U - u
u prep. at. U nas n'imnóga. We don't have much (for example, not much snow). Kakóy u t'ibé pagóda? How's your weather? (lit., What are the conditions at yours). U m'in'é yes' dom. I have a house. U yey yes' dom. She has a house. U m'in'é gazal'ín. I have a boat. U n'iwó gazal'ín. He has a boat. U n'iwó Rúsk'iya úshi. He has Russian ears. See: imét' ‘own’.
U papá b'ilá sabáka, póp iyó l'ub'íl. phr. U papá b'ilá sabáka, póp iyó l'ub'íl. Aná syéla kusók sála, póp iyó ub'íl .... An'í zál'i zakapál'i í na krést'i nap'isál'i: ''U papá bilá sabáka, póp iyó l'ub'íl.'' A priest had a dog. He loved it. It stole a piece of meat. The priest killed it. ... They took it and buried it and wrote on the cross: "A priest had a dog. He loved it. It stole a piece of meat." ....
ub'ít' УБИТЬ.
v pfv. kill. ubáw'it' ?? ??. make smaller. Aná swoy?? plát'i ubáw'ila. ?? She made her dress smaller. ?? See: ubuwát'.
ub'ít' УБИТЬ.
v pfv. kill. ubáw'it' ?? ??. make smaller. Aná swoy?? plát'i ubáw'ila. ?? She made her dress smaller. ?? See: ubuwát'.
ub'ít' УБИТЬ.
v pfv. kill. Ya sahátu ub'íl. I killed a moose. Ya iwó ub'yú. I am killing him (for example, a fly). Category: hunt.
úb'it' УБЫТЬ.
??. tide go out, decrease, subside.
ub'izhát' v pfv. run away, flee. Úb'il. (The tide) went out. Wadá úb'il. ?? The tide (water) went out. ?? antonym pr'ibal'át'. See: úbal'wat' ‘decrease’. Category: water.
ub'izhát' v pfv. run away, flee. Úb'il. (The tide) went out. Wadá úb'il. ?? The tide (water) went out. ?? antonym pr'ibal'át'. See: úbal'wat' ‘decrease’. Category: water.
ub'izhát' v pfv. run away, flee. On ub'izhál. He ran away. ipfv: b'izhát'. Category: motion.
ubórnay УБОРНАЯ.
n. bathroom. See: núzhn'ik; bórn'ita. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, house, record.
ubrát' v pfv. put away. Ya ubrál. I put (them) away. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, Wayne Leman, move.
ubuwát' УБЫВАТЬ.
v ipfv. tide go out, decrease, subside. Ubuwáyit. (The tide) is going out. pfv: úbat'. See: pr'ibawl'át'; pr'ibuwát'; úb'it'. Category: water.
v ipfv. teach. Aná mn'é // m'in'á úchit. She's teaching me. Aná mn'é úchit parúsk'i. She's teaching me Russian. Ya uchíl. I taught. Máma, chiwó t'i nas n'i uchíla parúsk'i? Mama, why didn't you teach us Russian? See: uchítsa; nauchítsa. Category: school, cognition.
uchít'il' УЧИТЕЛЬ.
n. teacher. feminine uchít'il'n'itsa. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, school, jobs, record.
uchít'il'n'itsa n. female teacher. See: uchít'il'; uchít', uchítsa, nauchítsa. Category: school, record.
uchítsa УЧИТЬСЯ.
v ipfv. learn, study. On úchitsa, on búd'it bát'ushka. He's studying to be a priest. Lit: He's studying, he will be a priest. ?? pfv: nauchítsa. See: uchít'; uchít'il'n'itsa. Category: cognition.
n. educated. refers to being knowledgeable due to education. uchónay chalawék educated person. See: úmnay ‘smart’; abl'ázónay ‘educated’. Category: people.
úd'ichka УДОЧКА.
n. fishhook, hook. variant údachka. See: kruchók. Category: fish, tools.
úd'it' v ipfv. angle. úd'it (He) angles. Category: fish.
n. coal. plural ugl'á, úgal'i. On úgal' sab'iráyit. He's picking up (gathering) coal. Stupáy rashkrashí úgal'! Go crush the coal! (into small enough pieces for the stove). Ishó úgal' palósh! Put some more coal in (the stove)! Category: fire.
n. corner. plural ugalí. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, locations, house.
n. broth. A htó z'iwáyit uhú hl'ibáyit. Whoever is slow at the dinner table will slurp only broth. See: sup. Category: food.
uhód'it' УХОДИТЬ.
v pfv. go. Kudá t'i ushól? Where did you go? Ya ushól damói. I (male) went home. See: it'í. Category: motion.
v pfv. steal. Ya n'i ukrála. I (female) didn't steal (it). Ya balík ukrál. I (male) stole smoked salmon. See: pakast'ít'.
úksus УКСУС.
n. vinegar. Category: food, record.
ukúd'ik n. bumble bee. variant úkad'ák, yúkadak; plural ukúd'ik'i, ukad'ák'i. ukúd'ik'ina gn'izdó bee's nest (bee hive). Ukad'ák m'in'á atkus'íl. A bumble bee bit me. U vas tam ukad'ák'i skóra búdut. You will soon get there bumble bees. Category: insects.
n. outside. variant úl'isa. na úl'itsi outside of the house (lit., on the street). See: wnutré; na wúl'itsi. Category: locations.
um УМ.
n. mind. Category: cognition, record.
um'irát' УМИРАТЬ.
v ipfv. die (about people). refers to death of a person; for death of an animal the verb prapast' is used. Chalawék um'iráyit. (This) man is dying. (The man is dying. ??) úmadak n. salted slightly smoked fish. variant úmarak. It is cooked before it is eaten because it has been smoked so little. called an "Aleut" word by Ninilchik people. Category: fish, food.
um'irát' УМИРАТЬ.
v ipfv. die (about people). refers to death of a person; for death of an animal the verb prapast' is used. Chalawék um'iráyit. (This) man is dying. (The man is dying. ??) úmadak n. salted slightly smoked fish. variant úmarak. It is cooked before it is eaten because it has been smoked so little. called an "Aleut" word by Ninilchik people. Category: fish, food.
um'irát' УМИРАТЬ.
v ipfv. die (about people). refers to death of a person; for death of an animal the verb prapast' is used. Chalawék um'iráyit. (This) man is dying. (The man is dying. ??) An'í um'iráyut. They are dying. pfv: um'irét'. See: pam'irát'; prapadát'; prapast'. Category: death.
v pfv. die (about people). um'irét' УМЕРЕТЬ.
v pfv. die (about people). um'irét' УМЕРЕТЬ.
v pfv. die (about people). On úm'ir. He died. Aná um'irlá. She died.
another recording; which keep?? n'i hat'él um'irét'. (He) did not want to die. ipfv: um'irát'. See: prapást'; pam'irát'; pam'irét'. Category: death.
another recording; which keep?? n'i hat'él um'irét'. (He) did not want to die. ipfv: um'irát'. See: prapást'; pam'irát'; pam'irét'. Category: death.
adj. smart. úmnay chalawék smart person. See: uchónay. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, Wayne Leman, people.
upást' v pfv. fall. On upál. He fell down. See: stat'. Category: motion.
adj. stubborn. upórnay УПОРНЫЙ.
adj. stubborn. upórnay УПОРНЫЙ.
adj. stubborn. On upórnay. He is stubborn. See: górday ‘very stubborn’. Category: personality.
uran'ít' УРОНИТЬ.
v pfv. drop, let down. Uran'í pép'il'! Shake the ashes down! (inside the stove). Ya iwó uran'íla. I (female) dropped it. Category: fire.
ús'a УСТЬЕ.
n. river mouth, mouth of river. Category: water.
n. ear. plural úshi. bal'shíya úshi big ears. krásn'iya úshi red ears. mál'in'k'iya úshi small ears. U n'iwó Rúsk'iya úshi. He has Russian ears. Kadá úshi gar'át ohtáta pra t'ibé gawarít. ?? When ears are burning someone is talking about you. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, body.
ushín n. pitcher. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, containers.
ushiwát' УШИВАТЬ.
v ipfv. take in (clothes). An'í ushiwál'i. They were taking the clothes in. Category: housework, jobs, record.
ushkó УШКО.
n. needle eye. Category: record, sew.
n. facial hair, moustache. for example, moustache, whiskers, sideburns. See: baradá ‘beard’. Category: body.
us'nóy adj. aural, related to ears.
usnút' v pfv. go to sleep. Ya usnúl. I (male) went to sleep. ipfv: spat'. Category: Wayne Leman, sleep.
ustát' v pfv. get tired. usób'inay adj. separate. Éta palózh w usób'inay méstu! Put this in a separate place! Category: locations.
ustát' v pfv. get tired. usób'inay adj. separate. Éta palózh w usób'inay méstu! Put this in a separate place! Category: locations.
ustát' v pfv. get tired. Ya ustál'u. ?? I'm tired. On ustál. He got tired. Ya ustál. I (male) got tired. Ya ustála. I (female) got tired. T'i ustál'ish? Are you tired? T'i ustal'ósh? ?? Are you tired? ??
v pfv. drown. On utanúl. He drowned. Astarózhna, t'i mózhish utanút'! Watch out, you may drown! On utón'it. He will drown. Category: death.
M'i ustál'i. We got tired. Ízhi ya búdu rabótat' ya ustánu. If I will work I will get tired. Category: body.
v pfv. drown. On utanúl. He drowned. Astarózhna, t'i mózhish utanút'! Watch out, you may drown! On utón'it. He will drown. Category: death.
M'i ustál'i. We got tired. Ízhi ya búdu rabótat' ya ustánu. If I will work I will get tired. Category: body.
v pfv. drown. On utanúl. He drowned. Astarózhna, t'i mózhish utanút'! Watch out, you may drown! On utón'it. He will drown. Category: death.
n. duck. See: gagára ‘loon’. Category: birds.
n. bluff, cliff. for instance, the bluff area next to the cannery. variant uchós. See: gará; bugór. Category: locations.
n. morning. Dóbraya útra! Good morning! Útra pr'ishól. Morning came. ?? See: útram. Category: time.
n. morning. Dóbraya útra! Good morning! Útra pr'ishól. Morning came. ?? See: útram. Category: time.
n. morning. Dóbraya útra! Good morning! Útra pr'ishól. Morning came. ?? See: útram. Category: time.
adv. Ya útram rána fstála. I (female) woke up early. See: útra ‘morning’. Category: time.
n. iron, flat iron. for pressing clothes. genitive ut'ugá. plural ut'uk'í. ut'úk УТЮГ.
n. iron, flat iron. for pressing clothes. genitive ut'ugá. plural ut'uk'í. ut'úk УТЮГ.
n. iron, flat iron. for pressing clothes. genitive ut'ugá. plural ut'uk'í. dwa ut'ugá two irons.
phr. I'll see you. See: w'íd'it'. Category: sight.
Ya n'i l'ubl'ú ut'úk d'irzhát'. I don't like to work with an iron. verb glád'it'. See: zhil'éza ‘iron (metal)’. Category: tools.
phr. I'll see you. See: w'íd'it'. Category: sight.
Ya n'i l'ubl'ú ut'úk d'irzhát'. I don't like to work with an iron. verb glád'it'. See: zhil'éza ‘iron (metal)’. Category: tools.
phr. I'll see you. See: w'íd'it'. Category: sight.
n. supper. See: úzhnat'. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, eat.
úzhnat' v ipfv. eat supper. Ya úzhnayu. I am eating supper. Wécharam m'i úzhnaim, nócham m'i sp'im. ?? In the evening we eat supper, at night we sleep. See: úzhin. Category: eat.
adv. suppertime. pósl'i úzhnu after suppertime. Category: time, eat.
n. knot. variant úzhil; plural uz[i]lí. Éta n'ítka pólan úz'il. This thread is full of knots. tugóy úz'il tight knot.
Úz'inkay Túndra pn. Second Flat. Lit: narrow flat located just beyond (east) of the First Flat, but before the highway. See: úzn'ikuy. Category: locations, flats, swamps.
úzn'ikuy adj. narrow. variant úz'in'kuy, úz'inkay. See: Úz'inkay Túndra ‘Narrow Flat’. Category: shape.