n. urge, will, desire. variant uhóta. the urge to get something or do something. M'in'é uhóta. I want to. M'in'é ahóta kúshat'. I want to eat. n'iuhóta I don't want to. M'in'é n'i ahóta. ?? I don't feel like doing it. ?? See: hóchit' ‘want’. Category: will.
hóchit' v ipfv. want. T'i hóchish ishó chay? Do you want more tea? W'i hóchit'i chay? ?? Do you (plural) want tea? Ya hachú chay. I want tea. Ya hachú chay. (another recording; which should we keep??) I want tea. Ya n'i hachú. I don't want it. On hóchit. ?? He wants it. An'í hóchut chay. ?? They want tea. On hóchit kúshat. ?? He wants to eat. Ya n'i hachú yis. I don't want to eat. Ya hat'éla chay chará. ?? I (female) wanted tea yesterday. T'i hóchish ishó chay? ?? Do you want more tea? M'i fse hóchim. ?? We all want. See: ahóta ‘urge’. Category: will.