M - m
n. washcloth. Category: material.
machít' МОЧИТЬ.
v ipfv. soak. for instance, of soaking salmon in brine before it is smoked. Skólka chas t'i ih móchish? For how long do you soak it. Category: water.
máchta МАЧТА.
n. mast. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, boats, record.
n. grave. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, death.
adj. tender, soft. for example, of meat. Category: texture.
n. monkey. plural makák'i. T'i hudóy makáka. You're a no good monkey. Tr'ík'i trák'i, tr'i makák'i; ya zabúl chiwó ishchó Kid's rhymes imitating the sound that a handle on the coal stove makes when sifting down the ashes and rhyming it with the word for the monkey. Lit: Trick-track, three monkeys, I forgot what else was there See: Múnk'ina Réchka ‘Monkey Creek’; tr'ík'i trák'i. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, animals.
makréts n. chickweed. a weed that grows a lot in Ninilchik, especially in wet soil; it can infest a garden. On makréts d'órgayit. He is pulling out chickweed. Category: plants.
Maks'ikán n. Mexican. plural Maks'ikán'i; variant Maks'ikán'its. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, nationalities.
Maks'ikán'its n. Mexican. plural Maks'ikánts'i; variant Maks'ikán. Category: nationalities.
makúla n. homebrew. See: shámsha. Category: drink.
n. top of hill, top of mountain; pate; top of head ; na makúshk'i on top of the head. On na makúshk'i na garé. It's on top of the hill. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, body.
adj. few, a little. R'íba mála. (There is) a few fish. Category: quantity.
n. good person. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, personality.
adj. young. variant maldóy. maladóy МОЛОДОЙ.
adj. young. variant maldóy. maladóy МОЛОДОЙ.
adj. young. variant maldóy. On maladóy. He's young. maladáya d'éfka young woman. See: malózhi. Category: ages.
n. milk. variant mal'ikó. Category: food, drink.
n. hammer. On malatkóm stúkayit. He's hitting (on something) with a hammer. Category: tools.
malchát' МОЛЧАТЬ.
v ipfv. quiet, be quiet, silent, be silent. Aná malchít. She's quiet. Malchí! Be quiet! / Silent! See: zamalchít'.
n. boy. Some people may consider mál'chik younger than mal'chíshka. ?? See: mal'chíshka. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, people.
n. boy. another recording (keep which??) plural mal'chíshk'i, mal'chishk'í. Ninilchik boys. Éta mal'chíshka zabáwnay. This boy is cute. mnóga mal'chíshk'i many boys. See: mál'chik; d'ifchónka. Category: people.
n. salmon berry, raspberry.
another recording; keep which?? another recording; keep which?? Category: berries.
another recording; keep which?? another recording; keep which?? Category: berries.
Mál'in'ka Réchka pn. Small Creek. variant Mál'in'kuy Réchka. Category: locations.
Mál'in'ka Túndra pn. Small Flat. This is the flat closest to the Russian Orthodox church on its NE side. Category: locations, flats, swamps.
adj. small, little. Iwónay s'in mál'in'kuy. His son is small. mál'in'kuy dom small house. See: mélkay ??. Category: size.
mál'in'kuy kasá n. sickle. Lit: little scythe See: kasá. Category: tools, record.
Mál'in'kuy Réchka pn. Small Creek. This is a small tributary that flows into Ninilchik River. variant Mál'in'ka Réchka. Category: locations.
v ipfv. pray. Aná mól'itsa. She is praying. M'i id'óm mal'ítsa. We're going to a prayer service. (lit., going to pray). pfv: pamal'ítsa; noun mal'ítwa. Category: church.
mal'ítwa МОЛИТВА.
n. prayer ; Ya mnóga mal'ítw'i n'i znáyu. I don't know many prayers. See: mal'ítsa ‘pray’. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, Conor Daly, church, record.
malóchn'ik МОЛОЧНИК.
n. milk jar. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, containers, record.
n. milt, sperm. plural malók'i. The milt of fish is traditionally cooked and eaten in Ninilchik. See: ikrá. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, fish, food.
v ipfv. grind. malól'i (They) were grinding. An'í malól'i i razmalól'i. They were grinding and (they) ground (it). kambóst mil'ót. (He/she) is grinding compost. See: kambóst mil'ót. Category: record.
malózhi adj. younger.
mal'útka МАЛЮТКА.
n. little one, baby, little child. On malózhi. He's younger. On malózhi m'in'é. He's younger than me. Ya malózhi iwó. I'm younger than him. See: maladóy. Category: ages.
mal'útka МАЛЮТКА.
n. little one, baby, little child. On malózhi. He's younger. On malózhi m'in'é. He's younger than me. Ya malózhi iwó. I'm younger than him. See: maladóy. Category: ages.
mal'útka МАЛЮТКА.
n. little one, baby, little child. Wéchir b'il, swerkál'i zw'ozd'i, na dwar'é marós str'ikál. Shol pa úl'itsi mal'útka, pas'in'él i wés' drazhál. "Bózhi, gawar'ít mal'útka, - ya praz'áp i yes' hachú. Kto nagréyit, kto nakórm'it, bózhi dóbray, s'iratú?" It was evening, the stars were shining, very cold outside. A little child went along the street, blue from cold and shivering.translation: 'Malyutka' poem 'Oh, Lord - said the child - I am cold and hungry. Who will warm up and feed, my Lord, the orphan?" See: Mal'útka poem. Category: poems.
Mal'útka poem phr. Wéchir b'il, swerkál'i zw'ozd'i, na dwar'é marós str'ikál. Shol pa úl'itsi mal'útka, pas'in'él i wés' drazhál. "Bózhi - gawar'ít mal'útka - ya praz'áp i yes' hachú. Kto nagréyit, kto nakórm'it, bózhi dóbray, s'iratú? It was evening, the stars were shining, very cold outside. A little child went along the street, blue from cold and shivering. 'Oh, Lord - said the child - I am cold and hungry. Who will warm up and feed, my Lord, the orphan?" Category: poems.
máma n. mama. mám'ina dom mama's house. M'i do mám'ina dom dashlí. We arrived at mama's house. See: pápa. Category: relatives.
Mamáina Réchka pn. Clam Creek. It is north of Silver Salmon Creek, and runs into Deep Creek. It is named for clam shells some Indians left in a spot there. Category: locations, record.
mamáy n. clam. plural mamáyi. An'í idút na láydu mamáyi kapát'. They are going to the beach to dig clams. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, food.
n. monk. a celibate priest, as is arh'iréy. plural manáhi. mamáyn'ik n. clam digger. plural mamáyn'ik'i ??. some Ninilchik clam diggers: Bill Kvasnikoff, Joe Leman, Isaac Cooper, Alex Oskolkoff. Category: jobs.
n. monk. a celibate priest, as is arh'iréy. plural manáhi. mamáyn'ik n. clam digger. plural mamáyn'ik'i ??. some Ninilchik clam diggers: Bill Kvasnikoff, Joe Leman, Isaac Cooper, Alex Oskolkoff. Category: jobs.
n. monk. a celibate priest, as is arh'iréy. plural manáhi. Manáh razhd'ón shtab'í mal'ítsa, saldát shtop wéchna wayawát' a chinówn'ik shtop s bumágam'i r'ítsa, a muzhík shtop wéchna rabatát'. A monk is born to pray, a soldier to always fight, and an official (=bureaucrat) - to sort papers, and a lay man to work forever (saying). See: manáshinka ‘nun’; arhiréy. Category: church, sayings.
manáh poem phr. Manáh razhd'ón shtab'í mal'ítsa, saldát shtop wéchna wayawát', a chinówn'ik shtop s bumágam'i r'ítsa, a muzhík shtop wéchna rabatát'. A monk is born to pray, a soldier to always fight, and an official to sort papers, but a peasant to work forever. Category: poems.
man'ák n. picnic. for instance, fish cooked on a stick over a fire outdoors. Category: food, record.
n. nun. See: manáh. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, church, jobs.
mandal'ína МАНДОЛИНА.
n. mandolin. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, music.
Mar'ía pn. Mary. See: Másha. Category: names.
mark МАРКА.
n. stamp. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, record.
markóf МОРКОВЬ.
n. carrot. dimunitive markófka. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, food, record.
n. carrot. plural markófk'i. non-dimunitive markóf. Category: plants, food.
n. frost. W bal'shóy marós shugá d'élayitsa. When there is a big frost it makes slush ice (on the Inlet). See: zam'órznut'. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, weather.
maróshka МАРОШКА.
n. cloudberry, low bush salmon berry, salmon berry - low bush. plural maróshk'i. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, berries, record.
n. cloudberry. low bush salmon berry. plural maróshk'i. Category: berries.
marózn'ik n. freezer. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, record.
adj. of the sea, marine. Category: animals.
marskóy cháyka n. skate. Lit: seagull of the ocean Category: fish, Kibrik-Bergelson.
marskóy w'ídra n. sea otter. See: w'idra. Category: animals, record.
n. March. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, time, months.
Márta pn. Martha. Martha Matson Richardson Cass. Category: names.
n. sailor. See: matrós. Category: jobs, boats.
n. 1 • marriage. Category: marriage.
2 • marriage card game. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, cards.
n. meat. rúbl'inay m'ása ground meat. Káda Pos m'i m'ása n'i id'ím. When it is Lent we do not eat meat. Category: meat.
Másha pn. Mary. Mary Kvasnikoff. See: Mar'ía. Category: names.
mashén'ik n. scammer, swindler, rascal, rogue. Wot état .. mashén'ik tam pr'istál. That rogue hassled (us) there. Category: Conor Daly. Category: record.
n. car, engine. plural mashín'i. Mashína perestál, mashína zaéhal. The car stopped, the car drove in. dimunitive mashínka. See: kára. Category: Conor Daly, travel.
n. skillet, frying pan. See: skówarada; zhárn'ik; skawarótka. Category: cook, tools.
n. masquerader. another recording; keep which?? plural maskarád'i. Maskarád'i búl'i. There were masquerades. (They were masqueraders.??)
An'í ad'él'as kak maskarád'i. ?? They dressed up as masqueraders. Ninilchik people used to masquerade around the village to bring in the New Year. See: kamák. Category: holidays, entertainment.
An'í ad'él'as kak maskarád'i. ?? They dressed up as masqueraders. Ninilchik people used to masquerade around the village to bring in the New Year. See: kamák. Category: holidays, entertainment.
Maskwá pn. Moscow. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, locations, record.
n. 1 • butter, oil. Másla pagásla! The oil burned out. See: zhir.
2 • oil paint. Category: food.
n. shank bone with marrow inside, thigh. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, body.
n. mother. See: mátushka; mátka; Bózhiy mát'ir. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson.
n. female (of animals). See: mat'; karówa. Category: people.
matór МОТОР.
n. motor, outboard motor. plural matór'i. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, boats.
n. mattress. Category: bed.
Matr'óna pn. Matrona. This was Matróna Balashoff from English Bay (now Nanwalek), who was called Babushka in the village. Since she was an Eskimo, she would kiss the Eskimo way, with her nose.
Mayá bábushka búla Matr'óna. ?? My grandmother was Matrona. ?? Category: names.
Mayá bábushka búla Matr'óna. ?? My grandmother was Matrona. ?? Category: names.
n. sailor. plural matróz'i. Bédn'iya matróz'i kak an'í stradál'i. The poor sailors how they suffered (part of a song). See: mar'yák. Category: jobs, boats, songs, record.
n. priest's wife. Matushka Zoya Darien Oskolkoff. See: mat' ‘mother’; bát'ushka ‘priest’. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, church.
Máwra pn. Mavra. Margaret (Mavra) Jackinsky Pearl. Category: names.
n. May. Category: time, months.
pro. my. masculine moy; plural mayí. mayá mat' my mother. mayá zhiná my wife. mayá doch my daughter. mayá dóchka my daughter. mayá s'istrá my sister.
pro. my. with plural possessed nouns. singular moy; feminine mayá. mayá bábushka my grandma. See: ya ‘I’; mayí ‘my (plural)’; twoy ‘your’. Category: pronouns.
pro. my. with plural possessed nouns. singular moy; feminine mayá. mayá bábushka my grandma. See: ya ‘I’; mayí ‘my (plural)’; twoy ‘your’. Category: pronouns.
pro. my. with plural possessed nouns. singular moy; feminine mayá. mayí bashmak'í my shoes. mayí sabák'i my dogs. mayí karów'i my cows. mayí dóchk'i my daughters. mayí brát'yi my brothers. mayí s'istrá my sisters. See: ya; m'i; moy; mayá. Category: pronouns.
n. brains; marrow. singular mosk. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, body.
mélkay ?? МЕЛКИЙ.
adj. fine. plural mélkiya.
mélkiya kamén'i gravel (lit., fine rocks). See: mál'in'kuy ‘small’. Category: size.
mélkiya kamén'i gravel (lit., fine rocks). See: mál'in'kuy ‘small’. Category: size.
adv. less. See: ból'shi ‘more’; mnóga ‘many’. Category: quantity.
n. month. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, time.
n. place, house, room. plural mést'i. t'óplay mesta warm place. iwónay mésta his place. mésta МЕСТО.
n. place, house, room. plural mést'i. t'óplay mesta warm place. iwónay mésta his place. mésta МЕСТО.
n. place, house, room. plural mést'i. t'óplay mesta warm place. iwónay mésta his place. Éta mésta bal'shóy. This room is big. Ya étu méstu pr'íshla. I (female) came to this place. See: dom ‘house’; kamnatá ‘room’. Category: locations.
met' МЕДЬ.
n. copper. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, metal, record.
mezhdu МЕЖДУ.
prep. between. Category: locations.
pro. we. M'i payd'óm na láydu. We're going to the beach. See: nam; nas; nám'i; náshiy; ya. Category: pronouns.
n. bear. variant m'idw'ít'. káray m'idwét' brown bear. chórnay m'idwét' black bear. Ya m'idwéd'a ub'íl. I killed a bear. Ya w'íd'il m'idwét'. I saw a bear. M'í na m'idwéd'ina kózhi katál'is. We slid on a bear skin. Category: animals.
M'ihaíl pn. Michael, Mike. See: M'íshka. Category: names.
m'ik'in'í n. turnip greens. variant mak'ín'i. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, plants, food.
m'il' МИЛЯ.
n. mile. chit'ír'i m'il' four miles. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, distance, record.
n. soap. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, groom.
M'ilánya pn. Melanya. Malina Oskolkoff Curtis. Category: names.
m'ílay adj. tender. Category: quality.
pro. me. variant mn'e. m'in'é МЕНЯ.
pro. me. variant mn'e. m'in'é МЕНЯ.
pro. me. variant mn'e. On m'in'é pamagáit. He is helping me. On m'in'é n'i znáit. He doesn't know me. T'i m'in'é gawar'ísh? Are you talking to me? Izw'in'í m'in'é! Sorry, forgive me! On m'in'é kn'ígu dal. He gave me a book. M'in'é stráshna. It's scary to me. Day m'in'é iwónay stúl'chik. ?? Give me his chair. Day m'in'é pap'irósku! Give me a cigarette! See: ya; mnoy; moy; m'i. Category: pronouns.
M'in'é galawá bal'ít. phr. I have a headache. Category: sickness.
m'inúta МИНУТА.
n. minute. variant m'inút. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, time, record.
n. peace.
m'íra mázat' phr. anoint. Category: church.
m'íra mázat' phr. anoint. Category: church.
M'ir'ikán'its n. American. plural M'ir'ikántsi. Ya M'ir'ikán'its. I am American. Category: nationalities.
M'ir'ikánka n. American woman. See: M'ir'ikán'its. Category: nationalities.
M'ir'ikánka n. American woman. See: M'ir'ikán'its. Category: nationalities.
adj. American. variant M'ir'ikán'sk'i. The first letter of word for 'American' was often dropped by Ninilchik speakers.
M'ir'ikánsk'i chay American tea. Category: nationalities.
M'ir'ikánsk'i chay American tea. Category: nationalities.
n. point, promontory. In Ninilchik village this referred to the big bend of land on the river next to Babushka's (Matrona Oskolkoff's) house. Krásnay M'is is a reddish point on the bluff about a mile north of the village. Bábushka n'i zhiw'ót na m'iské. Grandma doesn't live on the point (of the river). Krásnay M'is Red Point. Category: locations.
m'ishát' МЕШАТЬ.
v ipfv. 1 • stir, mix. An'í m'ishál'i. They mixed it.
2 • bother. On m'in'é m'isháyit. He's bothering me. See: razm'ishátsa. Category: cook.
M'íshka pn. Michael. See: M'ihaíl. Category: names, record.
m'ishóchik МЕШОЧЕК.
n. purse, wallet. non-dimunitive m'ishók ‘sack’. Category: containers, record.
n. sack. dimunitive m'ishóchik. Category: containers.
n. mouse. plural m'ishónk'i. bal'shóy m'ishónak rat (lit., big mouse). T'i fs'idá m'ishónk'i bayálsa. You were always afraid of mice. Category: animals.
n. dishpan, basin. See: pawál'n'ik. Category: containers.
m'it' v ipfv. wash. pfv: w'ímat'. Aná pasúd'i móit. She is washing dishes. Pará pasúd'i ?? náda m'it. ?? It's time to wash the dishes. Ya búdu akóshku m'it'. I will wash the window.
m'itló МЕТЛА.
n. broom. plural m'itlí. See: gal'ík. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, tools, housework.
Stupáy pasúd'i moy! Go wash the dishes! ?? See: m'ítsa; w'ímatsa; st'irát'; w'íst'irat'. Category: housework.
m'itló МЕТЛА.
n. broom. plural m'itlí. See: gal'ík. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, tools, housework.
Stupáy pasúd'i moy! Go wash the dishes! ?? See: m'ítsa; w'ímatsa; st'irát'; w'íst'irat'. Category: housework.
m'itló МЕТЛА.
n. broom. plural m'itlí. See: gal'ík. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, tools, housework.
v ipfv. bathe, wash oneself. On móyitsa. He's bathing. pfv: w'ímatsa. See: m'ít'; w'ímat'. Category: groom, water.
adv. many, much. mnóga dalg'í many debts. mnóga kamar'í many mosquitoes. R'íba mnóga. There's many fish. On mnóga yes. He's eating a lot. Mnógaya l'éta, mnógaya l'éta, mnógaya l'éta! (birthday song) Many years, many years, many years! ?? dimunitive mnóshka. See: n'imnóga; ból'shi; mén'chi; óchin'; kúcha. Category: quantity, songs.
mnóshka adv. often, quite a lot, quite a few, many times. On zab'iwáit mnóshka. He forgets (things) quite a lot. non-dimunitive mnóga. Category: time, quantity.
mnoy МНОЙ.
pro. with me. variant m'in'áy. On sa mnóy n'i gawar'ít. He doesn't talk with me. Aná s m'in'áy n'i gawar'ít. She doesn't talk to me. B'izhí sa mnoy! Run with me! See: ya; m'in'é; moy; m'i. Category: pronouns.
móch' МОЧЬ.
v ipfv. can, may, could. ízhli t'i móg'ish if you can. ízhli on móg'it if he can. M'i móg'im s tabóy yágad'i sab'irát'. We could go pick berries with you. M'i n'ikudá n'i móg'im it'í. We can't go anywhere. Ya magú gawar'át'? Could I talk?
mochít' МОЧИТЬ.
v ipfv. pee, urinate, wet. Astarózhna, t'i mózhish utanút'! Watch out, you may drown! See: mózhit.
mochít' МОЧИТЬ.
v ipfv. pee, urinate, wet. Astarózhna, t'i mózhish utanút'! Watch out, you may drown! See: mózhit.
mochít' МОЧИТЬ.
v ipfv. pee, urinate, wet. On s'ibé móchit. He wets himself. pfv: w'ímachit'. See: abasátsa; p'ísat'; wímachit'; chíshkat'. Category: body.
n. moss. used for chinking between logs of a house.
adj. wet. On mókray. He is wet. mókray sn'ek wet snow. mókray ad'ála wet blanket. See: w'ímachit'. Category: water.
n. Cook Inlet, inlet, sea.
búr'a na mór'a storm at sea ?? búr'a na mari (alternate pronunciation) ?? storm at sea ?? na mori ?? at sea ?? Category: locations, water.
búr'a na mór'a storm at sea ?? búr'a na mari (alternate pronunciation) ?? storm at sea ?? na mori ?? at sea ?? Category: locations, water.
n. face (animal). rude if used of a person's face. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, body.
mórushna adv. cloudy, overcast. Category: record.
most МОСТ.
n. bridge. plural mastá. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, locations.
pro. my, mine. moy = my (singular biologically male thing); mayá = my (singular biologically female thing); mayí = my (plural thing, either biologically male or female); currently only biological gender counts in Ninilchik Russian for causing gender agreement with adjectives, possessive pronouns, and verbs. feminine mayá; plural mayí. moy bashmák my shoe. moy sabáka my dog. moy brat my brother. moy s'istrá my sister (younger speaker). Éta moy mush. This is my husband. moy at'éts i maya mat' my father and my mother. moy dom my house. moy kn'íga my book. An'í mayú brat ub'íl'i. They killed my brother. See: ya ‘I’. Category: pronouns.
adv. maybe. Mózhit m'i payd'óm gul'yát'. Maybe we're going to go visit. See: mózhna.
adv. possible, possibly, allowed. mózhna МОЖНО.
adv. possible, possibly, allowed. mózhna МОЖНО.
adv. possible, possibly, allowed. n'i mózhna not possible, not allowed. See: mózhit; moch'. Category: size.
múchin'ik МУЧЕНИК.
n. martyr. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, church.
v ipfv. torment, torture. On m'in'é múchil. ?? He tormented me. múchit' МУЧИТЬ.
v ipfv. torment, torture. On m'in'é múchil. ?? He tormented me. múchit' МУЧИТЬ.
v ipfv. torment, torture. On m'in'é múchil. ?? He tormented me. N'i náda yiwó múchit'. Don't torture him.
An'í nas múchat //múchayut. They torture us. On m'in'á múchil - fs'o mn'e spráshiwayit. He tortured me - (he) asks me everything. T'i m'in'á fs'o spráshiwayish - t'i m'in'á n'i múchayish. You are asking me - you are not torturing me.
An'í nas múchat //múchayut. They torture us. On m'in'á múchil - fs'o mn'e spráshiwayit. He tortured me - (he) asks me everything. T'i m'in'á fs'o spráshiwayish - t'i m'in'á n'i múchayish. You are asking me - you are not torturing me.
n. fly. plural múhi. Múha l'itáit. A fly is flying. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, insects.
n. flour. Category: food.
Múnk'ina Réchka pn. Monkey Creek. on Ninilchik River abreast of Alfred and Nora Cooper's place. See: makáka. Category: locations, record.
Múrf'iskay Kanáwa pn. Murphy's Ditch. near Long Flat, named for John Matson's stepfather. Category: locations.
n. flour. Category: food.
Múnk'ina Réchka pn. Monkey Creek. on Ninilchik River abreast of Alfred and Nora Cooper's place. See: makáka. Category: locations, record.
Múrf'iskay Kanáwa pn. Murphy's Ditch. near Long Flat, named for John Matson's stepfather. Category: locations.
n. flour. Category: food.
Múnk'ina Réchka pn. Monkey Creek. on Ninilchik River abreast of Alfred and Nora Cooper's place. See: makáka. Category: locations, record.
Múrf'iskay Kanáwa pn. Murphy's Ditch. near Long Flat, named for John Matson's stepfather. Category: locations.
n. husband. Éta moy mush. This is my husband. Iyónay mush ushól na póshtu. Her husband went to the post office. Éta mush búd'it? Is he going to be a husband? See: zhiná ‘wife’; muzhík ‘man’. Category: relatives, people, marriage.
muzhíchi adj. belonging to men. muzhíchi pashtán'ik'i men's underwear. See: muzhík.
n. man. plural muzhik'í. Manáh razhd'ón stab'í mal'ítsa, saldát stap wéchna wayawát' a chinówn'ik shtop s bumágam'i r'ítsa, a muzhík shtop wéchna rabatát'. A monk is born to pray, a soldier to always fight, and an official (=bureaucrat) - to sort papers, and a lay person to work forever (a saying). See: mush; chalawék. Category: people, sayings.
n. musician. variant muz'ikán, muzhikán'its; plural muzhikántsi. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, entertainment, jobs.
muzhikán'its n. musician. variant muzhikán; plural muzhikántsi. Category: entertainment, jobs.
múz'ika МУЗЫКА.
n. music. Category: music, record.