N - n
na НА.
prep. on, to. na góra on the hill. na úl'its'i outside of the house. Iyónay mush ushál na póshtu. Her husband went to the post office. Éta béb'ichka s'id'ít na iwó. That baby is sitting on him. Category: locations.
na nawóz'i phr. outside of the house. See: tr'ík'i trák'i. Category: record.
adv. outside. variant na úl'itsi. variant na wúl'si, na wózi. Na wúl'itsi óchin' kras'íwa. ?? It's very beautiful outside. na wúl'itsi НА УЛИЦЕ.
adv. outside. variant na úl'itsi. variant na wúl'si, na wózi. Na wúl'itsi óchin' kras'íwa. ?? It's very beautiful outside. na wúl'itsi НА УЛИЦЕ.
adv. outside. variant na úl'itsi. variant na wúl'si, na wózi. Na wúl'itsi óchin' kras'íwa. ?? It's very beautiful outside. Na wúl'itsi sw'itló. It's light outside. Na wúl'itsi púrga. There's a blizzard outside. See: nawós; wnutré; úl'itsa. Category: locations.
nab'ít' v pfv. beat. On iyó nab'íl. He beats her. M'i t'ibé nab'yóm! We'll beat you up! See: pab'ít'; zw'íznut'; shlópnut'.
nabrétsa БРИТЬСЯ.
v pfv. shave. On nabrélsa. He shaved. T'i nabrélsa? Did you shave? ipfv: brétsa. See: abrét'. Category: groom.
nabr'ít' v pfv. shave. Ya nabr'íl. I shaved. See: abrét'; nabrétsa; brétsa. Category: record.
nachátsa НАЧАТЬСЯ.
v pfv. begin. Ya pómn'u kadá ftoróy wayná náchilsa. I remember when Second (World) war began. Category: Conor Daly, Wayne Leman.
nachinát' НАЧИНАТЬ.
v ipfv. begin, start. On nachináyit had'ít'. He is starting to walk. Nachn'í! Start (it)! Category: motion, babies.
nachiwát' v ipfv. overnight, spend the night. An'í nachiwál'i. They are spending the night. Category: time, record.
náda НАДО.
adv. must, necessary. N'i náda tarap'ítsa! Don't hurry! N'i náda yih slúshat'. You don't need to listen to them. N'i náda n'ikamú gawar'át'! Don't tell anyone! A yá n'i náda, a yá kak ból'na! And I (said) don't, and I (said) it hurts! Chiwó t'ibé náda? What do you want (lit. need)? Rabóta sam n'i pr'id'ót; iwó náda iskát. Work won't arrive on its own; it is necessary to look for it. See: núzhna. Category: Wayne Leman, Conor Daly.
Nád'a pn. Nadia. variant Nad'ézhda. Nadia Oskolkoff. Category: names.
nad'iwáshk'i n. slippers. singular nad'iwáshka.
nad'iwát' v ipfv. put on (something).
naf'igá prt. why the heck? Category: Conor Daly, record.
nafstr'échu Навстречу.
adv. towards. in the direction of. […] No n'imnóga nafstr'échu pa rúsk'i, n'i […] A little bit towards in Russian.
n. leg, foot. variant nóga; plural nóg'i. nad'ét' (where should this go in the database??) See: t'ihastúptsi; prad'iwáshka. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, clothes.
nad'iwát' v ipfv. put on (something).
naf'igá prt. why the heck? Category: Conor Daly, record.
nafstr'échu Навстречу.
adv. towards. in the direction of. […] No n'imnóga nafstr'échu pa rúsk'i, n'i […] A little bit towards in Russian.
n. leg, foot. variant nóga; plural nóg'i. nad'ét' (where should this go in the database??) See: t'ihastúptsi; prad'iwáshka. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, clothes.
nad'iwát' v ipfv. put on (something).
naf'igá prt. why the heck? Category: Conor Daly, record.
nafstr'échu Навстречу.
adv. towards. in the direction of. […] No n'imnóga nafstr'échu pa rúsk'i, n'i […] A little bit towards in Russian.
n. leg, foot. variant nóga; plural nóg'i. nóga slamátaya broken leg. dwa nag'í two legs.
nagad'ítsa v pfv. poop oneself. Ya nagad'ílsa. I pooped myself (dirtied my pants). See: abasrátsa.
Kadá ya swoy nógi w'ít'inu. ?? my feet ?? Bába Yagá kost'anáya nagá; nos w patalók ros. Old Lady Yaga had a bony leg; her nose grew to the ceiling. kap'ít'i nóg'i hoof legs (hoof feet??) See: l'áshka; íkra. Category: body, sayings.
nagad'ítsa v pfv. poop oneself. Ya nagad'ílsa. I pooped myself (dirtied my pants). See: abasrátsa.
Kadá ya swoy nógi w'ít'inu. ?? my feet ?? Bába Yagá kost'anáya nagá; nos w patalók ros. Old Lady Yaga had a bony leg; her nose grew to the ceiling. kap'ít'i nóg'i hoof legs (hoof feet??) See: l'áshka; íkra. Category: body, sayings.
nagad'ítsa v pfv. poop oneself. Ya nagad'ílsa. I pooped myself (dirtied my pants). See: abasrátsa.
adv. be naked. another recording; keep which?? On nag'ishkóm. He is naked.
nakarm'ít' НАКОРМИТЬ.
v pfv. feed. another recording; keep which?? Category: body.
nakarm'ít' НАКОРМИТЬ.
v pfv. feed. another recording; keep which?? Category: body.
nakarm'ít' НАКОРМИТЬ.
v pfv. feed. Bábushka m'in'é nakarm'íla. Grandma fed me. ipfv: karm'ít'. Category: food.
nakar'ú n. anchor. See: yákar. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, boats.
nak'ínut' v pfv. put on. T'í nak'ín'ish babúshka. You will put on a scarf. Category: record.
nak'ítka НАКИДКА.
n. women's night head-dress, house coat. variant nat'ítka. See: prad'iwálka. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, clothes, record.
naklad'ít' v pfv. load, fill. Naklad'í pl'itú! Fill up the stove! A chiwó n'i naklál s'udá? Why didn't you put anything in here? See: nal'ít'. Category: quantity.
nakr'ít' v pfv. cover, faint. Iyó nakr'íla. She fainted. Category: sickness.
nalaw'ít' НАЛОВИТЬ.
v pfv. catch. Skól'ka r'íb'i nalaw'íl'? How many fish did you catch? Category: fish.
v pfv. fill with something liquid, pour in. Nal'iwáy lámp'i! Fill the lamp! ipfv: l'it'. See: nakl'ad'ít'. Category: quantity.
nam pro. us. On nam kn'ígu dal. He gave us a book. See: m'i; nas; nám'i; náshiy.
namáz'it' v pfv. spread on. for example, to spread cream on your face or butter on your bread. See: másla. Category: Wayne Leman, record.
namédn'i adv. a day before, not long time ago, recently. Category: time, record.
pro. us. B'izhí sas nám'i! Run with us! On s nám'i na láydu payd'ót. He will go to the beach with us. See: m'i; nas; nam; náshiy.
nan'ís adv. down, downwards. On na n'ís wéshayitsa. It's hanging down. Category: locations.
v ipfv. take care of, raise. for example, of raising a child. Aná nán'ich béyb'ichku. She takes care of the baby. nán'it' НАНЬИТЬ ??
v ipfv. take care of, raise. for example, of raising a child. Aná nán'ich béyb'ichku. She takes care of the baby. nán'it' НАНЬИТЬ ??
v ipfv. take care of, raise. for example, of raising a child. Aná nán'ich béyb'ichku. She takes care of the baby. nánchil (He) took care (of him).
Mn'e náda béyb'ichku nán'it'. I need to take care of the baby. An'í nas nán'ichn'i. ?? They ?? See: gl'id'ét'2; nán'itsa ‘nurse’. Category: babies.
Mn'e náda béyb'ichku nán'it'. I need to take care of the baby. An'í nas nán'ichn'i. ?? They ?? See: gl'id'ét'2; nán'itsa ‘nurse’. Category: babies.
nán'itsa v ipfv. nurse, suckle. On nán'itsa. He's nursing. Category: babies.
napát' v pfv. fall. Mnóga sn'ek napál. A lot of snow fell. Category: weather, motion.
nap'íl'n'ik НАПИЛЬНИК.
n. file. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, tools, record.
nap'ísat' НАПИСАТЬ.
v pfv. urinate. Ya náp'isal. I (male) urinated. ipfv: p'ísat'. Category: body.
nap'isát' НАПИСАТЬ.
v pfv. write. ipfv: p'isát'. On nap'isál. He wrote. On nap'íshit. He will write. Ya nap'isála. I (female) wrote it down. Nap'ishí swoy ímya! Sign your name! (lit. write your name). Ya nap'ishú záftra pis'mó. Tomorrow I will write a letter. Kak nap'ísana tak i búd'it. As it is written, that's how it will be. (Irene Leman used to say this.) Category: writing.
napr'istát' v pfv. land. for example, of someone landing a boat on the beach. On napr'istál. He landed. Category: motion.
napr'osn'ik n. thimble. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, sew, record.
napugát' НАПУГАТЬ.
v pfv. scare.
Ana m'in'é napugála. She scared me. napugáyu. (I) will scare (someone). On m'in'é napugál. He scared me. T'i m'in'é napugál. You (male) scared me. ipfv: pugát'. See: ispugát'.
Ana m'in'é napugála. She scared me. napugáyu. (I) will scare (someone). On m'in'é napugál. He scared me. T'i m'in'é napugál. You (male) scared me. ipfv: pugát'. See: ispugát'.
n. sled, dogsled. plural nárt'i. On yézd'it na nárt'i. He's riding on a sled. On na nárt'i payahó?? He rode on a sled. ?? Sabáka nárt'i t'án'it. ?? The dog is pulling the sled. Category: play, travel.
pro. us. Aná nas l'úb'it. She loves us. See: m'i; nam; nám'i; náshiy. Category: pronouns.
nasgál'stwa n. torturing. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, record.
pro. our. Bát'ushka náshiy dom apkrast'íl. Father blessed our house. náshi r'ib'at'íshk'i our children.
náshi bábushka our grandmother. náshiya bábushka (alternate) our grandmother. plural náshi. See: m'i; nam; nas; nám'i. Category: pronouns.
náshi bábushka our grandmother. náshiya bábushka (alternate) our grandmother. plural náshi. See: m'i; nam; nas; nám'i. Category: pronouns.
n. socks. singular nasók. See: chulk'í. Category: clothes.
nast НАСТ.
n. snow crust. See: sn'ek ‘snow’. Category: weather, record.
??. add. On sépku nastáw'il. ?? ?? Aná plát'i nastáw'ila. ?? She added on to the dress. ??
nastup'ít' v pfv. step on (something). nastálit' ?? НАСТАЛИТЬ ??
??. add. On sépku nastáw'il. ?? ?? Aná plát'i nastáw'ila. ?? She added on to the dress. ??
nastup'ít' v pfv. step on (something). nastálit' ?? НАСТАЛИТЬ ??
??. add. On sépku nastáw'il. ?? ?? Aná plát'i nastáw'ila. ?? She added on to the dress. ??
nastup'ít' v pfv. step on (something). On na gwost' nastup'íl. He stepped on a nail. ipfv: stupát'. Category: Wayne Leman.
nauchítsa НАУЧИТЬСЯ.
v pfv. learn. Pamal'én'ku ya naúchus'a. Slowly I will learn. Ya hachú nauchítsa. I want to learn. Ya grammát'iku naúchilsa. I learned grammar. ipfv: uchítsa. See: uchít'. Category: cognition.
naúshn'ik'i n. earrings. singular naúshn'ik; variant úshn'ik'i. See: sér'g'i. Category: groom.
n. pillow case. plural náwalachk'i. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, bed.
nawarot ПОВОРОТ.
n. behind the point, turn. Category: locations, record.
nawós adv. trash pile, outside. locative nawóz'i. See: na wúl'itsi. Category: locations.
n. November. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, time, months.
nayt'í v pfv. find. Ya nashól. I found it. M'i iwó nashl'í. We found him. See: iskát'.
adv. back. direction not the body part, back. Stupáy nazát damóy! Go back home! Palósh iwó nazát! Put it back! M'i nazát pr'id'óm. We will come back. See: spiná ‘back, spine’; zád'i ‘behind’. Category: locations.
nazhífka НАЖИВКА.
n. bait. See: ikrá ‘roe’. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, fish.
nazhn'ík n. knife sheath. See: nosh; nózhik. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, containers.
naz'iwát' НАЗЫВАТЬ.
v ipfv. call, name. Kak t'ibé naz'iwáyut? What is your name? (lit. what do they call you). Kachimak Bey naz'iwáyut. Kachemak Bay, it is named. On m'in'á Timashénka naz'íwal he called me Timashenka. See: ímya. Category: names.
n. sky, heaven.
(another recording; which to keep??) Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, nature.
(another recording; which to keep??) Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, nature.
n. Negro, African-American, black (person). plural N'égr'i. President Barack Obama, the first black American President. synonym Táksabak. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, nationalities.
N'ém'its НЕМЕЦ.
n. German. plural N'émtsi. Category: people, record.
n'erf НЕРВ.
n. nerve. plural n'érw'i. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, body.
n'érka n. sockeye, red salmon. See: krásnay r'íba; s'ómga; k'itá; k'ízhuch; chaw'ícha. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, fish.
n'érpa n. seal. nickname for an Eskimo lady who lived in Ninilchik and liked to eat seals. Category: animals.
N'éstar НЕСТОР.
n. Ernest. Ernest (Nestor) Matson. Category: names, Wayne Leman, record.
prt. no. Usually spelled as nyet in English. See: n'i ‘not’.
adv. not have, , not be, be not, there is no. n'étu НЕТУ.
adv. not have, , not be, be not, there is no. n'étu НЕТУ.
adv. not have, , not be, be not, there is no. U m'in'é n'étu sabáka. I don't have a dog. U m'in'é skaméyka n'étu. I don't have a bench. U nas kóshka n'étu. We don't have a cat. N'étu pép'il'. There is no ash. Iyó n'étu. She's not here. U m'in'é ból'shi sáhar n'étu. I don't have anymore sugar. (U) m'in'é wrém'i n'étu. I don't have time (for something). See: n'et ‘no’. Category: quantity.
n'éwalachka n. pillow. See: padúshka. Category: bed, Evgeniy Golovko, Wayne Leman.
n'éy pro. her. variant yey, iyéy. A n'éy zhárka. She's hot (lit., To her it is hot.) B'izhí sas n'éy! Run with her! Ya yey kn'ígu dála. I (female) gave her a book. Ya n'ey kn'ígu dála. (alternate pronunciation) I (female) gave her a book. Ya s' iyey paydú // Ya (sa) s n'ey paydú. I will go with her.
v ipfv ??. nag. On s'igdá n'ézhitsa. He always nags. See: zhálawatsa ‘complain’. Category: speak.
Ya sas n'ey paydú. I will go with her. Category: pronouns.
v ipfv ??. nag. On s'igdá n'ézhitsa. He always nags. See: zhálawatsa ‘complain’. Category: speak.
Ya sas n'ey paydú. I will go with her. Category: pronouns.
v ipfv ??. nag. On s'igdá n'ézhitsa. He always nags. See: zhálawatsa ‘complain’. Category: speak.
prt. not. variant n'e. Ya n'i znáyu. I don't know. See: n'et.
phr. no cost, never mind, no problem; See: stóit'; n'ichiwó; pazhálusta.
n'ichichút' prt. almost. On n'ichichút' úpal. He almost fell.
pro. nothing. Can be used to mean something like "It's nothing; it doesn't matter." N'ichiwó s'ib'é. Spas'íba. You're welcome. Thank you (Lit. Nothing to me. Thank you.) See: puskáy; n'i stóit.
n. week. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, time.
pro. nobody, no one. See: hto; n'ikawó; n'ikamu.
pro. never. On n'ikadá n'i zhin'ílsa. He never married. See: kadá. Category: time.
N'ikaláy pn. Nick. Nick Leman. Category: names.
pro. to no one; to anyone. N'i náda n'ikamú gawar'át! Don't tell anyone! See: n'ihtó; n'ikawó.
pro. nobody, no one, anybody; anyone. On n'ikawó n'i pan'imáyit. He doesn't understand anybody. See: n'ihtó; n'ikamú.
n'ikudá никуда.
pro. nowhere. Ya n'ikudá n'i paydú. I'm not going anywhere. M'i n'ikudá n'i móg'im it'í. We can't go anywhere. See: kudá.
n'im pro. him them?? associative case ?? Ya n'im paydú. I'm going to them. Id'í sas n'im! Come with him! (them??) Stupáy sas n'im! Go with him! (them??) See: imú. Category: pronouns.
n'imnóga adv. not much, a little. dimunitive n'imnóshka. See: mnóga. Category: quantity.
adv. a little, small amount. N'imnóshka rán'shi éta búla. It was a little bit earlier. non-diminutive: n'imnóga. See: mnóga. Category: quantity.
N'in'íl'chik pn. Ninilchik. Ninilchik probably comes from the Dena'ina word Niqnilchint which means "lodge is built place" or "lodge by the river". Category: locations.
N'in'íl'chika Réchka pn. Ninilchik River. Category: water, locations.
v pfv. dive. On n'irnúl. He dove. Category: water, Kibrik-Bergelson, Wayne Leman.
n'ischásht'a n. bad luck ; variant n'ist'ásht'a. See: paw'izt'í. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, record.
nískay ?? adj. low ??
n'istí v ipfv. lay (an egg). Kúra yáytsu n'islá. The chicken laid eggs. Category: birds, food.
n. thread. r'íb'ichya n'ítka fishing line. Éta n'ítka pólan úzil. This thread is full of knots. Category: material, sew.
Ét'i nískiya. ?? These are low. (for example, trees) ??
n'istí v ipfv. lay (an egg). Kúra yáytsu n'islá. The chicken laid eggs. Category: birds, food.
n. thread. r'íb'ichya n'ítka fishing line. Éta n'ítka pólan úzil. This thread is full of knots. Category: material, sew.
Ét'i nískiya. ?? These are low. (for example, trees) ??
n'istí v ipfv. lay (an egg). Kúra yáytsu n'islá. The chicken laid eggs. Category: birds, food.
n. thread. r'íb'ichya n'ítka fishing line. Éta n'ítka pólan úzil. This thread is full of knots. Category: material, sew.
n'iuhóta adv. no wish. M'in'é n'iuhóta. I don't want it. See: ahóta. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, cognition.
??. drift. This refers to fishing with a net attached to a pole that is stuck out into the river. The net drifts along in the current then you bring it back and let it drift again. On nastál rababútsi i on n'iwad'it'. ?? He put on his boots and went drifting. ?? Category: fish.
n'iwérna НЕВЕРНО.
adv. wrong, not true.
??. drift. This refers to fishing with a net attached to a pole that is stuck out into the river. The net drifts along in the current then you bring it back and let it drift again. On nastál rababútsi i on n'iwad'it'. ?? He put on his boots and went drifting. ?? Category: fish.
n'iwérna НЕВЕРНО.
adv. wrong, not true.
??. drift. This refers to fishing with a net attached to a pole that is stuck out into the river. The net drifts along in the current then you bring it back and let it drift again. On nastál rababútsi i on n'iwad'it'. ?? He put on his boots and went drifting. ?? Category: fish.
n'iwérna НЕВЕРНО.
adv. wrong, not true.
n. bride. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, people, relatives.
pro. him. dative ?? case?? U n'iwó gazal'ín. He has a boat. n'iwó НЕГО.
pro. him. dative ?? case?? U n'iwó gazal'ín. He has a boat. n'iwó НЕГО.
pro. him. dative ?? case?? U n'iwó gazal'ín. He has a boat. U n'iwó sabáka. He has a dog. See: imú. Category: pronouns.
n'iyó pro. her. dative ?? case??
adj. unmarried. On n'izhinátay. He's unmarried.
U n'iyó gazal'ín. She has a boat. See: imú. Category: pronouns, record.
adj. unmarried. On n'izhinátay. He's unmarried.
U n'iyó gazal'ín. She has a boat. See: imú. Category: pronouns, record.
adj. unmarried. On n'izhinátay. He's unmarried.
n. night. Spakóynay noch! Have a good night!
nócham adv. at night. Wécharam m'i úzhnaim, nócham m'i sp'im. ?? In the evening we eat supper, at night we sleep. A patóm t'i nócham w'izd'é hód'ish. ?? (But) then at night you walk around everywhere. ?? See: noch; pad wéchir; wéchir. Category: time.
nóchyu adv. nighttime. variant nóchu. See: noch ‘night’. Category: time.
Nóche suzhúki chinúl'i. At night ... (complete translation??) See: nóchyu ‘nighttime’; wéchir ‘evening’. Category: time.
nócham adv. at night. Wécharam m'i úzhnaim, nócham m'i sp'im. ?? In the evening we eat supper, at night we sleep. A patóm t'i nócham w'izd'é hód'ish. ?? (But) then at night you walk around everywhere. ?? See: noch; pad wéchir; wéchir. Category: time.
nóchyu adv. nighttime. variant nóchu. See: noch ‘night’. Category: time.
Nóche suzhúki chinúl'i. At night ... (complete translation??) See: nóchyu ‘nighttime’; wéchir ‘evening’. Category: time.
nócham adv. at night. Wécharam m'i úzhnaim, nócham m'i sp'im. ?? In the evening we eat supper, at night we sleep. A patóm t'i nócham w'izd'é hód'ish. ?? (But) then at night you walk around everywhere. ?? See: noch; pad wéchir; wéchir. Category: time.
nóchyu adv. nighttime. variant nóchu. See: noch ‘night’. Category: time.
n. fingernail, claw. plural nókt'i, nóht'i. Category: body, animals, birds.
nóit' v ipfv. ache. Nóit. (It) aches. See: bal'ét'. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, sickness, record.
nómer НОМЕР.
n. number. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, numbers, record.
nónchi adv. today, nowadays. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, Wayne Leman.
nórdway НОРДОВЫЙ.
adj. northern. nórdway wét'ir northern wind. See: wét'ir. Category: locations, record.
n. mink. plural nórk'i. Ayayay! Tútaka mózhna nórk'i papkán pastáw'it'! Oh! Here a trap for minks might be set! Category: animals.
nórk'i n. nostril. Category: body.
Nórsk'i n. Norwegians. Category: nationalities, Wayne Leman.
n. 1 • nose. plural nas'í. garbátay nos hooked nose. bal'shóy nos bignose. U n'iwó bal'shóy nos. He has a big nose. U n'iwó shirókay nos. He has a wide nose. U n'iwó kr'iwóy nos. He has a crooked nose.
2 • bow (of a ship).
3 • nose card game. The card game is called nos because you get spanked on the nose the number of times that is on your card. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, Wayne Leman, body, boats.
n. knife. dimunitive nózhik. See: nazhn'ík. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, tools.
nós'it' НОСИТЬ.
v ipfv. wear. On nós'it tón'in'koy rabáshku. ?? He's wearing a thin shirt. ?? On karótk'iya br'úk'i nós'it. He's wearing short pants. Category: clothes, record.
nówas't'i НОВОСТИ.
n. news, information. variant nówasn'i. Kak'íya nówasn'i ? What's the news?
adj. new. nóway luná new moon. Mnóga nów'iya l'úd'i. There are many new people. Category: quality.
n. New Year's Day. See: s nówam gódam. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, holidays.
n. pocket knife. Ya m'ása rézhu sas nózhikam. ?? I cut meat with a knife. ?? non-dimunitive nosh. See: nazhn'ík; skladn'ík. Category: tools.
nózhn'its'i НОЖНИЦЫ.
n. scissors. variant nózn'its'i. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, tools.
n. pocket knife. Ya m'ása rézhu sas nózhikam. ?? I cut meat with a knife. ?? non-dimunitive nosh. See: nazhn'ík; skladn'ík. Category: tools.
nózhn'its'i НОЖНИЦЫ.
n. scissors. variant nózn'its'i. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, tools.
n. pocket knife. Ya m'ása rézhu sas nózhikam. ?? I cut meat with a knife. ?? non-dimunitive nosh. See: nazhn'ík; skladn'ík. Category: tools.
nózhn'its'i НОЖНИЦЫ.
n. scissors. variant nózn'its'i. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, tools.
v ipfv. 1 • smell. variant nyúhat'. (An'í) nyúhal'i. (They) were smelling.
2 • kiss. In Ninilchik the same word is used for 'kiss' and 'smell' because Eskimo kisses look like the people kissing are smelling each other. On n'úhayit. He's kissing. pfv: pan'úhat'. See: pasalawát'.
nún'ik n. porcupine. variant yún'ik; plural nún'ik'i. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson.
2 • sea anemone. Sea anemone were sometimes called nushki in Ninilchik, because that's what they look like, hanging from rocks when the tide goes out. Category: body.
núshk'i n. 1 • breasts. singular núshka. This is the most commonly used word in Ninilchik for breasts, even though some people recognize that it is not a "real" Russian word. They say that the real word is t'itk'i. The plural may be borrowed from Alutiiq mugsiiq (Leer 2003:42). See: t'ít'ka; grut'.
2 • sea anemone. Sea anemone were sometimes called nushki in Ninilchik, because that's what they look like, hanging from rocks when the tide goes out. Category: body.
núshk'i n. 1 • breasts. singular núshka. This is the most commonly used word in Ninilchik for breasts, even though some people recognize that it is not a "real" Russian word. They say that the real word is t'itk'i. The plural may be borrowed from Alutiiq mugsiiq (Leer 2003:42). See: t'ít'ka; grut'.
2 • sea anemone. Sea anemone were sometimes called nushki in Ninilchik, because that's what they look like, hanging from rocks when the tide goes out. Category: body.
núzhna adv. need, necessity. Chiwó t'ibé núzhna? What do you need? See: núzhn'ik; náda.
n. outhouse, toilet, latrine. variant n'úzhn'ik. Lit: something for your needs (little necessary place??) This word was known throughout Russian Alaska. It was called a nuzhn'ik in Ninilchik whether it was outdoors or indoors. This word has also been used in the past in parts of Russia, although Russians today use the word ТУАЛЕТ (toalét), almost identical in pronunciation to the English word "toilet". A common Ninilchik spelling is noozhnik. A gd'é núzhn'ik? Where is the toilet? On sawrál, núzhn'ik n'i tam. He lied, the toilet is not there. Ya paydú núzhn'ik. I'm going to the toilet. Paráwm'i ya f núzhn'ik it'í. ?? It's time for me to go to the toilet. See: ubórnay ‘bathroom (that is, room for a bath)’; bórn'ita ‘bathroom (that is, room for a bath)’; núzhna ‘necessary’. Category: buildings.