n. 1 • marriage. Category: marriage.
2 • marriage card game. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, cards.
n. husband. Éta moy mush. This is my husband. Iyónay mush ushól na póshtu. Her husband went to the post office. Éta mush búd'it? Is he going to be a husband? See: zhiná ‘wife’; muzhík ‘man’. Category: relatives, people, marriage.
n. old man, father, husband. plural starak'í. sometimes used for referring to one's father or husband; perhaps this usage is a borrowing from English. Edward Jackinsky as an old man. Ya starík. I'm an old man.
Éta moy star'ík. That is my old man. stáray star'ík very old man ?? feminine starúha. Category: ages, people, marriage.
Éta moy star'ík. That is my old man. stáray star'ík very old man ?? feminine starúha. Category: ages, people, marriage.
n. woman of middle or old age, mother. Sandra Kelly Cooper Wells as an old woman. stáraya star'úha very old woman. Éta moy star'úha. This is my old woman. mayá star'úha my wife. dimunitive star'úshka; masculine star'ík. See: zhiná ‘wife’. Category: people, ages, marriage.
n. wife. variant zhénshina. The difference between zhiná and zhénshchina was explained by a Ninilchik Russian speaker as having to do with the amount of time the woman has been married. In early marriage she is a man's zhénshchina, but after quite a while, perhaps 20 years, she becomes a zhiná. óchin' kras'íwaya zhénshchina very beautiful wife. See: zhiná. Category: marriage, relatives.
n. wife. variant zhénshina. The difference between zhiná and zhénshchina was explained by a Ninilchik Russian speaker as having to do with the amount of time the woman has been married. In early marriage she is a man's zhénshchina, but after quite a while, perhaps 20 years, she becomes a zhiná. óchin' kras'íwaya zhénshchina very beautiful wife. See: zhiná. Category: marriage, relatives.
n. wife. variant zhénshina. The difference between zhiná and zhénshchina was explained by a Ninilchik Russian speaker as having to do with the amount of time the woman has been married. In early marriage she is a man's zhénshchina, but after quite a while, perhaps 20 years, she becomes a zhiná. óchin' kras'íwaya zhénshchina very beautiful wife. See: zhiná. Category: marriage, relatives.
n. wife. The difference between zhína and zhénshchina was explained by a Ninilchik speaker as having to do with the amount of time the woman has been married. In early marriage she is a man's zhénshchina, but after quite a while, perhaps 20 years, she becomes a zhína. zhiná mayá zhiná my wife. twayá zhiná your wife. See: mush; zhénshchina. Category: marriage, relatives.
zhinátay ЖЕНАТЫЙ.
adj. married. M'i búl'i mál'in'k'iya a aná uzhé zhinátaya pabulá .. We were kids and she already was married. Category: marriage, record.
v pfv. marry. variant zhen'ísa. Ya iwó zhin'íla. I (female) married him. On n'ikadá n'i zhin'ílsa. He never married. An'í zhin'íl'is. They got married. Category: marriage.