Ninilchik Russian Dictionary


D - d

da   ДА.

prt. yes. See: n'et.

da sw'idán'a   ДО СВИДАНИЯ.

phr. goodbye. Lit: until meeting

dabáw'it'   v pfv. add. Aná wódu dabáw'ila w cháyn'ik. She added water to the kettle. Ya hachú dabáw'it' ból'shi wódu. I want to add more water.

d'ád'a   ДЯДЯ.

n. uncle. another recording (keep which??) moy d'ád'a my uncle. See: t'ótka. Category: relatives.

d'ákan'   ДЬЯКОН.

n. deacon. variant d'yákan, d'íkan. Category: church, jobs.

dal'ikó   adv. far. variant dal'óka. See: bl'íska. Category: distance.

dál'shi   ДАЛЬШЕ.

adv. further, hereafter, next. Chiwó isho dál'shi? What else is ahead? Category: time.

dáma   ДАМА.

n. queen. in card games. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, cards.

adj. homemade. Damáshnay hl'éba haróshay hl'éba. Homemade bread is good bread. noun dom.

Dan'ílka   pn. Dan. Category: names.

daragóy   ДОРОГОЙ.

adj. expensive. Éta óchin' daragóy. This is very expensive. Category: money.

damáshnay   ДОМАШНИЙ.

adj. homemade. Damáshnay hl'éba haróshay hl'éba. Homemade bread is good bread. noun dom.

Dan'ílka   pn. Dan. Category: names.

daragóy   ДОРОГОЙ.

adj. expensive. Éta óchin' daragóy. This is very expensive. Category: money.

damáshnay   ДОМАШНИЙ.

adj. homemade. Damáshnay hl'éba haróshay hl'éba. Homemade bread is good bread. noun dom.

Dan'ílka   pn. Dan. Category: names.

daragóy   ДОРОГОЙ.

adj. expensive. Éta óchin' daragóy. This is very expensive. Category: money.

daróga   ДОРОГА.

n. 1 • way, path, road, trail. plural daróg'i; dimunitive daróshka. Daróga pólan gl'ína. The road is muddy. (lit., full of mud). Daróg'i pólan d'ír'iya. The road is full of holes. Daróg'i n'ébul'i n'ichiwó n'ébulo. There were no roads, there was nothing.

2 • lead. Lit: road This is the "road" along which fish swim to arrive in the heart of a fishtrap. r'ib'íchi daróga fish trap lead (lit., fish road). Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, Wayne Leman, travel, fish.

daróshka   ДОРОЖКА.

n. trail, little road. non-dimunitive daróga. Haróshay fs'idá daróshka mál'inkoy bul tuda. There was always a good little road to there. Category: travel.

dasádna   ДОСАДНО ??

adv. feel sad, feel angry, vexingly ?? Drugóy ras dasádna. Sometimes (it makes me) angry. adjective dasádnay. Category: emotions.

dasádnay   adj. nasty, vexing. plural dasádn'iya. Dasádnay sahát, on moy tsw'itók aprak'ínul. Nasty moose, it upset my flowers. adverb dasádna. Category: emotions.

dastát'   ДОСТАТЬ.

v pfv. bring, get, fetch. Stupáy wódu dastán'! Go get water! Ya imú wódu dastánu. Iwill get him water.

v pfv. give. variant dawát'. dat'   ДАТЬ.

v pfv. give. variant dawát'. dat'   ДАТЬ.

v pfv. give. variant dawát'. Ya imú kn'ígu dála. I (female) gave him a book. Ya yey kn'ígu dála. I (female) gave her a book. Ya n'ey knígu dam. I gave her the book; I will give her the book. ?? Ya n'ey knígu dayú. ?? I am in the process of giving her the book. ?? Ya n'i hachú n'ey knígu dat'. I don't want to give her a book. On t'ibé kn'ígu dal? Did he give you a book? Dáy m'in'é pap'irósku! Give me a cigarette!

Dav'ít   ДАВИД.

pn. David. David Cooper, Sr. Category: names.

dawát'   ДАВАТЬ.

??. give. variant dat'.

dawnó   ДАВНО.

adv. long ago; On dawnó úm'ir. He died long ago. See: dólga. Category: time.

dawól'na   ДОВОЛЬНО.

adv. enough. for example, about eating or working enough.

dawól'nay   ДОВОЛЬНЫЙ.

adj. content, happy. dawól'nay chalawék content person. Category: emotions.

M'in'é dawól'na. It's enough for me. (for example, I'm full). See: sáma rás. Category: quantity.

dawól'nay   ДОВОЛЬНЫЙ.

adj. content, happy. dawól'nay chalawék content person. Category: emotions.

M'in'é dawól'na. It's enough for me. (for example, I'm full). See: sáma rás. Category: quantity.

dawól'nay   ДОВОЛЬНЫЙ.

adj. content, happy. dawól'nay chalawék content person. Category: emotions.

dayít'   ДОИТЬ.

v ipfv. provide milk (about the cow). Karówa dayít! Milk the cow! Category: animals.

dayt'í   v pfv. 1 • come. Ya dashól. I got there. Wadá dashól. The water came up (for example, when the tide came in). Mi na mámina dom dashl'í. We arrived at mama's house. Ya hachú dayt'í. I want to get there. On n'i hóchit tudá dayt'í. He does not want to come up there. Ya daydú tudá. I'm going to get there. ipfv: it'í. See: pr'iyt'í; payt'í; prayt'í.

2 • ripen, be ready. that is, to reach the point (of ripeness) or to be done cooking. An'i dashl'í. They are ripe. An'í ishó n'i dashl'í. They are not ripe yet. Sup dayd'ot. The soup will be ready. See: paspét'. Category: motion, water.

dazhaw'ík   ДОЖДЕВИК.

n. raincoat.

another recording; keep which?? Ad'én dazhaw'ík! ?? Put on (your) raincoat! Category: clothes.

another recording; keep which?? Ad'én dazhaw'ík! ?? Put on (your) raincoat! Category: clothes.

dázhi   ДАЖЕ.

prt. even. Dázhi n'i dúmay! Don't even think about it!

dazhidát'   ДОЖИДАТЬСЯ.

v ipfv. wait. another recording; keep which?? This can be a response to "spas'iba". It can also be a response to someone asking you to do something and you are very willing to do it. Or it can instruct someone not to do something that you don't want them to do. Dázhi n'i dúmay pra iwó! Don't even think about it/him! Dázhi n'i dúmay pra éta! Don't even think about it! Dázhi n'i dúmay t'i w'i n'i dastán'ish! ?? ?? Dázhi n'i dúmay, ya zd'élayu! Don't even think about it, I'll do it. Category: cognition.

dazhidát'   ДОЖИДАТЬСЯ.

v ipfv. wait. another recording; keep which?? This can be a response to "spas'iba". It can also be a response to someone asking you to do something and you are very willing to do it. Or it can instruct someone not to do something that you don't want them to do. Dázhi n'i dúmay pra iwó! Don't even think about it/him! Dázhi n'i dúmay pra éta! Don't even think about it! Dázhi n'i dúmay t'i w'i n'i dastán'ish! ?? ?? Dázhi n'i dúmay, ya zd'élayu! Don't even think about it, I'll do it. Category: cognition.

dazhidát'   ДОЖИДАТЬСЯ.

v ipfv. wait. Ya t'ibé dazhidáyu. I'm waiting for you. On dólga n'i dazhidáyit. He doesn't wait long. See: w'izhidát'.

dazhiwóy   ДОЖДЕВОЙ.

adj. rain. See: dosh; dazhiwóy pal'tó. Category: weather.

dazhiwóy pal'tó   n. raincoat. synonym dózhiw'ík. See: dosh rain. Category: clothes.

d'édushka   ДЕДУШКА.

n. grandfather, grandpa. Joe Leman, Sr. holding his grandson Wayne Leman. Category: relatives.

d'édushka kamár   n. a very large kind of mosquito. Lit: grandfather mosquito Category: insects.

d'éfka   ДЕВКА.

n. (young) unmarried woman. Seems to mean 'woman' for most Ninilchik speakers but some say it means a younger woman, approx. in her 20's and 30's. maladáya d'éfka young woman. d'éfk'ina chulk'í women's socks (stockings). See: d'ifchónka; d'éwachka; bába. Category: people.

d'élat'   ДЕЛАТЬ.

v ipfv. do, make. Chiwó t'i d'élayish? What are you doing? Chiwó d'élayish, Páwel? What are you doing, Paul? Father: Chiwó d'élayish, Páwel? Son: N'ichiwó. Father: Kak t'i (éta?) d'éla...??) Father: What are you doing, Paul? Son: Nothing. Father: How do you do that? Ya n'ichiwó n'i d'élayu. I'm not doing anything. Chiwó aná d'élayit? What is she doing? Cho t'i záftr'i búd'ish d'élat'? What will you do tomorrow? D'élay pa par'átk'i! Do it right! On grop d'élayit. He's making a coffin.

d'élatsa   v ipfv. happen, take place. Ya s'o smáhu d'élayu. ?? I do everything fast. ?? pfv: zd'élat'. See: zd'élanay.

d'élatsa   v ipfv. happen, take place. Ya s'o smáhu d'élayu. ?? I do everything fast. ?? pfv: zd'élat'. See: zd'élanay.

d'élatsa   v ipfv. happen, take place. W bal'shóy marós shugá d'élayitsa. Big frost makes slush ice (on the Inlet). See: d'élat'.

n. day. variant d'en; plural d'én'i ??. d'en'   ДЕНЬ.

n. day. variant d'en; plural d'én'i ??. d'en'   ДЕНЬ.

n. day. variant d'en; plural d'én'i ??. ad'ín d'én' one day.

d'én'g'i   ДЕНЬГИ.

n. money. variant yén'g'i. úzha mála yén'g'i always not much money ?? U n'iwó bulam?? mnóga d'én'gi. ?? He had a lot of money. ?? Category: money.

d'én'ishn'ik   n. purse, money bag. See: kal'ishók. Category: containers, money.

dwa n'a two days. dwa d'én'i two days. M'in'é ...?? dwa d'én'i éta plát'i zashít. ?? It took me two days to sew this dress. ?? Category: time.

d'én'g'i   ДЕНЬГИ.

n. money. variant yén'g'i. úzha mála yén'g'i always not much money ?? U n'iwó bulam?? mnóga d'én'gi. ?? He had a lot of money. ?? Category: money.

d'én'ishn'ik   n. purse, money bag. See: kal'ishók. Category: containers, money.

dwa n'a two days. dwa d'én'i two days. M'in'é ...?? dwa d'én'i éta plát'i zashít. ?? It took me two days to sew this dress. ?? Category: time.

d'én'g'i   ДЕНЬГИ.

n. money. variant yén'g'i. úzha mála yén'g'i always not much money ?? U n'iwó bulam?? mnóga d'én'gi. ?? He had a lot of money. ?? Category: money.

d'én'ishn'ik   n. purse, money bag. See: kal'ishók. Category: containers, money.

d'ér'iwa   ДЕРЕВО.

n. wood, firewood. variant d'erwá. sukawátay d'ér'iwa knotty wood (tree?) suhóy d'ér'iwa dry wood. gn'ilóy d'ér'iwa rotten wood. (On) d'ér'iwa dalb'ít (It) pecks the wood (about a woodpecker). On derwá d'élait. He's chopping wood. (lit., he's making wood). See: drawá; l'is'ína. Category: wood, trees.

d'es'   pro. here. variant yes. D'es' mnóga yágad'i. There's a lot of berries here. Tut yes (??) mnóga yágad'i. ?? There are many berries here. See: tut. Category: Conor Daly, locations.

d'es'   pro. here. variant yes. D'es' mnóga yágad'i. There's a lot of berries here. Tut yes (??) mnóga yágad'i. ?? There are many berries here. See: tut. Category: Conor Daly, locations.

d'és'at'   ДЕСЯТЬ.

num. ten. See: d'is'átka. Category: numbers.

d'es'átka   num. ten. variant d'és'it. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, numbers.

d'éwachka   ДЕВОЧКА.

n. girl (teenager), teenage girl. See: d'ifchónka; d'éfka. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, people.

d'éw'it'   ДЕВЯТЬ.

num. nine. Category: numbers.

d'éw'it ad'ín   num. ninety one. Category: numbers.

d'ifchónka   ДЕВЧОНКА.

n. girl. approx. 7-9 years old. plural d'ifchónk'i. See: d'éfka; mal'chíshka. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, people.

D'ikáp   ДЕКАБРЬ.

n. December. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, time, months.

adj. wild. can also be said about children. d'íkay   ДИКИЙ.

adj. wild. can also be said about children. d'íkay   ДИКИЙ.

adj. wild. can also be said about children. another pronunciation; keep which??

d'íkay kóshka   n. lynx. See: kazná. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, animals.

d'íkay l'uk wild onion. d'íkay kóshka lynx (lit. wild cat). See: bushawát' be rowdy. Category: animals.

d'íkay kóshka   n. lynx. See: kazná. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, animals.

d'íkay l'uk wild onion. d'íkay kóshka lynx (lit. wild cat). See: bushawát' be rowdy. Category: animals.

d'íkay kóshka   n. lynx. See: kazná. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, animals.

d'íkay l'uk   n. wild onion. looks like chives. See: l'uk onion. Category: plants.

D'ikríp   pn. Deep Creek. See: D'ikr'ípska M'is. Category: locations.

D'ikr'ípska M'is   pn. Cape Ninilchik, Deep Creek Point. Deep Creek Point; called Cape Ninilchik on maps. See: D'ikríp. Category: locations.

d'im   ДЫМ.

n. smoke. w: d'im'ít'. Category: fire, smoke.

d'im'ít'   ДЫМИТЬ.

v ipfv. smoke. For example, of a house or fire; not of a person smoking tobacco which is kúrit'. On d'im'ít. It's smoking. See: d'im; d'ímna; puwárn'a. Category: fire, smoke.

d'ímna   ДЫМНО.

adv. cloudy. D'ímna. It's cloudy. See: d'im'ít'. Category: weather.

d'irá   ДЫРА.

n. pit, hole. plural d'írya; dimunitive d'írka. D'ira would be like a hole through something, such as a piece of wood. Yama is like a hole in the ground, an indentation. Daróg'i pólan d'ír'ya. The road is full of holes. Ad'ín d'irá .. mnóga d'írya. One (is) a pit, many (will be) pits. See: yáma.

d'iráskras ??   ??. ??

d'iráskras ??   ??. ??

d'iréwn'a   ДЕРЕВНЯ.

n. village, small town, settlement. variant d'iréwna. When Ninilchik people speak about "the village" they are referring only to the original settlement built next to Cook the valley along the Ninilchik River. See: d'ir'ównay; s'iló. Category: locations.

adj. wooden. U n'iwó pálachnay nagá, d'ir'iw'ánay. He has a peg leg, wooden. d'ir'iwánay nagá wooden leg. Category: Conor Daly.

d'ir'iwánay ??   ДЕРЕВЯННЫЙ.

adj. wooden. U n'iwó pálachnay nagá, d'ir'iw'ánay. He has a peg leg, wooden. d'ir'iwánay nagá wooden leg. Category: Conor Daly.

d'ir'iwánay ??   ДЕРЕВЯННЫЙ.

adj. wooden. U n'iwó pálachnay nagá, d'ir'iw'ánay. He has a peg leg, wooden. d'ir'iwánay nagá wooden leg. Category: Conor Daly.

d'írka   n. hole, small hole. non-dimunitive d'irá.

d'ir'ównay   ДЕРЕВНЫЙ ??

adj. of village, of small town. d'ir'ównaya yaz'ík village language. noun d'iréwn'a. Category: locations.

d'irzhát'   v ipfv. hold, use. Aná d'érzhit iyónay béyb'ichku. She's holding her baby. another recording; keep which?? Ya swoy rúk'i táha d'érzhu kadá ya s tabóy gawar'ú. I hold ("present") my hands this way while I talk to you. Ya n'i d'irzhú. I'm not holding/using (something). Ya s (??) n'i d'irzhú. I don't use them anymore.

d'is'átka   n. ten.

d'íshit'   ДЫШАТЬ.

v ipfv. breathe. Ya swoy nózni s'in'í d'irzhú. ?? ?? Ya n'i l'ubl'ú ut'úk d'irzhát'. I don't like to work with an iron.

d'is'átka   n. ten.

d'íshit'   ДЫШАТЬ.

v ipfv. breathe. Ya swoy nózni s'in'í d'irzhú. ?? ?? Ya n'i l'ubl'ú ut'úk d'irzhát'. I don't like to work with an iron.

d'is'átka   n. ten.

d'íshit'   ДЫШАТЬ.

v ipfv. breathe. On d'íshit. He's breathing. Trúdna d'íshit'. It is hard to breathe. Category: body.

d'íwa   ДЕВА.

n. virgin, maiden. Category: people.

d'íwna   adv. good. Category: Conor Daly.

dl'ínay   ДЛИННЫЙ.

adj. long. Dl'ínay Túndra Long Flat. dl'ínay w'iráfka long rope.

dl'íniya walasá long hair. See: karótkay. Category: shape, size.

dl'íniya walasá long hair. See: karótkay. Category: shape, size.

Dl'ínay Túndra   pn. Long Flat. big flat east of Hostetters' and Brodys'. Category: locations, flats, swamps.

dóbat'   v pfv. catch. Ya óchin bal'shóyu chaw'íchu dóbal. I caught a very big king salmon. See: paymát'; law'ít'. Category: fish.

adj. good, nice. feminine dóbraya. See: haróshay good. See: Dóbraya útra! Good morning!. Category: quality, record.

Dóbraya útra!   ДОБРОЕ УТРО.

phr. Good morning! Dóbrey útra. ?? Good morning. dóbray   ДОБРЫЙ.

adj. good, nice. feminine dóbraya. See: haróshay good. See: Dóbraya útra! Good morning!. Category: quality, record.

Dóbraya útra!   ДОБРОЕ УТРО.

phr. Good morning! Dóbrey útra. ?? Good morning. dóbray   ДОБРЫЙ.

adj. good, nice. feminine dóbraya. See: haróshay good. See: Dóbraya útra! Good morning!. Category: quality, record.

Dóbraya útra!   ДОБРОЕ УТРО.

phr. Good morning! Dóbrey útra. ?? Good morning. Dóbrey útra.

Dóbr'i d'en'!   ДОБРЫЙ ДЕНЬ!

phr. Good afternoon!

Dóbrey útra. (another recording; poor quality ??) ?? discussion about pronunciation of this greeting; during this test with Andrej and Mira, Aunt Selma and Uncle Joe both said that Dóbray útra was better than Dóbraya útra. Category: time.

Dóbr'i d'en'!   ДОБРЫЙ ДЕНЬ!

phr. Good afternoon!

Dóbrey útra. (another recording; poor quality ??) ?? discussion about pronunciation of this greeting; during this test with Andrej and Mira, Aunt Selma and Uncle Joe both said that Dóbray útra was better than Dóbraya útra. Category: time.

Dóbr'i d'en'!   ДОБРЫЙ ДЕНЬ!

phr. Good afternoon!

doch   ДОЧЬ.

n. daughter. variant dócha; plural dóchi. mayá doch my daughter. Iwónay doch máyn'in'kaya. His daughter is small. dimunitive dóchka. Category: relatives.

dóchka   ДОЧКА.

n. daughter. plural dóchk'i. mayá dóchka my daughter. Iwónay dóch'ka tam. His daughter is there. non-dimunitive doch. Category: relatives.

dóktar   ДОКТОР.

n. doctor. plural daktará. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, jobs.

dólar   ДОЛЛАР.

n. dollar. borrowed from English. plural dolorá. Category: money, Kibrik-Bergelson.

dólb'it'   ДОЛБИТЬ.

v ipfv. peck. D'ér'iwa dólb'it. It (woodpecker) pecks wood. ??

dólga   ДОЛГО.

adv. long ; On dólga n'i dazhidáyit. He doesn't wait long. See: dawnó. Category: time.

dolk   ДОЛГ.

n. debt. mnóga dalg'í many debts. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, money.

dom   ДОМ.

n. house, home. plural dam'í; dimunitive dómchik. iwónay dom his house. Ya paydú damói. I'm going home. Stupáy nazát damói! Go back home! matré damú inside the house. Ya dóma. I'm home. adjective damáshnay. See: mésta. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, buildings, locations.

dómchik   n. cabin, small house. non-dimunitive dom. Category: house, Wayne Leman.

dóra   n. dory, skiff. variant dór'i; plural dór'i.

d'órgat'   ДЕРГАТЬ.

v ipfv. jerk, tug, pull. another recording; keep which?? cf. Доры 'dory'. See: lótka boat. Category: Evgeniy Golovko, boats.

d'órgat'   ДЕРГАТЬ.

v ipfv. jerk, tug, pull. another recording; keep which?? cf. Доры 'dory'. See: lótka boat. Category: Evgeniy Golovko, boats.

d'órgat'   ДЕРГАТЬ.

v ipfv. jerk, tug, pull. Ya w'ir'ófku d'órgayu. I'm pulling on the rope. On makréts d'órgayit. He is pulling (weeding) chickweed. pfv: d'órnut'. See: w'íd'irnut'. Category: move.

d'órnut'   v pfv. pull. Ya iwó d'órnul. I (male) pulled (on) him. ipfv: d'órgat'. See: w'íd'irnut'. Category: move.

dosh   ДОЖДЬ.

n. rain. dimunitive dózhd'ik. See: dazhiwóy. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, weather.

n. board. dóska   ДОСКА.

n. board. dóska   ДОСКА.

n. board. another recording; keep which?? variant daská, dós'ik'i; plural dósk'i. Dós'ik'i pr'itashchíl'i. (They) brought boards. Category: wood.

d'ósna   ДЕСНА.

n. jaw, jawbone. plural d'ósn'i. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, body.

dozh   ДОЖДЬ.

n. rain. variant dosh; dimunitive dózhd'ik, dózhik. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, weather.

dózhd'ik   ДОЖДИК.

n. rain. variant dózhik. non-dimunitive dosh. Category: weather.

dózhik   n. rain. variant dózhd'ik; non-dimunitive dosh. Dózhik id'ót? Is it raining? Dózhik id'ót. It's raining. mnóga dózhik lots of rain. Category: weather.

n. raincoat. See: dazhiwóy pal'tó. Category: clothes.

dráka   ДРАКА.

n. fight. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson.

dozhiw'ík   ДОЖДЕВИК.

n. raincoat. See: dazhiwóy pal'tó. Category: clothes.

dráka   ДРАКА.

n. fight. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson.

dozhiw'ík   ДОЖДЕВИК.

n. raincoat. See: dazhiwóy pal'tó. Category: clothes.

dráka   ДРАКА.

n. fight. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson.

drátsa   ДРАТЬСЯ.

v ipfv. fight. An'í mnóga ras drál'is'. They fought many times. Ya n'i hachú drátsa. I don't want to fight. An'í d'irútsa. They are fighting. See: wayawát'.

drátwa   ДРАТВА.

n. heavy cotton thread. Category: material, Kibrik-Bergelson.

drawá   n. wood. singular drof. On drawá d'élayit. He's chopping wood. (lit., he's making wood). See: d'ér'iwa; l'is'ína. Category: wood, trees.

drazhát'   ДРОЖАТЬ.

v ipfv. shake, tremble. On drazhít'. He's shaking (will chills??). On drazhál. He was trembling. Ya drazhú. I'm shaking. noun drosh. Category: sickness.

dráznit' ??   ДРАЗНИТЬ ??

??. tease ??

drof   n. ?? See: drawá. Category: wood.

drosh   ДРОЖЬ.

n. chills. On iwó drázn'il. ?? He teased him. ??

drof   n. ?? See: drawá. Category: wood.

drosh   ДРОЖЬ.

n. chills. On iwó drázn'il. ?? He teased him. ??

drof   n. ?? See: drawá. Category: wood.

drosh   ДРОЖЬ.

n. chills. M'in'é dr'osh. (dr'osh??) I'm shaking with chills. verb drazhát' shake with chills. Category: sickness, record.

drózhi   n. sourdough starter. See: zakwáska; kwáshn'a. Category: cook.

drugóy   ДРУГОЙ.

pro. other, different. plural drug'íya. l'is'ín'i drug'íya other trees. See: padrugómu; rázn'iya; drugóy ras.

drugóy ras   ДРУГОЙ РАЗ.

adv. sometimes, other times. variant dúga ras. another pronunciation; keep which?? On m'in'é drugóy rás wr'ót. Sometimes he lies to me. On m'in'é dúga ras púshit. ?? Sometimes he bawls me out. Duga ras fs'ó nabarót. ?? Sometimes they say everything backwards. Duga ras an'í pr'idút. ?? Sometimes they come. ??

Dúga ras an'í páma (??) ub'irál'i. ?? ?? Category: time.

Dúga ras an'í páma (??) ub'irál'i. ?? ?? Category: time.

druh   ДРУГ.

n. close friend, pal. meaning uncertain but seems to be a closer friend than tawárish. Éta moy druh. This is my pal. See: tawár'ish; pár'in'; chum. Category: people.

dubásnut'   v pfv. beat someone up. Ya yiwó dubásn'u. I will beat him up.

duhowóy   ДУХОВОЙ.

n. oven. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson.

dúla   ДУЛО.

n. barrel - gun. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, guns.

dúmat'   ДУМАТЬ.

v ipfv. think. On dúmayit. He's thinking. Ya a t'ibé dúmayu. I think about you. Ya na iwó dúmayu. I'm thinking about him. On pra t'ibé dúmayit. He is thinking about you. On dúmayit pra t'ibé. He is thinking about you. Dázhi n'i dúmay! Don't think about it! (one Ninilchik response to "spas'íba"). N'i dúmay! Don't think about it! Ya dúmayu ya étu pat'irál. I think I lost it. Ya tak dúmayu. I think so! Mnóg'iya l'úd'i dúmayut pra ih zhis'. ?? Category: cognition.

n. foolish female. masculine durák; dimunitive duráchka. Category: personality.

duráchka   n. foolish female. non-dimunitive dúra; masculine durák. Category: personality.

durák   ДУРАК.

n. 1 • fool. plural durak'í; feminine duráchka. óchin' durák very foolish ?? maldóy durák young fool. See: durnóy; dur'ít'; baldá; glupóy. Category: personality.

2 • fool card game. Category: cards.

dur'ít'   v ipfv. goof off. dúra   ДУРА.

n. foolish female. masculine durák; dimunitive duráchka. Category: personality.

duráchka   n. foolish female. non-dimunitive dúra; masculine durák. Category: personality.

durák   ДУРАК.

n. 1 • fool. plural durak'í; feminine duráchka. óchin' durák very foolish ?? maldóy durák young fool. See: durnóy; dur'ít'; baldá; glupóy. Category: personality.

2 • fool card game. Category: cards.

dur'ít'   v ipfv. goof off. dúra   ДУРА.

n. foolish female. masculine durák; dimunitive duráchka. Category: personality.

duráchka   n. foolish female. non-dimunitive dúra; masculine durák. Category: personality.

durák   ДУРАК.

n. 1 • fool. plural durak'í; feminine duráchka. óchin' durák very foolish ?? maldóy durák young fool. See: durnóy; dur'ít'; baldá; glupóy. Category: personality.

2 • fool card game. Category: cards.

dur'ít'   v ipfv. goof off. On dur'ít. He's goofing off. Búd'it t'ibé durét'! Quit goofing around! See: durák; durnóy fool.

durnóy   ДУРНОЙ.

adj. foolish, stupid. variant durnáya. durnóy bába foolish woman. durnáya bába foolish woman. durnóy chalawék foolish man. On durnóy. He is foolish. See: durák. Category: personality.

dúsha   ДУША.

n. soul. variant dushá. U n'iwó haróshay dushá. He has a good soul. Ya n'i w'inawát shto t'ibé ch'órnaókuyu ból'shi chem dúshu l'ubl'ú. I am not guilty that I love you, dark-eyed one, more than my soul. Category: body, songs.

v ipfv. choke, suffocate. On dushít. He is choking. On iwó dushíl. ?? He choked him. ?? dushít'   ДУШИТЬ.

v ipfv. choke, suffocate. On dushít. He is choking. On iwó dushíl. ?? He choked him. ?? dushít'   ДУШИТЬ.

v ipfv. choke, suffocate. On dushít. He is choking. On iwó dushíl. ?? He choked him. ?? Ya iwó dushíl. ?? I choked him. Rawúlka kúr'ichku dushíl. Ralph choked a little hen. Rawúlka kúr'ichku dushíl, dushíl, dushíl.Keep the following example ?? W pamóyn'ik iyó machíl, machíl, machíl. Ap'át' on iyó dushíl, dushíl, dushíl. W sabáchn'ik iyó zakr'íl, i kúr'ichka prapál. Ralph choked a little hen, choked, choked. In the slop bucket he soaked it, soaked, soaked. Again he choked it, choked, choked. In the dog house he closed it, and the little hen perished. N'i náda m'in'é dushít! ?? Don't choke me!

dut'   ДУТЬ.

v ipfv. blow. M'in'é dushít. ?? I can't breathe. M'in'é dúshit. (another pronunciation) ?? I can't breathe. See: dúsha breath; Rawúlka song. Category: songs.

dut'   ДУТЬ.

v ipfv. blow. M'in'é dushít. ?? I can't breathe. M'in'é dúshit. (another pronunciation) ?? I can't breathe. See: dúsha breath; Rawúlka song. Category: songs.

dut'   ДУТЬ.

v ipfv. blow. Dúy! Blow! Dúy na agón'! Blow on the fire! On na agón' dúit. He's blowing on the fire. Wét'ir dúit. The wind is blowing. See: parus'ít'; wét'ir. Category: weather.

n. dry celery tube. A dutka is a tube from a section of puchka when the puchka has grown tall and dried out. A section of the puchka looks like a pipe (flute) without the holes for playing musical notes. In Ninilchik these tube sections would be used by young people as "pea-shooters". The usual ammunition would be high bush cranberries (kal'íni). Whistles can be made from dutka. On krépkay ... ?? It (dutka) was hard ... ?? See: púchka. Category: plants.

d'úym   ДЮЙМ.

n. inch. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, size.

dútka   ДУДКА.

n. dry celery tube. A dutka is a tube from a section of puchka when the puchka has grown tall and dried out. A section of the puchka looks like a pipe (flute) without the holes for playing musical notes. In Ninilchik these tube sections would be used by young people as "pea-shooters". The usual ammunition would be high bush cranberries (kal'íni). Whistles can be made from dutka. On krépkay ... ?? It (dutka) was hard ... ?? See: púchka. Category: plants.

d'úym   ДЮЙМ.

n. inch. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, size.

dútka   ДУДКА.

n. dry celery tube. A dutka is a tube from a section of puchka when the puchka has grown tall and dried out. A section of the puchka looks like a pipe (flute) without the holes for playing musical notes. In Ninilchik these tube sections would be used by young people as "pea-shooters". The usual ammunition would be high bush cranberries (kal'íni). Whistles can be made from dutka. On krépkay ... ?? It (dutka) was hard ... ?? See: púchka. Category: plants.

d'úym   ДЮЙМ.

n. inch. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, size.

dwa   ДВА.

num. two. dwa s'istr'í/s'óstra two sisters. Category: numbers.

dwa rás   ДВА РАЗ.

adv. twice. Lit: two times Ya t'ibé dwa rás n'i búdu gawar'át'! I won't tell you twice! Category: numbers.

dwátsat'   ДВАДЦАТЬ.

num. twenty. Category: numbers.

dwáyn'ik   ДВОЙНИК.

n. twin. plural dwayn'ik'í. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, people.

n. door. dwér'i   ДВЕРЬ.

n. door. dwér'i   ДВЕРЬ.

n. door. Atkr'íy dwér'i! Open the door! Zakr'íy dwér'i! Close the door! Category: house.

dw'inátsat'   num. twelve.

dwor   ДВОР.

n. yard, plot. d'és'at' dwar'í ten yards. Category: distance.

d'yáwal   ДЬЯВОЛ.

n. devil. See: chort; sátana. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, Wayne Leman.

d'yáwal'ina kálatúshka   n. devil's club. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, plants.