n. kayak. These hide-covered kayaks were used by Southern Coast Eskimos as well as Aleuts. In English this word is spelled bidarka. plural baydárk'i. Category: boats, travel.
n. 1 • way, path, road, trail. plural daróg'i; dimunitive daróshka. Daróga pólan gl'ína. The road is muddy. (lit., full of mud). Daróg'i pólan d'ír'iya. The road is full of holes. Daróg'i n'ébul'i n'ichiwó n'ébulo. There were no roads, there was nothing.
2 • lead. Lit: road This is the "road" along which fish swim to arrive in the heart of a fishtrap. r'ib'íchi daróga fish trap lead (lit., fish road). Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, Wayne Leman, travel, fish.
daróshka ДОРОЖКА.
n. trail, little road. non-dimunitive daróga. Haróshay fs'idá daróshka mál'inkoy bul tuda. There was always a good little road to there. Category: travel.
eraplán n. airplane, plane. plural eraplán'i. Category: travel, Evgeniy Golovko, Wayne Leman.
kára n. car. Éta wáshiy kára? Is this your (plural) car? See: mashína. Category: travel.
kára n. car. Éta wáshiy kára? Is this your (plural) car? See: mashína. Category: travel.
n. car, engine. plural mashín'i. Mashína perestál, mashína zaéhal. The car stopped, the car drove in. dimunitive mashínka. See: kára. Category: Conor Daly, travel.
n. sled, dogsled. plural nárt'i. On yézd'it na nárt'i. He's riding on a sled. On na nárt'i payahó?? He rode on a sled. ?? Sabáka nárt'i t'án'it. ?? The dog is pulling the sled. Category: play, travel.
n. big boat, ship. plural parahód'i. See: gazal'ín; lótka; kát'ir. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, boats, travel.
p'ishkóm adv. on foot. P'ishkóm payd'om! Let's go for a walk! Category: travel.
trak n. truck. na trák'i by truck. Category: travel, record.