Ninilchik Russian Dictionary


R - r

rababútsa   n. rubber boot. plural rababútsi. borrowed from English "rubber boots". Category: clothes.

rabóta   РАБОТА.

n. work, job. U n'iwó haróshay rabóta. He has a good job. N'i kakóy rabóta n'i l'éhkay. No work is easy. Rabóta sam n'i pr'id'ót; iwó náda iskát. Work won't arrive on its own; (it) is necessary to look for it. See: rabótat'. Category: jobs, Conor Daly.

rabótat'   РАБОТАТЬ.

v ipfv. work. On rabótayit. He's working. N'i náda tak mnóga rabótat'! Don't work so much! See: rabóta. Category: work.

rabótn'ik   РАБОТНИК.

n. worker. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, jobs.

Rad'ión   pn. Robert. Category: names, record.

rádio   n. radio.

Rad'ión   pn. Robert. Category: names, record.

rádio   n. radio.

Rad'ión   pn. Robert. Category: names, record.

rad'ít'il'   РОДИТЕЛЬ.

n. relative. plural rad'ít'il'i. moy rad'ít'il' my relative. Ya ushól r'ibáchit' sa swayím rad'ít'il'im. I went fishing with my relative. See: radn'ík. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, relatives.

rad'ítsa   РОДИТЬСЯ.

v pfv. born. A gd'é t'i rad'ílsa? Where were you born? Ya rad'ílas' w Súward'i. I (female) was born in Seward. Ya Ninílchik'i rad'ílas'. I was born in Ninilchik. Har'itón rad'ílsa w akt'ibré. Harry was born in October.

Moy at'éts iz Grodno pa Paul rad'ílsa. (pamad'ílsa??) ?? My father was born in Grodno. ?? Ya ... (??) rad'ílsa. ?? ?? transcribe?? ... agd'é ... rad'ílsa ... dóma ... iwónay máma ... ?? translate?? See: razhd'én'a birthday. Category: babies.

Moy at'éts iz Grodno pa Paul rad'ílsa. (pamad'ílsa??) ?? My father was born in Grodno. ?? Ya ... (??) rad'ílsa. ?? ?? transcribe?? ... agd'é ... rad'ílsa ... dóma ... iwónay máma ... ?? translate?? See: razhd'én'a birthday. Category: babies.

radn'ík   n. relative. plural radn'ik'í. moy radn'ík my relative. Éta mayí radn'i'k'í. These are my relatives. See: rad'ít'il'. Category: relatives.

rad'ózha   n. clothes. synonym ad'ózha. Category: clothes.

r'agá ??   ??. ??

On s r'agá, óchin bal'shíya r'agá ?? ??

On s r'agá, óchin bal'shíya r'agá ?? ??

ragózha   n. cover, mat. See: palaw'ík; kózha; shkúra. Category: material.

ráguda   РАДУГА.

n. rainbow. Category: weather.

rak   РАК.

n. crab. Category: food, Kibrik-Bergelson.

rakaw'ítsi   РУКАВИЦА.

n. mitten. singular rakaw'ítsa. See: pr'ichátk'i glove. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, clothes.

rakúshka   РАКУШКА.

n. mussel, shell. plural rakúshk'i. Some playthings were made from these. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, food.

ramáshka   РОМАШКА.

n. chamomile. plural ramáshk'i. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, plants.

r'ámzha   n. Irish lord, sucker. Category: fish.

n. wound. Éta rána n'i zazhuw'ót. This wound will not heal. See: rána2 early. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, sickness.

rána1   РАНА.

n. wound. Éta rána n'i zazhuw'ót. This wound will not heal. See: rána2 early. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, sickness.

rána1   РАНА.

n. wound. Éta rána n'i zazhuw'ót. This wound will not heal. See: rána2 early. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, sickness.

rána2   РАНО.

adv. early. Ya útram rána fstála. I (female) woke up early. See: pózna; rána1. Category: time.

r'ápchik   РЯБЧИК.

n. spruce hen, grouse. variant rápchik. Category: birds.

ras   РАЗ.

n. time, occasion. ádna ras one time. ad'in ras one time. Ádna ras sama rás! Once is enough! See: pará. Category: time.

rasamága   РОСОМАХА.

n. wolverine. plural rasamág'i. See: kazná. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, animals.

Rasamág'iy Túndra   pn. Wolverine Flat. near where Bob Covey lives on the Oil Well Road. Category: locations, flats, swamps.

rashchipér'itsa   v ipfv. show off. Rashchipér'ilsa kak kura. (He) spread out like a hen.bubbles.mp3. Category: record.

rás'ip   РОССЫПЬ.

n. deposit, gravel deposit, gravel bar. variant rós'ip. especially said of the gravel deposit on the Ninilchik River south of the Kvasnikoff houses: Category: locations.

ras'ird'ítsa   РАССЕРДИЛСЯ.

v pfv. get angry. ras'ird'ílsa (He) got angry. ipfv: serd'ítsa. Category: emotions.

Ras'íya   РОССИЯ.

n. Russia. See: Rúskay; Rúsak. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, locations.

raskázuwat'   v ipfv. tell stories. Category: record.

raskrashít'   v pfv. crush. Stupáy raskrashí úgal'! Go crush the coal! (into small enough pieces for the stove). See: p'ir'ilamát'. Category: texture.

rasól   РАССОЛ.

n. brine. See: sol' salt.

raspór'itsa   v pfv. argue. An'í raspór'il'is'. They argued. Category: speak.

raspúhnut'   v pfv. swell. raspúh (he) swelled / got swollen. raspúhl'i (they) swelled / got swollen. Raspúhla zhíla The vein got swollen sickness.

raspuskátsa   РАСПУСКАТЬСЯ.

v ipfv. bud. An'í raspuskáyutsa. They are budding. (for example, pussy willows). pfv: raspust'ítsa. Category: plants.

raspust'ítsa   v pfv. bloom. Sw'itóchka raspust'ílsa. The flower is blooming. ipfv: raspuskátsa. Category: plants.

rastap'ít'   РАСТОПИТЬ.

v pfv. light a fire, make a fire, build a fire. On rastap'ít pl'itú. He is starting the stove. On rastap'íl pl'itú. He (re-)started the stove. Rastap'í! Start the fire! See: rastópka; zatap'ít'; zazhéch. Category: fire.

rastáyit'   РАСТАЯТЬ.

v pfv. thaw, melt. Rastál. It's melted. Sn'ek rastál. The snow has melted. ipfv: táyit'. Category: weather.

rast'í   РАСТИТЬ ??

v ipfv. grow. Maychíska rast'ót. The boy is growing. Sw'itók rast'ót. The flower is growing. S'im'iná rastút. The seeds are growing. Ya rastú. I'm growing. On ros. He grew. Aná raslá. She grew. Bába Yagá kost'anáya nagá; nos f patalók ros. Old Lady Yaga had a bony leg; her nose grew to the ceiling. (an old Russian saying). w'írast'it' ВЫРАСТАТЬ ??

v ??. grow. On w'íras. He has grown up. (already grew ??) Category: record.

rastópka   РАСТОПКА.

n. shaving, kindling. Rastópk'i d'élayut iz drawá. Shavings are made out of wood. Rastópk'i are wood shavings used to start a fire. Anyone who sat by the stove and didn't like to work outside was called Professor Rastopki in Ninilchik. plural rastópk'i. another recording; keep which?? See: sh'ópk'i ??; rastap'ít'. Category: wood, fire.

rastr'ópanay   adj. messy. Mayí walasá rastr'ópan'iya. My hair is messy. Category: Wayne Leman, hair.

Rawúlka   pn. Ralph. Russian name of Ralph Cooper. He told on his brother, Isaac, for something he did to a chicken. And so a song began about Ralph.

Rawúlka song   phr. Ralph's song. Rawúlka kúr'ichku dushíl, dushíl, dushíl. W pamóyn'ik iyó machíl, machíl, machíl. Ap'át' on iyó dushíl, dushíl, dushíl. W sabáchn'ik iyó zakr'íl, i kúr'ichka prapál. Ralph choked a little hen, choked, choked. In the slop bucket he soaked it, soaked, soaked. Again he choked it, choked, choked. In the dog house he closed it, and the little hen perished. Rawúlka kúr'ichku dushíl, dushíl, dushíl.On iwó ..., on zapél. ?? W pamóyn'ik iyó machíl, machíl, machíl. Ap'át' on iyó dushíl, dushíl, dushíl. W sabáchn'ik iyó zakr'íl, i kúr'ichka prapál. Ralph choked a little hen, choked, choked. In the slop bucket he soaked it, soaked, soaked.?? Again he choked it, choked, choked. In the dog house he closed it, and the little hen perished. On zapel. ?? ?? On iwó drázn'al. ?? He teased him. ?? See: Rawúlka song. Category: names, record.

Rawúlka song   phr. Ralph's song. Rawúlka kúr'ichku dushíl, dushíl, dushíl. W pamóyn'ik iyó machíl, machíl, machíl. Ap'át' on iyó dushíl, dushíl, dushíl. W sabáchn'ik iyó zakr'íl, i kúr'ichka prapál. Ralph choked a little hen, choked, choked. In the slop bucket he soaked it, soaked, soaked. Again he choked it, choked, choked. In the dog house he closed it, and the little hen perished. Rawúlka kúr'ichku dushíl, dushíl, dushíl.On iwó ..., on zapél. ?? W pamóyn'ik iyó machíl, machíl, machíl. Ap'át' on iyó dushíl, dushíl, dushíl. W sabáchn'ik iyó zakr'íl, i kúr'ichka prapál. Ralph choked a little hen, choked, choked. In the slop bucket he soaked it, soaked, soaked.?? Again he choked it, choked, choked. In the dog house he closed it, and the little hen perished. On zapel. ?? ?? On iwó drázn'al. ?? He teased him. ?? See: Rawúlka song. Category: names, record.

Rawúlka song   phr. Ralph's song. Rawúlka kúr'ichku dushíl, dushíl, dushíl. W pamóyn'ik iyó machíl, machíl, machíl. Ap'át' on iyó dushíl, dushíl, dushíl. W sabáchn'ik iyó zakr'íl, i kúr'ichka prapál. Ralph choked a little hen, choked, choked. In the slop bucket he soaked it, soaked, soaked. Again he choked it, choked, choked. In the dog house he closed it, and the little hen perished. older, poorer recording; I think we should delete it ?? See: Rawúlka.

ray   РАЙ.

n. paradise. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, church.

razbóyn'ik   n. rebel. plural razbóyn'ik'i.

razd'ét'   v pfv. take off clothes; undress. On razd'él swayí b'il'yó. He took off his clothes. Aná razd'élas'. She undressed. ipfv: razd'iwátsa. Category: record.

razd'iwátsa   РАЗДЕВАТЬСЯ.

v ipfv. undress, take off. On razd'iwáyitsa. He is undressing. pfv: razd'ét'. See: ad'iwátsa. Category: clothes.

razhd'én'a   n. birthday. See: rad'ítsa; Razhistwó. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, ages.

Razhistwó   РОЖДЕСТВО.

n. Christmas. See: razhd'én'a. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, holidays.

razl'iwát'   РАЗЛИВАТЬ.

v ipfv. ladle, dip out. Aná razl'iwáyit sup. She ladles out the soup. See: l'it'. Category: record.

razm'ishátsa   v pfv. get in the way, way - get in the. An'i razm'ishál'is'a? Did they get in the way? See: m'ishát'.

razmólatay   adj. ground. razmólatay myása ground meat. razmolatay ríba ground fish. See: rúbl'inay.

rázna   РАЗНО ??

adv. differently, variously, in all kinds. rázna gawar'át speak differently. See: padrugómu. Category: quantity.

rázn'iya   adj. various, all kinds, different. singular ráznay ?? РАЗНЫЙ.

razúmat'   v ipfv. understand. rázn'iya shtúki ?? ?? U mal'chíshk'i rázn'iya igrúshk'i. The boy has various toys. rázn'iya glazá different colored eyes. See: drugóy.

razúmat'   v ipfv. understand. rázn'iya shtúki ?? ?? U mal'chíshk'i rázn'iya igrúshk'i. The boy has various toys. rázn'iya glazá different colored eyes. See: drugóy.

razúmat'   v ipfv. understand. Ya n'i razúmayu papól'sk'i. I don't understand Polish. Category: speak.

réchka   РЕЧКА.

n. creek, river. Lit: little river non-dimunitive r'iká river. Mál'in'koy Réchka Small Creek. Réchka b'izhít. The river is running. Ya chér'iz réchku pr'ishól. I crossed the river. See: r'ichúshka. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, Wayne Leman, water.

n. turnip. See: br'úkwa rutabaga. Category: plants, food.

réyd'io   n. radio. variant rád'io. word is borrowed from English. Category: entertainment, Kibrik-Bergelson.

répa   РЕПА.

n. turnip. See: br'úkwa rutabaga. Category: plants, food.

réyd'io   n. radio. variant rád'io. word is borrowed from English. Category: entertainment, Kibrik-Bergelson.

répa   РЕПА.

n. turnip. See: br'úkwa rutabaga. Category: plants, food.

réyd'io   n. radio. variant rád'io. word is borrowed from English. Category: entertainment, Kibrik-Bergelson.

rézat'   РЕЗАТЬ.

v ipfv. cut. Séna rézhu. I am cutting hay. pfv: atrézat'. See: kás'it' cut (grass).

r'íba   РЫБА.

n. fish. s'iyónay r'íba salt fish. swézhay pr'isól'nay r'íba lightly salted fish. krásnay r'íba red salmon. R'íba mnóga. There's many fish.

r'ibáchit'   РЫБАЧИТЬ.

v ipfv. fish. Nick Leman with a catch of silvers. ...?? r'íbu chishít ?? He ?? fish. (catching?? fishing with a pole??) See: r'ibáchit'; r'ibák. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, fish.

r'ibáchit'   РЫБАЧИТЬ.

v ipfv. fish. Nick Leman with a catch of silvers. ...?? r'íbu chishít ?? He ?? fish. (catching?? fishing with a pole??) See: r'ibáchit'; r'ibák. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, fish.

r'ibáchit'   РЫБАЧИТЬ.

v ipfv. fish. Nick Leman with a catch of silvers. Ya r'ibáchu. I am fishing. A gd'é t'i r'ibáchish? Where do you fish? See: r'ibá; r'ibák. Category: fish.

r'ibák   РЫБАК.

n. fisherman. plural r'ibak'í. See: r'ibáchit'; r'íba. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, jobs.

r'íb'ichiy   adj. fish, of fish. plural r'íb'ichyi. r'íb'ichyi hwast'í fish tails. Category: record.

r'ib'it'íshk'i   n. children. variant rab'it'íshk'i, rabat'íshk'i. U m'in'é chit'ír'i rab'it'íshk'i. I have four children. mayí r'ib'it'íshk'i my children. Yíhn'iya rab'at'íshk'i mál'in'k'iya. Their children are small. Yíhnay rabat'íshk'i mál'inkiya. (alternate; keep??) Their children are small. R'ib'it'íshk'i na l'isínu zal'izáyot. ?? Children are climbing the tree. See: r'ib'ónak. Category: relatives.

r'ib'ónak   РЕБЕНОК.

n. child. plural r'ib'ónk'i. See: r'ib'it'íshk'i children. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, people.

r'ibró   РЕБРО.

n. rib. variant r'ibyó. plural r'óbr'a, r'ib'yá, r'óbr'i. Mayí r'óbra bal'át. My ribs ache. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, body.

r'ichúshka   РЕЧУШКА.

n. stream. See: réchka. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, locations, water.

r'iká   РЕКА.

n. river. dimunitive réchka, r'ichúshka. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, locations, water.

r'imén'   РЕМЕНЬ.

n. belt. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, clothes.

r'is   РИС.

n. rice. See: krupá. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, food, record.

r'isawát'   РИСОВАТЬ.

v ipfv. draw.

rok   РОГ.

n. horn, antler. plural ragá. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, animals.

Rós'ip   РОССЫПЬ.

pn. deposit, gravel deposit, gravel bar. This refers to the gravel deposit on the Ninilchik River south of Dean Kvasnikoff's village house. na Rós'ip'i at the gravel deposit. especially said of the gravel deposit on the Ninilchik river south of the Kwasnikoff houses. Category: locations.

rot   РОТ.

n. mouth. plural rót'i. See: rózha. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, body, record.

równay   ПРЯМОЙ ??

adj. straight. Category: shape.

rózga   РОЗГА.

n. twig. Children had to go get their own willow twigs with which to be spanked for discipline. Category: plants, Kibrik-Bergelson.

rózha   n. mouth. U n'iwó rózha bal'shóy - mnóga baltáyit. He has a big mouth: it means he talks too much. Category: record.

n. shirt. rubáha   РУБАХА.

n. shirt. rubáha   РУБАХА.

n. shirt. Twoy rubáha z'il'ónay. Your shirt is green. Zast'ign'í twoy rubáhu! Button up your shirt! dimunitive rubáshka. Category: clothes.

rubáshka   n. shirt. non-dimunitive rubáha. Category: clothes, record.

v pfv. chop. rub'ít' might have more force than t'ápit'. On rub'ít'. He is chopping. On drawá rub'ít'. He's chopping wood. On drawá rub'íl. He chopped wood. On fs'o drawá rub'íl. He chopped all the wood. ?? Ya rub'l'ú. ?? I'm chopping. parub'íl See: atrub'ít'; t'ápat'. Category: wood.

rúbl'inay   adj. ground. rúbl'inay m'ása ground meat. See: razmólatay. Category: texture.

rúchka   РУЧКА.

n. handle. plural rúchk'i. Category: tools.

rugát'   РУГАТЬ.

v ipfv. curse at, swear. T'i m'in'é tózha rugáyish. You curse at me also. Category: record.

rub'ít'   РУБИТЬ.

v pfv. chop. rub'ít' might have more force than t'ápit'. On rub'ít'. He is chopping. On drawá rub'ít'. He's chopping wood. On drawá rub'íl. He chopped wood. On fs'o drawá rub'íl. He chopped all the wood. ?? Ya rub'l'ú. ?? I'm chopping. parub'íl See: atrub'ít'; t'ápat'. Category: wood.

rúbl'inay   adj. ground. rúbl'inay m'ása ground meat. See: razmólatay. Category: texture.

rúchka   РУЧКА.

n. handle. plural rúchk'i. Category: tools.

rugát'   РУГАТЬ.

v ipfv. curse at, swear. T'i m'in'é tózha rugáyish. You curse at me also. Category: record.

rub'ít'   РУБИТЬ.

v pfv. chop. rub'ít' might have more force than t'ápit'. On rub'ít'. He is chopping. On drawá rub'ít'. He's chopping wood. On drawá rub'íl. He chopped wood. On fs'o drawá rub'íl. He chopped all the wood. ?? Ya rub'l'ú. ?? I'm chopping. parub'íl See: atrub'ít'; t'ápat'. Category: wood.

rúbl'inay   adj. ground. rúbl'inay m'ása ground meat. See: razmólatay. Category: texture.

rúchka   РУЧКА.

n. handle. plural rúchk'i. Category: tools.

rugát'   РУГАТЬ.

v ipfv. curse at, swear. T'i m'in'é tózha rugáyish. You curse at me also. Category: record.

ruká   РУКА.

n. arm, hand. plural rúk'i. Ruká bal'shóy. The hand is big. ?? Rúk'i bal'shíya. ?? The hands are big. ?? rukám'i with (your) hands. See: k'ist'. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, body.

rukáf   РУКАВ.

n. sleeve. plural rukaw'í. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, clothes, record.

rul'   РУЛЬ.

n. steering wheel. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, boats, record.

Rusáchka   РУСАЧКА ??

n. Russian person (female). Aná Rusáchka. She is Russian. See: Rusák. Category: nationalities, record.

n. Russian (person). plural Rusak'í. See: Rusáchka; Rúskay. Category: nationalities.

Rusák   РУСАК.

n. Russian (person). plural Rusak'í. See: Rusáchka; Rúskay. Category: nationalities.

Rusák   РУСАК.

n. Russian (person). plural Rusak'í. See: Rusáchka; Rúskay. Category: nationalities.

rushównay   adj. rusty. Nósh u m'in'é rushównay. My knife is rusty. See: zarzháway.

Rúskay   РУССКИЙ.

adj. Russian. plural Ruskíya. An'í búl'i Ruskíya. They were Russian.

n. Russian (person). plural Rúski. rúskay plát'a Russian dress. rúskay kartús Russian box. rúskaya d'éfka Russian girl. See: Ras'íya Russia; Rusák Russian (person); parúsk'i Russian language. Category: nationalities.

ruzhyó   РУЖЬЕ.

n. gun, rifle. variant ruzhó; plural rúzha. See: púshka. Category: guns.

r'yóta   РВОТА.

n. vomit. See: w'írwat'. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, sickness, record.