abórka ОБОРКА.
n. trim. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, house, record.
ad'énka php. clothing - piece of. Lit: something that you put on synonym b'il'ó. See: ad'ózha ‘clothes’; ad'ét' ‘put on’. Category: clothes, record.
adnó ОДНО.
adj. one. accusative adnú. neuter?? Adnú kartófi at pust'í! Drop in one potato! See: ad'ín; adnóy. Category: numbers, record.
n. officer, military officer, policeman. plural af'itséri. Category: jobs, military, record.
interj. alas, oh dear. Áh ti práwa! (Is this a NR speaker?) Oh dear! (lit., So hot true ??) АХ ТИ ПРАВДА. Category: record.
aládushka ОЛАДУШКА.
n. pancake. plural aládushk'i. See: bl'in'í; l'ipl'óshka. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, food, record.
atrub'ít' v pfv. chop off, cut down. Bábushka kúr'ina gólawu atrub'íla. Grandma chopped off the heads of the chickens.
atrub'ítay adj. chopped off. Étu nádu?? atrub'ít. ?? ?? On iwó atrub'ít. ?? He will chop it off. ?? Ya iwó atrub'ú. ?? I will chop it off. ?? Ya iwó atrub'íla. ?? I chopped it off. ?? adjective atrub'ítay. See: rúb'it''; t'ápat'. Category: record.
atrub'ítay adj. chopped off. Étu nádu?? atrub'ít. ?? ?? On iwó atrub'ít. ?? He will chop it off. ?? Ya iwó atrub'ú. ?? I will chop it off. ?? Ya iwó atrub'íla. ?? I chopped it off. ?? adjective atrub'ítay. See: rúb'it''; t'ápat'. Category: record.
atrub'ítay adj. chopped off. Iwónay pál'its atrub'ítay. His finger is chopped off. verb atrub'ít'. See: rub'ít'; t'ápat'. Category: record.
bahátstwa БОГАТСТВО.
n. wealth. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, money, record.
bal'nóy БОЛЬНОЙ.
adj. sick. bal'nóy chalawék sick man. See: bal'ét'; hwarát'. Category: sickness, record.
Bal'shóy Óz'ira БОЛЬШОЕ ОЗЕРО.
pn. Ninilchik Lake. Lit: Big Lake Category: locations, record.
bánachka n. small can. non-dimunitive bánka. Category: containers, record.
b'itáchi n. jiggers. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, fish, record.
blahadárnay БЛАГОДАРНЫЙ.
n. good (person). Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, people, quality, record.
bláwochka БУЛАВОЧКА.
n. pin, safety pin. See: buláfka. Category: tools, record.
bl'údachka БЛЮДЕЧКО.
n. saucer. See: bl'útsa. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, containers, record.
borsh БОРЩ.
n. borsch. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, food, record.
bóykay БОЙКИЙ.
adj. fast, brisk. Ish'ó bóykaya. (She) is still very active. See: b'ístray; hótkay. Category: speed, record.
chésnay ЧЕСТНЫЙ.
adj. honest. chésnay slówa I bet.
adj. good, nice. feminine dóbraya. See: haróshay ‘good’. See: Dóbraya útra! ‘Good morning!’. Category: quality, record.
n. chills. chésna slówa ?? ?? Category: record.
adj. good, nice. feminine dóbraya. See: haróshay ‘good’. See: Dóbraya útra! ‘Good morning!’. Category: quality, record.
n. chills. chésna slówa ?? ?? Category: record.
adj. good, nice. feminine dóbraya. See: haróshay ‘good’. See: Dóbraya útra! ‘Good morning!’. Category: quality, record.
n. chills. M'in'é dr'osh. (dr'osh??) I'm shaking with chills. verb drazhát' ‘shake with chills’. Category: sickness, record.
G'irás'ima Kanáwa n. Grassim's Ditch. a ravine in the bluff near the present day school on Sterling Highway. See: kanáwa. Category: locations, record.
guwernátar n. governor. Category: jobs, government, record.
halst'ína ХОЛСТИНА.
n. muslin ?? fabric for dresses. See: parus'ína. Category: material, Kibrik-Bergelson, record.
Har'itón pn. Harry. dimunitive Har'itóshka. Harry Leman. Category: names, record.
int'irésna ИНТЕРЕСНО.
adv. interesting. T'i s sabóy zabar'í, chitáy .. óchin' int'irésna. Take it (a magazine) with you, read (it), it is very interesting. Category: quality, record.
istór'iya ИСТОРИЯ.
n. history. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, record.
kalawarót КОЛОВОРОТ.
n. drill. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, tools, record.
kal'isó КОЛЕСО.
n. wheel. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, tools, record.
pro. who, what, which. plural katórchi. Katór'iy chas? What time is it? Katór'iy mnóga sp'it, ... Who sleeps a lot, ... Category: record.
klast' v ipfv. put. Ya kastrúl'u w duhów'iy kladú. I put the pot in the oven. pfv: palazhít'. Category: move, record.
kl'ésht'i КЛЕЩИ.
n. pliers. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, tools, record.
kl'iyonka n. table сloth (oily). Category: record.
klop КЛОП.
n. bed bug. plural klap'í. kúcha klap'í lots of bed bugs. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, insects, bed, record.
n. book. plural kn'íg'i; dimunitive kn'íshka. moy kn'íga my book. Éta mayí kn'íg'i. These are my books. Ya sas kn'ígoi s'izhú. I'm sitting with a book. ?? black book. ?? old book. Category: school, writing, record.
kófta КОФТА.
n. jacket. Category: clothes, Kibrik-Bergelson, record.
krawát' КРОВАТЬ.
n. straw bed. See: kóyka. Category: bed, record.
kray КРАЙ.
n. edge, outskirts. Category: locations, record.
krúglay КРУГЛЫЙ.
adj. round. Category: shape, record.
krupá КРУПА.
n. rice. See: r'is. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, food, record.
krutóy КРУТОЙ.
adj. steep. (na) krutóy b'ir'igú on the steep shore. (na) krutóy garé on the steep hill. Category: Conor Daly, record.
kudáta pro. somewhere; КУДА-ТО. See: kudá. Category: record.
Kúmushka pn. Nadia's nickname. non-dimunitive kumá. See: Nád'a. Category: names, record.
lozh' ЛОЖЬ.
n. lies. See: básn'i. Category: speak, record.
l'úkaw'itsa ЛУКОВИЦА.
n. onion bulb, bulb of onion. See: l'uk ‘onion’. Category: plants, record.
lukóshka n. basket. Category: record.
l'úlka ЛЮЛЬКА.
n. baby cradle. variant yúlka. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, babies, record.
máchta МАЧТА.
n. mast. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, boats, record.
mál'in'kuy kasá n. sickle. Lit: little scythe See: kasá. Category: tools, record.
mal'ítwa МОЛИТВА.
n. prayer ; Ya mnóga mal'ítw'i n'i znáyu. I don't know many prayers. See: mal'ítsa ‘pray’. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, Conor Daly, church, record.
malóchn'ik МОЛОЧНИК.
n. milk jar. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, containers, record.
v ipfv. grind. malól'i (They) were grinding. An'í malól'i i razmalól'i. They were grinding and (they) ground (it). kambóst mil'ót. (He/she) is grinding compost. See: kambóst mil'ót. Category: record.
Mamáina Réchka pn. Clam Creek. It is north of Silver Salmon Creek, and runs into Deep Creek. It is named for clam shells some Indians left in a spot there. Category: locations, record.
man'ák n. picnic. for instance, fish cooked on a stick over a fire outdoors. Category: food, record.
mark МАРКА.
n. stamp. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, record.
markóf МОРКОВЬ.
n. carrot. dimunitive markófka. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, food, record.
maróshka МАРОШКА.
n. cloudberry, low bush salmon berry, salmon berry - low bush. plural maróshk'i. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, berries, record.
marózn'ik n. freezer. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, record.
marskóy w'ídra n. sea otter. See: w'idra. Category: animals, record.
mashén'ik n. scammer, swindler, rascal, rogue. Wot état .. mashén'ik tam pr'istál. That rogue hassled (us) there. Category: Conor Daly. Category: record.
Maskwá pn. Moscow. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, locations, record.
n. sailor. plural matróz'i. Bédn'iya matróz'i kak an'í stradál'i. The poor sailors how they suffered (part of a song). See: mar'yák. Category: jobs, boats, songs, record.
met' МЕДЬ.
n. copper. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, metal, record.
m'il' МИЛЯ.
n. mile. chit'ír'i m'il' four miles. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, distance, record.
m'inúta МИНУТА.
n. minute. variant m'inút. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, time, record.
M'íshka pn. Michael. See: M'ihaíl. Category: names, record.
m'ishóchik МЕШОЧЕК.
n. purse, wallet. non-dimunitive m'ishók ‘sack’. Category: containers, record.
mórushna adv. cloudy, overcast. Category: record.
Múnk'ina Réchka pn. Monkey Creek. on Ninilchik River abreast of Alfred and Nora Cooper's place. See: makáka. Category: locations, record.
múz'ika МУЗЫКА.
n. music. Category: music, record.
na nawóz'i phr. outside of the house. See: tr'ík'i trák'i. Category: record.
nabr'ít' v pfv. shave. Ya nabr'íl. I shaved. See: abrét'; nabrétsa; brétsa. Category: record.
nachiwát' v ipfv. overnight, spend the night. An'í nachiwál'i. They are spending the night. Category: time, record.
naf'igá prt. why the heck? Category: Conor Daly, record.
nak'ínut' v pfv. put on. T'í nak'ín'ish babúshka. You will put on a scarf. Category: record.
nak'ítka НАКИДКА.
n. women's night head-dress, house coat. variant nat'ítka. See: prad'iwálka. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, clothes, record.
namáz'it' v pfv. spread on. for example, to spread cream on your face or butter on your bread. See: másla. Category: Wayne Leman, record.
namédn'i adv. a day before, not long time ago, recently. Category: time, record.
nap'íl'n'ik НАПИЛЬНИК.
n. file. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, tools, record.
napr'osn'ik n. thimble. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, sew, record.
nasgál'stwa n. torturing. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, record.
nast НАСТ.
n. snow crust. See: sn'ek ‘snow’. Category: weather, record.
nawarot ПОВОРОТ.
n. behind the point, turn. Category: locations, record.
N'ém'its НЕМЕЦ.
n. German. plural N'émtsi. Category: people, record.
N'éstar НЕСТОР.
n. Ernest. Ernest (Nestor) Matson. Category: names, Wayne Leman, record.
n'ischásht'a n. bad luck ; variant n'ist'ásht'a. See: paw'izt'í. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, record.
n'iyó pro. her. dative ?? case??
nóit' v ipfv. ache. Nóit. (It) aches. See: bal'ét'. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, sickness, record.
nómer НОМЕР.
n. number. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, numbers, record.
nórdway НОРДОВЫЙ.
adj. northern. nórdway wét'ir northern wind. See: wét'ir. Category: locations, record.
nós'it' НОСИТЬ.
v ipfv. wear. On nós'it tón'in'koy rabáshku. ?? He's wearing a thin shirt. ?? U n'iyó gazal'ín. She has a boat. See: imú. Category: pronouns, record.
nóit' v ipfv. ache. Nóit. (It) aches. See: bal'ét'. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, sickness, record.
nómer НОМЕР.
n. number. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, numbers, record.
nórdway НОРДОВЫЙ.
adj. northern. nórdway wét'ir northern wind. See: wét'ir. Category: locations, record.
nós'it' НОСИТЬ.
v ipfv. wear. On nós'it tón'in'koy rabáshku. ?? He's wearing a thin shirt. ?? U n'iyó gazal'ín. She has a boat. See: imú. Category: pronouns, record.
nóit' v ipfv. ache. Nóit. (It) aches. See: bal'ét'. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, sickness, record.
nómer НОМЕР.
n. number. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, numbers, record.
nórdway НОРДОВЫЙ.
adj. northern. nórdway wét'ir northern wind. See: wét'ir. Category: locations, record.
nós'it' НОСИТЬ.
v ipfv. wear. On nós'it tón'in'koy rabáshku. ?? He's wearing a thin shirt. ?? On karótk'iya br'úk'i nós'it. He's wearing short pants. Category: clothes, record.
adv. very. óchin' harashó very good. See: mnóga; shípka. Category: record.
pabrétsa v pfv. shave oneself. variant abrétsa. See: abrét'. Category: groom, record.
pachern'ét' ПОЧЕРНЕТЬ.
v pfv. blacken, turn black. See: chórnay; pas'in'ét'. Category: colors, record.
pachimú ПОЧЕМУ.
pro. why. Ya n'i znáyu pachimú. I don't know why. See: chiwó. Category: Conor Daly, record.
pachin'ít' ПОЧИНИТЬ.
v pfv. mend, patch. pachin'ít' br'uk'i to mend pants. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, sew, record.
padn'imát' ПОНИМАТЬ.
v ipfv. understand. variant pan'imát'. Parúsk'i padn'imáish? Do you understand Russian? Ya parúsk'i padn'imáyu. I understand Russian. Ya n'i padn'imáyu. I don't understand. On pan'imáit'. He understands. On n'ikawó n'i pan'imáit'. He doesn't understand anybody. See: znat' ‘know’. Category: cognition, record.
pahn'úchay adj. smelly. Category: smells, record.
pákasnay adj. bad guy. On pákasnay. He is doing bad things. See: pákas'; warnák. Category: record.
pálachnay ПАЛОЧНЫЙ.
adj. made of wood. U n'iwó pálachnay nagá, d'ir'iw'ánay. He has a peg leg, wooden. Category: Conor Daly, record.
palaw'ína s'istrá n. half sister. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, relatives, record.
palaw'ínay ПОЛОВИННЫЙ.
adj. divided into two. Category: Wayne Leman, Kibrik-Bergelson, record.
pal'iséyskay ПОЛИЦЕЙСКИЙ.
n. trooper. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, jobs, record.
pamóyka ПОМОЙКA.
n. slop pile. See: pamóyn'ik. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, record.
pan'is'ít' v pfv. carry, take. Ya damóy pan'isúl. I took it home. Category: record.
paróga n. porch. See: kr'il'só. Category: Wayne Leman, house, record.
parók ПОРОГ.
n. threshold. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, house, record.
pasad'ít' ПОСАДИТЬ.
v pfv. make someone sit. Ya hachú yiwó pasad'ít'. I want him be seated. See: sad'ítsa. Category: record.
pasagóm adv. down the hill. Category: locations, record.
paslaw'échit' ПОСЛОВЕЧИЛИ.
v pfv. talk, have conversation. Category: record.
past'él'a ПОСТЕЛЬ.
n. mattress cot. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, bed, record.
past'ílka n. diaper. variant past'úlka; plural past'ílk'i. Per'im'in'í past'ílku! (P'ir'im'in'í ??) Change the diaper!
patalók ПОТОЛОК.
n. ceiling. Bába Yagá kost'anáya nagá; nos w patalók ros. Old Lady Yaga had a bony leg; her nose grew to the ceiling. (an old Russian saying). Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, buildings, house, record.
pat'imn'ét' v pfv. get dark. D'en' pat'imn'él. It has gotten dark outside. ipfv: t'imn'ét'. See: t'ómnay. Category: record.
patklátka ПОДКЛАДКА.
n. lining. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, material, record.
patrón ПАТРОН.
n. cartridge. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, guns, record.
pawál'n'ik n. wash basin. See: m'íska. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, containers, record.
pawarótka n. foot wrapping. This is a special piece of cloth to wrap around one's foot instead of socks. See: pad'órk'i. Category: clothes, record.
paw'izt'í v pfv. have luck ; M'in'é n'i paw'izló. I had no luck. See: n'ischásht'a. Category: record.
payasn'ítsa ПОЯСНИЦА.
n. rump (animal). See: zhópa. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, animals, body, record.
pazórnay adj. without result. pazórnay setka net waterhaul. See: pazór. Category: record.
pép'il'n'itsa ПЕПЕЛЬНИЦА.
n. ashtray. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, containers, record.
Pérway Bánka pn. First Bar. refers to the first gravel bar of the river, esp. of the Ninilchik River; the locals numbered the first several bars of the river; you could swim in these river holes that they created. See: Ftaróy Bánka. Category: locations, record.
p'inát' ??. kick. pfv: pnut'. See: za'p'inát'. Category: record.
p'istal'ét ПИСТОЛЕТ.
n. pistol, revolver. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, guns, record.
p'itrúshka n. wild parsley. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, plants, record.
p'íwashka n. beer drinker. Category: record.
pl'as n. dancing. verb pl'isát'. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, entertainment, record.
pnut' ПНУТЬ.
v pfv. kick. Paul i na past'ílk'i. ?? Paul ... (??) diapers. Category: babies, record.
patalók ПОТОЛОК.
n. ceiling. Bába Yagá kost'anáya nagá; nos w patalók ros. Old Lady Yaga had a bony leg; her nose grew to the ceiling. (an old Russian saying). Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, buildings, house, record.
pat'imn'ét' v pfv. get dark. D'en' pat'imn'él. It has gotten dark outside. ipfv: t'imn'ét'. See: t'ómnay. Category: record.
patklátka ПОДКЛАДКА.
n. lining. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, material, record.
patrón ПАТРОН.
n. cartridge. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, guns, record.
pawál'n'ik n. wash basin. See: m'íska. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, containers, record.
pawarótka n. foot wrapping. This is a special piece of cloth to wrap around one's foot instead of socks. See: pad'órk'i. Category: clothes, record.
paw'izt'í v pfv. have luck ; M'in'é n'i paw'izló. I had no luck. See: n'ischásht'a. Category: record.
payasn'ítsa ПОЯСНИЦА.
n. rump (animal). See: zhópa. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, animals, body, record.
pazórnay adj. without result. pazórnay setka net waterhaul. See: pazór. Category: record.
pép'il'n'itsa ПЕПЕЛЬНИЦА.
n. ashtray. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, containers, record.
Pérway Bánka pn. First Bar. refers to the first gravel bar of the river, esp. of the Ninilchik River; the locals numbered the first several bars of the river; you could swim in these river holes that they created. See: Ftaróy Bánka. Category: locations, record.
p'inát' ??. kick. pfv: pnut'. See: za'p'inát'. Category: record.
p'istal'ét ПИСТОЛЕТ.
n. pistol, revolver. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, guns, record.
p'itrúshka n. wild parsley. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, plants, record.
p'íwashka n. beer drinker. Category: record.
pl'as n. dancing. verb pl'isát'. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, entertainment, record.
pnut' ПНУТЬ.
v pfv. kick. Paul i na past'ílk'i. ?? Paul ... (??) diapers. Category: babies, record.
patalók ПОТОЛОК.
n. ceiling. Bába Yagá kost'anáya nagá; nos w patalók ros. Old Lady Yaga had a bony leg; her nose grew to the ceiling. (an old Russian saying). Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, buildings, house, record.
pat'imn'ét' v pfv. get dark. D'en' pat'imn'él. It has gotten dark outside. ipfv: t'imn'ét'. See: t'ómnay. Category: record.
patklátka ПОДКЛАДКА.
n. lining. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, material, record.
patrón ПАТРОН.
n. cartridge. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, guns, record.
pawál'n'ik n. wash basin. See: m'íska. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, containers, record.
pawarótka n. foot wrapping. This is a special piece of cloth to wrap around one's foot instead of socks. See: pad'órk'i. Category: clothes, record.
paw'izt'í v pfv. have luck ; M'in'é n'i paw'izló. I had no luck. See: n'ischásht'a. Category: record.
payasn'ítsa ПОЯСНИЦА.
n. rump (animal). See: zhópa. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, animals, body, record.
pazórnay adj. without result. pazórnay setka net waterhaul. See: pazór. Category: record.
pép'il'n'itsa ПЕПЕЛЬНИЦА.
n. ashtray. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, containers, record.
Pérway Bánka pn. First Bar. refers to the first gravel bar of the river, esp. of the Ninilchik River; the locals numbered the first several bars of the river; you could swim in these river holes that they created. See: Ftaróy Bánka. Category: locations, record.
p'inát' ??. kick. pfv: pnut'. See: za'p'inát'. Category: record.
p'istal'ét ПИСТОЛЕТ.
n. pistol, revolver. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, guns, record.
p'itrúshka n. wild parsley. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, plants, record.
p'íwashka n. beer drinker. Category: record.
pl'as n. dancing. verb pl'isát'. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, entertainment, record.
pnut' ПНУТЬ.
v pfv. kick. Ya iwó pnu. I will kick it. Ya yíhnay sabáku pnúla. I (female) kicked their dog.
póbr'ik n. root cellar, cellar - root. for storing vegetables so they do not freeze during the winter. plural póbr'ik'i. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, buildings, record.
póld'en' ПОЛДЕНЬ.
n. noon, midday. Category: time, record.
powéshit' v pfv. hang (something). like a curtain. Powéshit' yiwó! Hang it! Category: record.
prad'iwát' v ipfv. thread. Prad'iwáy n'itku igólka! Thread the thread through the needle! Category: material, record.
pral'ít' v pfv. spill. On pral'íl. He spilled. ipfv: pral'iwát'. Category: record.
prastud'ítsa ПРОСТУДИТЬСЯ.
v pfv. get a cold, get the flu. On prastud'ílsa. He has a cold. Category: sickness, record.
pr'idómat' v pfv. invent. On p'ináyitsa. ?? ?? ipfv: zap'inát'. See: p'inát'. Category: record.
póbr'ik n. root cellar, cellar - root. for storing vegetables so they do not freeze during the winter. plural póbr'ik'i. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, buildings, record.
póld'en' ПОЛДЕНЬ.
n. noon, midday. Category: time, record.
powéshit' v pfv. hang (something). like a curtain. Powéshit' yiwó! Hang it! Category: record.
prad'iwát' v ipfv. thread. Prad'iwáy n'itku igólka! Thread the thread through the needle! Category: material, record.
pral'ít' v pfv. spill. On pral'íl. He spilled. ipfv: pral'iwát'. Category: record.
prastud'ítsa ПРОСТУДИТЬСЯ.
v pfv. get a cold, get the flu. On prastud'ílsa. He has a cold. Category: sickness, record.
pr'idómat' v pfv. invent. On p'ináyitsa. ?? ?? ipfv: zap'inát'. See: p'inát'. Category: record.
póbr'ik n. root cellar, cellar - root. for storing vegetables so they do not freeze during the winter. plural póbr'ik'i. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, buildings, record.
póld'en' ПОЛДЕНЬ.
n. noon, midday. Category: time, record.
powéshit' v pfv. hang (something). like a curtain. Powéshit' yiwó! Hang it! Category: record.
prad'iwát' v ipfv. thread. Prad'iwáy n'itku igólka! Thread the thread through the needle! Category: material, record.
pral'ít' v pfv. spill. On pral'íl. He spilled. ipfv: pral'iwát'. Category: record.
prastud'ítsa ПРОСТУДИТЬСЯ.
v pfv. get a cold, get the flu. On prastud'ílsa. He has a cold. Category: sickness, record.
pr'idómat' v pfv. invent. [An'í] pr'idómal'i. They invented (something). Category: record.
pr'isn'ák n. unleavened bread ; Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, food, record.
pr'ístan ПРИСТАНЬ.
n. dock. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, boats, record.
pr'iwázhna adv. plenty; a lot; seriously. An'i pr'iwazhna plót'at. They pay a lot. Category: Conor Daly, record.
adv. variant p'ir'yátna. fine, nicely, pleasantly, kindly. Éta pr'iyétna (??) harasho. ?? This is nicely good. ?? Óchin' pr'iyétna. ?? very fine. Óchin' pr'iyátna(??) zd'es'. translation needed ?? Óchin' p'ir'yátna(??). Balshóy spas'íba shto zashól. Pleased to see you. Thanks for coming. Category: quality, record.
prótw'in' ПРОТИВЕНЬ.
n. baking pan ; Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, containers, record.
prówalka ПРОВОЛОКА.
n. wire. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, material, record.
púgala ПУГАЛО.
n. scarecrow. Category: record.
puz'ir'ók ПУЗЫРЕК.
n. bubble. plural puz'irk'í. See: puz'ir ‘bladder ; air sac’. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, record.
p'yán'itsa ПЬЯНИЦА.
n. drunkard. See: p'yánay. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, people, drink, record.
Rad'ión pn. Robert. Category: names, record.
rashchipér'itsa v ipfv. show off. Rashchipér'ilsa kak kura. (He) spread out like a hen.bubbles" src="audio/priyetna2.wav" target="_blank" onclick="javascript:BatmoAudioPop('Lexique Pro Audio',this.href,'1'); return false"> pr'iyátna ПРИЯТНО.
adv. variant p'ir'yátna. fine, nicely, pleasantly, kindly. Éta pr'iyétna (??) harasho. ?? This is nicely good. ?? Óchin' pr'iyétna. ?? very fine. Óchin' pr'iyátna(??) zd'es'. translation needed ?? Óchin' p'ir'yátna(??). Balshóy spas'íba shto zashól. Pleased to see you. Thanks for coming. Category: quality, record.
prótw'in' ПРОТИВЕНЬ.
n. baking pan ; Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, containers, record.
prówalka ПРОВОЛОКА.
n. wire. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, material, record.
púgala ПУГАЛО.
n. scarecrow. Category: record.
puz'ir'ók ПУЗЫРЕК.
n. bubble. plural puz'irk'í. See: puz'ir ‘bladder ; air sac’. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, record.
p'yán'itsa ПЬЯНИЦА.
n. drunkard. See: p'yánay. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, people, drink, record.
Rad'ión pn. Robert. Category: names, record.
rashchipér'itsa v ipfv. show off. Rashchipér'ilsa kak kura. (He) spread out like a hen.bubbles.mp3"> pr'iyátna ПРИЯТНО.
adv. variant p'ir'yátna. fine, nicely, pleasantly, kindly. Éta pr'iyétna (??) harasho. ?? This is nicely good. ?? Óchin' pr'iyétna. ?? very fine. Óchin' pr'iyátna(??) zd'es'. translation needed ?? Óchin' p'ir'yátna(??). Balshóy spas'íba shto zashól. Pleased to see you. Thanks for coming. Category: quality, record.
prótw'in' ПРОТИВЕНЬ.
n. baking pan ; Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, containers, record.
prówalka ПРОВОЛОКА.
n. wire. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, material, record.
púgala ПУГАЛО.
n. scarecrow. Category: record.
puz'ir'ók ПУЗЫРЕК.
n. bubble. plural puz'irk'í. See: puz'ir ‘bladder ; air sac’. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, record.
p'yán'itsa ПЬЯНИЦА.
n. drunkard. See: p'yánay. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, people, drink, record.
Rad'ión pn. Robert. Category: names, record.
rashchipér'itsa v ipfv. show off. Rashchipér'ilsa kak kura. (He) spread out like a hen.bubbles').play(); return false">. Category: record.
raskázuwat' v ipfv. tell stories. Category: record.
v ipfv. grow. Maychíska rast'ót. The boy is growing. Sw'itók rast'ót. The flower is growing. S'im'iná rastút. The seeds are growing. Ya rastú. I'm growing. On ros. He grew. Aná raslá. She grew. Bába Yagá kost'anáya nagá; nos f patalók ros. Old Lady Yaga had a bony leg; her nose grew to the ceiling. (an old Russian saying). w'írast'it' ВЫРАСТАТЬ ??
v ??. grow. On w'íras. He has grown up. (already grew ??) Category: record.
Rawúlka pn. Ralph. Russian name of Ralph Cooper. He told on his brother, Isaac, for something he did to a chicken. And so a song began about Ralph.
razd'ét' v pfv. take off clothes; undress. On razd'él swayí b'il'yó. He took off his clothes. Aná razd'élas'. She undressed. ipfv: razd'iwátsa. Category: record.
razl'iwát' РАЗЛИВАТЬ.
v ipfv. ladle, dip out. Aná razl'iwáyit sup. She ladles out the soup. See: l'it'. Category: record.
r'íb'ichiy adj. fish, of fish. plural r'íb'ichyi. r'íb'ichyi hwast'í fish tails. Category: record.
r'is РИС.
n. rice. See: krupá. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, food, record.
rot РОТ.
n. mouth. plural rót'i. See: rózha. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, body, record.
rózha n. mouth. U n'iwó rózha bal'shóy - mnóga baltáyit. He has a big mouth: it means he talks too much. Category: record.
rubáshka n. shirt. non-dimunitive rubáha. Category: clothes, record.
rugát' РУГАТЬ.
v ipfv. curse at, swear. T'i m'in'é tózha rugáyish. You curse at me also. Category: record.
rukáf РУКАВ.
n. sleeve. plural rukaw'í. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, clothes, record.
rul' РУЛЬ.
n. steering wheel. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, boats, record.
Rusáchka РУСАЧКА ??
n. Russian person (female). Aná Rusáchka. She is Russian. See: Rusák. Category: nationalities, record.
r'yóta РВОТА.
n. vomit. See: w'írwat'. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, sickness, record.
S nówam schást'im! С НОВЬІМ СЧАСТЬЕМ.
phr. New Happiness. a nice reply to "s nówam gódam". See: S nówam gódam! ‘Happy New Year’; schásht'a ‘happiness’. Category: holidays, greetings, record.
sabrán'a СОБРАНИЕ.
n. meeting. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, record.
sáharn'itsa САХАРНИЦА.
n. sugar bowl. variant sahárn'ik. See: sáhar ‘sugar’. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, containers, record.
sal ЗАЛ.
n. hall, saloon. Category: buildings, record.
salát САЛАТ.
n. salad. Category: food, record.
salónka СОЛОНКА.
n. salt shaker. See: sol' ‘salt’. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, containers, record.
samadán ЧЕMOДАН.
n. briefcase. variant chabadán. Category: containers, record.
senakós n. haystack. plural senakós'i. See: séna. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, plants, land, record.
séw'ir СЕВЕР.
n. north. Category: locations, record.
shamán'it' v ipfv. goof off, silly - be, mischievous -be, play tricks. Na {Halloween} aní shamánut. They play tricks on Halloween. shamánstwuyu I am playing tricks. shamánstwawal (He) was playing tricks. noun shamán; pfv: pashamán'it'. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, entertainment, record.
shánkar n. syphilis. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, sickness, record.
shépka ЩЕПКА.
n. 1 • clothes peg. See: shp'íl'ka.
2 • wood chip. plural shépk'i. Category: wood, Kibrik-Bergelson, record.
ship'ín'i n. thorns. See: shipn'ík. Category: record.
shirsháwan'kay ШЕРШАВЕНЬКИЙ.
adj. one that has money. negative. variant shirsháw'in'kay, sirsháwan'kuy. See: shirsháway. Category: record.
shirsháway ШЕРШАВЫЙ.
adj. rough (to touch). See: shirsháwan'kay. Category: record.
shit'yó ШИТЬЕ.
n. sewing. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, sew, record.
sholk ШЕЛК.
n. silk. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, material, record.
shpár'it' v ipfv. become hot. Category: record.
shugá ШУГА.
n. slush. Rawúlka kúr'ichku dushíl, dushíl, dushíl.On iwó ..., on zapél. ?? W pamóyn'ik iyó machíl, machíl, machíl. Ap'át' on iyó dushíl, dushíl, dushíl. W sabáchn'ik iyó zakr'íl, i kúr'ichka prapál. Ralph choked a little hen, choked, choked. In the slop bucket he soaked it, soaked, soaked.?? Again he choked it, choked, choked. In the dog house he closed it, and the little hen perished. On zapel. ?? ?? On iwó drázn'al. ?? He teased him. ?? See: Rawúlka song. Category: names, record.
razd'ét' v pfv. take off clothes; undress. On razd'él swayí b'il'yó. He took off his clothes. Aná razd'élas'. She undressed. ipfv: razd'iwátsa. Category: record.
razl'iwát' РАЗЛИВАТЬ.
v ipfv. ladle, dip out. Aná razl'iwáyit sup. She ladles out the soup. See: l'it'. Category: record.
r'íb'ichiy adj. fish, of fish. plural r'íb'ichyi. r'íb'ichyi hwast'í fish tails. Category: record.
r'is РИС.
n. rice. See: krupá. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, food, record.
rot РОТ.
n. mouth. plural rót'i. See: rózha. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, body, record.
rózha n. mouth. U n'iwó rózha bal'shóy - mnóga baltáyit. He has a big mouth: it means he talks too much. Category: record.
rubáshka n. shirt. non-dimunitive rubáha. Category: clothes, record.
rugát' РУГАТЬ.
v ipfv. curse at, swear. T'i m'in'é tózha rugáyish. You curse at me also. Category: record.
rukáf РУКАВ.
n. sleeve. plural rukaw'í. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, clothes, record.
rul' РУЛЬ.
n. steering wheel. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, boats, record.
Rusáchka РУСАЧКА ??
n. Russian person (female). Aná Rusáchka. She is Russian. See: Rusák. Category: nationalities, record.
r'yóta РВОТА.
n. vomit. See: w'írwat'. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, sickness, record.
S nówam schást'im! С НОВЬІМ СЧАСТЬЕМ.
phr. New Happiness. a nice reply to "s nówam gódam". See: S nówam gódam! ‘Happy New Year’; schásht'a ‘happiness’. Category: holidays, greetings, record.
sabrán'a СОБРАНИЕ.
n. meeting. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, record.
sáharn'itsa САХАРНИЦА.
n. sugar bowl. variant sahárn'ik. See: sáhar ‘sugar’. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, containers, record.
sal ЗАЛ.
n. hall, saloon. Category: buildings, record.
salát САЛАТ.
n. salad. Category: food, record.
salónka СОЛОНКА.
n. salt shaker. See: sol' ‘salt’. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, containers, record.
samadán ЧЕMOДАН.
n. briefcase. variant chabadán. Category: containers, record.
senakós n. haystack. plural senakós'i. See: séna. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, plants, land, record.
séw'ir СЕВЕР.
n. north. Category: locations, record.
shamán'it' v ipfv. goof off, silly - be, mischievous -be, play tricks. Na {Halloween} aní shamánut. They play tricks on Halloween. shamánstwuyu I am playing tricks. shamánstwawal (He) was playing tricks. noun shamán; pfv: pashamán'it'. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, entertainment, record.
shánkar n. syphilis. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, sickness, record.
shépka ЩЕПКА.
n. 1 • clothes peg. See: shp'íl'ka.
2 • wood chip. plural shépk'i. Category: wood, Kibrik-Bergelson, record.
ship'ín'i n. thorns. See: shipn'ík. Category: record.
shirsháwan'kay ШЕРШАВЕНЬКИЙ.
adj. one that has money. negative. variant shirsháw'in'kay, sirsháwan'kuy. See: shirsháway. Category: record.
shirsháway ШЕРШАВЫЙ.
adj. rough (to touch). See: shirsháwan'kay. Category: record.
shit'yó ШИТЬЕ.
n. sewing. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, sew, record.
sholk ШЕЛК.
n. silk. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, material, record.
shpár'it' v ipfv. become hot. Category: record.
shugá ШУГА.
n. slush. Rawúlka kúr'ichku dushíl, dushíl, dushíl.On iwó ..., on zapél. ?? W pamóyn'ik iyó machíl, machíl, machíl. Ap'át' on iyó dushíl, dushíl, dushíl. W sabáchn'ik iyó zakr'íl, i kúr'ichka prapál. Ralph choked a little hen, choked, choked. In the slop bucket he soaked it, soaked, soaked.?? Again he choked it, choked, choked. In the dog house he closed it, and the little hen perished. On zapel. ?? ?? On iwó drázn'al. ?? He teased him. ?? See: Rawúlka song. Category: names, record.
razd'ét' v pfv. take off clothes; undress. On razd'él swayí b'il'yó. He took off his clothes. Aná razd'élas'. She undressed. ipfv: razd'iwátsa. Category: record.
razl'iwát' РАЗЛИВАТЬ.
v ipfv. ladle, dip out. Aná razl'iwáyit sup. She ladles out the soup. See: l'it'. Category: record.
r'íb'ichiy adj. fish, of fish. plural r'íb'ichyi. r'íb'ichyi hwast'í fish tails. Category: record.
r'is РИС.
n. rice. See: krupá. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, food, record.
rot РОТ.
n. mouth. plural rót'i. See: rózha. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, body, record.
rózha n. mouth. U n'iwó rózha bal'shóy - mnóga baltáyit. He has a big mouth: it means he talks too much. Category: record.
rubáshka n. shirt. non-dimunitive rubáha. Category: clothes, record.
rugát' РУГАТЬ.
v ipfv. curse at, swear. T'i m'in'é tózha rugáyish. You curse at me also. Category: record.
rukáf РУКАВ.
n. sleeve. plural rukaw'í. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, clothes, record.
rul' РУЛЬ.
n. steering wheel. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, boats, record.
Rusáchka РУСАЧКА ??
n. Russian person (female). Aná Rusáchka. She is Russian. See: Rusák. Category: nationalities, record.
r'yóta РВОТА.
n. vomit. See: w'írwat'. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, sickness, record.
S nówam schást'im! С НОВЬІМ СЧАСТЬЕМ.
phr. New Happiness. a nice reply to "s nówam gódam". See: S nówam gódam! ‘Happy New Year’; schásht'a ‘happiness’. Category: holidays, greetings, record.
sabrán'a СОБРАНИЕ.
n. meeting. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, record.
sáharn'itsa САХАРНИЦА.
n. sugar bowl. variant sahárn'ik. See: sáhar ‘sugar’. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, containers, record.
sal ЗАЛ.
n. hall, saloon. Category: buildings, record.
salát САЛАТ.
n. salad. Category: food, record.
salónka СОЛОНКА.
n. salt shaker. See: sol' ‘salt’. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, containers, record.
samadán ЧЕMOДАН.
n. briefcase. variant chabadán. Category: containers, record.
senakós n. haystack. plural senakós'i. See: séna. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, plants, land, record.
séw'ir СЕВЕР.
n. north. Category: locations, record.
shamán'it' v ipfv. goof off, silly - be, mischievous -be, play tricks. Na {Halloween} aní shamánut. They play tricks on Halloween. shamánstwuyu I am playing tricks. shamánstwawal (He) was playing tricks. noun shamán; pfv: pashamán'it'. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, entertainment, record.
shánkar n. syphilis. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, sickness, record.
shépka ЩЕПКА.
n. 1 • clothes peg. See: shp'íl'ka.
2 • wood chip. plural shépk'i. Category: wood, Kibrik-Bergelson, record.
ship'ín'i n. thorns. See: shipn'ík. Category: record.
shirsháwan'kay ШЕРШАВЕНЬКИЙ.
adj. one that has money. negative. variant shirsháw'in'kay, sirsháwan'kuy. See: shirsháway. Category: record.
shirsháway ШЕРШАВЫЙ.
adj. rough (to touch). See: shirsháwan'kay. Category: record.
shit'yó ШИТЬЕ.
n. sewing. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, sew, record.
sholk ШЕЛК.
n. silk. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, material, record.
shpár'it' v ipfv. become hot. Category: record.
shugá ШУГА.
n. slush. W bal'shóy marós shugá d'élayitsa. Big frost makes slush ice (on the Inlet). See: sn'ék; l'ot. Category: weather, record.
shw'í ШВЫ.
n. seams. the singular form in Ninilchik was unavailable. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, clothes, sew, record.
s'igára СИГАРА.
n. cigar. Category: smoke, Kibrik-Bergelson, record.
s'in'ák n. black and blue. Category: colors, Wayne Leman, record.
s'ir'óshk'i СЕРЕЖКИ.
n. earrings. non-dimunitive sér'g'i. Category: groom, record.
s'íta n. kitchen tool, sieve. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, tools, record.
skálka СКАЛКА.
n. rolling pin. See: katúshka. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, cook, tools, record.
skladnóy СКЛАДНОЙ.
adj. portable, collapsible. Category: quality, record.
adv. soon. Ya skóra paydú. I will go soon. Category: time, record.
skr'ípka СКРИПКА.
n. fiddle. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, music, record.
sl'id'ít' СЛЕДИТЬ ??
v ipfv. watch, follow. N'i magú sl'ézhu. ?? See: karaúl'it'. Category: record.
sluzhít' v ipfv. to serve. W wajénoj slúzhb'i sluzhíl. (He, male) served in the military. sluzhú. (I) serve. slúzhit. he/she serves. Category: record.
smélay СМЕЛЫЙ.
adj. bold. Category: personality, record.
sok СОК.
n. juice. Category: drink, record.
sónay СОННЫЙ.
adj. sleepy. Ya sónaya. I (female) am sleepy. See: zasónay; son; sn'ítsa. Category: sleep, record.
spuskátsa СПУСКАТЬСЯ.
v ipfv. come down. Ya iz w'íshk'i spuskáyus'. I am coming down from upstairs. pfv: spust'ítsa. Category: record.
spust'ít' СПУСТИТЬ.
v pfv. let come down. spust'íl (He) let (it) come down. ipfv: spuskát'. See: pust'ít'. Category: record.
spust'ítsa СПУСТИТЬСЯ.
v pfv. come down. On iz w'íshk'i spust'íls'a. He came down from upstairs. ipfv: spuskátsa. Category: record.
stakán СТАКАН.
n. glass. See: st'ikl'ónay. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, material, record.
st'ikl'ónay СТЕКЛЯННЫЙ.
adj. glass. st'ikl'ónay bánka glass jar. See: stakán. Category: material, record.
sto СТО.
num. hundred. sto góda hundred years (old). Category: numbers, record.
strah СТРАХ.
n. fear. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, emotions, record.
stralúga n. work bench. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, tools, record.
straná СТРАНА.
n. country. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, locations, record.
strélka СТРЕЛКА.
n. arrow. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, record.
strush СТРУЖ.
n. plane, wood plane. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, tools, record.
suk СУК.
n. tree knot, knot of tree. plural súk'i. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, trees, record.
sustáf СУСТАВ.
n. joint. plural sustáw'i. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, body, record.
swabóda СВОБОДА.
n. freedom. See: wól'a. Category: record.
swabódnay n. boyfriend. See: swabódnaya. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, romance, record.
swabódnaya n. girlfriend. Ya mayú swabódnayu skucháyu. I miss my girlfriend. See: swabódnay. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, romance, record.
tadá pro. then. See: patóm; kadá. Category: time, record.
tárachka n. tart, little pie. plural tárachk'i. See: p'irazhók; tár'ichka. Category: food, record.
t'ápat' ??. chop. for example, to chop wood with an ax. On drawá t'ápait. ?? He's chopping wood. ?? T'i mógish étu t'ápnut. ?? ?? On d'erwá t'ápul. ?? He chopped wood. ?? On adnó?? t'ápnul. ?? He chopped ?? Ya iwó t'apnúla. ?? I (female) chopped it. ?? Ya iwó t'ápnu. ?? I will chop it. ?? See: rub'ít'; atrub'ít'. Category: wood, record.
tárachka n. tart, little pie. plural tárachk'i. See: p'irazhók; tár'ichka. Category: food, record.
t'ápat' ??. chop. for example, to chop wood with an ax. On drawá t'ápait. ?? He's chopping wood. ?? T'i mógish étu t'ápnut. ?? ?? On d'erwá t'ápul. ?? He chopped wood. ?? On adnó?? t'ápnul. ?? He chopped ?? Ya iwó t'apnúla. ?? I (female) chopped it. ?? Ya iwó t'ápnu. ?? I will chop it. ?? See: rub'ít'; atrub'ít'. Category: wood, record.
tárachka n. tart, little pie. plural tárachk'i. See: p'irazhók; tár'ichka. Category: food, record.
tarbushína n. tripe. Category: meat, record.
t'ápnut' v pfv. hoe, work with a hoe. Náda ishó kúchk'i t'ápnut' We need to work more with a hoe. Category: record.
t'il'igrám n. telegram. Category: record.
t'imnatá ТЕМНОТА.
n. darkness. See: t'imn'ét'; t'ómna; t'ómnay. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, light, record.
t'ipér'icha adv. now. T'ipér'icha on r'íbu sab'irát'. Now he (went to) collect fish. See: t'ipér'i. Category: time, record.
tok ТОК.
n. current. pastayánay tok direct current (electricity). p'ir'iménay tok alternating current. Category: Conor Daly, record.
adj. thin, skinny. On tón'in'kay. He is skinny.
tónkay rubáshka n. t-shirt. variant tónkaya rubáshka. Category: clothes, Kibrik-Bergelson, record.
trak n. truck. na trák'i by truck. Category: travel, record.
trap ТРАП.
n. ladder. See: l'ésn'itsa. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, tools, record.
trápachka n. wash rag, towel. another recording; which one is better?? non-dimunitive tr'ápka. Category: record.
kníga tón'in'koy ?? thin book. rúbashka tón'in'koy ?? The shirt is thin. ?? tón'in'kiya b'il'ó ?? thin clothes ?? On nós'it tón'in'koy rabáshku. ?? He's wearing a thin shirt. ?? antonym zhírnay ‘fat’; tólstay ‘thick, hefty’. Category: shape, body, record.
tónkay rubáshka n. t-shirt. variant tónkaya rubáshka. Category: clothes, Kibrik-Bergelson, record.
trak n. truck. na trák'i by truck. Category: travel, record.
trap ТРАП.
n. ladder. See: l'ésn'itsa. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, tools, record.
trápachka n. wash rag, towel. another recording; which one is better?? non-dimunitive tr'ápka. Category: record.
kníga tón'in'koy ?? thin book. rúbashka tón'in'koy ?? The shirt is thin. ?? tón'in'kiya b'il'ó ?? thin clothes ?? On nós'it tón'in'koy rabáshku. ?? He's wearing a thin shirt. ?? antonym zhírnay ‘fat’; tólstay ‘thick, hefty’. Category: shape, body, record.
tónkay rubáshka n. t-shirt. variant tónkaya rubáshka. Category: clothes, Kibrik-Bergelson, record.
trak n. truck. na trák'i by truck. Category: travel, record.
trap ТРАП.
n. ladder. See: l'ésn'itsa. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, tools, record.
trápachka n. wash rag, towel. another recording; which one is better?? non-dimunitive tr'ápka. Category: record.
n. rag, cloth.
trétay ТРЕТИЙ.
num. third. Category: numbers, record.
tr'ísat' ТРИДЦАТЬ.
num. thirty. Category: numbers, record.
tsarápat' v ipfv. steal; rob. to take (the property of another or others) without permission or right, especially secretly or by force. Sabirayut den'gi.. den'gi tsarapayut! (They) collect money, they steal them! See: pakast'ít'. Category: Conor Daly, record.
another recording; which one is better?? plural tr'ápk'i. M'i d'érzhu mókray tr'ápku pasúd'i m'it. ?? We use a dry cloth to wash the dishes. ?? variant trápka; dimunitive trápachka. Category: material, record.
trétay ТРЕТИЙ.
num. third. Category: numbers, record.
tr'ísat' ТРИДЦАТЬ.
num. thirty. Category: numbers, record.
tsarápat' v ipfv. steal; rob. to take (the property of another or others) without permission or right, especially secretly or by force. Sabirayut den'gi.. den'gi tsarapayut! (They) collect money, they steal them! See: pakast'ít'. Category: Conor Daly, record.
another recording; which one is better?? plural tr'ápk'i. M'i d'érzhu mókray tr'ápku pasúd'i m'it. ?? We use a dry cloth to wash the dishes. ?? variant trápka; dimunitive trápachka. Category: material, record.
trétay ТРЕТИЙ.
num. third. Category: numbers, record.
tr'ísat' ТРИДЦАТЬ.
num. thirty. Category: numbers, record.
tsarápat' v ipfv. steal; rob. to take (the property of another or others) without permission or right, especially secretly or by force. Sabirayut den'gi.. den'gi tsarapayut! (They) collect money, they steal them! See: pakast'ít'. Category: Conor Daly, record.
n. chick. plural tsipl'ónk'i; variant s'ipl'ónak, s'ip'ónak (s'ipl'ónak??).
tudá ТУДА.
pro. to there. See: tut; kudá. Category: Conor Daly, record.
ubórnay УБОРНАЯ.
n. bathroom. See: núzhn'ik; bórn'ita. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, house, record.
uchít'il' УЧИТЕЛЬ.
n. teacher. feminine uchít'il'n'itsa. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, school, jobs, record.
uchít'il'n'itsa n. female teacher. See: uchít'il'; uchít', uchítsa, nauchítsa. Category: school, record.
úksus УКСУС.
n. vinegar. Category: food, record.
um УМ.
n. mind. Category: cognition, record.
ushiwát' УШИВАТЬ.
v ipfv. take in (clothes). An'í ushiwál'i. They were taking the clothes in. Category: housework, jobs, record.
ushkó УШКО.
n. needle eye. Category: record, sew.
wastók ВОСТОК.
n. east. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, locations, record.
wéna ВЕНА.
n. vein. plural wén'i. raspúhl'i wén'i swollen veins. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, body, record.
U kúr'i s'ipl'ónak. The hen has a chick. See: kúra. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, birds, record.
tudá ТУДА.
pro. to there. See: tut; kudá. Category: Conor Daly, record.
ubórnay УБОРНАЯ.
n. bathroom. See: núzhn'ik; bórn'ita. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, house, record.
uchít'il' УЧИТЕЛЬ.
n. teacher. feminine uchít'il'n'itsa. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, school, jobs, record.
uchít'il'n'itsa n. female teacher. See: uchít'il'; uchít', uchítsa, nauchítsa. Category: school, record.
úksus УКСУС.
n. vinegar. Category: food, record.
um УМ.
n. mind. Category: cognition, record.
ushiwát' УШИВАТЬ.
v ipfv. take in (clothes). An'í ushiwál'i. They were taking the clothes in. Category: housework, jobs, record.
ushkó УШКО.
n. needle eye. Category: record, sew.
wastók ВОСТОК.
n. east. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, locations, record.
wéna ВЕНА.
n. vein. plural wén'i. raspúhl'i wén'i swollen veins. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, body, record.
U kúr'i s'ipl'ónak. The hen has a chick. See: kúra. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, birds, record.
tudá ТУДА.
pro. to there. See: tut; kudá. Category: Conor Daly, record.
ubórnay УБОРНАЯ.
n. bathroom. See: núzhn'ik; bórn'ita. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, house, record.
uchít'il' УЧИТЕЛЬ.
n. teacher. feminine uchít'il'n'itsa. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, school, jobs, record.
uchít'il'n'itsa n. female teacher. See: uchít'il'; uchít', uchítsa, nauchítsa. Category: school, record.
úksus УКСУС.
n. vinegar. Category: food, record.
um УМ.
n. mind. Category: cognition, record.
ushiwát' УШИВАТЬ.
v ipfv. take in (clothes). An'í ushiwál'i. They were taking the clothes in. Category: housework, jobs, record.
ushkó УШКО.
n. needle eye. Category: record, sew.
wastók ВОСТОК.
n. east. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, locations, record.
wéna ВЕНА.
n. vein. plural wén'i. raspúhl'i wén'i swollen veins. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, body, record.
n. switch, banya switch, willow?? made from willow or alder branches ; used to hit your own or someone else's back in the banya (steambath house) to help in the cleansing process. plural wén'ik'i.
wéshchi n. things, belongings. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, record.
wéstoway ВЕСТОВЫЙ.
n. western. wéstoway wét'ir western wind. Category: weather, record.
w'ihódnaya adj. pregnant. Lit: something will come out of her Aná w'ihódnaya. She is pregnant. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, body, record.
w'ikápawat' Ya w'ikápawayu. ?? I am in the process of digging it. See: w'íkapat'; kapát'. Category: record.
w'íkupatsa v pfv. take a bath, go swimming. Mózhna z'imóy kadá hóchish it'í w'íkupatsa! One can go swimming in winter whenever you want! Category: groom, record.
w'inó ВИНО.
n. wine. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, drink, record.
w'intófka ВИНТОВКА.
n. rifle. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, guns, hunt, record.
w'íp'ifshiy adj. drunk. On w'íp'ifshiy. He is drunk. See: w'íp'iwat'. Category: drink, record.
w'is'í ВЕСЬІ.
n. scales. for weighing things. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, tools, record.
w'islo ВЕСЛО.
n. oar, paddle. See: gr'ibók. Category: boats, record.
w'íwark'i n. coffee grounds, tea leaves - used. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, drink, record.
w'íyt'i v pfv. emerge, go out (of some place). Ya w'íshal na wól'u. I got freedom. ipfv: w'ihad'ít'. See: it'í; had'ít'. Category: motion, record.
wól'a ВОЛЯ.
n. freedom. Ya w'íshal na wól'u. I got freedom. See: swabóda. Category: record.
Wólchiy Túndra pn. Wolf Flat. See: wólka. Category: flats, swamps, record.
wómarak ОБМОРОК.
n. faint. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, sickness, record.
wóshka n. louse. plural wóshk'i. wóshk'ina (y)iytsó nit (lit., louse's egg). Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, insects, record.
wrák'i ВPАКИ.
n. rumors, lies. See: skáska. Category: speak, record.
wunútrinast' ВНУТРЕННОСТЬ.
n. guts, interior. Category: Conor Daly, record.
Ya t'ibé kak w'int shéyu phr. I'm going to (wring off) your neck as a screw. said to a chicken before killing it. Category: sayings, record.
another recording; keep which?? b'iróz'ina wén'ik'i ?? birch switches. See: wérba; wérbachka; tal'n'ík. Category: wood, record.
wéshchi n. things, belongings. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, record.
wéstoway ВЕСТОВЫЙ.
n. western. wéstoway wét'ir western wind. Category: weather, record.
w'ihódnaya adj. pregnant. Lit: something will come out of her Aná w'ihódnaya. She is pregnant. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, body, record.
w'ikápawat' Ya w'ikápawayu. ?? I am in the process of digging it. See: w'íkapat'; kapát'. Category: record.
w'íkupatsa v pfv. take a bath, go swimming. Mózhna z'imóy kadá hóchish it'í w'íkupatsa! One can go swimming in winter whenever you want! Category: groom, record.
w'inó ВИНО.
n. wine. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, drink, record.
w'intófka ВИНТОВКА.
n. rifle. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, guns, hunt, record.
w'íp'ifshiy adj. drunk. On w'íp'ifshiy. He is drunk. See: w'íp'iwat'. Category: drink, record.
w'is'í ВЕСЬІ.
n. scales. for weighing things. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, tools, record.
w'islo ВЕСЛО.
n. oar, paddle. See: gr'ibók. Category: boats, record.
w'íwark'i n. coffee grounds, tea leaves - used. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, drink, record.
w'íyt'i v pfv. emerge, go out (of some place). Ya w'íshal na wól'u. I got freedom. ipfv: w'ihad'ít'. See: it'í; had'ít'. Category: motion, record.
wól'a ВОЛЯ.
n. freedom. Ya w'íshal na wól'u. I got freedom. See: swabóda. Category: record.
Wólchiy Túndra pn. Wolf Flat. See: wólka. Category: flats, swamps, record.
wómarak ОБМОРОК.
n. faint. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, sickness, record.
wóshka n. louse. plural wóshk'i. wóshk'ina (y)iytsó nit (lit., louse's egg). Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, insects, record.
wrák'i ВPАКИ.
n. rumors, lies. See: skáska. Category: speak, record.
wunútrinast' ВНУТРЕННОСТЬ.
n. guts, interior. Category: Conor Daly, record.
Ya t'ibé kak w'int shéyu phr. I'm going to (wring off) your neck as a screw. said to a chicken before killing it. Category: sayings, record.
another recording; keep which?? b'iróz'ina wén'ik'i ?? birch switches. See: wérba; wérbachka; tal'n'ík. Category: wood, record.
wéshchi n. things, belongings. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, record.
wéstoway ВЕСТОВЫЙ.
n. western. wéstoway wét'ir western wind. Category: weather, record.
w'ihódnaya adj. pregnant. Lit: something will come out of her Aná w'ihódnaya. She is pregnant. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, body, record.
w'ikápawat' Ya w'ikápawayu. ?? I am in the process of digging it. See: w'íkapat'; kapát'. Category: record.
w'íkupatsa v pfv. take a bath, go swimming. Mózhna z'imóy kadá hóchish it'í w'íkupatsa! One can go swimming in winter whenever you want! Category: groom, record.
w'inó ВИНО.
n. wine. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, drink, record.
w'intófka ВИНТОВКА.
n. rifle. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, guns, hunt, record.
w'íp'ifshiy adj. drunk. On w'íp'ifshiy. He is drunk. See: w'íp'iwat'. Category: drink, record.
w'is'í ВЕСЬІ.
n. scales. for weighing things. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, tools, record.
w'islo ВЕСЛО.
n. oar, paddle. See: gr'ibók. Category: boats, record.
w'íwark'i n. coffee grounds, tea leaves - used. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, drink, record.
w'íyt'i v pfv. emerge, go out (of some place). Ya w'íshal na wól'u. I got freedom. ipfv: w'ihad'ít'. See: it'í; had'ít'. Category: motion, record.
wól'a ВОЛЯ.
n. freedom. Ya w'íshal na wól'u. I got freedom. See: swabóda. Category: record.
Wólchiy Túndra pn. Wolf Flat. See: wólka. Category: flats, swamps, record.
wómarak ОБМОРОК.
n. faint. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, sickness, record.
wóshka n. louse. plural wóshk'i. wóshk'ina (y)iytsó nit (lit., louse's egg). Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, insects, record.
wrák'i ВPАКИ.
n. rumors, lies. See: skáska. Category: speak, record.
wunútrinast' ВНУТРЕННОСТЬ.
n. guts, interior. Category: Conor Daly, record.
Ya t'ibé kak w'int shéyu phr. I'm going to (wring off) your neck as a screw. said to a chicken before killing it. Category: sayings, record.
n. box. variant yáshik. See: kartús. Category: containers, record.
Yil'éna pn. Helen. Category: names, record.
Yiwráshka Евражка.
n. gopher. any of several ground squirrels of the genus Citellus, of the prairie regions of North America. Yirmáshka. Ye… kak éta parúsk'i? - Yiwráshka. Goph= ... How is it in Russian? Gopher. Category: record.
Yukrán'i УКРАИНЦЫ.
n. Ukrainians. See: paukránsk'iya. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, nationalities, record.
Yun' ИЮНЬ.
n. June. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, time, months, record.
zádnay adj. back, hind. zádnay nagá hind leg. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, record.
zagn'ít' v pfv. rot. See: gn'ilóy. Category: record.
zahwarát' v pfv. get sick. Ya n'i zahwaráyu. I am not going to get sick. Aná zahwarála. She got sick. ipfv: hwarát'. See: bal'ét'. Category: sickness, record.
zal'ápan'iy adj. sticky. U n'iwó rúk'i zal'ápan'iyi. ?? See: zal'ápat'. Category: record.
zal'apat' v pfv. get something sticky. On rúk'i zal'ápal. ?? See: zal'ápan'iy. Category: record.
zamarát' ?? dirty. On zamarál. ?? ?? Category: record.
zanawéska ЗАНАВЕСКА.
n. curtain. See: shtórka. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, house, record.
zapás'iwat' v ipfv. save. An'í fs'o zapas'iwál'i. They saved everything. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, Wayne Leman, record.
zapát' ЗАПАД.
n. west. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, locations, record.
zapláta ЗАПЛАТА.
n. patch. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, sew, record.
zawalchát' v pfv. bawl out; fuss at. On m'in'é zawalchál. He bawled me out. Category: speak, record.
zayéhat' v pfv. drive in, drive to. Mashína perestál, mashína zaéhal. The car stopped, the car drove in. Category: record.
zérkala ЗЕРКАЛО.
n. mirror. variant sérkala. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, house, record.
zhar ЖАР.
n. heat, fever. See: zhár'it'. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, sickness, temperature, record.
zhil'étka ЖИЛЕТКА.
n. vest. Category: clothes, Kibrik-Bergelson, record.
zhinátay ЖЕНАТЫЙ.
adj. married. M'i búl'i mál'in'k'iya a aná uzhé zhinátaya pabulá .. We were kids and she already was married. Category: marriage, record.
zhírn'ik n. oil lamp. See: lámpa. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, light, record.
zub'íla ЗУБИЛО.
n. chisel. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, tools, record.
zut n. rash. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, sickness, record.
zw'inó n. hinge. Category: house, Kibrik-Bergelson, record.
zw'izdanút' ЗВЕЗДАНУТЬ.
v ipfv. hit, sock. On t'ibé w lop zw'izdanúl. He hit you on the forehead. pfv: zw'íznut'. Category: record.