Y - y
pro. I. Ya znáyu. I know (it).
Ya pamagáyu. I'm helping. See: m'in'é; mnoy; moy; m'i. Category: pronouns.
Ya t'ib'a wet' n'i zabúl. phr. I will never forget you song.
Ya t'ib'a wet' n'i zabúl, ya wet' t'ib'a wet' n'i zabúl, a kak zha ya t'ib'á zabúdu, a t'i tsalúy m'in'é. I will never forget you <two>, so how then I will forget you, and you kiss me! Category: songs.
Ya t'ibé kak w'int shéyu phr. I'm going to (wring off) your neck as a screw. said to a chicken before killing it. Category: sayings, record.
Ya znáyu Boh fs'igdá pamóg'it' mn'é phr. I know that God will always help me. Ya znáyu Boh fs'igdá pamóg'it' mn'e, ya znáyu Boh fs'igdá pamóg'it' mn'e. Yézhl'i ya imú zhivyú i fs'yó imú ya pr'ilazhú, ya znáyu Boh fs'igdá pamóg'it' mn'e. I know that God will always help me (2 times). If I live for him and bring everything to him, I know that God will always help me. Category: songs.
n. apple. plural yáblak'i. Category: fruit.
yágada ЯГОДА. another recording: yágada (Which recording is better??).
n. berry. plural yágad'i. another recording of the plural (keep which??)
Ízhi mnóga yágad'i? Are there lots of berries?
Tam mnóga yágad'i? Are there lots of berries?
Tútaka mnóga yágad'i. There are many berries here.
Tut yes (??) mnóga yágad'i. ?? There are many berries here.
D'es' mnóga yágad'i. There's a lot of berries here.
M'i fs'idá mnóga yágad'i sab'irál'i. We were always picking many berries.
Mi s'idá yágad'i sab'iráim. ?? We always pick berries.
Na túndrachk'i .. na túndr'i yágad'i. Berries (grow) on the flats. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, berries.
Mi s'idá yágad'i sab'iráim. ?? We always pick berries.
Na túndrachk'i .. na túndr'i yágad'i. Berries (grow) on the flats. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, berries.
n. jack. This is not the usual Russian name for this card, so it is probably a loan translation from English "Jack" through Russian Jacob, ЯКОВ. Category: cards.
n. anchor. variant yákara; plural yákar'í. See: nakar'ú. Category: boats.
n. hole, pit. plural yám'i; dimunitive yámishka. Yama is like a hole in the ground, an indentation. D'ira would be like a hole through something, such as a piece of wood. Yáma glubókay. The hole is deep. See: d'irá ‘hole’.
yarma ЯРМО.
n. yoke. See: karam'ísla. Category: tools.
n. anchor. variant yákara; plural yákar'í. See: nakar'ú. Category: boats.
n. hole, pit. plural yám'i; dimunitive yámishka. Yama is like a hole in the ground, an indentation. D'ira would be like a hole through something, such as a piece of wood. Yáma glubókay. The hole is deep. See: d'irá ‘hole’.
yarma ЯРМО.
n. yoke. See: karam'ísla. Category: tools.
n. anchor. variant yákara; plural yákar'í. See: nakar'ú. Category: boats.
n. hole, pit. plural yám'i; dimunitive yámishka. Yama is like a hole in the ground, an indentation. D'ira would be like a hole through something, such as a piece of wood. Yáma glubókay. The hole is deep. See: d'irá ‘hole’.
yarma ЯРМО.
n. yoke. See: karam'ísla. Category: tools.
n. box. variant yáshik. See: kartús. Category: containers, record.
n. hawk. ... yástr'ip ... ?? ?? Category: birds.
n. hawk. ... yástr'ip ... ?? ?? Category: birds.
n. hawk. ... yástr'ip ... ?? ?? Category: birds.
yes' adv ??. emphatic ??
U m'in'é yes' dom. I have a house. cf. U m'in'é dom. 'I have a house.' ??
U yey yes' dom. She has a house.
v ipfv. ride. On na lóshada yézd'it. He's riding the horse.
U t'ibé yes' dom? Do you have a house? U m'in'é yes' dway yúpk'i. I have two slips.
v ipfv. ride. On na lóshada yézd'it. He's riding the horse.
U t'ibé yes' dom? Do you have a house? U m'in'é yes' dway yúpk'i. I have two slips.
v ipfv. ride. On na lóshada yézd'it. He's riding the horse.
On yézd'it na nárt'i. He's riding on a sled.
Yézhl'i t'i m'in'é. phr. Ya n'i hachú na lóshada yézd'it'. I don't want to ride the horse.
Fchirá on na nárt'i yézd'il. Yesterday he was riding on a sled. pfv: ??. See: pr'iyéhat'; dayéhat'; zayéhat'. Category: motion.
Yézhl'i t'i m'in'é. phr. Ya n'i hachú na lóshada yézd'it'. I don't want to ride the horse.
Fchirá on na nárt'i yézd'il. Yesterday he was riding on a sled. pfv: ??. See: pr'iyéhat'; dayéhat'; zayéhat'. Category: motion.
Yézhl'i t'i m'in'é. phr. Yézhl'i t'i m'in'é w káman'im k'ín'ish, ya Bózhin'k'i skazhú. If you throw a rock at me, I'll tell God on you. (what a local bird says). Category: songs.
yíhnay pro. their. variant íhnay; plural yíhn'iya.
yíhnay dom their house.
yíhn'iya bashmak'í their shoes.
Yíhn'iya rab'at'íshk'i mál'in'k'iya. Their children are small.
Yil'éna pn. Helen. Category: names, record.
yim ЕМУ.
pro. him. variant im, n'im. Ya yíhnay rab'at'íshk'i n'i w'idála. I have not seen their children. See: an'í; ih; iwónay; iyónay.
Yil'éna pn. Helen. Category: names, record.
yim ЕМУ.
pro. him. variant im, n'im. Ya yíhnay rab'at'íshk'i n'i w'idála. I have not seen their children. See: an'í; ih; iwónay; iyónay.
Yil'éna pn. Helen. Category: names, record.
yim ЕМУ.
pro. him. variant im, n'im. Ya s yim paydú. I will go with him.
B'izhí sas n'im! Run with him! See: on; iwó; imú; n'ey; iwónay. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, Wayne Leman, pronouns.
v ipfv. eat. On yes. He's eating.
(woman's voice; keep which recording??)
On mnóga yes. He's eating a lot.
Ya hachú yis. I want to eat.
Ya n'i hachú yis. I don't want to eat.
Ya yem. I am eating.
Chiwó t'i yesh? What are you eating?
Chiwó t'i yéla? ?? What did you (female) eat?
Id'í yis'! Come eat!
Id'í, m'i búd'im yis! Come, we are going to eat.
T'i búd'ish yis'? Are you going to eat?
Ya búdu yis' káshka s ét'im. I will eat bread and milk with it.
M'ása n'i yid'át káda post. Meat is not eaten during Lent. pfv: payés'. See: kúshat'; s'yest'. Category: eat.
n. truth; variant íst'ina. See: práwda; waíst'inu. Category: quality.
Yiwráshka Евражка.
n. gopher. any of several ground squirrels of the genus Citellus, of the prairie regions of North America. Yirmáshka. Ye… kak éta parúsk'i? - Yiwráshka. Goph= ... How is it in Russian? Gopher. Category: record.
n. 1 • egg. variant yáytsa, yáysa; plural yáyts'i, yáys'i. ad'ín yáytsa one egg. Kúra yáytsu sn'islá. The chicken laid an egg.
An'í yáyts'i kráshut. They are coloring eggs.
2 • testicle. Category: body, birds.
n. spruce tree. plural yólk'i. Yáysa zak'ís. ?? The egg is rotten. ??
2 • testicle. Category: body, birds.
n. spruce tree. plural yólk'i. Yáysa zak'ís. ?? The egg is rotten. ??
2 • testicle. Category: body, birds.
n. spruce tree. plural yólk'i. Yólk'i pálk'i gustóy l'es! Spruce trees, canes, dense forest!
yólk'i igólk'i spruce (and) needles (rhyming saying). Category: Kibrik-Bergelson.
yúkala n. dried fish. A favorite way to cook yukala was to boil it with potatoes and onions. Yúkala is a word used in some parts of Russia as well as Alaska. Notice this excerpt from a book about the Yakutia area of eastern Russia: "...Titov took all the yukala (dried fish) and fish that he wanted to from under the very eyes of the owners. He fed his dogs with the best salmon which he had taken from the Yakuts, and finally he sold his nets and demanded new ones." (http://www.cosmicelk.net/1890-1912.htm; H. Sheynin).
(yukala discussion) transcribe?? ?? See: táyshi; balík; chíkalin. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, fish.
(yukala discussion) transcribe?? ?? See: táyshi; balík; chíkalin. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, fish.
Yukrán pn. Ukraine. Category: locations.
Yukrán'i УКРАИНЦЫ.
n. Ukrainians. See: paukránsk'iya. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, nationalities, record.
Yul' n. July. Category: time, months.
Yúl'ya pn. Julia. Category: names.
Yun' ИЮНЬ.
n. June. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, time, months, record.
n. slip, petticoat. plural yupki. U m'in'á yes' dwa yúpk'i. I have two slips. Category: clothes.