíl-bil u bábushk'i séran'kay kózl'ik. Wot kak, wot kak, séran'kay kózl'ik. Padúmala bábushka w l'es pragul'átsa. Wot kak, wot kak, w l'es pragul'átsa. Napál'i na bábushku sér'iya wólk'i. Wot kak, wot kak, sér'iya wólk'i. Astáw'il'i bábushk'i nóshk'i da róshk'i. Wot kak, wot kak, nóshk'i da róshk'i. There was once a little gray goat who lived with Grandma. Yes, the gray kid, indeed. Once Grandma ?? decided to walk in the woods. Yes, to walk in the woods. Gray wolves attacked her. Yes, the gray wolves. They only left hoofs and horns to Grandma. Yes, just hoofs and horns. See: bábushka. Category: relatives, animals, poems.

zhil'étka   ЖИЛЕТКА.

n. vest. Category: clothes, Kibrik-Bergelson, record.

Zhíl-bil u bábushk'i séran'kay kózl'ik. Wot kak, wot kak, séran'kay kózl'ik. Padúmala bábushka w l'es pragul'átsa. Wot kak, wot kak, w l'es pragul'átsa. Napál'i na bábushku sér'iya wólk'i. Wot kak, wot kak, sér'iya wólk'i. Astáw'il'i bábushk'i nóshk'i da róshk'i. Wot kak, wot kak, nóshk'i da róshk'i. There was once a little gray goat who lived with Grandma. Yes, the gray kid, indeed. Once Grandma ?? decided to walk in the woods. Yes, to walk in the woods. Gray wolves attacked her. Yes, the gray wolves. They only left hoofs and horns to Grandma. Yes, just hoofs and horns. See: bábushka. Category: relatives, animals, poems.

zhil'étka   ЖИЛЕТКА.

n. vest. Category: clothes, Kibrik-Bergelson, record.

zhil'éza   ЖЕЛЕЗО.

n. iron. variant z'il'éza. Nózhik iz zhil'éz'i sd'élanay. The knife is made of iron. An'í w'ítachil'i z'il'ézu. They are sharpening metal. See: z'il'ézay; zád'it' ??. Category: material.

zhiná   ЖЕНА.

n. wife. The difference between zhína and zhénshchina was explained by a Ninilchik speaker as having to do with the amount of time the woman has been married. In early marriage she is a man's zhénshchina, but after quite a while, perhaps 20 years, she becomes a zhína. zhiná mayá zhiná my wife. twayá zhiná your wife. See: mush; zhénshchina. Category: marriage, relatives.

zhinátay   ЖЕНАТЫЙ.

adj. married. M'i búl'i mál'in'k'iya a aná uzhé zhinátaya pabulá .. We were kids and she already was married. Category: marriage, record.

zhin'ítsa   ЖЕНИТЬСЯ.

v pfv. marry. variant zhen'ísa. Ya iwó zhin'íla. I (female) married him. On n'ikadá n'i zhin'ílsa. He never married. An'í zhin'íl'is. They got married. Category: marriage.

zhir   ЖИР.

n. lard, grease, fat, oil, mineral oil.

another recording; which is better?? See: sála; zhírnay; másla. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, body, cook.

another recording; which is better?? See: sála; zhírnay; másla. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, body, cook.

zhírnay   ЖИРНЫЙ.

adj. fat. Éta chalawek óchin zhírnay. That man is very fat. On zhírnay. He is fat. Aná zhírnaya. She is fat. An'í zhírniya. They are fat. zhírnaya bába fat woman. antonym tón'in'kay; noun zhir. See: tólstay thick, hefty. Category: body.

zhírn'ik   n. oil lamp. See: lámpa. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, light, record.

zhit'   ЖИТЬ.

v ipfv. live. A gd'é t'i zhiw'yósh? Where do you live? Ya na éta mésta zhiw'yú. I live in this place. On zhil w K'ináy. He lived in Kenai. See: pazhiwát'.

Zhit   ЖИД.

n. Jew. plural Zhid'í. See: Iwréy. Category: nationalities.

zhóga   ИЗЖОГА.

n. heartburn. U m'in'é zhóga. I have heartburn. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, sickness.

zhóltay   ЖЕЛТЫЙ.

adj. yellow. Category: colors.

n. butt, arse, rump, ass. See: payasn'ítsa rump (animal); zádn'itsa; zhópa d'irá anus. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, body.

zhópa d'irá   n. anus, asshole. Lit: butt hole See: zhópa; d'irá. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, body.

zhópa   ДОПА.

n. butt, arse, rump, ass. See: payasn'ítsa rump (animal); zádn'itsa; zhópa d'irá anus. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, body.

zhópa d'irá   n. anus, asshole. Lit: butt hole See: zhópa; d'irá. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, body.

zhópa   ДОПА.

n. butt, arse, rump, ass. See: payasn'ítsa rump (animal); zádn'itsa; zhópa d'irá anus. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, body.

zhópa d'irá   n. anus, asshole. Lit: butt hole See: zhópa; d'irá. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, body.

zhúl'ik   ЖУЛИК.

n. cheater. Category: people.

zhuwát'   ЖЕВАТЬ.

v ipfv. chew. On séra zhuwál. He was chewing gum. See: gr'iz'ít'. Category: food.

z'il'ézay   adj. metallic. See: zhil'éza. Category: Wayne Leman.

z'il'ónay   ЗЕЛЕНЫЙ.

adj. green. Twoy rubáha z'il'ónay. Your shirt is green.

Z'il'ónay Kám'in'   ЗЕЛЕНЫЙ КАМЕНЬ.

pn. Green Rock. This was a big rock located 1/2 mile north of Ninilchik River. The Army Corps of Engineers broke it up and moved the pieces, along with many other rock pieces from the beach, to the mouth of the river for erosion control. Tútaka bul z'il'ónay kám'in', bal'shoy. Here there was a green rock, it was big. See: z'il'ónay. Category: locations.

Líst'ya z'il'ón'iya. The leaves (are) green. Tútaka bul z'il'ónay kám'in', bal'shoy. Here there was a green rock, it was big. Category: colors.

Z'il'ónay Kám'in'   ЗЕЛЕНЫЙ КАМЕНЬ.

pn. Green Rock. This was a big rock located 1/2 mile north of Ninilchik River. The Army Corps of Engineers broke it up and moved the pieces, along with many other rock pieces from the beach, to the mouth of the river for erosion control. Tútaka bul z'il'ónay kám'in', bal'shoy. Here there was a green rock, it was big. See: z'il'ónay. Category: locations.

Líst'ya z'il'ón'iya. The leaves (are) green. Tútaka bul z'il'ónay kám'in', bal'shoy. Here there was a green rock, it was big. Category: colors.

Z'il'ónay Kám'in'   ЗЕЛЕНЫЙ КАМЕНЬ.

pn. Green Rock. This was a big rock located 1/2 mile north of Ninilchik River. The Army Corps of Engineers broke it up and moved the pieces, along with many other rock pieces from the beach, to the mouth of the river for erosion control. Tútaka bul z'il'ónay kám'in', bal'shoy. Here there was a green rock, it was big. See: z'il'ónay. Category: locations.

z'imá   ЗИМА.

n. winter. Z'imá id'ót. Winter is coming. Múzha?? z'imá pr'ishól. ?? Winter has already arrived. Z'imá pr'ishól. Winter has arrived. See: z'imóy; z'ímnay; z'imawát'. Category: time.

z'imawát'   ??

v ipfv. to spend winter. T'i z'imawáyish. You are spending winter (here).

z'ímnay   adj. winter. Category: quality.

z'ímnay pt'ítsa   n. snowbird, snow bunting. Lit: winter bird See: sn'izhóy pt'ítsa snowbord; zimá winter. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, birds.

z'ímnay shápka   n. warm (fur) hat, hat for winter weather. Category: clothes.

z'imóy   adv. wintertime. Z'imóy hóladna. In winter it's cold. Z'imóy ochin' rána t'imn'éyit. In winter it gets dark very early. See: z'imá. Category: time.

znat'   ЗНАТЬ.

v ipfv. know. Ya znáyu. I know. Ya n'i znáyu. I don't know. Z'es ya n'i znáyu. ?? I don't know. ?? Ya n'i gústa zat rámniya. ?? I don't ??? On n'ichiwó n'i znáyit. He doesn't know anything. Chiwó t'i hóchish znat? What do you want to know? M'i dawnó ad'ín drugá znáyim. For a long time we have known each other. Ya znála tól'ka ya zabúla. I (female) knew, only I forgot. M'i t'ib'á znáyim. We know you. T'i hóchish sa parúski znat. ?? You want to know everything about Russian. ?? See: pan'imát'. Category: cognition.

zólata   ЗОЛОТО.

n. gold. variant zalatá. On iz zólata sd'élanay. It is made out of gold. See: zalatóy golden. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, metal.

zub'íla   ЗУБИЛО.

n. chisel. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, tools, record.

zud'ítsa   ЗУДЕТЬСЯ.

v ipfv. itch. U n'iwó hwos zud'élsa. His tail was itching. U m'in'é t'éla zud'ítsa. I'm itchy. (lit., I have body itching). Category: sickness.

zup   ЗУБ.

n. tooth. variant zúba; plural zúb'i, zub'í. U m'in'é zup bal'él. I had a toothache. U n'iwó zúb'i n'étu. He doesn't have any teeth. Aná zúb'i rézhit. She's cutting teeth. U béyb'ichk'i ad'in zup. The baby has one tooth. láwushn'iya zúb'i false teeth (lit., teeth from the store). See: b'izúbnay toothless. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, body, babies.

zut   n. rash. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, sickness, record.

zwan'ít'   v ipfv. ring. Kalakón'i zwan'át. The bells are ringing. Skóla zwan'ít. The school is ringing (that is, the school bell is ringing). Category: sounds.

zwat'   ЗВАТЬ.

v ipfv. invite, call. for instance, invite (call) someone to come to something. Ya iwó zaw'yú. I'm calling him. Máma t'ibé zwála. Mama is asking for you (to come). Máma t'ibé zwála chay p'it'. Mama is calling you for tea (lit., to drink tea). pfv: pazwát'. Category: speak.

zwer   ЗВЕРЬ.

n. animal. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, animals.

n. star. plural zwézdachk'i. mnóga zwézdachk'i many stars. Ad'in zwézdachka gar'ít. One star is shining. Fchirá ya w'íd'ila mnóga zwézdachk'i na néb'i. Yesterday I saw many stars in the sky. non-dimunitive zw'izdá. Category: nature.

zw'inó   n. hinge. Category: house, Kibrik-Bergelson, record.

zwézdachka   ЗВЕЗДАЧКА.

n. star. plural zwézdachk'i. mnóga zwézdachk'i many stars. Ad'in zwézdachka gar'ít. One star is shining. Fchirá ya w'íd'ila mnóga zwézdachk'i na néb'i. Yesterday I saw many stars in the sky. non-dimunitive zw'izdá. Category: nature.

zw'inó   n. hinge. Category: house, Kibrik-Bergelson, record.

zwézdachka   ЗВЕЗДАЧКА.

n. star. plural zwézdachk'i. mnóga zwézdachk'i many stars. Ad'in zwézdachka gar'ít. One star is shining. Fchirá ya w'íd'ila mnóga zwézdachk'i na néb'i. Yesterday I saw many stars in the sky. non-dimunitive zw'izdá. Category: nature.

zw'inó   n. hinge. Category: house, Kibrik-Bergelson, record.

zw'izdá   ЗВЕЗДА.

n. star. plural zw'ózda, zwézd'i ЗВЕЗДЫ; dimunitive zwézdachka. Category: nature.

zw'izdanút'   ЗВЕЗДАНУТЬ.

v ipfv. hit, sock. On t'ibé w lop zw'izdanúl. He hit you on the forehead. pfv: zw'íznut'. Category: record.

zw'íznut'   v pfv. sock, hit hard. On m'in'é zw'íznul. He socked me. ipfv: zw'izdanút'. See: shl'ópnut'; nab'ít'; pab'ít'.