Ninilchik Russian Dictionary



abrét'   ОБРИТЬ ??

v pfv. shave. Fchirá ya seb'á abrél harashó. Yesterday I shaved well. Záftr'i ya seb'á abréyu //on seb'á abréyit. Tomorrow I // he will shave. See: abrétsa; br'ítwa razor. Category: groom.

abrétsa   v pfv. shave oneself. variant pabrétsa. abrélsa (He) shaved. See: abrét'; brétsa. Category: groom.

abstrigát'   ОБРУБАТЬ.

v. clip, cut. for example, to clip/cut hair. On abstrigáyit. He clipped. Category: groom, hair.

apstr'igát'   v ipfv. clip. for example, to clip/cut hair. On abstr'igáyit. He is clipping. Category: groom, hair.

atrézat'   ОТРЕЗАТЬ.

v pfv. cut. Atrésh kartóf'il'i! Cut up the potatoes! Ya nózhikam hl'ébu atrézala. I (female) cut the bread with a knife. Mayí walasá kasmát'iya; ya íh atrézhu. My hair is unruly; I'm going for a trim. ipfv: rézat'. See: rézat' cut; abrétsa. Category: cook, groom.

brétsa   БРИТЬСЯ.

v ipfv. shave. b'ísara   n. bead. plural b'ísar'i beads, necklace; b'ís'ir'i beads, necklace. Aná swaí b'ísar'i ad'éla. She put on her necklace. Category: handcraft, groom.

brétsa   БРИТЬСЯ.

v ipfv. shave. b'ísara   n. bead. plural b'ísar'i beads, necklace; b'ís'ir'i beads, necklace. Aná swaí b'ísar'i ad'éla. She put on her necklace. Category: handcraft, groom.

brétsa   БРИТЬСЯ.

v ipfv. shave. On bréyitsa. He's shaving. Ya brélsa. I shaved. pfv: abrétsa, nabrétsa. See: abrét'; br'ítwa. Category: groom.

br'ítwa   БРИТВА.

n. razor. In Ninilchik this referred to the old style straight razor used by men. It was sharpened on a leather strop. See: bret'; abrét'. Category: tools, groom.

gréb'in'   ГРЕБЕНЬ.

n. comb.

kasmátay   adj. messy, unruly, disheveled. another recording; keep which?? See: w'ík'is'it'. Category: groom.

kasmátay   adj. messy, unruly, disheveled. another recording; keep which?? See: w'ík'is'it'. Category: groom.

kasmátay   adj. messy, unruly, disheveled. Twayí walasá kasmát'iya. Your hair is messy. Mayí walasá kasmát'iya; ya ih atrézhu. My hair is unruly; I'm going for a trim (lit., I'm cutting it). See: zapútanay tangled. Category: groom, quality.

kól'sa   n. bracelet. Category: groom, Evgeniy Golovko, Wayne Leman.

m'íla   МЫЛО.

n. soap. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, groom.

m'ítsa   МЫТЬСЯ.

v ipfv. bathe, wash oneself. On móyitsa. He's bathing. pfv: w'ímatsa. See: m'ít'; w'ímat'. Category: groom, water.

nabrétsa   БРИТЬСЯ.

v pfv. shave. On nabrélsa. He shaved. T'i nabrélsa? Did you shave? ipfv: brétsa. See: abrét'. Category: groom.

naúshn'ik'i   n. earrings. singular naúshn'ik; variant úshn'ik'i. See: sér'g'i. Category: groom.

pabrétsa   v pfv. shave oneself. variant abrétsa. See: abrét'. Category: groom, record.

palat'éntsa   ПОЛОТЕНЦЕ.

n. towel. variant pal'it'éntsa. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, groom.

patstr'ítsa   ??

v pfv. cut hair. ipfv: str'ítsa. Category: groom, hair.

sér'g'i   СЕРЬГИ.

n. earrings. singular sér'ga. dimunitive s'ir'óshk'i. See: naúshn'ik'i. Category: groom.

shchótka   ЩЕТКА.

n. brush. for cleaning. variant s'ótka. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, tools, groom.

shp'íl'ka   n. pin, clothespin, toothpick, hairpin. plural shp'íl'k'i. See: shépka. Category: Wayne Leman, Kibrik-Bergelson, groom, hair.

s'ir'óshk'i   СЕРЕЖКИ.

n. earrings. non-dimunitive sér'g'i. Category: groom, record.

str'ítsa   v ipfv. cut hair. pfv: patstr'ítsa. Category: hair, groom.

w'ík'is'it'   v pfv. comb. Stupáy swoyí walasá w'ík'is'i! Go comb your hair! See: gréb'in'. Category: groom.

w'íkupatsa   v pfv. take a bath, go swimming. Mózhna z'imóy kadá hóchish it'í w'íkupatsa! One can go swimming in winter whenever you want! Category: groom, record.

w'ímatsa   ВЫМЫТЬСЯ.

v pfv. wash oneself. W'ímaysa! Wash (up)! ipfv: m'ítsa. See: m'ít'; w'ímat'. Category: groom, housework.

zaw'izát'   v pfv. tie. Zaw'izhí swayí bashmak'í! Tie your shoes! An'í w'ir'ófku zaw'izál'i. They tied the rope. Ya hachú zaw'izát. I want to tie (it). ipfv: zawyázawat'. Category: groom.