C - c
n. man, person. another recording (keep which one??) Sometimes the pronunciation is close to chelawék, but the more common pronunciation has the first vowel sounding close to the "a" as in "father". There is uncertainty among Ninilchik speakers about whether chalawék can also be a female. Kibrik and Bergelson also heard these pronunciations: chálowék, chólowék, chélowék, chilowék. plural chalawék'i.
On haróshay chalawék. He's a good man.
Chál'i pn. Charlie, Charles. See: K'iríl. Category: names.
ad'ín chalawek one man.
adnóy chalawék one man. See: muzhík ‘man’; l'úd'i ‘people’. Category: people.
Chál'i pn. Charlie, Charles. See: K'iríl. Category: names.
ad'ín chalawek one man.
adnóy chalawék one man. See: muzhík ‘man’; l'úd'i ‘people’. Category: people.
Chál'i pn. Charlie, Charles. See: K'iríl. Category: names.
chamáy prt. hello. Category: greetings.
adv. yesterday. variant fchará. On chará p'il. He drank yesterday.
Ya yih chará w'íd'ila. I (female) saw them yesterday. See: pazáfchará ‘day before yesterday’. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, time.
n. hour, time. Katór'i chas? What time is it?
Chas prashól. An hour has passed. See: s'ichás; wrém'a. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, time.
n. cup. Category: containers.
adv. often. Aná chásta gul'áyit. She visits often. Category: time.
adv. often. Aná chásta gul'áyit. She visits often. Category: time.
adv. often. Aná chásta gul'áyit. She visits often. Category: time.
n. king salmon, chinook. plural chaw'íchi. Ya óchin bal'shóy chaw'íchu dóbal. I caught a big king salmon. See: s'ómga; k'itá; k'ízhuch; krásnay r'íba; garbúsha. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson.
n. tea. T'i hóchish ishó chay? Do you want more tea? Category: drink.
n. seagull. plural cháyk'i. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, birds.
Cháyk'ina Túndra pn. Sea Gull Egg Flat. variant Cháyk'ina Yáytsa Túndra. about 1/2 m'il'e NE of North Bar; some peopl'e said the name without Yaytsa 'egg', but everyone knew the flat was named for the sea gull eggs which people gathered there to eat. Category: locations, flats, swamps.
n. 1 • tea kettle, tea pot, tea kettle. Cháyn'ik k'ip'ít. The tea kettle is boiling.
2 • penis. Category: containers, body.
chem ЧЕМ.
conj. than. Ya n'i w'inawat shto t'ibé ch'arnaókuyu ból'shi chem dúshu l'ubl'ú. I am not guilty that I love you, dark-eyed one, more than my soul.
n. turtle. Category: animals.
n. turtle. Category: animals.
n. turtle. Category: animals.
prep. across. Ya chér'is' réchku pr'ishól. I crossed the river. Category: locations.
v ipfv. dip. On wódu cherpál. He dipped water. Category: water.
n. hearts (of cards). singular chérwa. Sometimes this word for hearts (body organs) is used in Ninilchik for this suite of cards. See: sértsa. Category: cards.
chésnay ЧЕСТНЫЙ.
adj. honest. chésnay slówa I bet.
chihát' ЧИХАТЬ.
v ipfv. sneeze. variant schihát', t'ihát'; pfv: chihnút'. Category: body, sickness.
chihnút' ЧИХНУТЬ.
v pfv. sneeze. variant schihnút'. On chihnúl. He sneezed. chihnúl (He) sneezed. ipfv: chihát'. Category: body, sickness.
chésna slówa ?? ?? Category: record.
chihát' ЧИХАТЬ.
v ipfv. sneeze. variant schihát', t'ihát'; pfv: chihnút'. Category: body, sickness.
chihnút' ЧИХНУТЬ.
v pfv. sneeze. variant schihnút'. On chihnúl. He sneezed. chihnúl (He) sneezed. ipfv: chihát'. Category: body, sickness.
chésna slówa ?? ?? Category: record.
chihát' ЧИХАТЬ.
v ipfv. sneeze. variant schihát', t'ihát'; pfv: chihnút'. Category: body, sickness.
chihnút' ЧИХНУТЬ.
v pfv. sneeze. variant schihnút'. On chihnúl. He sneezed. chihnúl (He) sneezed. ipfv: chihát'. Category: body, sickness.
n. case - gun. Category: containers, Kibrik-Bergelson.
n. tuberculosis, T.B. Category: sickness.
chikaláshk'i n. sloppy old guy. nickname for Larry O. Sr. Category: names.
chíkalin n. fermented fish. fish that is allowed to ferment under the ground or in a burlap bag then eaten; the fish turns to a jelly-like texture. See: yúkala; tayshí; balík. Category: fish.
chinówn'ik ЧИНОВНИК.
n. official, bureaucrat. Category: jobs.
chipuhá n. baloney.
n. blackberry, crowberry. This is a rather flavorless berry that grows next to the moss. Ninilchik people often call it a "blackberry" in English, but it is not the blackberry that looks like a big raspberry and grows on high bushes in other places. plural chirn'ík'i. See: shíksha. Category: berries.
n. ink. Category: school.
n. ink. Category: school.
n. ink. Category: school.
n. dipper. variant chirpálka. See: chirpát'. Category: water, containers.
n. dipper. variant chirpák. verb chirpát'. Category: water, containers.
v ipfv. dip. pfv: chirpnút'. chérpit'
chirpálka ЧЕРПАК.
n. dipper. variant chirpák. verb chirpát'. Category: water, containers.
v ipfv. dip. pfv: chirpnút'. chérpit'
chirpálka ЧЕРПАК.
n. dipper. variant chirpák. verb chirpát'. Category: water, containers.
v ipfv. dip. pfv: chirpnút'. chérpit'
On wódu chirpál. He dipped water.
chirpnút' ЧЕРПНУТЬ.
v pfv. dip. On wódu chirpnúl. He has dipped water. ipfv: chirpát'. Category: water.
Ya n'i hachú ból'shi chirpát'. ?? I don't want to dip (water) anymore.
Ya n'i l'ubl'ú chirpát'. I don't like to dip (water).
Ya n'i búdu chirpát'. I'm not going to dip (water). ??
On wódu chirpáyit. He is dipping water.
On cherpáyit'. He is dipping (water). See: chirpák ‘dipper’; chirpálka ‘dipper’; t'irpét' ‘endure’. Category: water.
chirpnút' ЧЕРПНУТЬ.
v pfv. dip. On wódu chirpnúl. He has dipped water. ipfv: chirpát'. Category: water.
Ya n'i hachú ból'shi chirpát'. ?? I don't want to dip (water) anymore.
Ya n'i l'ubl'ú chirpát'. I don't like to dip (water).
Ya n'i búdu chirpát'. I'm not going to dip (water). ??
On wódu chirpáyit. He is dipping water.
On cherpáyit'. He is dipping (water). See: chirpák ‘dipper’; chirpálka ‘dipper’; t'irpét' ‘endure’. Category: water.
chirpnút' ЧЕРПНУТЬ.
v pfv. dip. On wódu chirpnúl. He has dipped water. ipfv: chirpát'. Category: water.
chíshka n. urine, pee. See: sáka; chíshkat'. Category: body.
chíshkat' v ipfv. urinate, pee.
Ya paydú chíshkat. I'm going to pee.
Ya chíshkayu. I'm urinating. See: p'ísat'; abasát'. Category: body.
n. scale (of fish). Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, fish.
n. clock, watch. karmán'i chis'í pocket watch. Na pólk'i chis'í. The clock is on the shelf. Category: time.
chisnók ЧЕСНОК.
n. garlic. variant chiznúk. Category: food.
n. clock, watch. karmán'i chis'í pocket watch. Na pólk'i chis'í. The clock is on the shelf. Category: time.
chisnók ЧЕСНОК.
n. garlic. variant chiznúk. Category: food.
n. clock, watch. karmán'i chis'í pocket watch. Na pólk'i chis'í. The clock is on the shelf. Category: time.
chisnók ЧЕСНОК.
n. garlic. variant chiznúk. Category: food.
adj. clean. Twoy dom chístay. Your house is clean.
Moy akóshka chístay. My window is clean. See: chíst'it'; w'íchist'it'. Category: quality.
chíst'it' ЧИСТИТЬ.
v ipfv. clean, dress out, peel??, shovel. This word is a general word for cleaning and is also used for cleaning (dressing out) animals and shoveling snow. (On) chischít. ?? He's scraping. ??
(On) r'íbu chishít ?? He's cleaning a fish. ??
(On) sahátay chíschit ?? He's dressing out a moose. ??
On sn'ek chíst'it. He's shoveling snow (lit. he's cleaning snow). pfv: w'íchist'it'; adjective ch'ístay. Category: animals, fish.
chitát' СЧИТАТЬ.
v ipfv. read, count. On chitáyit. He's reading. Or, he's counting.
On r'íbu chitáyit. He's counting fish.
n. reader. verb chitát'. Category: church.
Ya chitáyu. I'm reading. Ya chitáyu kn'ígu. I am reading a book. See: sch'ot. Category: school.
n. reader. verb chitát'. Category: church.
Ya chitáyu. I'm reading. Ya chitáyu kn'ígu. I am reading a book. See: sch'ot. Category: school.
n. reader. verb chitát'. Category: church.
chit'éts n. church reader, lector. variant shchets. See: psalómchik. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, church.
num. four. variant chichír'i. Category: numbers.
num. fourteen. Category: numbers.
n. Thursday. variant chitwérik. Category: days, time.
pro. 1 • what. Chiwó éta? What's this?
Chiwó t'i skazála? ?? What did you say? (said to a woman).
Chiwó t'i d'élaish? What are you doing?
another recording (which is better??)
Chiwó támaka? What is that over there?
Chiwó éta takóy? What kind is this? ??
Chiwó sluch'ílas'? What happened?
2 • why. Chiwó t'i m'in'a spráshiwaish? Why would you ask me that ? A chiwó t'i tak mnóga schiháyish? Why are you sneezing so much? See: pachimú.
Chiwó búd'it to i búd'it. Whatever will be will be.
Chiwó t'ibé náda. ?? Chiwó búd'it to i búd'it. ?? Whatever will be will be. (Irene Leman used to say this.)
Chiwó t'i parúsk'i ...? ?? What did you ...? ?? See: shto.
2 • why. Chiwó t'i m'in'a spráshiwaish? Why would you ask me that ? A chiwó t'i tak mnóga schiháyish? Why are you sneezing so much? See: pachimú.
Chiwó búd'it to i búd'it. Whatever will be will be.
Chiwó t'ibé náda. ?? Chiwó búd'it to i búd'it. ?? Whatever will be will be. (Irene Leman used to say this.)
Chiwó t'i parúsk'i ...? ?? What did you ...? ?? See: shto.
2 • why. Chiwó t'i m'in'a spráshiwaish? Why would you ask me that ? A chiwó t'i tak mnóga schiháyish? Why are you sneezing so much? See: pachimú.
Chiwó búd'it to i búd'it. Whatever will be will be.
Chiwó takói? What's happening?
chiwóta pro. something. variant chiwóyta.
pro. whose. Ya n'i znáyu chiyá éta bashmak'í. I don't know whose shoes these are.
chízhik song phr. ?? Chízhik, chízhik gd'e t'i bul? Za garám'i wótku p'il. W'íp'il r'úmku, w'íp'il dwe, Zashuméla w galawé. Yellow bird, yellow bird, where have you been? I have been drinking vodka behind the hills. I have had one shot, had another shot And got dizzy (lit. there was noise in my head). Category: songs.
chórka n. curtain. variant shtórka. plural chórk'i, shtórk'i. See: zanawéska; t'órka. Category: house.
adj. black. variant chórnay. chórnay pt'ítsa black bird.
chórnay ЧЕРНЫЙ.
adj. black. variant chórnay. chórnay pt'ítsa black bird.
chórnay ЧЕРНЫЙ.
adj. black. variant chórnay. chórnay pt'ítsa black bird.
chórnaya pt'ítsa blackbird. chórnay m'idwét' black bear. chórnay chort black devil.
chórn'iya walasá black hair. See: t'ómnay; pachern'ét'. Category: colors.
chórnay m'idwét' n. black bear. Category: animals.
chórnaya pt'ítsa n. black bird. Lit: black bird variant chórnay pt'ítsa.
chórnay pt'ítsa black bird.
chórnay pt'ítsa or chórnaya pt'ítsa discussion ?? Category: birds.
chórnay pt'ítsa black bird.
chórnay pt'ítsa or chórnaya pt'ítsa discussion ?? Category: birds.
n. devil. Id'ít'i k chórtu! Go to the devil! (commonly said as swear words in Ninilchik).
Chuh chuh chuhaná - chort sabáka sataná (something like swearing at someone) Sneeze, sneeze, sneeze - devil, dog, Satan!
Chuh, chuh, chúhala, chort, sabáka, Sátana! (another recording) Sneeze, sneeze, sneeze, devil, dog, Satan. See: d'yáwal; Sátana.
n. spooky thing. variant chúd'is'a. It's more than a ghost, it's not specific. It may be some sound, noise. Something you don't see. Anything spooky and paranormal. See: chud'ít'.
chud'ít' ЧУДИТЬ.
v ipfv. 1 • spook. chúda ЧУДО.
n. spooky thing. variant chúd'is'a. It's more than a ghost, it's not specific. It may be some sound, noise. Something you don't see. Anything spooky and paranormal. See: chud'ít'.
chud'ít' ЧУДИТЬ.
v ipfv. 1 • spook. chúda ЧУДО.
n. spooky thing. variant chúd'is'a. It's more than a ghost, it's not specific. It may be some sound, noise. Something you don't see. Anything spooky and paranormal. See: chud'ít'.
chud'ít' ЧУДИТЬ.
v ipfv. 1 • spook. Chiwóta chud'ít. Something spooked (for example, made a spooky sound).
2 • party, weirdly behave. Chiwóta wéchiram chud'ít. Something strange is going on in the evening. Ya hachú chud'ít'. I want to scare someone. noun chúda. See: nachud'ít' ‘spook’; pugát' ‘scare’.
2 • party, weirdly behave. Chiwóta wéchiram chud'ít. Something strange is going on in the evening. Ya hachú chud'ít'. I want to scare someone. noun chúda. See: nachud'ít' ‘spook’; pugát' ‘scare’.
2 • party, weirdly behave. Payd'óm chud'ít'! Let's go party! On chud'ít. He is brawling. M'i chud'íl'i. We were partying and raising hell. Ya haróshaya, ya n'i chud'ú. I am good, I am not raising hell.
Chuh chuh chuhaná - chort sabáka sataná phr. devil dog Satan saying. Lit: sound of a motor, devil, dog, satan Category: sayings.
Chuhn'á n. Finn. plural Chuhn'í. Category: nationalities, Kibrik-Bergelson.
n. socks, stockings. plural chulk'í ‘ЧУЛКИ’. womenstockings" src="audio/sock.wav" target="_blank" onclick="javascript:BatmoAudioPop('Lexique Pro Audio',this.href,'1'); return false"> chulók ЧУЛОК.
n. socks, stockings. plural chulk'í ‘ЧУЛКИ’. womenstockings.mp3"> chulók ЧУЛОК.
n. socks, stockings. plural chulk'í ‘ЧУЛКИ’. womenstockings').play(); return false"> d'éfk'ina chulk'í. womenstockings2.mp3 On swoy chulók abarwál.
chum n. buddy. See: druh. Category: names.
n. worm. plural chur'yak'í; variant cherwák. another recording; which keep??
U r'íb'i cherwak'í. The fish have worms. Category: animals.
chústwat' v ipfv. feel, sense. for instance, of feeling the urge to do something such as some bodily function. On n'i chústwayit. He doesn't feel (it). Aná chústwala. She felt (it). See: lafchít'. Category: body.
chuyí chuyí phr. describing sounds made by oars in oarlocks.