Ninilchik Russian Dictionary



v ipfv. make noise. gr'imét'   ГРИМЕТЬ ??

v ipfv. make noise. gr'imét'   ГРИМЕТЬ ??

v ipfv. make noise. Chiwóyta gr'im'ít. What's that noise?? (Something is making noise. ??) On gr'im'ít. He is making noise (for instance, by rattling).

On p'iristál gr'imét'. ?? ?? pfv: zagr'imét'. See: gr'om thunder. Category: sounds.

On p'iristál gr'imét'. ?? ?? pfv: zagr'imét'. See: gr'om thunder. Category: sounds.

grómka   ГРОМКО.

adv. loudly. On grómka gawar'ít. He talks loudly. Category: sounds.

hl'ibát'   v ipfv. slurp. On hl'ibáyit. He is slurping. A htó z'iwáyit uhú hl'ibáyit. Whoever is slow to the dinner table will slurp only broth. Category: sounds, eat, sayings.

kukarékat'   ΚУΚΑΡΕΚАТЬ.

v ipfv. crow. This is the sound that a rooster makes, as it is pronounced in Russian. See: p'ituh. Category: birds, sounds.

kukaréku   КУКАРЕКУ.

prt. cock-a-doodle-do. variant kukaréka. This is the sound that a rooster makes, as it is pronounced in Ninilchik Russian. The following was said in Ninilchik when NR speakers were learning to speak English: Kukaréku, all same do. Cock-a-doodle-do, they all do (say) the same thing. Irene Leman used to say this: A wot éta p'itúh hwána rána kukaréka! But this rooster crowed very early! See: p'itúh rooster. Category: birds, sounds, Wayne Leman, Kibrik-Bergelson.

shalkát'   щёлкать.

v ipfv. crackle. Agón shalkáyit. The fire is crackling. Category: sounds, fire.

smeh   СМЕХ.

n. laughter. verb sm'iyátsa. Category: sounds.

stón'it'   СТОНАТЬ.

v ipfv. moan, groan. On stón'it. He moaned. Category: sickness, sounds.

zagr'imét'   v pfv. ?? Chiwóyta zagr'imél. Something made a noise. ipfv: gr'im'ít'. Category: sounds.

zwan'ít'   v ipfv. ring. Kalakón'i zwan'át. The bells are ringing. Skóla zwan'ít. The school is ringing (that is, the school bell is ringing). Category: sounds.