pro. she. Aná war'ít. She's cooking. plural an'í. See: iyó; n'ey; on; iyónay. Category: pronouns.
an'é pro. her (dative case). variant n'ey, yey. An'é zhárka. She's hot. (lit., To her it is hot.) masculine imú. Category: pronouns.
pro. they. singular aná, on. An'í idút. They are coming. An'í s'id'át. They are sitting. An'í pramushl'ál'i. They hunted. accusative ih. See: yíhnay. Category: pronouns.
pro. this, that, it. used of any person, animal, male or female, or thing you are referring to; can be used to mean 'it'. plural ét'i; accusative étu; associative ét'im. Éta shto? What is this? Éta moy. That's mine. Éta moy dom. This is my house. Éta mush búd'it? Is that one going to be a husband? Ét'i mál'in'k'iya. These are small (for example, of legs of a chair). Ét'i w'isókiya. These are tall. (for example, trees). Ya étu búdu m'it'. I will wash it. Ya étu méstu pr'íshla. I (female) came to this place. Ya búdu yis káshku s ét'im. I will eat bread and milk with it.
ih ИХ.
pro. them. variant yih. Éta payátna. ?? ?? See: an'i ‘they’. Category: pronouns.
ih ИХ.
pro. them. variant yih. Éta payátna. ?? ?? See: an'i ‘they’. Category: pronouns.
ih ИХ.
pro. them. variant yih. Mayí walasá kasmát'iya; ya íh atrézhu. My hair is unruly; I'm going for a trim (lit., I'm trimming them). Ya yih pamagáyu. I am helping them. Aná yih l'úb'it. She loves them. See: an'í; imyá; yíhnay. Category: pronouns.
pro. him. dative case. Ya paydú imú. I'm going to him. imú ЕМУ.
pro. him. dative case. Ya paydú imú. I'm going to him. imú ЕМУ.
pro. him. dative case. Ya paydú imú. I'm going to him. Ya imú kn'ígu dalá. I (female) gave a book to him. Imú trúdna had'ít'. It's difficult for him to walk.
imyá pro. them (associative case). Yimú túga papálas'. He is in a tight spot. feminine an'é. See: yim; on; n'im; n'ey. Category: pronouns.
imyá pro. them (associative case). Yimú túga papálas'. He is in a tight spot. feminine an'é. See: yim; on; n'im; n'ey. Category: pronouns.
imyá pro. them (associative case). Ya paydú s imyá. I'll go with them. See: an'í; ih; n'im. Category: pronouns.
pro. him. accusative case. Ya iwó pamagáyu. I'm helping him. Ya iwó w'ízhu. I see him. feminine iyó. See: on. Category: pronouns.
iwónay pro. his. iwónay dom his house. iwónay mésta his place. iwónay zhiná his wife. iwónay kn'íg'i his books. Iwónay s'in mál'in'koy. His son is small.
iwónay bábushka his grandmother. iwónaya bábushka her grandmother. plural yíhnay. See: on; iyónay. Category: pronouns.
iwónay bábushka his grandmother. iwónaya bábushka her grandmother. plural yíhnay. See: on; iyónay. Category: pronouns.
pro. her. Ya iyó w'ízhu. I see her. Ya iyó pamagáyu. I'm helping her. Iyó n'ét'i. She's not here. masculine iwó. See: aná; n'ey; iyónay. Category: pronouns.
iyónay pro. her. possessive. plural yíhnay. iyónay dom her house. iyónay mush her husband. See: aná; iwónay. Category: pronouns.
kn'im ?? pro ??. ??
Ya kn'im paydú. ?? I going to ?? See: n'im. Category: pronouns.
Ya kn'im paydú. ?? I going to ?? See: n'im. Category: pronouns.
pro. my. masculine moy; plural mayí. mayá mat' my mother. mayá zhiná my wife. mayá doch my daughter. mayá dóchka my daughter. mayá s'istrá my sister.
pro. my. with plural possessed nouns. singular moy; feminine mayá. mayá bábushka my grandma. See: ya ‘I’; mayí ‘my (plural)’; twoy ‘your’. Category: pronouns.
pro. my. with plural possessed nouns. singular moy; feminine mayá. mayá bábushka my grandma. See: ya ‘I’; mayí ‘my (plural)’; twoy ‘your’. Category: pronouns.
pro. my. with plural possessed nouns. singular moy; feminine mayá. mayí bashmak'í my shoes. mayí sabák'i my dogs. mayí karów'i my cows. mayí dóchk'i my daughters. mayí brát'yi my brothers. mayí s'istrá my sisters. See: ya; m'i; moy; mayá. Category: pronouns.
pro. we. M'i payd'óm na láydu. We're going to the beach. See: nam; nas; nám'i; náshiy; ya. Category: pronouns.
pro. me. variant mn'e. m'in'é МЕНЯ.
pro. me. variant mn'e. m'in'é МЕНЯ.
pro. me. variant mn'e. On m'in'é pamagáit. He is helping me. On m'in'é n'i znáit. He doesn't know me. T'i m'in'é gawar'ísh? Are you talking to me? Izw'in'í m'in'é! Sorry, forgive me! On m'in'é kn'ígu dal. He gave me a book. M'in'é stráshna. It's scary to me. Day m'in'é iwónay stúl'chik. ?? Give me his chair. Day m'in'é pap'irósku! Give me a cigarette! See: ya; mnoy; moy; m'i. Category: pronouns.
mnoy МНОЙ.
pro. with me. variant m'in'áy. On sa mnóy n'i gawar'ít. He doesn't talk with me. Aná s m'in'áy n'i gawar'ít. She doesn't talk to me. B'izhí sa mnoy! Run with me! See: ya; m'in'é; moy; m'i. Category: pronouns.
pro. my, mine. moy = my (singular biologically male thing); mayá = my (singular biologically female thing); mayí = my (plural thing, either biologically male or female); currently only biological gender counts in Ninilchik Russian for causing gender agreement with adjectives, possessive pronouns, and verbs. feminine mayá; plural mayí. moy bashmák my shoe. moy sabáka my dog. moy brat my brother. moy s'istrá my sister (younger speaker). Éta moy mush. This is my husband. moy at'éts i maya mat' my father and my mother. moy dom my house. moy kn'íga my book. An'í mayú brat ub'íl'i. They killed my brother. See: ya ‘I’. Category: pronouns.
pro. us. Aná nas l'úb'it. She loves us. See: m'i; nam; nám'i; náshiy. Category: pronouns.
pro. our. Bát'ushka náshiy dom apkrast'íl. Father blessed our house. náshi r'ib'at'íshk'i our children.
n'éy pro. her. variant yey, iyéy. náshi bábushka our grandmother. náshiya bábushka (alternate) our grandmother. plural náshi. See: m'i; nam; nas; nám'i. Category: pronouns.
n'éy pro. her. variant yey, iyéy. náshi bábushka our grandmother. náshiya bábushka (alternate) our grandmother. plural náshi. See: m'i; nam; nas; nám'i. Category: pronouns.
n'éy pro. her. variant yey, iyéy. A n'éy zhárka. She's hot (lit., To her it is hot.) B'izhí sas n'éy! Run with her! Ya yey kn'ígu dála. I (female) gave her a book. Ya n'ey kn'ígu dála. (alternate pronunciation) I (female) gave her a book. Ya s' iyey paydú // Ya (sa) s n'ey paydú. I will go with her.
Ya sas n'ey paydú. I will go with her. Category: pronouns.
Ya sas n'ey paydú. I will go with her. Category: pronouns.
n'im pro. him them?? associative case ?? Ya n'im paydú. I'm going to them. Id'í sas n'im! Come with him! (them??) Stupáy sas n'im! Go with him! (them??) See: imú. Category: pronouns.
pro. him. dative ?? case?? U n'iwó gazal'ín. He has a boat. n'iwó НЕГО.
pro. him. dative ?? case?? U n'iwó gazal'ín. He has a boat. n'iwó НЕГО.
pro. him. dative ?? case?? U n'iwó gazal'ín. He has a boat. U n'iwó sabáka. He has a dog. See: imú. Category: pronouns.
n'iyó pro. her. dative ?? case??
pro. he. For some, perhaps all, Ninilchik speakers, the personal pronouns on 'he' and aná 'she' can only be used of people, not of male or female animals. U n'iyó gazal'ín. She has a boat. See: imú. Category: pronouns, record.
pro. he. For some, perhaps all, Ninilchik speakers, the personal pronouns on 'he' and aná 'she' can only be used of people, not of male or female animals. U n'iyó gazal'ín. She has a boat. See: imú. Category: pronouns, record.
pro. he. For some, perhaps all, Ninilchik speakers, the personal pronouns on 'he' and aná 'she' can only be used of people, not of male or female animals. On yés. He's eating. plural an'í. See: iwó; imú; aná; iwónay; éta. Category: pronouns.
1 • pro. what. Éta shto? What is this? Shto na stóla? What is on the table? Ya n'i padn'imáyu shto on gawar'ít. I do not understand what he is saying. Shto t'i d'élayish? What are you doing?
2 • conj. that. Category: pronouns.
swoy СВОИ.
pro. own. Chál'i, shto gawar'ét, shto skazál? ?? Charlie, what is (the news) saying, what did it say? ?? genitive chiwó.
2 • conj. that. Category: pronouns.
swoy СВОИ.
pro. own. Chál'i, shto gawar'ét, shto skazál? ?? Charlie, what is (the news) saying, what did it say? ?? genitive chiwó.
2 • conj. that. Category: pronouns.
swoy СВОИ.
pro. own. Ya pómn'u swoy at'étsa. I remember my father. Ya swoy brat pamagáyu. I'm helping my brother. Ya swoyu mámu pamagáyu. I'm helping mama. Ya ushól r'ibáchit' sa swayím rad'ít'il'im. I went fishing with my relative. (relatives??) T'i b'izhála sas swayím brat'? Did you (female) run with your brother? Category: pronouns.
pro. you. Ya s tabóy idú. I'm going there with you. On s tabóy payd'ót. He will go with you.
Ya búdu s tabóy. I will come with you. ?? See: t'i; t'ibé; t'ib'á; twoy; w'i; s. Category: pronouns.
Ya búdu s tabóy. I will come with you. ?? See: t'i; t'ibé; t'ib'á; twoy; w'i; s. Category: pronouns.
pro. you. plural w'i. Kak t'i pazhiwáish? How are you? See: t'ibé; tabóy; twoy. Category: pronouns.
t'ib'á pro. you, your. Kakóy u t'ib'á pagóda? How's your weather? See: t'i; t'ibé; tabóy; twoy; w'i. Category: pronouns.
pro. you. On t'ibé n'i znáyit. He doesn't know you. On t'ibé kn'ígu dal? Did he give you a book? See: t'i; t'ib'á; tabóy; twoy; w'i. Category: pronouns.
twayá pro. your (feminine). plural twayí. twayá bábushka your grandma. Éta twayá s'istrá. That is your sister. Kak twóya mat'? How is your mother? masculine twoy. See: t'i; twoyí. Category: pronouns.
twayí pro. your (feminine). singular twoy, twayá. twoyí pronunciation from another speaker ?? twayí bashmak'í your shoes. twayí karów'i your cows. twoyím
you. associative case. T'i b'izhála sas twoyím brat'? Did you (female) run with your brother? nominative twoy. Category: pronouns.
pro. your (masculine). plural twayí. twoy ТВОЙ.
pro. your (masculine). plural twayí. twoy ТВОЙ.
pro. your (masculine). plural twayí. twoy at'éts your father. twoy bashmák your shoe. Éta n'i twoy! That is not yours! twoyá mat' your mother. twoy mat' your mother. twoyá doch your daughter.
wám'i pro. you (plural). twoy dócha your daughter. twoyá s'istra your sister. At least one speaker can say both twoy and twoyá with a biologically feminine noun: twoyá bábushka your grandmother. Ya twoy bábushka w'idál. I saw your grandmother. feminine twoyá. See: t'i; twayá; wáshiy; moy ‘my’. Category: pronouns.
wám'i pro. you (plural). twoy dócha your daughter. twoyá s'istra your sister. At least one speaker can say both twoy and twoyá with a biologically feminine noun: twoyá bábushka your grandmother. Ya twoy bábushka w'idál. I saw your grandmother. feminine twoyá. See: t'i; twayá; wáshiy; moy ‘my’. Category: pronouns.
wám'i pro. you (plural). On sas wám'i b'izhál? Did he run with you (plural)? Ya s wam'i idú. I'm going there with you. On sas wám'i b'izhál? Did he run with you?
Ya s wam'i paydu. I will go with you. Ya wam dam r'ibu. I will give you fish. See: w'i; wáshiy; t'i. Category: pronouns.
Ya s wam'i paydu. I will go with you. Ya wam dam r'ibu. I will give you fish. See: w'i; wáshiy; t'i. Category: pronouns.
pro. your (plural). another recording; keep which?? Wáshiy dom bal'shóy. Your (plural) house is big. Éta wáshiy bashmak'í? Are these your (plural) shoes?
Éta wáshiy kára? Is this your (plural) car? wáshiya bábushka your (plural) grandmother. See: w'i; t'i; twoy; twayá. Category: pronouns.
Éta wáshiy kára? Is this your (plural) car? wáshiya bábushka your (plural) grandmother. See: w'i; t'i; twoy; twayá. Category: pronouns.
pro. you (plural), you (singular formal). Gd'é w'i id'ót'i? Where are you going? Eta washiy cara? Is this your car? W'i hochit'i chay? Do you want tea? See: t'i; wáshiy. Category: pronouns.
pro. I. Ya znáyu. I know (it). Ya pamagáyu. I'm helping. See: m'in'é; mnoy; moy; m'i. Category: pronouns.
yim ЕМУ.
pro. him. variant im, n'im. Ya s yim paydú. I will go with him. B'izhí sas n'im! Run with him! See: on; iwó; imú; n'ey; iwónay. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, Wayne Leman, pronouns.