B - b
n. woman. Some say this is of a woman older than a d'éfka. báb'ina chulk'í women's socks (stockings).
Aná haróshaya bába. She is a good woman. See: d'éfka. Category: people.
Bába Yagá phr. Old Witch saying. Bába Yagá kost'anáya nagá; nos w patalók (w)ros. Old Lady Yaga had a bony leg; her nose grew to the ceiling. Category: sayings.
bab'í БОБЫ.
n. beans. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, food.
n. butterfly. variant bábachka; plural báb'ichk'i. Category: insects.
báb'ichka n. grandmother (small name). non-dimunitive bábushka. See: bábachka ‘butterfly’. Category: relatives.
n. butterfly. variant bábachka; plural báb'ichk'i. Category: insects.
báb'ichka n. grandmother (small name). non-dimunitive bábushka. See: bábachka ‘butterfly’. Category: relatives.
n. butterfly. variant bábachka; plural báb'ichk'i. Category: insects.
báb'ichka n. grandmother (small name). non-dimunitive bábushka. See: bábachka ‘butterfly’. Category: relatives.
babróway shápka БОБРОВАЯ ШАПКА.
n. beaver hat. variant bab'órnay shápka. made of beaver fur. Category: clothes.
n. grandma, grandmother. iyónaya bábushka her grandma.
náshiy bábushka our grandma. dimunitive báb'ichka. See: Zhíl-bil u bábushk'i séren'kay kózl'ik. Category: relatives.
Bábushk'ina M'is pn. Ninilchik Point. Is this the point at the sharp bend in the river by Babushka's house?? See: m'is. Category: locations.
babúshka n. kerchief, scarf. See: bábushka ‘grandmother’; platók ‘handkerchief ; bandana ; scarf’.
Bábushk'ina M'is pn. Ninilchik Point. Is this the point at the sharp bend in the river by Babushka's house?? See: m'is. Category: locations.
babúshka n. kerchief, scarf. See: bábushka ‘grandmother’; platók ‘handkerchief ; bandana ; scarf’.
Bábushk'ina M'is pn. Ninilchik Point. Is this the point at the sharp bend in the river by Babushka's house?? See: m'is. Category: locations.
n. beaver. plural babr'í. Category: animals.
bachómki ?? ??
Payós parách'i bachómki ... ?? ?? Category: Wayne Leman, Kibrik-Bergelson.
bachónak БОЧОНОК.
n. keg, small barrel. See: bóchka. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, containers.
bagét' ?? v ??. ??
adj. rich. On basikóm bágeyit. (bágayit??) He's barefoot ??.
adj. rich. On basikóm bágeyit. (bágayit??) He's barefoot ??.
adj. rich. bahátay muzhík rich man. bahát'iya l'úd'i rich people.
bahátstwa БОГАТСТВО.
n. wealth. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, money, record.
On bul bahátay. He was rich. antonym bédnay ‘poor’. Category: money.
bahátstwa БОГАТСТВО.
n. wealth. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, money, record.
On bul bahátay. He was rich. antonym bédnay ‘poor’. Category: money.
bahátstwa БОГАТСТВО.
n. wealth. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, money, record.
n. dance.
bal'áchuway adj. painful, hurting. Category: sickness.
balawn'ík БАЛОВНИК.
n. naughty child, brat. Category: personality.
n. dummy, dumbbell, know-nothing. plural bald'í. See: durák. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, people.
n. sickness. plural bal'éz'i. Kakóy u was bal'és? What kind of sickness do you have? See: bol'; bal'ét'. Category: sickness.
bal'ét' БОЛЕТЬ.
v ipfv. hurt, ache. U m'in'á nagá bal'ít . My leg aches. U m'in'é galawá bal'ít. I have a headache.
U m'in'é zup bal'él. I had a toothache.
pl'ichó bal'it. (My) shoulder hurts. Sp'iná bal'ít. (My) back hurts. See: bol'; bal'nóy; hwarát'. Category: sickness.
pl'ichó bal'it. (My) shoulder hurts. Sp'iná bal'ít. (My) back hurts. See: bol'; bal'nóy; hwarát'. Category: sickness.
n. smoked salmon.
bal'nóy БОЛЬНОЙ.
adj. sick. bal'nóy chalawék sick man. See: bal'ét'; hwarát'. Category: sickness, record.
n. marsh. This referred to a marshy shallow area along the southern part of the Ninilchik River, just after the big bend (mis) by Babushka's house. At the balota water would gush in when the tide would raise the level of the river. Because of the balota, people could bring in coal by boat closer to their houses. Category: locations.
... balík ... ?? (should we transcribe this??) ?? The Russian word БАЛЫК is borrowed from Turkic languages where it meant 'meat.'. See: tayshí; yúkala; chíkalin. Category: fish, food.
bal'nóy БОЛЬНОЙ.
adj. sick. bal'nóy chalawék sick man. See: bal'ét'; hwarát'. Category: sickness, record.
n. marsh. This referred to a marshy shallow area along the southern part of the Ninilchik River, just after the big bend (mis) by Babushka's house. At the balota water would gush in when the tide would raise the level of the river. Because of the balota, people could bring in coal by boat closer to their houses. Category: locations.
... balík ... ?? (should we transcribe this??) ?? The Russian word БАЛЫК is borrowed from Turkic languages where it meant 'meat.'. See: tayshí; yúkala; chíkalin. Category: fish, food.
bal'nóy БОЛЬНОЙ.
adj. sick. bal'nóy chalawék sick man. See: bal'ét'; hwarát'. Category: sickness, record.
n. marsh. This referred to a marshy shallow area along the southern part of the Ninilchik River, just after the big bend (mis) by Babushka's house. At the balota water would gush in when the tide would raise the level of the river. Because of the balota, people could bring in coal by boat closer to their houses. Category: locations.
adj. big, large. another recording; keep which??
Bal'shóy Túndra Big Flat.
bal'shíya pálk'i big sticks / poles (for example, fishing trap poles).
bal'shóy prázn'ik big holiday. Tam bal'shóy káray {building}, bal'sháya. It is a big brown building there, big.
Bal'shóy Bánka pn. Big Can. Category: locations.
bal'shóy kníga big book.
bal'shóy pt'ítsa big bird.
Éta bal'shóy dom. This is a big house.
Éta bal'shóy kníga. This is a big book.
Aná bal'sháya. She is big.
Mayá doch bal'sháya. ?? My daughter is big. ??
Aná w'íwasla??, aná bal'sháya. ?? She is ??, she is big.
Ruká bal'shóy. The hand is big. ??
Rúk'i bal'shíya. ?? The hands are big. ?? feminine bal'sháya. Category: size.
Bal'shóy Bánka pn. Big Can. Category: locations.
bal'shóy kníga big book.
bal'shóy pt'ítsa big bird.
Éta bal'shóy dom. This is a big house.
Éta bal'shóy kníga. This is a big book.
Aná bal'sháya. She is big.
Mayá doch bal'sháya. ?? My daughter is big. ??
Aná w'íwasla??, aná bal'sháya. ?? She is ??, she is big.
Ruká bal'shóy. The hand is big. ??
Rúk'i bal'shíya. ?? The hands are big. ?? feminine bal'sháya. Category: size.
Bal'shóy Bánka pn. Big Can. Category: locations.
Bal'shóy B'igór БОЛЬШОЙ БУГОР.
pn. Big Hill. Category: locations.
Bal'shóy Óz'ira БОЛЬШОЕ ОЗЕРО.
pn. Ninilchik Lake. Lit: Big Lake Category: locations, record.
Bal'shóy Túndra БОЛЬШАЯ ТУНДРА.
pn. Big Flat. located behind (east of) Hostetters at Sterling Highway MP 134. Category: locations, flats, swamps.
v ipfv. blabber, chatter, gossip. Aná mnóga baltáyit. She is gabbing a lot.
another recording; keep which?? On baltál. He was blabbering.
M'i baltáyim. We are blabbering.
Búd'it baltát! Stop blabbering! adjective baltóy. See: baltúsha ‘gossiper’; burl'ít' ‘blabber’. Category: speak.
baltóy adj. blabbery.
On baltóy. He's blabbery. verb baltát'. Category: speak.
n. 1 • bad egg, addle egg. This is an egg which has a shell but nothing inside. The egg doesn't hatch; the inside is rotten. Éta baltún. It's an addle egg.
2 • chatterbox, blabbermouth. See: baltúsha. Category: birds.
n. gossiper, windbag, blabbermouth?? baltún БОЛТУН.
n. 1 • bad egg, addle egg. This is an egg which has a shell but nothing inside. The egg doesn't hatch; the inside is rotten. Éta baltún. It's an addle egg.
2 • chatterbox, blabbermouth. See: baltúsha. Category: birds.
n. gossiper, windbag, blabbermouth?? baltún БОЛТУН.
n. 1 • bad egg, addle egg. This is an egg which has a shell but nothing inside. The egg doesn't hatch; the inside is rotten. Éta baltún. It's an addle egg.
2 • chatterbox, blabbermouth. See: baltúsha. Category: birds.
n. gossiper, windbag, blabbermouth?? another recording; keep which??
On baltúsha. He is a windbag (tells big stories).
baluw'ít' ?? ??. fool around, goof around. On baluw'it'. ?? He is fooling around. cf. ВАЛЯТЬ ??
On baltúsh. ?? He is a windbag. ??
Aná baltúsha. She is a windbag. See: baltát'; burl'ít'; baltún. Category: speak.
baluw'ít' ?? ??. fool around, goof around. On baluw'it'. ?? He is fooling around. cf. ВАЛЯТЬ ??
On baltúsh. ?? He is a windbag. ??
Aná baltúsha. She is a windbag. See: baltát'; burl'ít'; baltún. Category: speak.
baluw'ít' ?? ??. fool around, goof around. On baluw'it'. ?? He is fooling around. cf. ВАЛЯТЬ ??
n. bathhouse, steambath. See: p'ir'ibán'ik. Category: buildings.
bánachka n. small can. non-dimunitive bánka. Category: containers, record.
adj. canned. bánashnay m'ása canned meat. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, containers.
bánashnay {tamátus} phr. canned tomatoes. See: pam'idór. Category: food.
n. 1 • can, jar. dimunitive bánachka; plural bánk'i. st'ikl'ónay bánka glass jar. Bánka pólnay. The can is full.
An'í r'ibú w bánk'i zakr'iwáyut. They are canning fish. (lit., they are closing fish in cans).
2 • river bar. includes an eddy; fish would rest in a banka so it was easier to catch fish there; sometimes village children swam in a banka; when speaking English Ninilchik people translate banka as a "can" because of the polysemy of the word 'banka' in NR . Bayshóy Bánka Big Can.
r'íbu palózhit bánku ?? ?? Category: containers.
2 • river bar. includes an eddy; fish would rest in a banka so it was easier to catch fish there; sometimes village children swam in a banka; when speaking English Ninilchik people translate banka as a "can" because of the polysemy of the word 'banka' in NR . Bayshóy Bánka Big Can.
r'íbu palózhit bánku ?? ?? Category: containers.
2 • river bar. includes an eddy; fish would rest in a banka so it was easier to catch fish there; sometimes village children swam in a banka; when speaking English Ninilchik people translate banka as a "can" because of the polysemy of the word 'banka' in NR . Bayshóy Bánka Big Can.
Pérway Bánka First Bar (of the river). See: láyda ‘beach’. Category: locations.
bant БАНТ.
n. bow. plural bánt'i. Category: hair.
barábara n. underground sod house. Large indentations in the ground, left from these dwellings, have been found in the Ninilchik area; the houses must have been inhabited by Alaska Natives who lived on higher ground before the village was settled permanently. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, buildings.
n. beard. Butch Leman. U n'iwó baradá. He has a beard. See: us'í. Category: body.
n. wart. Category: body.
n. sheep. plural barán'i. Category: animals.
n. brothel. See: kurwáchiy dom ‘prostitution house’.
n. velvet. See: bárhatnay. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, material.
adj. made of velvet. See: bárhat. Category: material.
adj. made of velvet. See: bárhat. Category: material.
adj. made of velvet. See: bárhat. Category: material.
n. head, skull. bashká bal'ít headache. See: galawá ‘head’. Category: body.
n. shoe, boot. plural bashmak'í ‘footwear’. Bashmak'í gr'ázn'iya. (Your) shoes are dirty.
mayí bashmak'í my shoes.
iwónay bashmak'í his shoes. See: t'úhl'i ‘dress shoes’; kalbak'í ‘high-heeled shoes’; sapag'í ‘heavy boots’; apórk'i ‘cut-off boots’; prad'iwáshka ‘slip-on shoe’. Category: clothes.
adv. barefoot. On bas'ikóm. He's barefoot.
On bas'ikóm bagéyit. He's barefoot ??.
básn'i n. lies. See: skáska; lozh'. Category: speaking.
adv. barefoot. On bas'ikóm. He's barefoot.
On bas'ikóm bagéyit. He's barefoot ??.
básn'i n. lies. See: skáska; lozh'. Category: speaking.
adv. barefoot. On bas'ikóm. He's barefoot.
On bas'ikóm bagéyit. He's barefoot ??.
básn'i n. lies. See: skáska; lozh'. Category: speaking.
2 • PN. name of an old man who used to live in Ninilchik. Category: people.
bat'ík'ina sópl'i n. watermelon berry, snot berry. Lit: old man snot These berries do not taste very good. They remind Ninilchik people of watermelons. If you squeeze out their insides it looks like snot. Sometimes Ninilchik people refer to these berries in English as snot berries. See: sópl'i. Category: berries.
n. priest. Lit: papa
báw'it' БАВИТЬ.
v ipfv. add.
bayátsa БОЯТЬСЯ.
v ipfv. fear, be afraid. another recording; keep which?? plural bátushk'i. a form of address and reference to a priest. Father Michael Oskolkoff. See: iréy; sw'ishchén'ik; mátushka. Category: church, jobs.
báw'it' БАВИТЬ.
v ipfv. add.
bayátsa БОЯТЬСЯ.
v ipfv. fear, be afraid. another recording; keep which?? plural bátushk'i. a form of address and reference to a priest. Father Michael Oskolkoff. See: iréy; sw'ishchén'ik; mátushka. Category: church, jobs.
báw'it' БАВИТЬ.
v ipfv. add.
bayátsa БОЯТЬСЯ.
v ipfv. fear, be afraid. Ya bayús'. I'm afraid. Tóyka n'i bayís'! Don't be afraid!
Ya iwó bayús'. I'm afraid of him.
On bayálsa it'í. He was afraid to go.
T'i fs'idá m'ishónk'i bayálsa. You are always afraid of mice.
Trus, on fs'o bayítsa. Coward, he is afraid of everything. See: stráshna. Category: emotions.
n. kayak. These hide-covered kayaks were used by Southern Coast Eskimos as well as Aleuts. In English this word is spelled bidarka. plural baydárk'i. Category: boats, travel.
adj. poor. bédnay chalawék poor man.
Bédn'iya matróz'i kak an'í stradál'i. The poor sailors how they suffered (part of a song). noun b'idn'áshka; antonym bahátay ‘rich’. Category: money, songs.
bédn'iya matróz'i song phr. Poor sailors song. Bédn'iya matróz'i .. kak an'í stradál'is' .. priyéhal'i w Amér'iku .. wes' mór'a abasrál'is'. Poor sailors, they have suffered a lot. When they came to America, they shit all the sea. Category: songs.
bégat' БЕГАТЬ.
v ipfv. run around. On gón'ey bégayit. ?? He always runs around. ??
On bas'ikóm bégayit. He's running around barefoot.
Ya krugóm bégayu, n'ichiwó n'i d'élayu. I'm running around doing nothing. See: bezhát'. Category: motion.
bélarúsk'iya adj. Belarussian. Category: nationalities.
adj. white, light. bélay król'ik white rabbit. On bélay. He is white ; he is light (skinned).
Iwónay dom bélay. His house is white.
bélaya walasá white hair. Category: colors.
n. squirrel.
another recording; keep which?? Category: animals.
another recording; keep which?? Category: animals.
n. shore, bank. plural bér'ig'i, b'ir'igá. Na b'ir'igú búla mnóga kám'in'i. There were a lot of rocks on the shore. See: láyda ‘beach’. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, water.
béshinay adj. wild, naughty. the quality of a person, opposite of shyness.
Aná béshinaya. She is wild. Category: personality.
bétra БЕДРО.
n. thigh, hip?? plural b'ítra. See: l'áshka. Category: body.
béyb'ichka n. baby.
another recording; keep which?? baby Zoya Oskolkoff.
U béyb'ichk'i ad'ín zup. The baby has one tooth.
Béybichka zabáwnay. The baby is cute.
Béyb'ichka zamarálsa. The kid has gotten dirty. Category: ages, people, babies.
Béybichka zabáwnay. The baby is cute.
Béyb'ichka zamarálsa. The kid has gotten dirty. Category: ages, people, babies.
béyb'ichk'ina adj. related to babies.
béyb'ichk'ina ad'ála baby blanket. béyb'ichk'ina b'il'ó baby clothes. Category: ages.
bezhát' БЕЖАТЬ.
v ipfv. run. T'i bezhála sa swayím brat? Did you (female) run with your brother? See: bégat'. Category: motion.
b'íbl'a БИБЛИЯ.
n. Bible. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, church.
n. trouble, grief, sorrowful thing. In the following rhyme, the sad thing referred to is makula (homebrew). b'idá БЕДА.
n. trouble, grief, sorrowful thing. In the following rhyme, the sad thing referred to is makula (homebrew). b'idá БЕДА.
n. trouble, grief, sorrowful thing. In the following rhyme, the sad thing referred to is makula (homebrew). B'idá za b'idóy, zád'i pl'itóy. There is something sorrowful behind the stove. ??
another recording; keep which?? See: ab'ídna. Category: sayings.
another recording; keep which?? See: ab'ídna. Category: sayings.
n. poor person, poor thing, miserable person. dimunitive b'idn'ázhichka; adjective bédnay. Category: people.
b'idn'ázhichka n. poor thing. non-dimunitive b'idn'áshka; adjective bédnay. Category: people.
b'idzhirzháltay ?? ??. ?? Ya b'idzhirzháltay. ?? ??
n. bull. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, animals.
n. clothes. Aná b'il'ó st'iráit. She's washing clothes.
Ya spalaskáyu b'il'ó. I'm rinsing clothes. béyb'ichk'ina b'il'ó baby clothes.
Wot tam b'il'ó wéshut. ?? ?? See: ad'ózha. Category: clothes, housework.
Ya spalaskáyu b'il'ó. I'm rinsing clothes. béyb'ichk'ina b'il'ó baby clothes.
Wot tam b'il'ó wéshut. ?? ?? See: ad'ózha. Category: clothes, housework.
n. beluga whale. Category: animals, Kibrik-Bergelson.
n. den. especially a bear den. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, animals.
n. birch. b'ir'óz'ina kar'yó birch bark. adjective b'ir'óznay. Category: trees.
b'ir'óznay adj. out of birch, birch-like, tough, strong. variant b'ir'óz'inay.
B'ir'óznay Gará Birch Hill.
T'i iz b'ir'óz'inay zd'élan. ?? You are made out of birch. (= you are strong). noun b'ir'óza. Category: trees, personality.
b'ir'óznay adj. out of birch, birch-like, tough, strong. variant b'ir'óz'inay.
B'ir'óznay Gará Birch Hill.
T'i iz b'ir'óz'inay zd'élan. ?? You are made out of birch. (= you are strong). noun b'ir'óza. Category: trees, personality.
B'ir'óznay Bugór pn. Birch Hump. variant B'ir'óznay Gará. behind Bill Brody's, about 3/4 mile north of Ninilchik Lake, before Deep Creek Silver Salmon. Category: locations, trees.
b'ísara n. bead. plural b'ísar'i ‘beads, necklace’; b'ís'ir'i ‘beads, necklace’.
Aná swaí b'ísar'i ad'éla. She put on her necklace. Category: handcraft, groom.
b'ishwózu ?? ??. tailless. On b'ishwózu. ?? He (e.g. a bear) is tailless. sabáka b'ishwózu ?? a dog without a tail. Category: body.
B'ir'óznay Gará pn. Birch Hill. variant B'ir'óznay Bugór. Category: locations.
b'ísara n. bead. plural b'ísar'i ‘beads, necklace’; b'ís'ir'i ‘beads, necklace’.
Aná swaí b'ísar'i ad'éla. She put on her necklace. Category: handcraft, groom.
b'ishwózu ?? ??. tailless. On b'ishwózu. ?? He (e.g. a bear) is tailless. sabáka b'ishwózu ?? a dog without a tail. Category: body.
B'ir'óznay Gará pn. Birch Hill. variant B'ir'óznay Bugór. Category: locations.
b'ísara n. bead. plural b'ísar'i ‘beads, necklace’; b'ís'ir'i ‘beads, necklace’.
Aná swaí b'ísar'i ad'éla. She put on her necklace. Category: handcraft, groom.
b'ishwózu ?? ??. tailless. On b'ishwózu. ?? He (e.g. a bear) is tailless. sabáka b'ishwózu ?? a dog without a tail. Category: body.
adv. fast. An'í tak b'ístra gawar'át They talk so fast. Ya i paam'ir'ikánsk'i b'istra n'i ch'itáyu. I don't read quickly in English. See: hótka; shípka; pamal'én'ku; smáhu. Category: speed.
adj. fast. óchin' b'ístray very fast. See: bóykay; hótkay. Category: speed.
b'itáchi n. jiggers. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, fish, record.
v ipfv. run, flow. Sabáka b'izhít. The dog is running.
Rechka b'izhít. The river is running.
B'izhí sas n'im! Run with him!
B'izhí sas n'ey! Run with her!
B'izhí s imya! Run with them!
B'izhí sa mnoy! Run with me!
B'izhí sas nám'i! Run with us!
On s tabóy b'izhál? Did he run with you?
On sas wám'i b'izhál? Did he run with you (plural)? pfv: ub'izhát'. Category: motion.
adj. toothless. See: zup. Category: body.
adj. crazy, insane, nuts. On b'izúmnay. He's nuts. See: sumashéchay. Category: personality.
blahadárnay БЛАГОДАРНЫЙ.
n. good (person). Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, people, quality, record.
bláwochka БУЛАВОЧКА.
n. pin, safety pin. See: buláfka. Category: tools, record.
bl'édnay БЛЕДНЫЙ.
adj. pale. b'izúmnay БЕЗУМНЫЙ.
adj. crazy, insane, nuts. On b'izúmnay. He's nuts. See: sumashéchay. Category: personality.
blahadárnay БЛАГОДАРНЫЙ.
n. good (person). Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, people, quality, record.
bláwochka БУЛАВОЧКА.
n. pin, safety pin. See: buláfka. Category: tools, record.
bl'édnay БЛЕДНЫЙ.
adj. pale. b'izúmnay БЕЗУМНЫЙ.
adj. crazy, insane, nuts. On b'izúmnay. He's nuts. See: sumashéchay. Category: personality.
blahadárnay БЛАГОДАРНЫЙ.
n. good (person). Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, people, quality, record.
bláwochka БУЛАВОЧКА.
n. pin, safety pin. See: buláfka. Category: tools, record.
bl'édnay БЛЕДНЫЙ.
adj. pale. U t'ibé t'éla bl'édnay Is your skin pale?
bl'édn'iya walasá pale hair. Category: colors.
n. thin pancakes, crepes. singular bl'in, bl'ín'a. See: l'ipl'óshka; aládushka. Category: food.
n. thin pancakes, crepes. singular bl'in, bl'ín'a. See: l'ipl'óshka; aládushka. Category: food.
n. thin pancakes, crepes. singular bl'in, bl'ín'a. See: l'ipl'óshka; aládushka. Category: food.
adv. close, near. On bl'íska ka mn'é. He's close to me.
On bl'íska k ana. He is close to her.
M'i bl'íska búl'i, réchka bl'íska búla. It was close to us, the river was close to us. See: dal'ikó. Category: distance.
bl'údachka БЛЮДЕЧКО.
n. saucer. See: bl'útsa. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, containers, record.
n. saucer. See: bl'údachka. Category: containers.
Bl'uwáyna pn. Bluwayna. name of a fishing tender. probably modified from English "blue wine".
n. 1 • barrel. See: bachónak. Category: containers.
2 • Barrel, a Ninilchik nickname.
pn. Category: names.
n. 1 • barrel. See: bachónak. Category: containers.
2 • Barrel, a Ninilchik nickname.
pn. Category: names.
n. 1 • barrel. See: bachónak. Category: containers.
2 • Barrel, a Ninilchik nickname.
pn. Category: names.
n. God. Sláwa Bóhu! Praise God!
Ya znáyu Boh fs'igdá pamóg'it mn'é, ya znáyu Boh fs'igdá pamóg'it mn'é. Yézhl'i ya imú zhivyú i fs'yó imú ya pr'ilazhú, ya znáyu Boh fs'igdá pamóg'it mn'é. I know that God will always help me (2 times). If I live for him and bring everything to him, I know that God will always help me. See: Bózhi. Category: church, songs.
n. sickness, pain, hurt, ache. Kakóy u was bol'? What kind of sickness do you have?
bóka bal'ít (My) side hurts.
saróka bélay bóka white sided magpie. Category: body.
n. sickness, pain, hurt, ache. Kakóy u was bol'? What kind of sickness do you have?
bóka bal'ít (My) side hurts.
saróka bélay bóka white sided magpie. Category: body.
n. sickness, pain, hurt, ache. Kakóy u was bol'? What kind of sickness do you have?
S'íl'nay bol'. It hurts much. See: bal'ét'; bal'és'; ból'na. Category: sickness.
adv. hurt. another recording = ból'na (choose which is better??)
óchin ból'na much pain.
M'in'é ból'na. It hurts me. (I have pain, lit. To me there is pain ??)
Ayá: "n'i náda"; ayá: "kak ból'na"! And I (am saying): "don't do this!"; and "it hurts!" See: bal'et'; bol'. Category: sickness.
adv. more. Záftr'i m'i búd'im ból'shi gawar'át'. Tomorrow we'll talk some more.
U m'in'é ból'shi sáhara n'étu. I don't have any more sugar. See: mén'chi; mnóga. Category: quantity.
bórn'ita n. bathroom. Nuzhn'ík éta na wúl'itsi bórn'ita éta wnutr'í dóma. An outhouse (is)is outside, and a bathroom (is) inside the house. Mn'e núzhna w bórn'itu it'í. I need to go to the bathroom. See: núzhn'ik. Category: house.
borsh БОРЩ.
n. borsch. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, food, record.
bóykay БОЙКИЙ.
adj. fast, brisk. Ish'ó bóykaya. (She) is still very active. See: b'ístray; hótkay. Category: speed, record.
n. God , icon. Bózhi moy! My God! (an exclamation).
Bózhiy mát'ir mother of God. See: Boh. Category: church.
Bózhiy mát'ir pn. mother of God. See: mat'. Category: church.
brad'it' БРАДИТЬ ??
??. cross.
Núzhna zazhidát' kadá wadá ud'ót brad'it'. ?? ??
Núzhna zazhidát' kadá wadá ud'ót brad'it'. ?? ??
n. brother. moy brat my brother.
mayí brát'yi my brothers.
On moy brat. He's my brother. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, relatives.
v ipfv. take. An'í fs'o hl'éba br'ál'i. They took all the bread.
Ya búdu br'at'. I will take it away.
Ya n'i magú iwó br'at'. ?? I can't take it. ??
Dólga b'ir'ót. It takes a long time. pfv: zabr'at'. See: wz'at' ‘take’. Category: move.
brat' v ipfv. take. Dólga b'ir'ót. It takes a long time.
braz'ír n. brassiere. synonym l'ífa. Category: clothes, Kibrik-Bergelson.
brétsa БРИТЬСЯ.
v ipfv. shave. On bréyitsa. He's shaving.
Ya brélsa. I shaved. pfv: abrétsa, nabrétsa. See: abrét'; br'ítwa. Category: groom.
n. razor. In Ninilchik this referred to the old style straight razor used by men. It was sharpened on a leather strop. See: bret'; abrét'. Category: tools, groom.
br'iwnó БРЕВНО.
n. log - house. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, house.
br'ízgat' ?? БРЫЗГАТЬ.
v ??. spray, splash ?? for example, of splashing water on the rocks in a banya.
(Ya) br'ízgayu. I'm splashing. ??
(Ya) br'ízgayu. I'm splashing. ??
brós'it' v pfv. throw away, get rid of, divorce.
Ana iwó brós'ila. She divorced him. See: w'íbras'it'.
n. eyebrow. plural bróuw'i. alternate singular = brof Category: body.
n. eyebrow. plural bróuw'i. alternate singular = brof Category: body.
n. eyebrow. plural bróuw'i. alternate singular = brof Category: body.
n. stomach, belly. dimunitive br'úshka. Category: body.
n. pants. another recording; keep which?? pachin'ít' br'uk'i to mend pants.
br'úk'i БРЮКИ.
n. pants. another recording; keep which?? pachin'ít' br'uk'i to mend pants.
br'úk'i БРЮКИ.
n. pants. another recording; keep which?? pachin'ít' br'uk'i to mend pants.
T'i ad'iwáyish br'úk'i? Are you putting on (your) pants?
n. rutabaga. plural br'úkw'i. See: répa ‘turnip’. Category: food, plants.
s'ín'iya br'úk'i blue jeans.
haróshiya br'úk'i good pants. See: shtan'í ‘underpants’; pára ‘suit’. Category: clothes.
n. rutabaga. plural br'úkw'i. See: répa ‘turnip’. Category: food, plants.
s'ín'iya br'úk'i blue jeans.
haróshiya br'úk'i good pants. See: shtan'í ‘underpants’; pára ‘suit’. Category: clothes.
n. rutabaga. plural br'úkw'i. See: répa ‘turnip’. Category: food, plants.
n. stomach, belly. dimunitive br'úha. See: krásnaya br'úshka. Category: birds.
n. low bush cranberry, lingonberry. plural brusn'ík'i. See: kal'ína ‘high bush cranberry’. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, berries.
n. whetstone, sharpening stone. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, tools.
n. diamond (of cards). plural búbn'i. plural wúmn'i. Category: cards.
bud'it' baltát'! phr. Stop blabbering!
n. hump. variant b'igór. See: gará; ut'ós. Category: locations.
buhawn'ik n. drunkard. Buhawn'ik'í buhát' l'úb'at. An'í sám'i swayú wótku ishó d'élayut. Drunkards like to drink.They make their own vodka.
búhta БУХТА.
n. bay. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, water.
búlachka БУЛОЧКА.
n. roll, biscuit. plural búlachk'i. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, food.
n. safety pin. dimunitive buláwachka. Category: tools.
buláwachka n. safety pin.
another recording; keep which?? non-dimunitive buláfka. Category: tools.
n. paper. variant gumága, bumáshka; dimunitive gumáshka; plural gumáshk'i, gumág'i. Category: material.
n. paper, paper money. non-dimunitive bumága. Category: money.
n. safety pin. dimunitive buláwachka. Category: tools.
buláwachka n. safety pin.
another recording; keep which?? non-dimunitive buláfka. Category: tools.
n. paper. variant gumága, bumáshka; dimunitive gumáshka; plural gumáshk'i, gumág'i. Category: material.
n. paper, paper money. non-dimunitive bumága. Category: money.
n. safety pin. dimunitive buláwachka. Category: tools.
buláwachka n. safety pin.
another recording; keep which?? non-dimunitive buláfka. Category: tools.
n. paper. variant gumága, bumáshka; dimunitive gumáshka; plural gumáshk'i, gumág'i. Category: material.
n. paper, paper money. non-dimunitive bumága. Category: money.
n. flannel. Category: material.
n. This is a flat up the Ninilchik River. Where is it? Category: swamps, flats, locations.
n. storm. búr'a na mór'a storm at sea ?? See: shtorm; burún.
burl'ít' v ipfv. blabber. Buntóway БУНТОВОЙ.
n. This is a flat up the Ninilchik River. Where is it? Category: swamps, flats, locations.
n. storm. búr'a na mór'a storm at sea ?? See: shtorm; burún.
burl'ít' v ipfv. blabber. Buntóway БУНТОВОЙ.
n. This is a flat up the Ninilchik River. Where is it? Category: swamps, flats, locations.
n. storm. búr'a na mór'a storm at sea ?? See: shtorm; burún.
burl'ít' v ipfv. blabber. Aná mnóga burl'ít. She is blabbering a lot. Ya n'i l'ubl'ú burl'ít'. I don't like to blabber. See: baltát'. Category: speak.
n. wave. plural buruná, burun'í. na mari burún ?? ??
bal'shóy burún big wave.
M'i na láydu shli?? wadá támaka bul burún, tám bul burún. ?? ?? Na wad'é óchin' bal'sháya buruná. The waves are big on the water. See: walná; búr'a. Category: water.
n. wave. plural buruná, burun'í. na mari burún ?? ??
bal'shóy burún big wave.
M'i na láydu shli?? wadá támaka bul burún, tám bul burún. ?? ?? Na wad'é óchin' bal'sháya buruná. The waves are big on the water. See: walná; búr'a. Category: water.
n. wave. plural buruná, burun'í. na mari burún ?? ??
bal'shóy burún big wave.
M'i na láydu shli?? wadá támaka bul burún, tám bul burún. ?? ?? Na wad'é óchin' bal'sháya buruná. The waves are big on the water. See: walná; búr'a. Category: water.
n. storm. especially about storms over water. búrya na mór'i storm in the sea. See: shtorm. Category: water.
bushawát' v ipfv. be rowdy, behave violently. On bushawál. He was rowdy.
búst'i v ipfv. 1 • be, be in possession. T'i búd'ish yis'? Are you going to eat?
(An'í) bushawáyut. ?? They were rowdy. ?? Category: personality, Wayne Leman.
búst'i v ipfv. 1 • be, be in possession. T'i búd'ish yis'? Are you going to eat?
(An'í) bushawáyut. ?? They were rowdy. ?? Category: personality, Wayne Leman.
búst'i v ipfv. 1 • be, be in possession. T'i búd'ish yis'? Are you going to eat?
Húda búla. It was bad.
F'il'ip'ín'i búl'i. There were Filipinos.
Záftr'i búd'it l'úchi. Tomorrow will be better.
U n'éy kúr'i búl'i. She raised chickens. Búd'it t'ibé! That's enough!
Búd'it t'ibé durét'! Quit goofing around!
Ya t'ibé dwa rás n'i búdu gawar'át'! I won't tell you twice!
Kára post prayd'ót m'i búd'im kul'ích yis'. When Lent is over we will eat Easter bread.
Éta n'i bul. It did not take place. On n'i bul tut. He wasn't here. Éta mush búd'it? Is he going to be a husband?
2 • stay. Ya magú tut búst'i? Can I stay here? See: astanaw'ítsa. 1st person sg.: búdu; 1st person plural: búd'im; 2nd person sg.: búd'ish; 3rd person: búd'it.
But' shchasl'íf! БУДЬ СЧАСТЛИВ!
phr. be lucky, lucky - be. said the second time a person sneezes. See: Bút' zdaróf!.
phr. be healthy, strong - be, healthy - be. This is said after someone sneezes once. See: Bút' shchasl'íf!.
n. bottle. plural but'ílk'i. Aná but'ílku karm'íla. She bottle fed. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, containers.
bútka БУДКА.
n. booth. Zayd'ish (w) takóy bútku. You go into such kind of booth. Category: Conor Daly.
n. bud, flower bud. plural butón'i, batun'í. Category: plants.
buz'ín'ik n. elderberry. plural buz'ín'ik'i. Category: berries.