Ninilchik Russian Dictionary


K - k

kachálka   КАЧАЛКА.

n. rocking chair, rocker. Category: house.

kachát'   КАЧАТЬ.

v ipfv. rock, swing. Aná béb'ichku kacháyit. She is rocking the baby. On kacháyitsa. He is rocking. Kacháy! Rock it! pfv: pakachát'. Category: motion, move.

kachél'   КАЧЕЛИ.

n. swing. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, play.

kadá   КОГДА.

1 • pro. when. variant kará. Kadá t'i pr'ishlá? When did you (female) get back?

2 • conj. when, during, while. Kadá ya bul maladóy ya sadók stróil. When I was young I built a fish trap. On gawar'ít kadá on sp'it. He talks while he is sleeping. Myása n'i id'át kadá post. Meat is not eaten during Lent. Kadá post prayd'ót m'i búd'im kul'ích yis'. When Lent is over we will eat Easter bread.

Káda i ... ?? ?? See: n'ikadá never; tadá then. Category: time.

Káda i ... ?? ?? See: n'ikadá never; tadá then. Category: time.

Kad'ák   n. Kodiak person. plural kad'ák'i. Category: nationalities.

kadán'ibut'   pro. sometime, any time. See: kadáta. Category: time.

kadáta   КОГДА-ТО.

pro. sometime. Kadáta ya paydú S'úart. Sometime I'm going to Seward. See: kadán'ibut'. Category: time.

kad'íla   КАДИЛА.

n. censer, incense holder. This is an incense holder that a priest swings at a service or when blessing a house. In Ninilchik there was usually a cross on its bottom. In Russia sometimes there is a bell. Category: Wayne Leman, church.

n. coffee pot. another recording; which keep?? Tea can be made in it also. See: kóf'i coffee; cháyn'ik tea pot. Category: drink, containers.

kaféyn'ik   КОФЕЙНИК.

n. coffee pot. another recording; which keep?? Tea can be made in it also. See: kóf'i coffee; cháyn'ik tea pot. Category: drink, containers.

kaféyn'ik   КОФЕЙНИК.

n. coffee pot. another recording; which keep?? Tea can be made in it also. See: kóf'i coffee; cháyn'ik tea pot. Category: drink, containers.

kak   1 • pro. what, how. Kak twoy brat? How is your brother? Kak skazát? How is it said?

2 • conj. as, like. On kak sabáka b'izhít. He runs like a dog. kak garnastáy na p'ál'i as an ermine on a skinstretcher. See: kakóy.

kakarús   КУКУРУЗА.

n. corn. variant kukurús. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, food, plants.

Kak t'i pr'ishlá sudá? How did you get here?

2 • conj. as, like. On kak sabáka b'izhít. He runs like a dog. kak garnastáy na p'ál'i as an ermine on a skinstretcher. See: kakóy.

kakarús   КУКУРУЗА.

n. corn. variant kukurús. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, food, plants.

Kak t'i pr'ishlá sudá? How did you get here?

2 • conj. as, like. On kak sabáka b'izhít. He runs like a dog. kak garnastáy na p'ál'i as an ermine on a skinstretcher. See: kakóy.

kakarús   КУКУРУЗА.

n. corn. variant kukurús. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, food, plants.

kakóy   КАКОЙ.

pro. what. Kakóy u t'ib'á pagóda? How's your weather? Kakóy u was bol'? What sickness do you have? See: kak; takóy; íshkakoy.

kála   КАЛ.

n. droppings, animal feces, turd. See: túnta; gawnó. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, animals.

kalabáshka   n. fritters. plural kalabáshk'i. Category: Wayne Leman, food.

kalakón'   n. bell. variant kalakól'; plural kalakón'i. Kalakón'i zwan'át. The bells are ringing. dimunitive kalakónchik. Category: school, church.

kalakónchik   n. small bell. non-dimunitive kalakón'. Category: school, church.

kalatúshka   КОЛОТУШКА.

n. club. d'yáwal'ina kalatúshka devil's club. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, plants.

kalawarót   КОЛОВОРОТ.

n. drill. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, tools, record.

kalbak'í   n. high-heeled shoes. singular kalbak. See: t'úhl'i; bashmák.

kal'échka   n. ring. Pat'ir'ála ya kal'échku, pat'ir'ála ya l'úbof'. I za étu za kal'échku búdu plákat' d'én' i noch. I have lost my ring, I have lost love. And for this ring I will weep day and night. non-dimunitive kal'tsó. Category: songs.

kal'éga   КАЛЕКА.

n. cripple. Category: sickness.

n. knee. plural kal'énk'i. Category: body.

kal'idór   КОРИДОР.

n. entryway, enclosed porch, Arctic entrance, mudroom. pronounced kálidor [kǽlIdor] by non-Russian speakers in Ninilchik. (On) kal'idór papraw'il'ait. ?? He's fixing our mudroom. Category: house.

kal'ína   КАЛИНА.

n. high bush cranberry. plural kal'ín'i. W'i iréy?? ananasú??, w'i raskús kal'ína. ?? ?? See: brusn'íka low bush cranberry. Category: berries.

kal'indár   КАЛЕНДАРЬ.

n. calendar. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, time.

kal'ishók   n. wallet, purse. See: d'én'ishn'ik. Category: money, containers.

kal'isó   КОЛЕСО.

n. wheel. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, tools, record.

kalód'its   КОЛОДЕЦ.

n. well. plural kalód'i, kalód'its'i. Category: water.

kalósha   ГАЛОША.

n. 1 • overshoe. plural kalóshi КАЛОШИ.

2 • Tlingit. Category: people, clothes.

kal'énka   КОЛЕНКА.

n. knee. plural kal'énk'i. Category: body.

kal'idór   КОРИДОР.

n. entryway, enclosed porch, Arctic entrance, mudroom. pronounced kálidor [kǽlIdor] by non-Russian speakers in Ninilchik. (On) kal'idór papraw'il'ait. ?? He's fixing our mudroom. Category: house.

kal'ína   КАЛИНА.

n. high bush cranberry. plural kal'ín'i. W'i iréy?? ananasú??, w'i raskús kal'ína. ?? ?? See: brusn'íka low bush cranberry. Category: berries.

kal'indár   КАЛЕНДАРЬ.

n. calendar. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, time.

kal'ishók   n. wallet, purse. See: d'én'ishn'ik. Category: money, containers.

kal'isó   КОЛЕСО.

n. wheel. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, tools, record.

kalód'its   КОЛОДЕЦ.

n. well. plural kalód'i, kalód'its'i. Category: water.

kalósha   ГАЛОША.

n. 1 • overshoe. plural kalóshi КАЛОШИ.

2 • Tlingit. Category: people, clothes.

kal'énka   КОЛЕНКА.

n. knee. plural kal'énk'i. Category: body.

kal'idór   КОРИДОР.

n. entryway, enclosed porch, Arctic entrance, mudroom. pronounced kálidor [kǽlIdor] by non-Russian speakers in Ninilchik. (On) kal'idór papraw'il'ait. ?? He's fixing our mudroom. Category: house.

kal'ína   КАЛИНА.

n. high bush cranberry. plural kal'ín'i. W'i iréy?? ananasú??, w'i raskús kal'ína. ?? ?? See: brusn'íka low bush cranberry. Category: berries.

kal'indár   КАЛЕНДАРЬ.

n. calendar. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, time.

kal'ishók   n. wallet, purse. See: d'én'ishn'ik. Category: money, containers.

kal'isó   КОЛЕСО.

n. wheel. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, tools, record.

kalód'its   КОЛОДЕЦ.

n. well. plural kalód'i, kalód'its'i. Category: water.

kalósha   ГАЛОША.

n. 1 • overshoe. plural kalóshi КАЛОШИ.

2 • Tlingit. Category: people, clothes.

kalpák   КОЛПАК.

n. cap. See: shápka. Category: clothes.

kal'tsó   КОЛЬЦО.

n. ring. dimunitive kal'échka.

kál'uk   n. chamber pot, pee pot, potty can, honey bucket. plural kál'uk'i; synonym sháyka. Alut'iiq borrow'ing. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, containers.

kalúzhina   КАЛЮЖИНА.

n. puddle. Category: water. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson.

kamák   n. masker, mummer, masked person, masquerader. These masqueraders would go around to houses right after Russian Christmas. They dress in costumes to scare the Devil away. This is called going "masking". another recording; keep which?? plural kamak'í. another recording of the plural; keep which?? Kamak'í idút. Masqueraders are coming. On ad'élsa kak kamarák. ?? He dressed (??) as a masquerader. See: maskarát. Category: holidays.

kamák   n. masker, mummer, masked person, masquerader. These masqueraders would go around to houses right after Russian Christmas. They dress in costumes to scare the Devil away. This is called going "masking". another recording; keep which?? plural kamak'í. another recording of the plural; keep which?? Kamak'í idút. Masqueraders are coming. On ad'élsa kak kamarák. ?? He dressed (??) as a masquerader. See: maskarát. Category: holidays.

kamár   КОМАР.

n. mosquito. plural kamar'í. Zd'es' b'iwáyut mnóga kamár'i. There are many mosquitoes. d'édushka kamár grandfather mosquito (a very large kind of mosquito). D'édushka kamár, wot takóy bal'shóy. Grandfather mosquito, this big. Kamár sas'yót. The mosquito sucks blood (out of you). Kamar'í kadá makró pr'il'itáyut. Mosquitos fly in when it's wet. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, insects.

kámas'i   ГАМАШИ.

n. boots with soft upper part, moccasins. Category: clothes.

kámbal   КАМБАЛА.

n. flounder. See: páltus. Category: fish.

kambóst mil'ót   phr. mix and mash. See: malót'.

n. rock. plural kám'in'i, kamén'i, kamén'a. kámin'   КАМЕНЬ.

n. rock. plural kám'in'i, kamén'i, kamén'a. kámin'   КАМЕНЬ.

n. rock. plural kám'in'i, kamén'i, kamén'a. máyn'ikoy kám'in' small rock. M'i had'íl'i na láyd'i . Kamén'a sab'irál'i. We went to the beach to pick up rocks. Tútaka bul z'il'ónay kám'in', bal'shoy. Here there was a green rock, it was big. Yézhl'i t'i m'in'é w káman'im k'ín'ish, ya Bózhin'k'i skazhú. If you throw a rock at me, I'll tell God on you (what a local bird sings). The speaker, Nick Leman, would translate this Russian bird song literally to English as: "If you throw me with a rock, I'll tell God on you." He would point out that this is not natural English, but that it better reflects that the Russian says that throwing was done "with" a rock (instrumental case). The local bird singing this song is ??...... dimunitive kám'ishk'i. See: kam'ín heater. Category: nature.

kam'ín   КАМИН.

n. heater, fireplace. See: kám'in' rock. Category: fire.

n. small rocks, gravel. See: kámin'. Category: nature.

kámka   n. penis. See: huy penis. Category: body.

kampás   КОМПАС.

n. compass. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, tools.

kám'ishk'i   КАМЕШКИ.

n. small rocks, gravel. See: kámin'. Category: nature.

kámka   n. penis. See: huy penis. Category: body.

kampás   КОМПАС.

n. compass. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, tools.

kám'ishk'i   КАМЕШКИ.

n. small rocks, gravel. See: kámin'. Category: nature.

kámka   n. penis. See: huy penis. Category: body.

kampás   КОМПАС.

n. compass. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, tools.

kamú   pro. whom. See: hto.

kanáwa   КАНАВА.

n. ravine, ditch. Gerás'ima Kanáwa Grassim's Ditch (a ravine in the bluff near the presentday school on Sterling Highway). Category: land.

Kanáshka   pn. Kanashka. nickname of Elmer Kelly. another recording; keep which?? Some say maybe kanashka referred to a small wine glass. Elmer (Kanashka) Kelly. Category: names.

kanáwa   КАНАВА.

n. ravine, ditch. Gerás'ima Kanáwa Grassim's Ditch (a ravine in the bluff near the presentday school on Sterling Highway). Category: land.

Kanáshka   pn. Kanashka. nickname of Elmer Kelly. another recording; keep which?? Some say maybe kanashka referred to a small wine glass. Elmer (Kanashka) Kelly. Category: names.

kanáwa   КАНАВА.

n. ravine, ditch. Gerás'ima Kanáwa Grassim's Ditch (a ravine in the bluff near the presentday school on Sterling Highway). Category: land.

kan'échna   prt. finally, of course, it is so, it is true, really, really true ; variant kan'éshna.

kan'éts   КОНЕЦ.

n. end. Éta kan'éts. That's the end. On kákta .. sgawar'ítsa s tabóy i kantsa n'étu! He kind of starts talking to you, and you can't stop him! Category: time.

kanfét'i   n. candy. singular kanfét. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, food.

kan'ók   КОНЕК.

n. skate. plural kan'k'í. See: katátsa. Category: play.

kán'ya   n. rocks. variant kán'i. something to do with a banya. Kán'i garáchayi. Rocks (in the sauna) are hot. See: káman'.

kaparúl'a   n. pick, mattock. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, tools.

kapát'   КОПАТЬ.

v ipfv. dig, shovel. Kellie Kvasnikoff and his son Sasha digging clams. An'í idút na láydu mamáyi kapát'. They are going to the beach to dig clams. Ya garót kapáyu. I am digging the garden. On kapáyit. He's digging.

Kapatal'ína   Pn. Caroline. Caroline Oskolkoff Issermoyer. Category: names.

kap'íta   КОПЫТО.

n. hoof. plural kap'ít'i. kap'ít'i nóg'i hoof feet. ét'i twaí kap'ít'i nóg'i those your hoof feet (teasing). Category: animals.

M'i agarót kapáyim. We are digging the garden. On shón'ibut ?? kapál. ?? He was digging something. ?? pfv: w'íkapat'.

Kapatal'ína   Pn. Caroline. Caroline Oskolkoff Issermoyer. Category: names.

kap'íta   КОПЫТО.

n. hoof. plural kap'ít'i. kap'ít'i nóg'i hoof feet. ét'i twaí kap'ít'i nóg'i those your hoof feet (teasing). Category: animals.

M'i agarót kapáyim. We are digging the garden. On shón'ibut ?? kapál. ?? He was digging something. ?? pfv: w'íkapat'.

Kapatal'ína   Pn. Caroline. Caroline Oskolkoff Issermoyer. Category: names.

kap'íta   КОПЫТО.

n. hoof. plural kap'ít'i. kap'ít'i nóg'i hoof feet. ét'i twaí kap'ít'i nóg'i those your hoof feet (teasing). Category: animals.

kap'itán   КАПИТАН.

n. captain. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, jobs, military.

kapkán   КАПКАН.

n. trap. variant papkán. See: sadók. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, Evgeniy Golovko, tools, hunt.

kapt'ít'   КОПТИТЬ.

v ipfv. smoke.

another recording; keep which?? On w puwárn'i r'íbu kapt'ít. He smokes fish in the smokehouse. M'i kapt'ím balík w pawárn'i. We smoke fish in the smokehouse. See: puwárn'a. Category: fish, cook, smoke.

another recording; keep which?? On w puwárn'i r'íbu kapt'ít. He smokes fish in the smokehouse. M'i kapt'ím balík w pawárn'i. We smoke fish in the smokehouse. See: puwárn'a. Category: fish, cook, smoke.

kapúha   КОПУША.

n. slowpoke. plural kapúh'i.

kapústa   КАПУСТА.

n. cabbage. Ya kapúha. I'm a slowpoke. An'í kapúh'i. They are slowpokes. See: pamal'énku. Category: personality, speed.

kapústa   КАПУСТА.

n. cabbage. Ya kapúha. I'm a slowpoke. An'í kapúh'i. They are slowpokes. See: pamal'énku. Category: personality, speed.

kapústa   КАПУСТА.

n. cabbage. another recording; keep which?? Category: food, plants.

kap'yat'ít'   v ipfv. boil. Cháyn'ik búdu kap'yat'ít'. (I) will put the tea kettle on to boil. pfv: fsk'ip'ít'. See: k'ip'ít'. Category: water.

karab'ín   КАРАБИН.

n. carabine. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, guns.

kára   n. car. Éta wáshiy kára? Is this your (plural) car? See: mashína. Category: travel.

karab'ín   КАРАБИН.

n. carabine. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, guns.

kára   n. car. Éta wáshiy kára? Is this your (plural) car? See: mashína. Category: travel.

karab'ín   КАРАБИН.

n. carabine. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, guns.

karábl'   КОРАБЛЬ.

n. ship, boat. See: lótka boat. Category: boats.

Karákul' ??   pn. Leo Steik nickname. Tut bul Karáku, on pómir.wav Karaku was here, he died. ?? ?? (Is this valuable enough to be transcribed??) ?? Category: names.

Karákul' ??   pn. Leo Steik nickname. Tut bul Karáku, on pómir.wav Karaku was here, he died. ?? ?? (Is this valuable enough to be transcribed??) ?? Category: names.

karam'ísla   КОРОМЫСЛО.

n. yoke.

karandásh   КАРАНДАШ.

n. pencil. plural karandáshi. Category: school, writing.

karápat'   ??; КОРАПАТЬ ?? karápat zasarápat ?? ?? karápat i sarápat ?? barking and scratching ??

karápn'it'   v pfv. snatch, grab. more forceful than zahwat'ít'. another recording; keep which?? placed across the shoulders so you can carry two buckets of water hung from the ends of the yoke. variant karam'ízla; plural karam'ísl'i. Ya mnóga karam'íslam wódu taskál. I packed lots of water with the yoke. See: yarma. Category: tools, water.

karandásh   КАРАНДАШ.

n. pencil. plural karandáshi. Category: school, writing.

karápat'   ??; КОРАПАТЬ ?? karápat zasarápat ?? ?? karápat i sarápat ?? barking and scratching ??

karápn'it'   v pfv. snatch, grab. more forceful than zahwat'ít'. another recording; keep which?? placed across the shoulders so you can carry two buckets of water hung from the ends of the yoke. variant karam'ízla; plural karam'ísl'i. Ya mnóga karam'íslam wódu taskál. I packed lots of water with the yoke. See: yarma. Category: tools, water.

karandásh   КАРАНДАШ.

n. pencil. plural karandáshi. Category: school, writing.

karápat'   ??; КОРАПАТЬ ?? karápat zasarápat ?? ?? karápat i sarápat ?? barking and scratching ??

karápn'it'   v pfv. snatch, grab. more forceful than zahwat'ít'. Ya iwó karápnula. I (female) snatched him. Ya hachú karápn'it'. I want to grab it. See: zahwat'ít'.

káratsa   n. birch fungus, birch burl. another recording; keep which?? Snuff called 'zawalít' was made from it in Ninilchik. Ín'i káratsu dastánut. They will get this snuff. See: zawal'ít; karyó; gúpka. Category: trees.

karaúl'it'   КАРАУЛИТЬ.

v ipfv. watch; take care of, care for. On sabáku karaúl'it He is taking care of the dog. On iyó karaúl'il. He watched her. On sérkaf karaúl'il. He watched for the church. See: gl'id'ét'; sl'id'ít'.

kar'áway   adj. curvy, twisty. Éta kar'áway daróga. This road is curvy.

káray   КАРИЙ.

adj. brown. variant kár'iy. another recording; keep which?? káray m'id'wét' grizzly bear (lit., brown bear). kár'iya glazá brown eyes. kár'iya walasá brown hair. Category: colors.

káray m'idwét'   n. brown bear; grizzly bear. possibly can refer to the grizzly bear. Category: animals.

karén'a   n. stump. Category: trees.

n. deck. of a boat. Category: boats.

karmán   КАРМАН.

n. pocket. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, clothes.

karm'ít'   КОРМИТЬ.

v ipfv. feed. karmá   КОРМА.

n. deck. of a boat. Category: boats.

karmán   КАРМАН.

n. pocket. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, clothes.

karm'ít'   КОРМИТЬ.

v ipfv. feed. karmá   КОРМА.

n. deck. of a boat. Category: boats.

karmán   КАРМАН.

n. pocket. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, clothes.

karm'ít'   КОРМИТЬ.

v ipfv. feed. Aná but'ílku karm'íla. She bottle fed. An'í t'ibé kórm'át. They give you food. An'i s'ibé kórm'at. They are feeding themselves. pfv: nakarmít'.

adv. shorter, briefer. Mayi br'úk'i karóchi chem twayí. My pants are shorter than yours. Padrub'í karóchi! Hem it shorter! See: karótkay short. Category: size.

karóga   n. sawhorse. Category: tools.

karól'i   n. king. See: tsar. Category: cards.

karóchi   КОРОЧЕ.

adv. shorter, briefer. Mayi br'úk'i karóchi chem twayí. My pants are shorter than yours. Padrub'í karóchi! Hem it shorter! See: karótkay short. Category: size.

karóga   n. sawhorse. Category: tools.

karól'i   n. king. See: tsar. Category: cards.

karóchi   КОРОЧЕ.

adv. shorter, briefer. Mayi br'úk'i karóchi chem twayí. My pants are shorter than yours. Padrub'í karóchi! Hem it shorter! See: karótkay short. Category: size.

karóga   n. sawhorse. Category: tools.

karól'i   n. king. See: tsar. Category: cards.

karóna   КОРОНА.

n. crown. Category: church.

karótkay   КОРОТКИЙ.

adj. short. another recording; which keep?? Aná karótkaya. She is short. A ya karótkay. But I am short. See: karóchi shorter; w'isókay tall; dl'ínay long. Category: size.

karówa   КОРОВА.

n. cow. plural karów'i. (On) s'yel karówu i b'iká. (He) ate a cow and a bull. See: mátka female (of animals). Category: animals.

karów'inay   adj. cow. noun karówa.

karp'int'ér   n. carpenter. Category: jobs.

karp'int'ér   n. carpenter. Category: jobs.

karp'íwa   КРАПИВА.

n. nettle. plural karp'íw'i. Category: plants.

kárta   n. playing card, card, chart. another recording; keep which?? plural kárt'i; variant kársi. T'i hóchish kárt'i igrát? Do you want to play cards? T'i hóchish kárt'i igrát? Do you want to play cards? Ya kárt'i igráyu. I play (am playing??) cards. ?? On kárt'i igráyit. ?? He's playing cards. ?? An'i kárt'i igráyut. ?? They played cards. ?? M'i chará kárt'i igrál'i. ?? We played cards yesterday. Sasawát' kart'i! Shuffle the cards! Ya sas Joem kárt'i igráyu. I was playing cards with Joe.

kártachka   КАРТОЧКА.

n. postcard. Category: writing, Kibrik-Bergelson.

kart'ína   КАРТИНА.

n. picture, painting. plural kart'ín'i. An'í kart'ín'i kráshut. They paint pictures. See: patrét. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson.

On kárt'i skláduwayit. (She says skláduwayit, not sklad'iwayit for which there is a database record??) He's playing cards. ?? The suite names used in Ninilchik are: p'ík'i, chérw'i, búbn'i, tréfi spades, hearts, diamonds, clubs. See: igrat' play; sklad'iwat' fold ??. Category: cards.

kártachka   КАРТОЧКА.

n. postcard. Category: writing, Kibrik-Bergelson.

kart'ína   КАРТИНА.

n. picture, painting. plural kart'ín'i. An'í kart'ín'i kráshut. They paint pictures. See: patrét. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson.

On kárt'i skláduwayit. (She says skláduwayit, not sklad'iwayit for which there is a database record??) He's playing cards. ?? The suite names used in Ninilchik are: p'ík'i, chérw'i, búbn'i, tréfi spades, hearts, diamonds, clubs. See: igrat' play; sklad'iwat' fold ??. Category: cards.

kártachka   КАРТОЧКА.

n. postcard. Category: writing, Kibrik-Bergelson.

kart'ína   КАРТИНА.

n. picture, painting. plural kart'ín'i. An'í kart'ín'i kráshut. They paint pictures. See: patrét. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson.

kartóf'il'   КАРТОФЕЛЬ.

n. potato. plural kartóf'il'i. kartóf'il paspél, paspél, paspél. Potatoes is cooked, is cooked, is cooked (Ninilchik children would say this while pulling toy boats in the river, imitating the sound of a boat engine.)

kartóshka   КАРТОШКА.

n. potato. See: kartóf'il'. Category: food.

kartús   n. paper box, box. This is a small paper box, not as sturdy as a yáshchik. another recording; keep which?? See: yáshchik. Category: containers.

... ?? kartóf'il'i ?? ?? See: kartóshka potato. Category: food, sayings.

kartóshka   КАРТОШКА.

n. potato. See: kartóf'il'. Category: food.

kartús   n. paper box, box. This is a small paper box, not as sturdy as a yáshchik. another recording; keep which?? See: yáshchik. Category: containers.

... ?? kartóf'il'i ?? ?? See: kartóshka potato. Category: food, sayings.

kartóshka   КАРТОШКА.

n. potato. See: kartóf'il'. Category: food.

kartús   n. paper box, box. This is a small paper box, not as sturdy as a yáshchik. another recording; keep which?? See: yáshchik. Category: containers.

karyó   n. bark. b'ir'óz'ina karyó birch bark. See: káratsa. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, trees.

kasá   КОСА.

n. scythe. plural kós'i. mál'in'koy kasá sickle (lit., little scythe). verb kasít' cut grass. Category: tools.

kasalápay   adj. bow-legged; clumsy.

Kasáman   pn. Alec Oskolkoff. nickname.

kasét   n. tobacco pouch. See: tabat'érka tobacco pouch. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, smoke, containers.

another recording; keep which?? Category: names.

kasét   n. tobacco pouch. See: tabat'érka tobacco pouch. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, smoke, containers.

another recording; keep which?? Category: names.

kasét   n. tobacco pouch. See: tabat'érka tobacco pouch. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, smoke, containers.

kásha   КАША.

n. porridge. bread, milk, and sugar mixture. It would be fed to babies. dimunitive káshka. Category: food, babies.

káshil'   КАШЕЛЬ.

n. cough. verb káshl'it'. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, sickness.

káshka   КАШКА.

n. porridge. a bread and milk and sugar mixture often given to babies to eat. dimunitive kásha. See: malakó milk. Category: food.

káshl'it'   КАШЛЯТЬ.

v ipfv. cough. On káshl'it. ?? He's coughing. Ya káshl'u. I'm coughing. Aná káshil'it. ?? She is coughing.

kas'ít'   v ipfv. cut (grass), mow. On káshl'il. He coughed. pfv: pakáshl'it'. Category: sickness.

kas'ít'   v ipfv. cut (grass), mow. On káshl'il. He coughed. pfv: pakáshl'it'. Category: sickness.

kas'ít'   v ipfv. cut (grass), mow. another recording; keep which?? variant kós'it'. Séna kas'íl. (He) cut the grass. See: kasá.

kasmátay   adj. messy, unruly, disheveled. Twayí walasá kasmát'iya. Your hair is messy. Mayí walasá kasmát'iya; ya ih atrézhu. My hair is unruly; I'm going for a trim (lit., I'm cutting it). See: zapútanay tangled. Category: groom, quality.

kast'íl'   КОСТЫЛЬ.

n. cane, crutch; walking stick; stick - walking. See: pálka. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, tools.

n. 1 • pot, cooking pot. variant kastrúl'; plural kastrúl'i. kastrúl'a   КАСТРЮЛЯ.

n. 1 • pot, cooking pot. variant kastrúl'; plural kastrúl'i. kastrúl'a   КАСТРЮЛЯ.

n. 1 • pot, cooking pot. variant kastrúl'; plural kastrúl'i. Kastrúl'i muy tus per'iyá. translation??

2 • pot (of fishtrap). Category: fish, cook, containers.

pn. Katie, Katya. short form of Katherine. Katya Culhane. See: Kat'irína. Category: names.

Kát'a   КАТЯ.

pn. Katie, Katya. short form of Katherine. Katya Culhane. See: Kat'irína. Category: names.

Kát'a   КАТЯ.

pn. Katie, Katya. short form of Katherine. Katya Culhane. See: Kat'irína. Category: names.

katátsa   КАТАТЬСЯ.

v ipfv. slide, skate, ski, ride. M'i na m'id'wéd'ina kózhi skatál'i. We slid on a bear skin. See: kan'ók. Category: motion, play.

kát'ir   КАТЕР.

n. boat. another kind of boat. See: lótka; gazal'ín; parahót. Category: boats.

Kat'ir'ína   КАТЕРИНА.

pn. Katherine, Catherine. variant Ikat'irína. Katherine Cooper. See: Kát'a. Category: names.

kat'ól   КОТЕЛ.

n. cast iron pot, pot - cast iron. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, containers.

kat'ónak   n. kitten. See: kót'ik; kóshka cat. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, Wayne Leman, animals.

katór'iy   КОТОРЫЙ.

pro. who, what, which. plural katórchi. Katór'iy chas? What time is it? Katór'iy mnóga sp'it, ... Who sleeps a lot, ... Category: record.

Katór'iy chas?   КОТОРЫЙ ЧАС?

phr. What time is it? Category: time.

Katór'iy wrémya?   phr. What time is it? Category: time.

katúshka   КАТУШКА.

n. 1 • spool. Ap'át' pustóy katúshka. Again the spool is empty.

2 • rolling pin. See: skálka.

3 • rolling toy. See: táchka. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, tools, play, cook.

kayút   n. coyote. plural kayót'i. Category: animals.

kazáchka   n. Cossack girl. Ap chom kazáchka pláchit, ap chom b'idn'azhichka gruz'it. I n'i kadá ya n'i zabúdu ... What is the Kossack girl crying about, what is the poor soul sad about? And I will never forget ... Category: people.

kazák   КАЗАК.

n. Cossack. Does not seem to have negative connotations in Ninilchik that the corresponding word gussack 'white person, non-Native' does in other Alaska Native towns, such as Bethel. ?? plural kazak'í. Category: personality.

kazhí   conj. if, whenever.

kázhnay   КАЖДЫЙ.

pro. every. kázhnay ras every time. kázhnay dom every house. See: kázhn'i. Category: quantity.

kázhn'i   ??. every ??

kazláchik   n. navel, belly button. variant kasl'áchik. Category: body.

kázhn'i d'en every day. See: kázhnay every. Category: quantity.

kazláchik   n. navel, belly button. variant kasl'áchik. Category: body.

kázhn'i d'en every day. See: kázhnay every. Category: quantity.

kazláchik   n. navel, belly button. variant kasl'áchik. Category: body.

kazná   n. lynx. Some speakers also use this word for a wolverine. variant kázna; plural kazn'í. See: d'íkay kóshka. See: rasamága. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, animals.

n. goat. dimunitive kózl'ik kid. Category: animals.

kaz'ól   КОЗЕЛ.

n. goat. dimunitive kózl'ik kid. Category: animals.

kaz'ól   КОЗЕЛ.

n. goat. dimunitive kózl'ik kid. Category: animals.

Kél'iha   pn. Kelly's wife. See: L'íman'iha. Category: names.

v. throw. On kamén'i k'idáyit. ?? He is throwing a rock. ?? k'idát'   КИДАТЬ.

v. throw. On kamén'i k'idáyit. ?? He is throwing a rock. ?? k'idát'   КИДАТЬ.

v. throw. On kamén'i k'idáyit. ?? He is throwing a rock. ?? Éta kámin' n'i k'ináy! ?? Don't throw that rock! See: k'ínut' throw. Category: move.

K'ináy   pn. Kenai. Ya paydú K'ináy. I'm going to Kenai. Ya hachú it'í K'ináy. I want to go to Kenai. M'i id'óm K'ináy. We're going to Kenai. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, locations.

K'ináyts   n. Kenai Indian, Kenaitze person. plural K'ináyts'i. Category: nationalities.

K'ináyts   n. Kenai Indian, Kenaitze person. plural K'ináyts'i. Category: nationalities.

k'inkáshl'a   n. dewberry, low bush blueberry. These are very small berries, smaller than the usual Ninilchik blueberry. plural k'inkáshl'i; variant k'káshl'i dewberries. See: glubn'íka blueberry. Category: berries.

k'ínut'   v pfv. throw at. On m'in'é kám'in k'ín'ul. He threw a rock at me. Yézhl'i t'i m'in'é w kámen'i k'ín'ish, ya Bózhink'i skazhú. If you throw a rock at me, I'll tell God on you (what a local bird sings). Category: move.

k'ip'ít'   КИПЕТЬ.

v ipfv. boil. Cháyn'ik k'ip'ít. The teakettle is boiling. Chiwó u t'ibé k'ip'ít. What do you have boiling? Ya sup k'ip'yú. I'm boiling soup. Aná r'íbu k'ip'ít. She is boiling fish. pfv: fsk'ip'ít'. See: kap'yat'ít'. Category: cook, drink.

k'ipréy   КИПРЕЙ.

n. fireweed. Fireweed is called willowherb in some parts of the world. Category: plants, Wayne Leman.

K'ir'íl   pn. Charles. See: Chál'i. Category: names.

k'ishk'í   n. guts, intestines. singular k'ishká, k'ishók, chishká; variant k'is'í. another recording of the plural; keep which?? M'in'é k'ishk'í karótk'iya. I get angry quickly. (lit., I have short guts). U n'iwó karótk'iya k'ishk'í. He is short tempered. karótk'iya k'ishk'í short tempered (lit., short guts). máyin'koy k'ishók short temper ; hot temper. Lit: small gut Category: body, personality.

k'ishk'í   n. guts, intestines. singular k'ishká, k'ishók, chishká; variant k'is'í. another recording of the plural; keep which?? M'in'é k'ishk'í karótk'iya. I get angry quickly. (lit., I have short guts). U n'iwó karótk'iya k'ishk'í. He is short tempered. karótk'iya k'ishk'í short tempered (lit., short guts). máyin'koy k'ishók short temper ; hot temper. Lit: small gut Category: body, personality.

k'ishók   n. snowshoe. a special kind of snowshoe; a regular snowshoe is a lápka. plural k'ishk'í. See: lápka. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson.

k'íslay   adj. fermented, sour. another recording (keep which??) k'íslay malakó sour milk. k'íslay kapústa sauerkraut. Category: quality, food.

k'ist'   КИСТЬ.

n. hand. See: ruká. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, body.

k'it   КИТ.

n. whale. plural k'ít'i. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, animals.

k'íta   КЕТА.

n. chum salmon, dog salmon. See: sabáka. See: s'ómga; n'erka; k'ízhuch; chaw'ícha; krásnay r'ibá; garbúsha. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, fish.

K'itáits   КИТАЕЦ.

n. Chinese person. plural K'itáyts'i. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, Wayne Leman, nationalities.

k'ízhuch   КИЖУЧ.

n. silver salmon, coho. See: s'ómga; k'itá; chaw'ícha; krásnay r'íba; garbúsha. Category: fish.

K'izhuchóy   pn. Silver Salmon Creek. See: k'ízhuch silver salmon. Category: locations.

kládb'ishcha   КЛАДБИЩЕ.

n. graveyard, cemetery. Category: Wayne Leman, Kibrik-Bergelson, church, locations, death.

klast'   v ipfv. put. Ya kastrúl'u w duhów'iy kladú. I put the pot in the oven. pfv: palazhít'. Category: move, record.

kl'ésht'i   КЛЕЩИ.

n. pliers. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, tools, record.

kl'étchitay   КЛЕТЧАТЫЙ.

adj. checkered. variant chéchitay.

kl'isó   КОЛЬЦО.

n. porch. See: kr'il'só. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson.

kl'iyonka   n. table сloth (oily). Category: record.

klop   КЛОП.

n. bed bug. plural klap'í. kúcha klap'í lots of bed bugs. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, insects, bed, record.

n. 1 • key. plural kl'uchí. kl'uch   КЛЮЧ.

n. 1 • key. plural kl'uchí. kl'uch   КЛЮЧ.

n. 1 • key. plural kl'uchí. Kak'íya t'i m'in'é kl'uchí dal! What kind of keys did you give me!

2 • wrench.

3 • spring (water). Kl'uchí was where there were springs where Alfred Cooper used to trap. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, tools, water.

Kl'uchí   КЛЮЧИ.

pn. Springs (a place where Alfred Cooper used to trap). Category: locations.

kl'un   КЛЮВ.

n. beak. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, birds.

kn'íga   КНИГА.

n. book. plural kn'íg'i; dimunitive kn'íshka. moy kn'íga my book. Éta mayí kn'íg'i. These are my books. Ya sas kn'ígoi s'izhú. I'm sitting with a book. ?? black book. ?? old book. Category: school, writing, record.

kn'im ??   pro ??. ??

kn'íshka   n. small book. non-dimunitive kn'íga. zap'isnáya kn'íshka notebook. Category: school, writing.

Ya kn'im paydú. ?? I going to ?? See: n'im. Category: pronouns.

kn'íshka   n. small book. non-dimunitive kn'íga. zap'isnáya kn'íshka notebook. Category: school, writing.

Ya kn'im paydú. ?? I going to ?? See: n'im. Category: pronouns.

kn'íshka   n. small book. non-dimunitive kn'íga. zap'isnáya kn'íshka notebook. Category: school, writing.

kóf'i   КОФЕ.

n. coffee:  See: kaféyn'ik. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, drink.

kófta   КОФТА.

n. jacket. Category: clothes, Kibrik-Bergelson, record.

pn. Nick, Nicholas, Nikolai. nickname for Nick Cooper. Nick Cooper. Category: names.

Kól'a   КОЛЯ.

pn. Nick, Nicholas, Nikolai. nickname for Nick Cooper. Nick Cooper. Category: names.

Kól'a   КОЛЯ.

pn. Nick, Nicholas, Nikolai. nickname for Nick Cooper. Nick Cooper. Category: names.

kól'sa   n. bracelet. Category: groom, Evgeniy Golovko, Wayne Leman.

n. room. variant kamnatá. kómnata   КОМНАТА.

n. room. variant kamnatá. kómnata   КОМНАТА.

n. room. variant kamnatá. Chiyá éta kómnata? ?? Category: buildings, house.

kon'   КОНЬ.

n. horse. See: lóshit'. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, Wayne Leman, animals.

kón'chik   КОНЧИК.

n. end, tip. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, locations.

kónchit'   КОНЧАТЬ.

v pfv. finish, end. On kónchil. He finished. On ishó n'i kónchil. He didn't finish (it) yet. Ya swoy chay kónchila. I (female) finished (drinking) my tea.

konwért   КОНВЕРТ.

n. envelope. See: inw'ilóp. Category: writing, Kibrik-Bergelson.

Ízhi m'in'é n'ésta nówyut ya hachú kónchit. ?? If ... ?? I want to finish. ??

konwért   КОНВЕРТ.

n. envelope. See: inw'ilóp. Category: writing, Kibrik-Bergelson.

Ízhi m'in'é n'ésta nówyut ya hachú kónchit. ?? If ... ?? I want to finish. ??

konwért   КОНВЕРТ.

n. envelope. See: inw'ilóp. Category: writing, Kibrik-Bergelson.

kórka   n. crust. Category: food.

kósa   КОСА.

n. braid. plural kós'i. Category: body, hair.

Kóshachiy Prázn'ik   КОШАЧИЙ ПРАЗДНИК.

n. Halloween. Lit: cat's holiday An'í nar'isúyut chórnaya kot .. na aknó pr'ilyép'at', i bába na gal'í= na mitl'é, fs'o chórnayu nós'it .. bába na mitl'é lit'ít .. patóm nar'isúyut na akn'é They will draw a black cat and glue it to the window, and a woman dressed in all black on a broom ... This woman flies a broom. Then they will draw it on a window. See: kóshka cat; prázn'ik holiday. Category: holidays.

n. cat. plural kóshk'i. In Ninilchik this word can refer to either a male or female cat. Kóska bélay. ?? The cat is white. See: kót'ik male cat; kot male cat. Category: animals.

kóshka   КОШКА.

n. cat. plural kóshk'i. In Ninilchik this word can refer to either a male or female cat. Kóska bélay. ?? The cat is white. See: kót'ik male cat; kot male cat. Category: animals.

kóshka   КОШКА.

n. cat. plural kóshk'i. In Ninilchik this word can refer to either a male or female cat. Kóska bélay. ?? The cat is white. See: kót'ik male cat; kot male cat. Category: animals.

kós'it'   КОСИТЬ.

v ipfv. cut (grass), mow. variant kas'ít'. On kós'it séna. He's cutting / mowing hay. See: rézat'.

kost'   КОСТЬ.

n. bone. variant kos'; plural kós't'a. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, body.

kost'anóy   adj. bony. Bába Yagá kost'anáya nagá; nos w patalók wros. Old Lady Yaga had a bony leg; her nose grew to the ceiling. Category: Conor Daly.

kót   КОТ.

n. cat (male), tomcat. dimunitive kót'ik. See: kóshka cat. Category: animals.

kót'ik   КОТИК.

n. kitten, small cat. non-dimunitive kot. See: kat'ónak; kóshka cat. Category: animals.

kóyka   КОЙКА.

n. bed. T'i na kóyk'i s'id'ísh. You are sitting on a bed. krépkay kóyka firm bed. See: krawát'. Category: house, bed, sleep.

kózha   КОЖА.

n. skin. M'í na m'id'wéd'ina kózhi katál'is. We slid on a bear skin. See: kózhuch; shkúra; ragózha. Category: body.

kózhuch   n. hide, leather. See: kózha. Category: material.

kóz'ir'i   КОЗЫРИ.

n. trump. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, cards.

kózl'ik   n. kid (goat). non-diminutive: kaz'ól. Category: animals.

v ipfv. paint, color. kráshit'   КРАСИТЬ.

v ipfv. paint, color. kráshit'   КРАСИТЬ.

v ipfv. paint, color. Ya kráshu. I'm painting. On kráshil. He painted. Ya l'ubl'ú kráshit'. I like to paint. Ya búdu dom kráshit'. I'm going to paint the house. Béyb'ichka bumágu kráshit. The child paints on the paper. On gu mágu kráshit. ?? translation?? Ya yáyts'i kráshu. I'm coloring eggs. pfv: w'íkrashit'. See: kráska; w'íkrashinay. Category: colors, holidays.

kras'íwa   КРАСИВА ??

adv. beautifully ?? variant kars'íwa.

Na wúl'itsi óchin' kras'íwa. ?? It's very beautiful outside. adjective kras'íway. See: zabáwnay. Category: quality.

Na wúl'itsi óchin' kras'íwa. ?? It's very beautiful outside. adjective kras'íway. See: zabáwnay. Category: quality.

kras'íway   КРАСИВЫЙ.

adj. pretty, beautiful, handsome, good looking. variant karsíway. Aná kras'íwaya. She is pretty. Aná óchin' kras'íwaya. She is very pretty. kras'íw'iya glazá beautiful eyes.

An'í t'arál'i ?? kras'íway ya dúmayu. ?? They (tailless cats) ... ?? I think. ?? See: zabáwnay cute. Category: quality.

An'í t'arál'i ?? kras'íway ya dúmayu. ?? They (tailless cats) ... ?? I think. ?? See: zabáwnay cute. Category: quality.

kráska   КРАСКА.

n. paint. Kakóy kráska? What paint? Kakóy kráskay t'i swoy dom w'íkrashil? What color did you paint your house? See: kráshit'; w'íkrashit'. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, colors.

krásnay   КРАСНЫЙ.

adj. red. krásnay r'íba red salmon. U n'iwó krásn'iya walasá. He has red hair. krásn'iya yágad'i red berries. Category: colors.

Krásnay M'is   КРАСНЫЙ МЫС.

pn. Red Point. This is a reddish point on the bluff about a mile north of the village. Category: locations.

krásnay r'íba   КРАСНАЯ РЫБА.

n. sockeye, red salmon. Lit: red fish loan translation from English widely used in Ninilchik. See: s'ómga; k'itá; k'ízhuch; chaw'ícha. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, fish.

krásnaya br'úshka   КРАСНОЕ БРЮШКО.

n. robin. Lit: red belly variant krásnay br'úshka.

krásnaya smaród'ina   n. red currant. See: smaród'ina. Category: berries.

krawát'   КРОВАТЬ.

n. straw bed. See: kóyka. Category: bed, record.

kray   КРАЙ.

n. edge, outskirts. Category: locations, record.

krépkay   КРЕПКИЙ.

adj. hard, tough. as of a hard surface or tough meat. another recording; krásnay br'ushka; keep which?? See: br'úshka belly; br'úha belly. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, birds.

krásnaya smaród'ina   n. red currant. See: smaród'ina. Category: berries.

krawát'   КРОВАТЬ.

n. straw bed. See: kóyka. Category: bed, record.

kray   КРАЙ.

n. edge, outskirts. Category: locations, record.

krépkay   КРЕПКИЙ.

adj. hard, tough. as of a hard surface or tough meat. another recording; krásnay br'ushka; keep which?? See: br'úshka belly; br'úha belly. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, birds.

krásnaya smaród'ina   n. red currant. See: smaród'ina. Category: berries.

krawát'   КРОВАТЬ.

n. straw bed. See: kóyka. Category: bed, record.

kray   КРАЙ.

n. edge, outskirts. Category: locations, record.

krépkay   КРЕПКИЙ.

adj. hard, tough. as of a hard surface or tough meat. M'ása krépkay. The meat is hard. Dom bul krépkay. The house was tough. Kal'ín'i krépkiya. ?? The high bush cranberries are hard (not ripe). Category: texture.

kres   КРЕСТ.

n. crucifix, cross. plural kr'ist'í. na krést'i on the cross. See: kr'ist'ít'; kr'ist'ítsa; apkr'ist'ít'. Category: church.

kr'ichít'   v ipfv. 1 • shout. Aná kr'ichít. She is shouting.

2 • call (phone). Ishó m'in'é kr'ichí! Call me again! Category: speak.

kr'iló   КРЫЛО.

n. wing. plural kr'íl'a. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, birds.

kr'il'só   n. porch. variant kr'il'tsó. See: paróga; kl'isó. Category: Wayne Leman, house.

n. roof. Kr'ísha t'ik'ót. The roof is leaking. kr'ísha   КРЫША.

n. roof. Kr'ísha t'ik'ót. The roof is leaking. kr'ísha   КРЫША.

n. roof. Kr'ísha t'ik'ót. The roof is leaking. On na kr'íshu zal'izáit. He's climbing onto the roof. Ya hachú zal'ést'i na kr'íshu. I want to climb up on the roof. See: kr'íshka lid. Category: house, buildings.

kr'ishchén'a   КРЕЩЕНИЕ.

n. baptism, christening, baptism day, christening day. See: kr'ist'ít'; kr'ist'ítsa; apkr'ist'ít'; sw'ishchén'ik. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, holidays, church.

kr'íshka   КРЫШКА.

n. lid. See: kr'ísha. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, containers.

kr'ist'ít'   КРЕСТИТЬ.

v ipfv. baptize, christen. kr'ist'át (They) baptize (somebody).

kr'ist'ítsa   v ipfv. cross oneself. Ad'é t'ibé kr'ist'íl'i? Where did they baptize you? ?? pfv: apkr'ist'ít'. ipfv: pakr'ist'ít'. See: kr'ist'ítsa; apkr'ist'ít'; kr'ishchén'a; kres. Category: church.

kr'ist'ítsa   v ipfv. cross oneself. Ad'é t'ibé kr'ist'íl'i? Where did they baptize you? ?? pfv: apkr'ist'ít'. ipfv: pakr'ist'ít'. See: kr'ist'ítsa; apkr'ist'ít'; kr'ishchén'a; kres. Category: church.

kr'ist'ítsa   v ipfv. cross oneself. On kr'ist'ílsa. He crossed himself. Aná kr'ist'ílas. She crossed herself.

kr'ist'ónay   adj. baptized, christened. Ya krist'ónay. I am baptized. verb kr'ist'ít'. Category: church.

Kristos   ХРИСТОС.

pn. Christ. variant Hristós. Category: church.

Ya kr'ist'úsa. ?? I crossed myself. ?? pfv: pakr'ist'ítsa. See: kr'ist'ít'; apkr'ist'ít'; kres. Category: church.

kr'ist'ónay   adj. baptized, christened. Ya krist'ónay. I am baptized. verb kr'ist'ít'. Category: church.

Kristos   ХРИСТОС.

pn. Christ. variant Hristós. Category: church.

Ya kr'ist'úsa. ?? I crossed myself. ?? pfv: pakr'ist'ítsa. See: kr'ist'ít'; apkr'ist'ít'; kres. Category: church.

kr'ist'ónay   adj. baptized, christened. Ya krist'ónay. I am baptized. verb kr'ist'ít'. Category: church.

Kristos   ХРИСТОС.

pn. Christ. variant Hristós. Category: church.

kr'iwóy   КРИВОЙ.

adj. crooked. Daróga kr'iwóy. The road is crooked. U n'iwó kr'iwóy nos. He has a crooked nose. Category: shape.

krof   КРОВЬ.

n. blood. variant kr'of. U m'in'é krof b'izhít. I'm bleeding (lit. my blood is flowing). U m'in'é iz nózu krof b'izhít. My nose is bleeding (lit., blood is flowing from my nose). Kamár krof sas'yót. The mosquito is sucking blood. U m'in'é n'imnóshka rúskay krof. I have a little Russian blood. Category: body.

król'ik   КРОЛИК.

n. rabbit. bélay król'ik white rabbit. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, animals.

króshka   КРОШКА.

n. crumb, scrap. for example, bread crumbs or coal scraps. plural króshk'i.

kr'ósnay   КРЕСТНЫЙ.

n. godfather. feminine kr'ósnaya. Category: church.

kr'ósnaya   КРЕСТНАЯ.

n. godmother. masculine kr'ósnay. Category: relatives, church.

n. hook, gaff hook. plural kruchk'í. See: úd'ichka. Category: tools.

krúglay   КРУГЛЫЙ.

adj. round. Category: shape, record.

kruchók   КРЮЧОК.

n. hook, gaff hook. plural kruchk'í. See: úd'ichka. Category: tools.

krúglay   КРУГЛЫЙ.

adj. round. Category: shape, record.

kruchók   КРЮЧОК.

n. hook, gaff hook. plural kruchk'í. See: úd'ichka. Category: tools.

krúglay   КРУГЛЫЙ.

adj. round. Category: shape, record.

krugóm   кругом.

adv. around. variant krúgam. Ya krugóm bégay'u, nichiwó n'i d'élayu. I'm running around doing nothing.

krupá   КРУПА.

n. rice. See: r'is. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, food, record.

krutóy   КРУТОЙ.

adj. steep. (na) krutóy b'ir'igú on the steep shore. (na) krutóy garé on the steep hill. Category: Conor Daly, record.

kruzhít'   КРУЖИТЬ.

v ipfv. whirl; be dizzy. On m'in'é kruzhít. He whirls me around. M'in'é krúzhit. I'm dizzy. M'in'é kruzhíla chará. I was dizzy yesterday. Ya n'i hachú shtób'i m'in'á kruzhíla. I don't want to be dizzy.. See: krúgam. Category: sickness.

kúcha   КУЧА.

n. swarm, pile, flock; lots of. kúcha klap'í lots of bed bugs. tséla kúcha M'ir'ikántsi a whole bunch of Americans. Pt'ítsi pa kúchi l'itáyut. The birds are flying in flocks. See: mnóga many. Category: quantity.

kudá   КУДА.

pro. where to. Kudá t'i ushól? Where did you go? Kudá t'i id'ósh? Where are you going? Kudá m'i id'óm? Where are we going? variant kud'í. Kud'í t'i id'ósh? Where are you going? See: gd'e; tudá; n'ikudá; kudáta. Category: locations.

kudáta   pro. somewhere; КУДА-ТО. See: kudá. Category: record.

kudr'áway   adj. curly. Iyónay walasá kudr'áwaya. Her hair is curly. Category: hair, texture.

kudr'áw'it'   v ipfv. curl hair. Takúy walasá swayí kudr'áw'il'i. This way(they) curled their hair. See: kudr'áway.

n. 1 • kitchen. kúhnya   КУХНЯ.

n. 1 • kitchen. kúhnya   КУХНЯ.

n. 1 • kitchen. t'ótk'ina kúhnya Auntie's kitchen. Category: house.

2 • moose hunting area. This was an area south of the Kenai River where it was so easy to shoot a moose that it was called kúhnya. The full name of this area was Alik'ína Kúhnya. See: Al'ik'ína Kúhnya. Category: hunt.

kukarékat'   ΚУΚΑΡΕΚАТЬ.

v ipfv. crow. This is the sound that a rooster makes, as it is pronounced in Russian. See: p'ituh. Category: birds, sounds.

kukaréku   КУКАРЕКУ.

prt. cock-a-doodle-do. variant kukaréka. This is the sound that a rooster makes, as it is pronounced in Ninilchik Russian. The following was said in Ninilchik when NR speakers were learning to speak English: Kukaréku, all same do. Cock-a-doodle-do, they all do (say) the same thing. Irene Leman used to say this: A wot éta p'itúh hwána rána kukaréka! But this rooster crowed very early! See: p'itúh rooster. Category: birds, sounds, Wayne Leman, Kibrik-Bergelson.

kuk'ídw'ik'i   n. driftwood.

w'id'ik'í w'ín'ik'i Category: wood.

w'id'ik'í w'ín'ik'i Category: wood.

kúkla   КУКЛА.

n. doll. plural kúkl'i.

Aná s kúkla igráyit. ?? She plays with dolls. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, play.

Aná s kúkla igráyit. ?? She plays with dolls. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, play.

kul'ích   КУЛИЧ.

n. Easter bread, bread - Easter. Kára Pos prayd'ót m'i búd'im kul'ích yíst'. When Lent is over we will eat Easter bread. Category: food.

kul'ík   КУЛИК.

n. sandpiper, snipe. plural kul'ik'í. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, birds.

kum   КУМ.

n. older fellow man ; Even though Ninilchik speakers interviewed for this dictionary have heard the words kum and kumá, they are not certain of their meaning. See: kumá. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, people.

kumá   КУМА.

n. older fellow woman ; See: kum. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, people.

Kúmushka   pn. Nadia's nickname. non-dimunitive kumá. See: Nád'a. Category: names, record.

kúpal   КУПОЛ.

n. cupola. variant kúmpal; plural kúmpala. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, church.

kup'ít'   КУПИТЬ.

v pfv. buy. Ya kup'íla at iwó. I (female) bought it from him. Ya kup'íl at iwó. I (male) bought it from him. Stupáy kup'í sáhar! Go buy sugar!

On fchirá zabúl hl'éba kup'ít'. Yesterday he forgot to buy bread. ipfv: pakupát'. Category: money.

On fchirá zabúl hl'éba kup'ít'. Yesterday he forgot to buy bread. ipfv: pakupát'. Category: money.

kúra   КУРА.

n. chicken, hen. plural kúr'i; dimunitive kúr'ichka. See: kúr'itsa; tsipl'ónak chick; kurapáshka ptarmigan; p'itúh rooster. Category: birds.

kurapáshka   КУРОПАТКА.

n. ptarmigan. variant kurpáshka; plural kurapáshk'i. See: kúra. Category: birds.

kur'átn'ik   n. chicken coop. Moyá mat' m'in'á paslála w kur'átn'ik yáytsi dastawát'. My mom sent me to the chicken coop to get eggs. Mnóga kúr'i w kur'átn'ik'i. There are many hens in the chicken coop. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, buildings.

kúr'ichka   n. little chicken, little hen. variant kúr'itsa. non-dimunitive kúra. Rawúlka kúr'ichku dushíl. Ralph choked a little hen (the beginning of a cute song). See: kurapáshka. Category: birds, songs.

kúr'it'   КУРИТЬ.

v ipfv. smoke. On kúr'it. He is smoking. Mnóga l'úd'i kur'íl'i. Many people smoked.

kúr'itsa   КУРИЦА.

n. chicken, hen. See: kúra. Category: birds.

Sáray an'í náchi ?? kurít, malad'íya. ?? ... ?? smoked in the shed, they were young ?? Category: smoke.

kúr'itsa   КУРИЦА.

n. chicken, hen. See: kúra. Category: birds.

Sáray an'í náchi ?? kurít, malad'íya. ?? ... ?? smoked in the shed, they were young ?? Category: smoke.

kúr'itsa   КУРИЦА.

n. chicken, hen. See: kúra. Category: birds.

kúrwa   КУРВА.

n. prostitute. See: kurwáchiy dom. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, people, jobs.

kurwáchiy dom   phr. brothel. Lit: house of prostitution See: bardák; kúrwa.

kurzhák   n. snow on branches etc. See: sn'ek snow. Category: weather, Kibrik-Bergelson.

kusát'   КУСАТЬ.

v ipfv. bite. pfv: atkus'ít'. See: kusátsa.

kusátsa   КУСАТЬСЯ.

v ipfv. bite. Kamar'í kusáyutsa. Mosquitos are biting. See: kusát'.

kúshan'a   n. food. plural kushan'ya. Russian archaism. Sámaya gláwnaya kúshаn'a – p'irók. The most important food is cake. Category: food.

kúshat'   КУШАТЬ.

v ipfv. eat. T'i kúshayish? Are you eating? W'i kúshayit'i? Are you (plural) eating? Chiwó t'i kúshaish? (kúshayish??) What are you eating? Chiwó t'i kúshala? What did you (female) eat? Ya kúshayu. I'm eating. On t'ipér'i kúshait. He is eating now. An'í kúshayut. They are eating. M'i búd'im kúshat. We are going to eat. ?? Kúshay! Eat! Ya hachú kúshit. (kúshat??) I want to eat. M'in'e ahóta kúshat'. I want to eat. Chiwó t'i kúshayish? What are you eating? Ya r'íbu kúshayu. I'm eating fish. pfv: pakúshat'; noun kúshan'a. See: yis'. Category: eat.

kushónka   n. sourdough, dough. a smaller amount than kwáshn'a.

kusóchik   n. small piece. plural kusóchk'i. kusóchik p'irók a little piece of pirok. non-dimunitive kusók. See: astáfka. Category: material, Conor Daly.

another recording; keep which?? M'in'é náda kushónku pastáw'it'. I need to start the dough. See: kwáshn'a. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, food.

kusóchik   n. small piece. plural kusóchk'i. kusóchik p'irók a little piece of pirok. non-dimunitive kusók. See: astáfka. Category: material, Conor Daly.

another recording; keep which?? M'in'é náda kushónku pastáw'it'. I need to start the dough. See: kwáshn'a. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, food.

kusóchik   n. small piece. plural kusóchk'i. kusóchik p'irók a little piece of pirok. non-dimunitive kusók. See: astáfka. Category: material, Conor Daly.

kusók   КУСОК.

n. piece. kusók hl'éba piece of bread. kusók m'ása piece of bread. dimunitive kusóchik. Category: quantity.

kust'í   n. willows, brush. singular kust. See: wérba; tal'n'ík. Category: trees.

kust'inóy   adj. brushy. kust'inóy l'es brushy area. Category: nature.

kut'yá   КУТЬЯ.

n. memorial pudding; a spoonful of rice and raisins eaten after a memorial service for someone. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, Wayne Leman, church, food.

kwáshn'a   КВАШНЯ.

n. leavened dough, sourdough, dough. This kind of dough makes bread. Ya pastánu kwáshn'u. I'm setting the (sour)dough. Ya paydú kwáshn'u pastánu. I'm going to go set bread (dough). Kwáshn'u pastáw'at kahda an'í fs'ó palózhut. They set the sourdough when everything is in there. Kwáshn'a stal'ít. ?? The dough is rising. Kwáshn'a zd'élayu, stal'it, skóra búl'u pl'itú. ?? I make dough, it rises, soon I ?? it in the stove. ?? Ya kwáshn'u(??) zd'élayu u t'ibé. ?? I'll make dough, ?? you. ?? See: kushónka; t'ésta; zakwáska; drózhi. Category: food.

kwórt   n. quart. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, quantity.