H - h
v ipfv. walk. On nachináyit had'ít'. He is starting to walk.
Imú trúdna had'ít'. It's difficult for him to walk.
On had'íl. He walked.
hahatát' ХОХОТАТЬ.
v ipfv. guffaw, laugh. a more intense laugh than sm'iyátsa. A patóm t'i nócham w'izd'é hód'ish. ?? (But) then at night you walk around everywhere. ?? See: gul'át'; pr'ihad'ít'. Category: motion.
hahatát' ХОХОТАТЬ.
v ipfv. guffaw, laugh. a more intense laugh than sm'iyátsa. A patóm t'i nócham w'izd'é hód'ish. ?? (But) then at night you walk around everywhere. ?? See: gul'át'; pr'ihad'ít'. Category: motion.
hahatát' ХОХОТАТЬ.
v ipfv. guffaw, laugh. a more intense laugh than sm'iyátsa. On hahatáyit. He is guffawing. See: sm'iyátsa ‘laugh’.
halod'ít' ХОЛОДИТЬ.
v ipfv. draft. Halod'ít. (It feels like a) draft. See: hóladna. Category: temperature.
adj. cold. Mayí nog'í halódn'iya. My feet are cold. See: hóladna; zast'ílay. Category: weather.
halst'ína ХОЛСТИНА.
n. muslin ?? fabric for dresses. See: parus'ína. Category: material, Kibrik-Bergelson, record.
n. cabbage rolls.
haran'ít' ХОРОНИТЬ.
v ipfv. bury a deceased. another recording; keep which?? Category: food.
haran'ít' ХОРОНИТЬ.
v ipfv. bury a deceased. another recording; keep which?? Category: food.
haran'ít' ХОРОНИТЬ.
v ipfv. bury a deceased. (An'í iwó) haran'íl'i. They were burying him. See: zakapát'. Category: death.
adv. well, good. variant har'ishó. T'i harashó skazál. You (male) said it well.
Har'itón pn. Harry. dimunitive Har'itóshka. Harry Leman. Category: names, record.
T'i harashó spála? Did you (female) sleep well? See: haróshay; l'úchi; lushóy. Category: quality.
Har'itón pn. Harry. dimunitive Har'itóshka. Harry Leman. Category: names, record.
T'i harashó spála? Did you (female) sleep well? See: haróshay; l'úchi; lushóy. Category: quality.
Har'itón pn. Harry. dimunitive Har'itóshka. Harry Leman. Category: names, record.
Har'itóshka n. Harry. non-dimunitive Har'itón.
Har'itóshka, skar'itóshka, s'yel karówu i b'iká, sem' sot paras'át, ádna lápachk'i l'it'át. Little Harry, he ate a cow and a bull, 700 piglets, nothing but claws are flying. A teasing rhyme said to Harry Leman by his godfather Gregori Oskolkoff when Harry was a boy. Category: songs.
adj. good. On haróshay chelawék. He is a good person.
Éta kóshka haróshay. This cat is good.
Éta hl'éba haróshay. This bread is good.
Aná haróshaya. She is good.
Náshiy dóchka haróshaya. Our daughter is nice.
haróshay pagóda good weather. U n'iwó haróshay rabóta. He has a good job.
hata дом.
n. house. Hátu stróyit. He builds a house. See: dom. Category: Conor Daly, buildings.
haróshiya br'úk'i good pants. See: harashó; hudóy; dóbray. Category: quality.
hata дом.
n. house. Hátu stróyit. He builds a house. See: dom. Category: Conor Daly, buildings.
haróshiya br'úk'i good pants. See: harashó; hudóy; dóbray. Category: quality.
hata дом.
n. house. Hátu stróyit. He builds a house. See: dom. Category: Conor Daly, buildings.
n. boss, host. variant hazh'áyin; plural haz'áyin'i. U m'in'é mnóga bul'i hazh'áyin'i. I had (??) a lot of bosses. See: haz'áyka; gláwnay. Category: jobs.
haz'áyka ХОЗЯЙКА.
n. boss lady. See: haz'áyin. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, jobs.
n. bread. Ninilchik speakers most commonly use this pronunciation for bread, rather than hl'ep. another recording (which is better??) variant hl'ep; plural hl'éb'i.
hl'éba, hl'eb ?? (for reference; delete or hide??)
zapl'és'l'inay hl'éba moldy bread.
Aná hl'ébu p'ik'ót. She bakes bread. (was baking??) kusók hl'éba piece of bread.
hl'ibát' v ipfv. slurp. Damáshnay hl'éba haróshay hl'éba. Homemade bread is good bread. Category: food.
hl'ibát' v ipfv. slurp. Damáshnay hl'éba haróshay hl'éba. Homemade bread is good bread. Category: food.
hl'ibát' v ipfv. slurp. On hl'ibáyit. He is slurping.
A htó z'iwáyit uhú hl'ibáyit. Whoever is slow to the dinner table will slurp only broth. Category: sounds, eat, sayings.
hlópnut' хлопать.
v pfv. slap, smack, hit. On m'in'é hlópnul. He slapped me.
Ya múhu hlópnul. I smacked the fly. See: zw'íznat'.
hlopúshka n. firecracker. Ya ad'ín hlopúshku pust'íl. I let off one firecracker. Category: Conor Daly.
hmél' ХМЕЛЬ.
n. hops. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, drink.
hóchit' v ipfv. want. T'i hóchish ishó chay? Do you want more tea?
W'i hóchit'i chay? ?? Do you (plural) want tea?
Ya hachú chay. I want tea.
Ya hachú chay. (another recording; which should we keep??) I want tea.
Ya n'i hachú. I don't want it.
On hóchit. ?? He wants it. An'í hóchut chay. ?? They want tea.
On hóchit kúshat. ?? He wants to eat.
Ya n'i hachú yis. I don't want to eat.
Ya hat'éla chay chará. ?? I (female) wanted tea yesterday.
T'i hóchish ishó chay? ?? Do you want more tea?
M'i fse hóchim. ?? We all want. See: ahóta ‘urge’. Category: will.
adv. cold. variant halódna. M'in'é halódna. I am cold (lit. To me it is cold.)
M'in'é hóladna. (another recording, same speaker; keep??)
Z'imóy hóladna. It is cold in winter.
Óchin' halódna. It's very cold.
Imú s'idá hóladna, m'in'é s'idá t'ipló. ?? He is always cold; I am always warm. adjective halódnay. See: halod'ít ‘draft’; zast'ílay ‘freezing cold’; t'óplay ‘warm’; zhárka ‘hot’. Category: weather, temperature.
Imú s'idá hóladna, m'in'é s'idá t'ipló. ?? He is always cold; I am always warm. adjective halódnay. See: halod'ít ‘draft’; zast'ílay ‘freezing cold’; t'óplay ‘warm’; zhárka ‘hot’. Category: weather, temperature.
n. lower back. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, body.
holód'n'ik ХОЛОДИЛЬНИК.
n. variant holódn'ik. refrigerator. Category: tools.
n. choir (at church). Category: church.
hótka adv. fast.
Aná hótka b'izhít. She is running fast. adjective hótkay. See: shípka; b'ístra. Category: speed.
hramát' ХРОМАТЬ.
v ipfv. limp. hótkay adj. fast.
On hótkay. He's fast. ?? adverb hótka. See: shípka; b'ístra; óchin'. Category: speed.
hramát' ХРОМАТЬ.
v ipfv. limp. hótkay adj. fast.
On hótkay. He's fast. ?? adverb hótka. See: shípka; b'ístra; óchin'. Category: speed.
hramát' ХРОМАТЬ.
v ipfv. limp. On hramáyit. He's limping. Category: motion.
hrap'ét' ХРАПЕТЬ.
v ipfv. snore. On mnóga hrap'ít. He snores a lot. Ya hrap'yú. I snore. Ya hrap'íla. I (female) snored. On fchará hrap'él. He snored yesterday. Category: sleep.
pn. Christ. variant Kristós. Hristos waskrés. Christ is risen. Category: church.
Hristós waskrés ХРИСТОС ВOCKPEC.
phr. Christ is risen! See: Waíst'inu waskrés!. Category: church.
hto КТО ??
pn. Christ. variant Kristós. Hristos waskrés. Christ is risen. Category: church.
Hristós waskrés ХРИСТОС ВOCKPEC.
phr. Christ is risen! See: Waíst'inu waskrés!. Category: church.
hto КТО ??
pn. Christ. variant Kristós. Hristos waskrés. Christ is risen. Category: church.
Hristós waskrés ХРИСТОС ВOCKPEC.
phr. Christ is risen! See: Waíst'inu waskrés!. Category: church.
hto КТО ??
pro. who. A hto strél'il sahát? Who (male) shot the moose? A hto t'ibé pazwál? Who (male) called you ? dative kamú. See: n'ihtó.
adv. badly. Ya húda slúshayu. I hear badly.
húda ХУДО.
adv. badly. Ya húda slúshayu. I hear badly.
húda ХУДО.
adv. badly. Ya húda slúshayu. I hear badly.
Húda, safsém húda! Badly, totally badly!
On chiwóta húda zd'élal. He did something bad.
Ya húda gawarél. I spoke (pronounced??) badly. ?? adjective hudóy. See: húzhi ‘worse’. Category: quality.
Ya húda gawarél. I spoke (pronounced??) badly. ?? adjective hudóy. See: húzhi ‘worse’. Category: quality.
adj. no good, bad. Éta hl'éba hudóy. This bread is bad.
T'i hudóy mal'chíshka. You're a bad boy.
Hud'ím páhn'it. It smells bad.
Hudóy tóka moy! It may be bad but it's mine!
hud'íy kl'uchí bad keys.
hud'íya l'ud'í ?? bad people. hudáya bába bad woman. See: haróshay; húda. Category: quality.
huy ХУЙ.
n. penis. See: kámka. Category: body.
hudózhn'ik n. artist. See: art'íst. Category: jobs.
huy ХУЙ.
n. penis. See: kámka. Category: body.
hudózhn'ik n. artist. See: art'íst. Category: jobs.
huy ХУЙ.
n. penis. See: kámka. Category: body.
adv. worse. On húzhi fseh. He's the worst one. See: húda. Category: quality.
v ipfv. get sick. Ya hwaráyu. I'm sick.
On hwaráyit. He's sick. On hwaráyit. He is sick.
M'i hwaráyim. We are sick.
On hwarál. He was sick.
Aná óchin' hwarála. She was very sick. Ya n'i búdu hwarát'. I will not get ill. pfv: zahwarát'. See: bal'ét'; bal'nóy; hwarátsa. Category: sickness.
hwarátsa v ipfv. feel sick. Hwaráyitsa. (Someone) is sick. See: hwarát'. Category: sickness.
hwástoitsa ?? brag, boast; ХВАСТАТЬСЯ ??
n. braggart. On takóy hwastún. ?? ?? Category: personality.
hwatálka n. door knob. See: hwatát'. Category: house.
v ipfv. grab, touch. On hwatáyit. He touched (something). ??
Éta rabachísku hwatáyit knígi. ?? ??
On hwat'ít swoyí prichátk'i. ?? He's taking his gloves. ??
On hwatál. ?? ??
N'i náda éta hwatát! ?? pfv: zahwat'ít'. See: hwatálka ‘door knob’; wz'at' ‘take’.
n. tail. L'úchi iyó parúsk'i gawarú ?? stárzhit ?? stárshi ?? ... On hwástoisa. (I) speak better Russian than her; I am older. ... He is bragging. ??
n. braggart. On takóy hwastún. ?? ?? Category: personality.
hwatálka n. door knob. See: hwatát'. Category: house.
v ipfv. grab, touch. On hwatáyit. He touched (something). ??
Éta rabachísku hwatáyit knígi. ?? ??
On hwat'ít swoyí prichátk'i. ?? He's taking his gloves. ??
On hwatál. ?? ??
N'i náda éta hwatát! ?? pfv: zahwat'ít'. See: hwatálka ‘door knob’; wz'at' ‘take’.
n. tail. L'úchi iyó parúsk'i gawarú ?? stárzhit ?? stárshi ?? ... On hwástoisa. (I) speak better Russian than her; I am older. ... He is bragging. ??
n. braggart. On takóy hwastún. ?? ?? Category: personality.
hwatálka n. door knob. See: hwatát'. Category: house.
v ipfv. grab, touch. On hwatáyit. He touched (something). ??
Éta rabachísku hwatáyit knígi. ?? ??
On hwat'ít swoyí prichátk'i. ?? He's taking his gloves. ??
On hwatál. ?? ??
N'i náda éta hwatát! ?? pfv: zahwat'ít'. See: hwatálka ‘door knob’; wz'at' ‘take’.
n. tail. sabáchi hwos dog's tail. A bilingual rhyme in Ninilchik is: "You're the boss; I'm sabachi hwos (I'm a dog's tail)." The following is sometimes said when you get mad at someone:
Éta sabáchi hwos. ?? babróway hwos beaver's tail.
babrónay hwos
pt'íchk'ina hwos bird's tail.
Xvos n'étu, ízhi l'es on takóy karótkay. ?? (A bear) doesn't have a tail, but actually he has a kind of short one. ?? Category: body, animals, sayings.