n. father. moy at'éts my father. twoy at'éts your father.
báb'ichka n. grandmother (small name). non-dimunitive bábushka. See: bábachka ‘butterfly’. Category: relatives.
Moy at'éts on parúsk'i gawarél. My father talked Russian. See: pápa ‘dad’. Category: relatives.
báb'ichka n. grandmother (small name). non-dimunitive bábushka. See: bábachka ‘butterfly’. Category: relatives.
Moy at'éts on parúsk'i gawarél. My father talked Russian. See: pápa ‘dad’. Category: relatives.
báb'ichka n. grandmother (small name). non-dimunitive bábushka. See: bábachka ‘butterfly’. Category: relatives.
n. grandma, grandmother. iyónaya bábushka her grandma. náshiy bábushka our grandma. dimunitive báb'ichka. See: Zhíl-bil u bábushk'i séren'kay kózl'ik. Category: relatives.
n. brother. moy brat my brother. mayí brát'yi my brothers. On moy brat. He's my brother. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, relatives.
n. uncle. another recording (keep which??) moy d'ád'a my uncle. See: t'ótka. Category: relatives.
n. grandfather, grandpa. Joe Leman, Sr. holding his grandson Wayne Leman. Category: relatives.
n. daughter. variant dócha; plural dóchi. mayá doch my daughter. Iwónay doch máyn'in'kaya. His daughter is small. dimunitive dóchka. Category: relatives.
n. daughter. plural dóchk'i. mayá dóchka my daughter. Iwónay dóch'ka tam. His daughter is there. non-dimunitive doch. Category: relatives.
n. family, immediate family. plural fam'íl'i. See: s'im'yá. Category: relatives.
n. godmother. masculine kr'ósnay. Category: relatives, church.
máma n. mama. mám'ina dom mama's house. M'i do mám'ina dom dashlí. We arrived at mama's house. See: pápa. Category: relatives.
n. husband. Éta moy mush. This is my husband. Iyónay mush ushól na póshtu. Her husband went to the post office. Éta mush búd'it? Is he going to be a husband? See: zhiná ‘wife’; muzhík ‘man’. Category: relatives, people, marriage.
n. bride. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, people, relatives.
palaw'ína s'istrá n. half sister. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, relatives, record.
n. dad. accusative pápu. See: máma; at'éts. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, relatives.
pr'ibábushka n. great grandmother. Category: relatives.
n. godson, nephew. See: pr'imyán'itsa. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, relatives.
n. niece, goddaughter. variant pr'im'án'itsa. See: pr'imn'án'ik ‘godson’. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, relatives.
pr'iyómchik n. godchild. variant pr'iyómshchik. Category: relatives, church.
n. relative. plural rad'ít'il'i. moy rad'ít'il' my relative. Ya ushól r'ibáchit' sa swayím rad'ít'il'im. I went fishing with my relative. See: radn'ík. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, relatives.
radn'ík n. relative. plural radn'ik'í. moy radn'ík my relative. Éta mayí radn'i'k'í. These are my relatives. See: rad'ít'il'. Category: relatives.
r'ib'it'íshk'i n. children. variant rab'it'íshk'i, rabat'íshk'i. U m'in'é chit'ír'i rab'it'íshk'i. I have four children. mayí r'ib'it'íshk'i my children. Yíhn'iya rab'at'íshk'i mál'in'k'iya. Their children are small. Yíhnay rabat'íshk'i mál'inkiya. (alternate; keep??) Their children are small. R'ib'it'íshk'i na l'isínu zal'izáyot. ?? Children are climbing the tree. See: r'ib'ónak. Category: relatives.
n. extended family, clan. Éta mayá s'imyá. This is my extended family. See: fam'íl'a. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, relatives.
n. son. plural s'in'í. moy s'in my son. Twoy s'in hwaráyit? Is your son sick? Iwónay s'in mál'in'kay. His son is small. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, relatives.
n. sister. plural s'óstra; dative s'istré; genitive s'istr'í. mayá s'istrá my sister. twoyá s'istra your sister. iwónay s'istrá his sister. mnóga s'óstra many sisters. palaw'ína s'istrá half sister.
s'istrá m'i?? étu dála stol ?? (My) sister gave me this table. ?? Category: relatives.
s'istrá m'i?? étu dála stol ?? (My) sister gave me this table. ?? Category: relatives.
n. aunt. variant t'ótka. mayá t'ót'a my aunt. Category: relatives.
n. aunt. variant t'ót'a. another recording; keep which?? t'ótk'ina dom Auntie's house. Éta t'ótk'ina dom. This is Auntie's house. Eta t'ótk'ina s'in. This is (my) aunt's son. mayá t'ót'a my aunt.
n. wife. variant zhénshina. The difference between zhiná and zhénshchina was explained by a Ninilchik Russian speaker as having to do with the amount of time the woman has been married. In early marriage she is a man's zhénshchina, but after quite a while, perhaps 20 years, she becomes a zhiná. óchin' kras'íwaya zhénshchina very beautiful wife. See: zhiná. Category: marriage, relatives.
Zhíl-bil u bábushk'i séren'kay kózl'ik phr. Russian poem for children. Zhíl-bil u bábushk'i séran'kay kózl'ik. Wot kak, wot kak, séran'kay kózl'ik. Padúmala bábushka w l'es pragul'átsa. Wot kak, wot kak, w l'es pragul'átsa. Napál'i na bábushku sér'iya wólk'i. Wot kak, wot kak, sér'iya wólk'i. Astáw'il'i bábushk'i nóshk'i da róshk'i. Wot kak, wot kak, nóshk'i da róshk'i. There was once a little gray goat who lived with Grandma. Yes, the gray kid, indeed. Once Grandma ?? decided to walk in the woods. Yes, to walk in the woods. Gray wolves attacked her. Yes, the gray wolves. They only left hoofs and horns to Grandma. Yes, just hoofs and horns. See: bábushka. Category: relatives, animals, poems.
Aná mayá t'ótka. She is my aunt. See: d'ád'a. Category: relatives.
n. wife. variant zhénshina. The difference between zhiná and zhénshchina was explained by a Ninilchik Russian speaker as having to do with the amount of time the woman has been married. In early marriage she is a man's zhénshchina, but after quite a while, perhaps 20 years, she becomes a zhiná. óchin' kras'íwaya zhénshchina very beautiful wife. See: zhiná. Category: marriage, relatives.
Zhíl-bil u bábushk'i séren'kay kózl'ik phr. Russian poem for children. Zhíl-bil u bábushk'i séran'kay kózl'ik. Wot kak, wot kak, séran'kay kózl'ik. Padúmala bábushka w l'es pragul'átsa. Wot kak, wot kak, w l'es pragul'átsa. Napál'i na bábushku sér'iya wólk'i. Wot kak, wot kak, sér'iya wólk'i. Astáw'il'i bábushk'i nóshk'i da róshk'i. Wot kak, wot kak, nóshk'i da róshk'i. There was once a little gray goat who lived with Grandma. Yes, the gray kid, indeed. Once Grandma ?? decided to walk in the woods. Yes, to walk in the woods. Gray wolves attacked her. Yes, the gray wolves. They only left hoofs and horns to Grandma. Yes, just hoofs and horns. See: bábushka. Category: relatives, animals, poems.
Aná mayá t'ótka. She is my aunt. See: d'ád'a. Category: relatives.
n. wife. variant zhénshina. The difference between zhiná and zhénshchina was explained by a Ninilchik Russian speaker as having to do with the amount of time the woman has been married. In early marriage she is a man's zhénshchina, but after quite a while, perhaps 20 years, she becomes a zhiná. óchin' kras'íwaya zhénshchina very beautiful wife. See: zhiná. Category: marriage, relatives.
Zhíl-bil u bábushk'i séren'kay kózl'ik phr. Russian poem for children. Zhíl-bil u bábushk'i séran'kay kózl'ik. Wot kak, wot kak, séran'kay kózl'ik. Padúmala bábushka w l'es pragul'átsa. Wot kak, wot kak, w l'es pragul'átsa. Napál'i na bábushku sér'iya wólk'i. Wot kak, wot kak, sér'iya wólk'i. Astáw'il'i bábushk'i nóshk'i da róshk'i. Wot kak, wot kak, nóshk'i da róshk'i. There was once a little gray goat who lived with Grandma. Yes, the gray kid, indeed. Once Grandma ?? decided to walk in the woods. Yes, to walk in the woods. Gray wolves attacked her. Yes, the gray wolves. They only left hoofs and horns to Grandma. Yes, just hoofs and horns. See: bábushka. Category: relatives, animals, poems.
n. wife. The difference between zhína and zhénshchina was explained by a Ninilchik speaker as having to do with the amount of time the woman has been married. In early marriage she is a man's zhénshchina, but after quite a while, perhaps 20 years, she becomes a zhína. zhiná mayá zhiná my wife. twayá zhiná your wife. See: mush; zhénshchina. Category: marriage, relatives.