A - a
a1 prep. about. variant ap, aba. Ya a t'ibé dúmayu. I think about you. See: pra.
a2 а.
prt. and. begins a new topic. A gd'e mayí achk'í? Where are my eyeglasses?
a3 а.
conj. but, and. U t'ibé bal'shóy galawá a u n'iwó mál'inkuy. You have a big head but he has a small one.
A htó z'iwáyit uhú hl'ibáyit. phr. Whoever is slow to the dinner table will slurp only broth. Category: sayings.
abarwát' v pfv. tear.
On swoy chulók abarwál. He tore his sock.
abarwátay adj. torn. plural abarwát'iya.
Plát'i abarwát'iya. The dress is torn. (The dresses are torn. ??) verb abarwát'. Category: texture.
abasát' ОБОССАТЬ.
v pfv. pee, urinate, wet. This is accidental urination. On kóyku abasál. He peed the bed. Ya mayí pastán'ishk'i abasál. I wet my long johns. See: p'ísat'; chíshkat'; mochít'. Category: body.
abasátsa ОБОССАТЬСЯ.
v pfv. urinate, pee, mess oneself. On kóyku abasálsa. ?? He peed the bed. See: abasát'; móchit'; wímachit'; chíshkat'; abasrát'. Category: body.
abasrát' ОБОСРАТЬ.
v pfv. defecate, poop. Ya mayí pashtán'ik'i abasrál. I dirtied my underwear. ipfv: srat'. See: zamarát'; zamarátsa; abasát'. Category: body.
abasrátsa v pfv. defecate, poop.
Ya abasrálas'. I (female) defecated. On abasráls'a. He (male) defecated. See: nagad'ítsa; sráka. Category: body.
Ya abasrálas'. I (female) defecated. On abasráls'a. He (male) defecated. See: nagad'ítsa; sráka. Category: body.
abd'élat' v pfv. cheat.
another recording; keep which??
On m'in'é abd'él. He cheated me.
T'i iwó abd'élayish? Are you going to cheat him?
Ya m ?? daská iwó abd'éla. ?? I (female) ?? cheated him. ??
Ya m ?? daská iwó abd'éla. ?? I (female) ?? cheated him. ??
abéda n. lunch. variant abét.
pósl'i abéda in the afternoon (lit., after lunch).
Ya lúchi spl'u pósli abéda. I sleep better in the afternoon. verb abédat' ‘eat lunch’. Category: eat, food.
v ipfv. eat lunch, lunch. Aná abédayit. She is eating lunch. noun abét ‘lunch’. Category: eat.
n. lunch. variant abéda; verb abédat' ‘eat lunch’. Category: eat, food.
ab'íd'isa ?? АБИДИТЬСЯ ??
??. have self-pity, feel sorry for oneself.
Aná ab'íd'isa. ?? She's feeling sorry for herself. See: ab'ídna; b'idá. Category: emotions.
Aná ab'íd'isa. ?? She's feeling sorry for herself. See: ab'ídna; b'idá. Category: emotions.
adv. be sad, with sorrow, sorrowfully, sadly. M'in'é ab'ídna. I'm sad.
M'in'é at t'ibé ab'ídna. I feel sorry because of you. ?? See: b'idá. Category: emotions.
M'in'é at t'ibé ab'ídna. I feel sorry because of you. ?? See: b'idá. Category: emotions.
v ipfv. promise. Ya ab'ishcháyu. I'm promising.
Ab'ishcháy m'in'é, pazhálusta! Promise me, please! Category: speak.
v ipfv. hurt. ab'izhát' ОБИЖАТЬ.
v ipfv. hurt. ab'izhát' ОБИЖАТЬ.
v ipfv. hurt. Ya t'ibé ab'izháyu. I'm hurting you. See: ab'izhát'.
n. cloud. variant óblaka; plural ablak'í. another recording of the plural; keep which?? See: túcha. Category: weather.
n. cloud. variant óblaka; plural ablak'í. another recording of the plural; keep which?? See: túcha. Category: weather.
n. cloud. variant óblaka; plural ablak'í. another recording of the plural; keep which?? See: túcha. Category: weather.
adj. educated. Moy at'éts óchin' abrazówanay chalawék bul. My father was a well educated man.
abl'ízawat' ОБЛИЗЫВАТЬ.
v ipfv. lick. variant abl'ízwat'. T'i hóchish ?? abl'azónay chalawék aké w'ízhu. ?? ?? See: uchónay ‘educated’.
abl'ízawat' ОБЛИЗЫВАТЬ.
v ipfv. lick. variant abl'ízwat'. T'i hóchish ?? abl'azónay chalawék aké w'ízhu. ?? ?? See: uchónay ‘educated’.
abl'ízawat' ОБЛИЗЫВАТЬ.
v ipfv. lick. variant abl'ízwat'. On abl'ízawayit. He's licking it.
Sabáka m'in'é abl'ízwal. The dog licked me.
Ya iwó ab'izál. I licked him. ??
Sabáka abl'izáyit. The dog is licking (it).
abn'át' ОБНЯТЬ.
v pfv. hug. Bábushka m'in'é abn'ála. Grandma hugged me. ipfv: abn'imát'.
v ipfv. hug. pfv: abn'át'.
abórka ОБОРКА.
n. trim. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, house, record.
Abrám АБРАМ.
pn. Abram, Abe. Abe Kvasnikoff. Category: names.
abrét' ОБРИТЬ ??
v pfv. shave. Fchirá ya seb'á abrél harashó. Yesterday I shaved well. Záftr'i ya seb'á abréyu //on seb'á abréyit. Tomorrow I // he will shave. See: abrétsa; br'ítwa ‘razor’. Category: groom.
abrétsa v pfv. shave oneself. variant pabrétsa.
abrélsa (He) shaved. See: abrét'; brétsa. Category: groom.
v. clip, cut. for example, to clip/cut hair. On abstrigáyit. He clipped. Category: groom, hair.
achíshka n. peel, eggshell. plural achíshk'i.
kartóf'il'i na achíshk'i potato peelings.
yáblak'i na achíshk'i apple peelings. Category: fruit, food.
kartóf'il'i na achíshk'i potato peelings.
yáblak'i na achíshk'i apple peelings. Category: fruit, food.
n. eyeglasses; glasses. variant ashk'í. A gd'é mayí achk'í? Where are my eyeglasses? Grocery store owner Sam Kraskoff used to ask his wife this when he couldn't find his glasses. Often he had forgotten that they were on the top of his head. Category: sight.
n. blanket. See: pakr'iwála. Category: bed.
conj. where. A gd'e mayí achk'í? Where are my eyeglasses?
On n'i znáyit ad'é gl'id'ét'. He doesn't know where to look. See: gd'é; ad'éta ‘where’; kudá ‘where to’; ad'ézha ‘where’. Category: locations.
ad'énka php. clothing - piece of. Lit: something that you put on synonym b'il'ó. See: ad'ózha ‘clothes’; ad'ét' ‘put on’. Category: clothes, record.
ad'ét' ОДЕТЬ.
v pfv. dress, put on (clothes), wear. Ya plát'i ad'éla. I (female) put on (my) dress. On ad'él swayí b'il'ó. He put on his clothes. Ad'én' étu prad'iwáshku! Put on this footwear! Ad'én' iwó! Put it on! Ad'én dazhiw'ík! ?? Put on ??? ipfv: ad'iwát'. See: ad'iwátsa. Category: clothes.
??. where, somewhere ?? ?? ?? See: ad'é; gd'é.
ad'ézha adv. where.
Ad'ézha twoy {atomobíl}? Where is your car? See: ad'é ‘where’. Category: locations.
ad'ihát' ОТДЫХАТЬ.
v ipfv. rest. On ad'iháyit. He's resting.
Ya awáy ad'ihál. I have already rested.
num. one. U béyb'ichk'i ad'ín zup. The baby has one tooth.
ad'ín p'iró one feather ; one pen.
ad'in ras one time.
Adnú kartóf'il' atpust'í! Drop in one potato! See: adnóy; pérway ‘first’. Category: numbers.
num. eleven.
n. shortness of breath. for instance, when someone is climbing a hill and is short of breath. See: dúsha ‘breath’. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, body, body.
n. clothing for the upper body.
v ipfv. dress (someone), put on. another recording; which keep?? from Russ. ОДЕВАТЬ 'to put on clothes'.
ad'énka (ad'én'ka?? where should this go in database??) See: ad'ózha ‘clothes’; nad'iwáshka ‘slipper’; prad'iwáshka ‘slip-on clothes’. Category: clothes.
v ipfv. dress (someone), put on. another recording; which keep?? from Russ. ОДЕВАТЬ 'to put on clothes'.
ad'énka (ad'én'ka?? where should this go in database??) See: ad'ózha ‘clothes’; nad'iwáshka ‘slipper’; prad'iwáshka ‘slip-on clothes’. Category: clothes.
v ipfv. dress (someone), put on. T'i ad'iwáyish br'úk'i? Are you putting on pants? pfv: ad'ét'. See: ad'iwátsa. Category: clothes.
v ipfv. dress (oneself). ad'iwátsa ОДЕВАТЬСЯ.
v ipfv. dress (oneself). ad'iwátsa ОДЕВАТЬСЯ.
v ipfv. dress (oneself). On ad'iwáyitsa. He is dressing.
Ya ad'iwáyus'. I'm dressing. pfv: ad'ét'. See: ad'iwát'. Category: clothes.
??. one. ádna ras one time.
another pronunciation; keep which??
ádna ОДНО.
??. one. ádna ras one time.
another pronunciation; keep which??
ádna ОДНО.
??. one. ádna ras one time.
another pronunciation; keep which??
Ádna ras sáma ras! Once is enough!
Ya takóy t'ibé skazhú ádna ras! I'm only telling you once!
Ádna bába skazála chiwó ... chiwóta. ?? See: ad'ín ‘one’; adnóy ‘one’. Category: numbers.
Ádna bába skazála chiwó ... chiwóta. ?? See: ad'ín ‘one’; adnóy ‘one’. Category: numbers.
Ádna ras sáma ras! phr. once is enough. Category: sayings.
adv. once. variant ad'ín ras. Ya takóy t'ibé skazhú adnarás! I'm only telling you this once! See: pará ‘time’; ras ‘time’. Category: numbers.
adnó ОДНО.
adj. one. accusative adnú. neuter?? Adnú kartófi at pust'í! Drop in one potato! See: ad'ín; adnóy. Category: numbers, record.
ad'ózha n. clothes. synonym b'il'ó, rad'ózha. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, clothes.
adnóy adj. one.
Adnóy chalawék pr'ishól. One man came. See: adnó; ad'in. Category: numbers.
ad'ózha n. clothes. synonym b'il'ó, rad'ózha. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, clothes.
adnóy adj. one.
Adnóy chalawék pr'ishól. One man came. See: adnó; ad'in. Category: numbers.
ad'ózha n. clothes. synonym b'il'ó, rad'ózha. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, clothes.
n. officer, military officer, policeman. plural af'itséri. Category: jobs, military, record.
agaród'n'ik ОГОРОДНИК.
n. gardener. See: agarót ‘garden’. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, jobs.
n. garden. variant garót. On agarót pasad'íl. ?? He planted the garden.wav.
Patóm na agarót pasad'íl. ?? Then the garden is planted. ??
On agarót w'íkapal patóm on agarót pasad'íl. He dug the garden then he planted the garden.
kartófil'i v agaród'i. potatoes from the garden ?? КА(О)РТОФЕЛЬ(И) В ОГОРОДЕ ?? Category: plants, land.
aglóhnut' ОГЛОХНУТЬ.
v pfv. go deaf. aglóh went deaf (masc.) Aglóh, pastarél ... ya stárshi fseh w N'in'ílchik'i. I got deaf, got old ... I am the oldest person in Ninilchik. See: gluhóy ‘deaf’. Category: sickness.
Aglóh, pastarél ... ya stárshi fseh w N'in'ílchik'i. phr. I got deaf, got old ... I am the oldest person in Ninilchik. Category: body.
n. lights. Category: light.
n. fire. Papráf agón'! Fix the fire! See: pazhár. Category: fire.
agráda ОГРАДА.
n. fence. plural agrád'i. Category: land.
aguréts ОГУРЕЦ.
n. cucumber. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, food.
n. August. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, time, months.
interj. alas, oh dear. Áh ti práwa! (Is this a NR speaker?) Oh dear! (lit., So hot true ??) АХ ТИ ПРАВДА. Category: record.
Ahadá pn. Ahada. nickname for Larry Kvasnikoff. Category: names.
n. urge, will, desire. variant uhóta. the urge to get something or do something. M'in'é uhóta. I want to. M'in'é ahóta kúshat'. I want to eat.
n'iuhóta I don't want to.
M'in'é n'i ahóta. ?? I don't feel like doing it. ?? See: hóchit' ‘want’. Category: will.
aknó ОКНО.
n. window. See: akóshka. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, house.
n. window. plural akóshk'i; variant lakóshka. ad'ín akóshka one window. Éta lakóshka na st'in'é. This window (is) in the wall.
akóshka ОКОШКО.
n. window. plural akóshk'i; variant lakóshka. ad'ín akóshka one window. Éta lakóshka na st'in'é. This window (is) in the wall.
akóshka ОКОШКО.
n. window. plural akóshk'i; variant lakóshka. ad'ín akóshka one window. Éta lakóshka na st'in'é. This window (is) in the wall.
Moy akóshka tsístay. My window is clean. See: aknó ‘window’. Category: house.
n. October. Har'itón rad'ílsa w akt'ibré. Harry was born in October. Category: time, months.
Ála pn. Eleanor. Eleanor Cooper Painter Beatty. Category: names.
aládushka ОЛАДУШКА.
n. pancake. plural aládushk'i. See: bl'in'í; l'ipl'óshka. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, food, record.
n. caribou, reindeer, elk. variant l'én'. There used to be caribou in the Ninilchik area but there haven't been any for many years. Because of that, the word is not well known and the pronunciation is uncertain. But the two pronunciations here have been given by remaining speakers as possibilities. They align nicely with the standard Russian word ОЛЕНЬ. Category: animals.
Al'hóway pn. Ninilchik Point. See: Bábushk'ina M'is. Category: locations, trees.
1 • n. alder, alder patch. plural al'hówn'ik'i; variant al'ihówn'ik.
2 • pn. Ninilchik Point. Ninilchik Point, 4 miles north of Ninilchik village, is called Al'ihown'ik because there are so many alders growing on the bluff there. See: Al'hóway. Category: locations, trees.
Al'ik'ína Kúhnya pn. Alec's Kitchen. This was an area on the south side of the Kenai River where it was so easy to shoot a moose that it was called a kúhnya 'kitchen'. The full name of this area was Alik'ína Kúhnya. See: kúhnya. Category: locations.
pn. Alexandra. Sandra Kelly Cooper Wells. Category: names.
pn. Alex. Alex Oskolkoff. Category: names.
pn. Alex. Alex Oskolkoff. Category: names.
pn. Alex. Alex Oskolkoff. Category: names.
Al'iút n. Aleut. plural Al'iút'i. Category: nationalities.
n. altar. variant waltár. Category: church.
pro. she. Aná war'ít. She's cooking. plural an'í. See: iyó; n'ey; on; iyónay. Category: pronouns.
pn. Anna, Ann. dimunitive Án'ka, An'útka. Category: names.
pn. Nancy. Nancy Oskolkoff Aldrich. Category: names.
pn. Nancy. Nancy Oskolkoff Aldrich. Category: names.
pn. Nancy. Nancy Oskolkoff Aldrich. Category: names.
an'é pro. her (dative case). variant n'ey, yey.
An'é zhárka. She's hot. (lit., To her it is hot.) masculine imú. Category: pronouns.
n. angel. See: S ángilam. Category: church.
pro. they. singular aná, on. An'í idút. They are coming.
An'í s'id'át. They are sitting.
An'í pramushl'ál'i. They hunted. accusative ih. See: yíhnay. Category: pronouns.
Án'ka pn. Ann. variant Ána. Category: names.
Antóshka pn. Antone.
Antóshka w'ihahál', Antóshka garnastáy! Antone is a land otter, Antone is a weasel! This is a humorous song about Antone Olsen who lived in Ninilchik. Category: names, songs.
Antóshk'ina Kám'in' pn. Antone's Rock. This was a big brown rock which used to be an important landmark on the beach about 3 miles north of Ninilchik River; named for Antone Olsen. See: kám'in' ‘rock’. Category: locations.
Antóshk'ina Kám'in' pn. Antone's Rock. This was a big brown rock which used to be an important landmark on the beach about 3 miles north of Ninilchik River; named for Antone Olsen. See: kám'in' ‘rock’. Category: locations.
An'útka pn. Annie. non-dimunitive Ána. Category: names.
prep. around, about. See: apkrast'ít'.
adv. again. Ap'át' m'in'é kr'ichí! Call me again! Category: time.
ap'il's'ín АПЕЛЬСИН.
n. orange. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, fruit.
ap'in'ít' ОПЬЯНЕТЬ.
v pfv. get drunk. On ap'in'él. He got drunk. Aní yiwó ap'in'él'i. They made him drunk. See: p'yánay ‘drunk’; w'íp'ifshiy ‘drunk’. Category: drink.
apkr'ist'ít' v pfv. bless, christen ?? This would include sprinkling holy water throughout the house. Bát'ushka náshiy dom apkr'ist'íl. Father blessed our house.
n. cut off boots. See: prad'iwáshka; bashmák; sapag'í. Category: clothes.
aprak'ín'it' ОПРОКИНУТЬ.
v pfv. push over, turn over. Bát'ushka dom apkr'ist'íl. Father blessed the house. See: kr'ist'ít'; pakr'ist'ítsa; kres; m'íra mázat'. Category: church.
n. cut off boots. See: prad'iwáshka; bashmák; sapag'í. Category: clothes.
aprak'ín'it' ОПРОКИНУТЬ.
v pfv. push over, turn over. Bát'ushka dom apkr'ist'íl. Father blessed the house. See: kr'ist'ít'; pakr'ist'ítsa; kres; m'íra mázat'. Category: church.
n. cut off boots. See: prad'iwáshka; bashmák; sapag'í. Category: clothes.
aprak'ín'it' ОПРОКИНУТЬ.
v pfv. push over, turn over. An'í núzhn'ik aprak'ínul'i. They turned the outhouse upside down. Category: move.
aprastát' v pfv. empty. Ya aprestál pamóyn'ik. I (male) emptied the slop bucket. Ya aprastála pamóyn'ik. I (female) emptied the slop bucket. Aná aprastáyit. She will empty (it). See: pustóy; w'ís'ipat'.
n. April. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, time, months.
apshipát' v pfv. pluck. for example, to pluck the feathers from a chicken. Aná apshipála. She plucked. Ya kúru apshipáyu. I'm plucking a chicken. Category: food.
v pfv. go dry. gone dry, as when the tide goes out and something is left dry. apsóhnut' ОБСОХНУТЬ.
v pfv. go dry. gone dry, as when the tide goes out and something is left dry. apsóhnut' ОБСОХНУТЬ.
v pfv. go dry. gone dry, as when the tide goes out and something is left dry. Dór'i absóh. The dory (one) went dry.
R'íba na sétk'i absóh. The fish in the nets went dry.
apstr'igát' v ipfv. clip. for example, to clip/cut hair. another recording but weak; keep which??
An'í mógut apsóhnut'. ?? They might go dry. ?? Category: water.
apstr'igát' v ipfv. clip. for example, to clip/cut hair. another recording but weak; keep which??
An'í mógut apsóhnut'. ?? They might go dry. ?? Category: water.
apstr'igát' v ipfv. clip. for example, to clip/cut hair. On abstr'igáyit. He is clipping. Category: groom, hair.
apt'irét' v pfv. wipe.
Apt'ir'í swoy nos! Wipe your nose!
aréh ОРЕХ.
n. nut, walnut. plural aréhi. Category: food.
n. celibate bishop. variant ahiréy. See: iréy; wlad'íka; pratairéy; manáh ‘monk’; nizhinátay ‘unmarried’. Category: jobs, church.
n. eagle. plural ar'ól'i. This includes the bald eagle.
art'íst n. artist, painter. See: hudózhn'ik. Category: jobs.
mnóga ar'ól'i many eagles.
?? mnóga ar'ól'i (complete transcription??) ... ?? many eagles. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, birds.
art'íst n. artist, painter. See: hudózhn'ik. Category: jobs.
mnóga ar'ól'i many eagles.
?? mnóga ar'ól'i (complete transcription??) ... ?? many eagles. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, birds.
art'íst n. artist, painter. See: hudózhn'ik. Category: jobs.
askl'íska adv. (it is) slippery. variant skl'íska. See: kl'ískay; l'ot. Category: weather.
n. remainder, leftover, scrap. plural astáfk'i, státk'i ??. See: kusóchik. Category: material.
n. silly person, clumsy and stupid person, nerd??, dunce?? On astalóp. He is a clumsyperson. M'in'á mnóga raz astalóp naz'iwál'i. I was many times called a nerd. Kazhí shamán'il – astalóp. When you were mischievous - (you were called) a nerd. Category: personality.
n. silly person, clumsy and stupid person, nerd??, dunce?? On astalóp. He is a clumsyperson. M'in'á mnóga raz astalóp naz'iwál'i. I was many times called a nerd. Kazhí shamán'il – astalóp. When you were mischievous - (you were called) a nerd. Category: personality.
n. silly person, clumsy and stupid person, nerd??, dunce?? On astalóp. He is a clumsyperson. M'in'á mnóga raz astalóp naz'iwál'i. I was many times called a nerd. Kazhí shamán'il – astalóp. When you were mischievous - (you were called) a nerd. Category: personality.
v pfv. 1 • stop. Astanaw'ís! Stop! See: sabáshit' ‘quit’; p'iristat' ‘stop, quit’.
2 • stay. Yá magú tut astanaw'ítsa? Can I stop here? (for example, to stay overnight). See: búst'i.
adv. Be careful!
astrawók ОСТРОВОК.
n. small island. non-dimunitive óstraf. Category: water, locations.
asw'ishchónay wadá phr. holy water. See: sw'itóy wadá. Category: church.
at ОТ.
prep. from. Astarózhna, skl'ískay! Be careful, it's slippery!
Astarózhna, t'i mód'ish utanút! ?? Be careful, you might drown!
astrawók ОСТРОВОК.
n. small island. non-dimunitive óstraf. Category: water, locations.
asw'ishchónay wadá phr. holy water. See: sw'itóy wadá. Category: church.
at ОТ.
prep. from. Astarózhna, skl'ískay! Be careful, it's slippery!
Astarózhna, t'i mód'ish utanút! ?? Be careful, you might drown!
astrawók ОСТРОВОК.
n. small island. non-dimunitive óstraf. Category: water, locations.
asw'ishchónay wadá phr. holy water. See: sw'itóy wadá. Category: church.
at ОТ.
prep. from. Ya kup'íla at iwó. I (female) bought it from him. At kuy t'i prishól? ?? Where did you (male??) come from?
n. hell. Category: church.
atashát' ОТОЩАТЬ.
v pfv. be hungry, starving. Ya ochin' atashál. I (male) am very hungry.
On atashál. He is hungry. See: galódnay. Category: food, eat, body.
n. father. moy at'éts my father.
twoy at'éts your father.
v pfv. open. Ya dwér'i atkróyu. I am ?? opening ?? the door. ?? Ya atkróyu dwer'i. I will open the door. Aná atkróyit. She will open (it).
Moy at'éts on parúsk'i gawarél. My father talked Russian. See: pápa ‘dad’. Category: relatives.
v pfv. open. Ya dwér'i atkróyu. I am ?? opening ?? the door. ?? Ya atkróyu dwer'i. I will open the door. Aná atkróyit. She will open (it).
Moy at'éts on parúsk'i gawarél. My father talked Russian. See: pápa ‘dad’. Category: relatives.
v pfv. open. Ya dwér'i atkróyu. I am ?? opening ?? the door. ?? Ya atkróyu dwer'i. I will open the door. Aná atkróyit. She will open (it).
Atkr'íy dwér'i! Open the door!
atkr'ítay ОТКРЫТЫЙ.
adj. open. Akóshka atkr'íta. The window is open. Ya hachú dwér'i atkr'it'. I want to open the door. antonym zakr'ít'. Category: move.
atkr'ítay ОТКРЫТЫЙ.
adj. open. Akóshka atkr'íta. The window is open. Ya hachú dwér'i atkr'it'. I want to open the door. antonym zakr'ít'. Category: move.
atkr'ítay ОТКРЫТЫЙ.
adj. open. Akóshka atkr'íta. The window is open. Dwér'i atkr'ít'iya. The doors are open. ??
atkr'iwálka ОТКРЫВАЛКА.
n. opener. for example, a can opener. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, tools.
atkus'ít' ОТКУСИТЬ.
v pfv. bite. Sabáka mn'é atkus'íl'. The dog bit me. ipfv: kusát'.
atkúy pro. where from. Atkúy t'i pr'ishól? Where did you (male) come from?
Atkúy t'i pr'ishlá? Where did you (female) come from? See: attúy. Category: locations.
atparót' ОТПОРОТЬ ??
v pfv. spank, switch. This refers to spanking with an object such as a switch. ?? On iwó atparól. I spanked him (with something).
Ya hachú iwó atparót'. I want to spank him.
atpust'ít' ОТПУСТИТЬ.
v pfv. release, let go. Fchirá aná yiwó atparóla. Yesterday she spanked him.
M'in'á mnóga raz atparól'i. They spanked me many times. On yiwó atpar'ót. He will spank him.
Ya t'ib'á atpar'ú. I will spank you. See: signút' ‘swat’; shlópnut'.
atpust'ít' ОТПУСТИТЬ.
v pfv. release, let go. Fchirá aná yiwó atparóla. Yesterday she spanked him.
M'in'á mnóga raz atparól'i. They spanked me many times. On yiwó atpar'ót. He will spank him.
Ya t'ib'á atpar'ú. I will spank you. See: signút' ‘swat’; shlópnut'.
atpust'ít' ОТПУСТИТЬ.
v pfv. release, let go. On ih atpust'íl. He released them. Atpust'í iwo! Let it go! Ya iwó atpushchú. I will let him go. See: pust'ít'; spust'ít'.
v pfv. cut. Atrésh kartóf'il'i! Cut up the potatoes!
Ya nózhikam hl'ébu atrézala. I (female) cut the bread with a knife.
Mayí walasá kasmát'iya; ya íh atrézhu. My hair is unruly; I'm going for a trim. ipfv: rézat'. See: rézat' ‘cut’; abrétsa. Category: cook, groom.
atr'ignútsa v pfv. burp.
atr'iw'ítsa v pfv. poison oneself. On atr'ignúlsa. He burped.
On atr'igáyitsa. He is burping. Category: body.
atr'iw'ítsa v pfv. poison oneself. On atr'ignúlsa. He burped.
On atr'igáyitsa. He is burping. Category: body.
atr'iw'ítsa v pfv. poison oneself. T'i móg'ish atr'iw'ítsa. You could poison yourself. On atr'iw'ílsa. He poisoned himself. Category: sickness.
atrub'ít' v pfv. chop off, cut down.
Bábushka kúr'ina gólawu atrub'íla. Grandma chopped off the heads of the chickens.
atrub'ítay adj. chopped off. Étu nádu?? atrub'ít. ?? ??
On iwó atrub'ít. ?? He will chop it off. ??
Ya iwó atrub'ú. ?? I will chop it off. ??
Ya iwó atrub'íla. ?? I chopped it off. ?? adjective atrub'ítay. See: rúb'it''; t'ápat'. Category: record.
atrub'ítay adj. chopped off. Étu nádu?? atrub'ít. ?? ??
On iwó atrub'ít. ?? He will chop it off. ??
Ya iwó atrub'ú. ?? I will chop it off. ??
Ya iwó atrub'íla. ?? I chopped it off. ?? adjective atrub'ítay. See: rúb'it''; t'ápat'. Category: record.
atrub'ítay adj. chopped off. Iwónay pál'its atrub'ítay. His finger is chopped off. verb atrub'ít'. See: rub'ít'; t'ápat'. Category: record.
attúy pro. from there. variant attúyi. Aná skazála: “ {no} a ya hachú ad'é mayá máma .. Ya magú sa s n'im gawar'át' attúyi." She said: "No, I want (to be buried) where my mom (is). I can talk with him from there." See: atkúy. Category: locations.
v pfv. answer, reply. Ya atw'icháyu. I am answering.
(On) atwét'il. (He) answered. Category: speak.
awáy v. already.
Ya awáy ad'ihál. I have already rested.
Ya awáy w'iígral. I already won.
ayá prt. ouch. Ya awáy kónchila b'il'ó st'irát. ?? I already finished scrubbing the clothes. ??
ishó al'í náda ?? (The tide) isn't right yet. ?? See: ishó. Category: time.
ayá prt. ouch. Ya awáy kónchila b'il'ó st'irát. ?? I already finished scrubbing the clothes. ??
ishó al'í náda ?? (The tide) isn't right yet. ?? See: ishó. Category: time.
ayá prt. ouch. Ayá n'i náda, ayá kak ból'na! Ouch, don't, ouch, it hurts!
Ayá karótkay. I am short. See: ayayáy. Category: exclamations.
ayayáy prt. Wow! an expression of surprise--neutral, positive, or negative.
Ayayay! Tútaka mózhna nórk'i papkán pastáw'it'! Wow! There's so much water leaking in (your boat) you could set mink traps! See: ayá. Category: exclamations.
Ayayay! Tútaka mózhna nórk'i papkán pastáw'it'! phr. Wow! There's so much water leaking in (your boat) you could set mink traps! Lit: Here a trap for minks might be set.
n. 1 • tongue. variant yaz'ík. another recording; keep which??
Moy az'ík n'i hóchit skazát' chiwó ya dúmayu. My tongue won't say what I'm thinking.
2 • language. rúskay az'ík Russian language.
M'i gawaríl'i na rúskay az'ík. We spoke Russian.
Éta rúskay az'ík. This is the Russian language. ?? M'ir'ikánskay yaz'ík English language. Category: body.