mal'útka МАЛЮТКА.
n. little one, baby, little child. Wéchir b'il, swerkál'i zw'ozd'i, na dwar'é marós str'ikál. Shol pa úl'itsi mal'útka, pas'in'él i wés' drazhál. "Bózhi, gawar'ít mal'útka, - ya praz'áp i yes' hachú. Kto nagréyit, kto nakórm'it, bózhi dóbray, s'iratú?" It was evening, the stars were shining, very cold outside. A little child went along the street, blue from cold and shivering.translation: 'Malyutka' poem 'Oh, Lord - said the child - I am cold and hungry. Who will warm up and feed, my Lord, the orphan?" See: Mal'útka poem. Category: poems.
Mal'útka poem phr. Wéchir b'il, swerkál'i zw'ozd'i, na dwar'é marós str'ikál. Shol pa úl'itsi mal'útka, pas'in'él i wés' drazhál. "Bózhi - gawar'ít mal'útka - ya praz'áp i yes' hachú. Kto nagréyit, kto nakórm'it, bózhi dóbray, s'iratú? It was evening, the stars were shining, very cold outside. A little child went along the street, blue from cold and shivering. 'Oh, Lord - said the child - I am cold and hungry. Who will warm up and feed, my Lord, the orphan?" Category: poems.
manáh poem phr. Manáh razhd'ón shtab'í mal'ítsa, saldát shtop wéchna wayawát', a chinówn'ik shtop s bumágam'i r'ítsa, a muzhík shtop wéchna rabatát'. A monk is born to pray, a soldier to always fight, and an official to sort papers, but a peasant to work forever. Category: poems.
Zhíl-bil u bábushk'i séren'kay kózl'ik phr. Russian poem for children. Zhíl-bil u bábushk'i séran'kay kózl'ik. Wot kak, wot kak, séran'kay kózl'ik. Padúmala bábushka w l'es pragul'átsa. Wot kak, wot kak, w l'es pragul'átsa. Napál'i na bábushku sér'iya wólk'i. Wot kak, wot kak, sér'iya wólk'i. Astáw'il'i bábushk'i nóshk'i da róshk'i. Wot kak, wot kak, nóshk'i da róshk'i. There was once a little gray goat who lived with Grandma. Yes, the gray kid, indeed. Once Grandma ?? decided to walk in the woods. Yes, to walk in the woods. Gray wolves attacked her. Yes, the gray wolves. They only left hoofs and horns to Grandma. Yes, just hoofs and horns. See: bábushka. Category: relatives, animals, poems.