Ninilchik Russian Dictionary


L - l

labadátka   n. bowl. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, containers.

ládan   ЛАДАН.

n. incense. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, church.

ladón   ЛАДОНЬ.

n. palm of hand. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, body.

lafchít'   v ipfv. feel good ?? M'in'é n'i lafchít. I don't feel well. Fchirá yimú n'i lafchíla // yiwó n'i lafchíla. Yesterday he didn't feel well. See: chústwat'. Category: sickness.

n. store. plural láfk'i. láfka   ЛАВКА.

n. store. plural láfk'i. láfka   ЛАВКА.

n. store. plural láfk'i. mál'in'koy láfka small store. Category: buildings.

lahánka   ЛОХАНКА.

n. washtub, tub. plural lahánk'i. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, containers.

lamát'   ЛОМАТЬ.

v ipfv. break. Ya lamáyus'. I'm broke. pfv: slamát'. Category: money.

lámpa   n. lamp. for example, one that uses oil and a wick. plural lámp'i.

lampáda   ЛАМПАДА.

n. icon-lamp. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, light.

lapáta   ЛОПАТА.

n. shovel. dimunitive lapátka. See: lapátachka. Category: tools.

lapátachka   ЛОПАТОЧКА.

n. turner. See: lapáta. Category: tools.

lapátka   ЛОПАТКА.

n. 1 • shovel. non-dimunitive lapáta. See: lapátachka. Category: tools.

2 • paddle. See: gr'ibók. Category: boats.

On palózhil f'it'íl' lámpu. ?? He put the wick in the lamp. On nas ból' ?? takóy lámpa f'it'il'. ?? ?? See: fanár'; zhírn'ik. Category: light.

lampáda   ЛАМПАДА.

n. icon-lamp. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, light.

lapáta   ЛОПАТА.

n. shovel. dimunitive lapátka. See: lapátachka. Category: tools.

lapátachka   ЛОПАТОЧКА.

n. turner. See: lapáta. Category: tools.

lapátka   ЛОПАТКА.

n. 1 • shovel. non-dimunitive lapáta. See: lapátachka. Category: tools.

2 • paddle. See: gr'ibók. Category: boats.

On palózhil f'it'íl' lámpu. ?? He put the wick in the lamp. On nas ból' ?? takóy lámpa f'it'il'. ?? ?? See: fanár'; zhírn'ik. Category: light.

lampáda   ЛАМПАДА.

n. icon-lamp. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, light.

lapáta   ЛОПАТА.

n. shovel. dimunitive lapátka. See: lapátachka. Category: tools.

lapátachka   ЛОПАТОЧКА.

n. turner. See: lapáta. Category: tools.

lapátka   ЛОПАТКА.

n. 1 • shovel. non-dimunitive lapáta. See: lapátachka. Category: tools.

2 • paddle. See: gr'ibók. Category: boats.

lápka   n. snowshoe. plural lápk'i. See: k'ishók. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson.

lapúsha   n. sweetie, my dear.

Lar'ión   pn. Larry. Larry Matson. Category: names.

lashad'ín'iy   ЛОШАДИНЫЙ.

adj. relating to horses. lashad'ín'iy skót'n'ik stable. See: lóshit' horse. Category: buildings.

n. thigh, leg?? plural l'áshk'i. another recording; which keep?? See: bétra; nagá; íkra. Category: body.

láska   ЛАСКА.

n. weasel. See: garnastáy. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, animals.

laskutók   ЛОСКУТОК.

n. patch, cloth piece. See: pachínka. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, material, sew.

l'áshka   ЛЯЖКА.

n. thigh, leg?? plural l'áshk'i. another recording; which keep?? See: bétra; nagá; íkra. Category: body.

láska   ЛАСКА.

n. weasel. See: garnastáy. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, animals.

laskutók   ЛОСКУТОК.

n. patch, cloth piece. See: pachínka. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, material, sew.

l'áshka   ЛЯЖКА.

n. thigh, leg?? plural l'áshk'i. another recording; which keep?? See: bétra; nagá; íkra. Category: body.

láska   ЛАСКА.

n. weasel. See: garnastáy. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, animals.

laskutók   ЛОСКУТОК.

n. patch, cloth piece. See: pachínka. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, material, sew.

lástachka   ЛАСТОЧКА.

n. sparrow, swallow. sparrows make nests out of mud, swallows out of grass. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, birds.

law'ít'   ЛОВИТЬ.

v ipfv. catch. An'í r'íbu law'íl'i. They caught fish. Ya lawl'ú. I'm catching (something).

láwushnay   ЛОЖНЫЙ.

adj. made, manufactured, false ??, store-bought ?? Ad'é t'i r'íbu lów'ish? ?? Where did you catch the fish? ?? See: paymát'; dóbat'; gal'ít'. Category: fish.

láwushnay   ЛОЖНЫЙ.

adj. made, manufactured, false ??, store-bought ?? Ad'é t'i r'íbu lów'ish? ?? Where did you catch the fish? ?? See: paymát'; dóbat'; gal'ít'. Category: fish.

láwushnay   ЛОЖНЫЙ.

adj. made, manufactured, false ??, store-bought ?? láwushn'iya zúb'i false teeth (lit., from-the-store teeth).

láyat'   ЛАЯТЬ.

v ipfv. bark. Láushnay hl'éba zapl'ésn'it. Store-bought bread gets moldy. ?? Category: quality.

láyat'   ЛАЯТЬ.

v ipfv. bark. Láushnay hl'éba zapl'ésn'it. Store-bought bread gets moldy. ?? Category: quality.

láyat'   ЛАЯТЬ.

v ipfv. bark. On láyit. He's barking. Category: animals.

láyda   ПАЙДА.

n. beach, spit. M'i payd'óm na láydu. We're going to the beach. A fishing tender was named Layda. See: bér'ik. Category: water, locations.

l'échit'   ЛЕЧИТЬ.

v ipfv. heal, doctor. variant l'ichít'. This is what a doctor does. Aná l'échit l'ud'éy. She heals (doctors) people. On l'ichít iyó He's healing her. Dóktar t'ibé l'ichíl The doctor healed you. Category: sickness.

l'es   ЛЕС.

n. forest. Yólk'i pálk'i gustóy l'es! Spruce trees, canes, dense forest! See: l'is'ína tree. Category: trees.

l'és'inka   ЛЕСЕНКА.

n. ladder. non-dimunitive l'ésn'itsa. See: trap. Category: tools.

l'ésn'itsa   ЛЕСТНИЦА.

n. ladder. dimunitive l'és'inka. See: trap. Category: tools.

l'et   ЛЕТ.

n. years. plural l'éta. Skólka wam l'et? How old are you? M'in'é d'íw'atnósta l'et= nu góda {maybe} .. l'et I am 90 years old (lit., To me there are 90 years.) Mnógaya l'éta, mnógaya l'éta, mnógaya l'éta! (birthday song) Many years, many years, many years! "goda" is used with numbers ending in 1, 2, 3, 4; "l'et" is used with numbers ending in 5-9. See: got; l'étam. Category: ages, songs.

l'éta   ЛЕТО.

n. summer, years. singular l'et. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, Wayne Leman, time.

l'étam   ЛЕТОМ.

adv. summertime. See: l'et. Category: Evgeniy Golovko, time.

l'éway   ЛЕВЫЙ.

adj. left (position), left hand. variant l'éwoy, l'éwiy. On l'éwuyú pl'ichó slamál. He broke his left shoulder. See: l'ifshoy; práway. Category: locations.

l'ífa   ЛИФ.

n. brassiere. dimunitive l'ífka. See: braz'ír brassiere. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, clothes.

l'ífka   ЛИФКА.

n. brassiere. non-dimunitive l'ífa. See: braz'ír brassiere. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, clothes.

l'ifshóy   adj. left-handed. See: l'éway. Category: body.

l'igúshka   ЛЯГУШКА.

n. frog. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, animals.

l'ihkó   легко.

adv. easily. L'ihko? N'et. Is it easy? No.

l'ikárstwa   ЛЕКАРСТВО.

n. medicine. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, sickness.

L'íman'iha   pn. Leman's wife. This was Irene, wife of Joe Leman. See: Kél'iha. Category: names.

n. lemon. Category: fruit.

l'imón   ЛИМОН.

n. lemon. Category: fruit.

l'imón   ЛИМОН.

n. lemon. Category: fruit.

l'int'áy   ЛЕНТЯЙ.

n. lazy person. On óchin l'int'áy. He's very lazy. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, Wayne Leman, personality.

L'iónt'iy   pn. Louie. Louie Kvasnikoff. Category: names.

l'ipl'óshka   ЛЕПЕШКА.

n. pancake, fried bread. means 'pancake' for some speakers but 'fried bread' for other speakers; said to be the most commonly used word for pancake. plural l'ipl'óshk'i. See: aládushka; bl'in'í; pr'isn'ét'. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, food.

adj. excessive, extra, superfluous. L'íshnay n'i náda gawarét! ?? Don't speak superfluously! ?? Category: quality.

l'íshnay ??   ЛИШНИЙ.

adj. excessive, extra, superfluous. L'íshnay n'i náda gawarét! ?? Don't speak superfluously! ?? Category: quality.

l'íshnay ??   ЛИШНИЙ.

adj. excessive, extra, superfluous. L'íshnay n'i náda gawarét! ?? Don't speak superfluously! ?? Category: quality.

l'is'ína   ЛЕСИНА.

n. tree. plural l'is'ín'i. L'is'ína w'isókay. The tree is tall. On zal'és na l'is'ínu. He climbed up a tree. Ya iyónay kóshku w'íd'ila na l'is'ín'i. I (female) saw her cat up a tree. See: l'es; d'ér'iwa. Category: wood.

l'is'ítsa   ЛИСИЦА.

n. fox. plural l'is'íts'i. krásnay l'is'ítsa red fox. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, animals.

l'íst   ЛИСТ.

n. leaf. plural l'íst'a, l'íst'i. See: l'istwá. Category: plants.

l'istvá   n. foliage. the leaves of a plant, collectively; leafage. L'istvu sab'iráyut… im núzhna. [They] collect foliage, they need it.

l'it'   ЛИТЬ.

v ipfv. pour. Aná l'íyit chay. She pours the tea. pfv: nal'ít'. See: razl'iwát'.

l'itát'   ЛЕТАТЬ.

v ipfv. fly. Múha l'itáyit. A fly is flying. pfv: pr'il'itát'. See: pril'itát' fly in.

l'it'inánt   ЛЕЙТЕНАНТ.

n. lieutenant. Category: military.

l'itsó   ЛИЦО.

n. face. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, body.

l'itúchay   ЛЕТУЧИЙ.

adj. flying. l'itúchay m'ishónak bat (lit., flying mouse). Category: animals.

l'iturg'íya   ЛИТУРГИЯ.

n. liturgy. zhést'ina l'iturg'íya divine liturgy. Category: church.

l'izhat'   v ipfv. lie; lie down. On na kóyk'i l'izhít. He's lying on the bed.

l'ízhi   n. skis. singular l'ízha.

another recording Category: play.

another recording Category: play.

l'óhkay   ЛЕГКИЙ.

adj. 1 • light, slight. Can be light in weight. variant yóhkay. l'óhkay wét'ir light breeze. On l'óhkay. It's light. antonym t'izhólay. Category: weather, weight.

2 • easy. N'i kakóy rabóta n'i l'óhkay. No work is easy. Category: quality. l'óhka ?? lightly ; slightly ; easily ?? ЛЕГКО.

On l'óhka rabótat. ?? He works easily.

l'óhk'i   ЛЕГКИЕ.

n. lungs. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, body.

lókat'   ЛОКОТЬ.

n. elbow. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, body.

lop   ЛОБ.

n. forehead. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, body.

lópnut'   v pfv. break, burst. W'irófka lópnul. The rope broke. Ya w'iráfku lopnúl. ?? I broke the rope. lópnu (I) will burst/break. See: slamátsa; slamát'.

lóshit'   ЛОШАДЬ.

n. horse. variant lóshat'; plural lóshad'i. Pradáy m'in'é twoy lóshit'! Sell me your horse! On na lóshad'i pashól. He went on the horse. See: lashad'ín'iy; kon'. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, animals.

n. spoon. Category: tools.

lóshka   ЛОЖКА.

n. spoon. Category: tools.

lóshka   ЛОЖКА.

n. spoon. Category: tools.

l'ot   ЛЕД.

n. ice. L'ot kl'ískay. The ice is slippery. See: shugá. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, Wayne Leman, water, weather.

lótka   ЛОДКА.

n. boat. plural lótk'i. This word was understood but not used in Ninilchik. "[This is] what the Russians would call it; we called it a gazal'ín." (NL). See: gazal'ín; parahót; karábl'; dóra. Category: boats.

lozh'   ЛОЖЬ.

n. lies. See: básn'i. Category: speak, record.

l'úb'it'   ЛЮБИТЬ.

v ipfv. love, like. Ya t'ibé l'ubl'ú. I love you. Aná nas l'úb'it. She loves us. Aná yih l'úb'it. She loves you guys. On m'in'é n'i l'úb'it. He doesn't like me. Ya iwó n'i l'ubl'ú. I don't like him. T'i l'úb'ish? Do you like (it)? Ya l'ubl'ú balík. I like balik. Ya l'ubl'ú w'izát'. I like to knit.

Ya n'i l'ubl'ú chirpát'. I don't like to dip (water). Category: emotions.

Ya n'i l'ubl'ú chirpát'. I don't like to dip (water). Category: emotions.

l'ubów   ЛЮБОВЬ.

n. love. verb l'úb'it'. Category: emotions.

adj. better. adverb l'úchi. See: harashó; lushóy. Category: quality.

l'úchay   ЛУЧШИЙ.

adj. better. adverb l'úchi. See: harashó; lushóy. Category: quality.

l'úchay   ЛУЧШИЙ.

adj. better. adverb l'úchi. See: harashó; lushóy. Category: quality.

l'úchi   ЛУЧШЕ.

adv. better. Záftr'i búd'it l'úchi. Tomorrow will be better. l'úchi fseh best.

L'úchi iyó parúsk'i gawarú ?? stárzhit ?? stárshi ?? ... On hwástawisa. (I) speak better Russian than her; I am older. ...  ?? adjective l'úchay. See: harashó; lushóy. Category: quality.

L'úchi iyó parúsk'i gawarú ?? stárzhit ?? stárshi ?? ... On hwástawisa. (I) speak better Russian than her; I am older. ...  ?? adjective l'úchay. See: harashó; lushóy. Category: quality.

l'úd'i   ЛЮДИ.

n. people. Aná l'échit l'ud'éy. She heals (treats) people. Ya sah (fs'o??) l'ud'éy n'i znayu. ?? I don't know all the people. See: chalawék man. Category: people.

L'udm'íla   pn. Louise. Category: names.

n. onion. See: l'úkaw'itsa onion bulb; d'íkay l'uk wild onion. Category: food, plants.

l'úkaw'itsa   ЛУКОВИЦА.

n. onion bulb, bulb of onion. See: l'uk onion. Category: plants, record.

lukóshka   n. basket. Category: record.

l'úlka   ЛЮЛЬКА.

n. baby cradle. variant yúlka. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, babies, record.

l'uk   ЛУК.

n. onion. See: l'úkaw'itsa onion bulb; d'íkay l'uk wild onion. Category: food, plants.

l'úkaw'itsa   ЛУКОВИЦА.

n. onion bulb, bulb of onion. See: l'uk onion. Category: plants, record.

lukóshka   n. basket. Category: record.

l'úlka   ЛЮЛЬКА.

n. baby cradle. variant yúlka. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, babies, record.

l'uk   ЛУК.

n. onion. See: l'úkaw'itsa onion bulb; d'íkay l'uk wild onion. Category: food, plants.

l'úkaw'itsa   ЛУКОВИЦА.

n. onion bulb, bulb of onion. See: l'uk onion. Category: plants, record.

lukóshka   n. basket. Category: record.

l'úlka   ЛЮЛЬКА.

n. baby cradle. variant yúlka. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, babies, record.

luná   ЛУНА.

n. moon. Luná swét'it. The moon is shining. pólnay luná full moon. nóway luná new moon. Category: nature.

lushóy   adj. best. variant luchiy. lushóy lahánka the best washtub. See: l'úchi; haróshay.