Ninilchik Russian Dictionary



abéda   n. lunch. variant abét. pósl'i abéda in the afternoon (lit., after lunch). Ya lúchi spl'u pósli abéda. I sleep better in the afternoon. verb abédat' eat lunch. Category: eat, food.

abét   ОБЕД.

n. lunch. variant abéda; verb abédat' eat lunch. Category: eat, food.

achíshka   n. peel, eggshell. plural achíshk'i.

aguréts   ОГУРЕЦ.

n. cucumber. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, food.

aládushka   ОЛАДУШКА.

n. pancake. plural aládushk'i. See: bl'in'í; l'ipl'óshka. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, food, record.

apshipát'   v pfv. pluck. for example, to pluck the feathers from a chicken. kartóf'il'i na achíshk'i potato peelings. yáblak'i na achíshk'i apple peelings. Category: fruit, food.

aguréts   ОГУРЕЦ.

n. cucumber. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, food.

aládushka   ОЛАДУШКА.

n. pancake. plural aládushk'i. See: bl'in'í; l'ipl'óshka. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, food, record.

apshipát'   v pfv. pluck. for example, to pluck the feathers from a chicken. kartóf'il'i na achíshk'i potato peelings. yáblak'i na achíshk'i apple peelings. Category: fruit, food.

aguréts   ОГУРЕЦ.

n. cucumber. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, food.

aládushka   ОЛАДУШКА.

n. pancake. plural aládushk'i. See: bl'in'í; l'ipl'óshka. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, food, record.

apshipát'   v pfv. pluck. for example, to pluck the feathers from a chicken. Aná apshipála. She plucked. Ya kúru apshipáyu. I'm plucking a chicken. Category: food.

aréh   ОРЕХ.

n. nut, walnut. plural aréhi. Category: food.

atashát'   ОТОЩАТЬ.

v pfv. be hungry, starving. Ya ochin' atashál. I (male) am very hungry. On atashál. He is hungry. See: galódnay. Category: food, eat, body.

bab'í   БОБЫ.

n. beans. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, food.

balík   БАЛЫК.

n. smoked salmon.

... balík ... ?? (should we transcribe this??) ?? The Russian word БАЛЫК is borrowed from Turkic languages where it meant 'meat.'. See: tayshí; yúkala; chíkalin. Category: fish, food.

... balík ... ?? (should we transcribe this??) ?? The Russian word БАЛЫК is borrowed from Turkic languages where it meant 'meat.'. See: tayshí; yúkala; chíkalin. Category: fish, food.

bánashnay {tamátus}   phr. canned tomatoes. See: pam'idór. Category: food.

n. thin pancakes, crepes. singular bl'in, bl'ín'a. See: l'ipl'óshka; aládushka. Category: food.

borsh   БОРЩ.

n. borsch. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, food, record.

br'úkwa   БРЮКВА.

n. rutabaga. plural br'úkw'i. See: répa turnip. Category: food, plants.

búlachka   БУЛОЧКА.

n. roll, biscuit. plural búlachk'i. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, food.

chisnók   ЧЕСНОК.

n. garlic. variant chiznúk. Category: food.

bl'in'í   БЛИНЫ.

n. thin pancakes, crepes. singular bl'in, bl'ín'a. See: l'ipl'óshka; aládushka. Category: food.

borsh   БОРЩ.

n. borsch. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, food, record.

br'úkwa   БРЮКВА.

n. rutabaga. plural br'úkw'i. See: répa turnip. Category: food, plants.

búlachka   БУЛОЧКА.

n. roll, biscuit. plural búlachk'i. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, food.

chisnók   ЧЕСНОК.

n. garlic. variant chiznúk. Category: food.

bl'in'í   БЛИНЫ.

n. thin pancakes, crepes. singular bl'in, bl'ín'a. See: l'ipl'óshka; aládushka. Category: food.

borsh   БОРЩ.

n. borsch. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, food, record.

br'úkwa   БРЮКВА.

n. rutabaga. plural br'úkw'i. See: répa turnip. Category: food, plants.

búlachka   БУЛОЧКА.

n. roll, biscuit. plural búlachk'i. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, food.

chisnók   ЧЕСНОК.

n. garlic. variant chiznúk. Category: food.

f'in'ík   ФИНИК.

n. date. fruit. Category: food.

fkúsnay   ВКУСНЫЙ.

adj. tasty. óchin' fkúsnay very tasty. Category: food.

fkúsnay   ВКУСНЫЙ.

adj. tasty, delicious, good. óchin' fkúsnay very tasty. On fkúsnay. It's tasty. Fkúsn'im páhn'it. It smells good. See: haróshay good. Category: food.

garchítsa   ГОРЧИЦА.

n. mustard. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, food.

garóh   ГОРОХ.

n. peas. Category: food.

gr'iz'ít'   ГРЫЗТЬ.

v ipfv. gnaw, chew. See: zhuwat' chew. Category: food.

grus   mushroom, mushrooms; ГРУЗДЬn. plural grúzd'i.

another recording of the plural; keep which?? Mnóga grúzd'i tut. There are many mushrooms here. Category: plants, food.

another recording of the plural; keep which?? Mnóga grúzd'i tut. There are many mushrooms here. Category: plants, food.

halúpk'i   ГОЛУБЦЫ.

n. cabbage rolls.

another recording; keep which?? Category: food.

another recording; keep which?? Category: food.

hl'éba   ХЛЕБ.

n. bread. Ninilchik speakers most commonly use this pronunciation for bread, rather than hl'ep. another recording (which is better??) variant hl'ep; plural hl'éb'i. hl'éba, hl'eb ?? (for reference; delete or hide??) zapl'és'l'inay hl'éba moldy bread. Aná hl'ébu p'ik'ót. She bakes bread. (was baking??) kusók hl'éba piece of bread.

ispáwda   n. baking soda. another recording; keep which?? Ya n'i d'irzhála ispáwda káda ya p'iklá. ?? I didn't use baking soda for baking. ?? Category: food.

Damáshnay hl'éba haróshay hl'éba. Homemade bread is good bread. Category: food.

ispáwda   n. baking soda. another recording; keep which?? Ya n'i d'irzhála ispáwda káda ya p'iklá. ?? I didn't use baking soda for baking. ?? Category: food.

Damáshnay hl'éba haróshay hl'éba. Homemade bread is good bread. Category: food.

ispáwda   n. baking soda. another recording; keep which?? Ya n'i d'irzhála ispáwda káda ya p'iklá. ?? I didn't use baking soda for baking. ?? Category: food.

iz'úm   ИЗЮМ.

n. raisin. plural iz'úm'i. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, food.

kakarús   КУКУРУЗА.

n. corn. variant kukurús. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, food, plants.

kalabáshka   n. fritters. plural kalabáshk'i. Category: Wayne Leman, food.

kanfét'i   n. candy. singular kanfét. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, food.

n. cabbage. kapústa   КАПУСТА.

n. cabbage. kapústa   КАПУСТА.

n. cabbage. another recording; keep which?? Category: food, plants.

kartóf'il'   КАРТОФЕЛЬ.

n. potato. plural kartóf'il'i. kartóf'il paspél, paspél, paspél. Potatoes is cooked, is cooked, is cooked (Ninilchik children would say this while pulling toy boats in the river, imitating the sound of a boat engine.)

kartóshka   КАРТОШКА.

n. potato. See: kartóf'il'. Category: food.

... ?? kartóf'il'i ?? ?? See: kartóshka potato. Category: food, sayings.

kartóshka   КАРТОШКА.

n. potato. See: kartóf'il'. Category: food.

... ?? kartóf'il'i ?? ?? See: kartóshka potato. Category: food, sayings.

kartóshka   КАРТОШКА.

n. potato. See: kartóf'il'. Category: food.

kásha   КАША.

n. porridge. bread, milk, and sugar mixture. It would be fed to babies. dimunitive káshka. Category: food, babies.

káshka   КАШКА.

n. porridge. a bread and milk and sugar mixture often given to babies to eat. dimunitive kásha. See: malakó milk. Category: food.

k'íslay   adj. fermented, sour. another recording (keep which??) k'íslay malakó sour milk. k'íslay kapústa sauerkraut. Category: quality, food.

kórka   n. crust. Category: food.

krupá   КРУПА.

n. rice. See: r'is. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, food, record.

kul'ích   КУЛИЧ.

n. Easter bread, bread - Easter. Kára Pos prayd'ót m'i búd'im kul'ích yíst'. When Lent is over we will eat Easter bread. Category: food.

kúshan'a   n. food. plural kushan'ya. Russian archaism. Sámaya gláwnaya kúshаn'a – p'irók. The most important food is cake. Category: food.

kushónka   n. sourdough, dough. a smaller amount than kwáshn'a.

another recording; keep which?? M'in'é náda kushónku pastáw'it'. I need to start the dough. See: kwáshn'a. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, food.

another recording; keep which?? M'in'é náda kushónku pastáw'it'. I need to start the dough. See: kwáshn'a. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, food.

kut'yá   КУТЬЯ.

n. memorial pudding; a spoonful of rice and raisins eaten after a memorial service for someone. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, Wayne Leman, church, food.

kwáshn'a   КВАШНЯ.

n. leavened dough, sourdough, dough. This kind of dough makes bread. Ya pastánu kwáshn'u. I'm setting the (sour)dough. Ya paydú kwáshn'u pastánu. I'm going to go set bread (dough). Kwáshn'u pastáw'at kahda an'í fs'ó palózhut. They set the sourdough when everything is in there.

Kwáshn'a stal'ít. ?? The dough is rising. Kwáshn'a zd'élayu, stal'it, skóra búl'u pl'itú. ?? I make dough, it rises, soon I ?? it in the stove. ?? Ya kwáshn'u(??) zd'élayu u t'ibé. ?? I'll make dough, ?? you. ?? See: kushónka; t'ésta; zakwáska; drózhi. Category: food.

Kwáshn'a stal'ít. ?? The dough is rising. Kwáshn'a zd'élayu, stal'it, skóra búl'u pl'itú. ?? I make dough, it rises, soon I ?? it in the stove. ?? Ya kwáshn'u(??) zd'élayu u t'ibé. ?? I'll make dough, ?? you. ?? See: kushónka; t'ésta; zakwáska; drózhi. Category: food.

l'ipl'óshka   ЛЕПЕШКА.

n. pancake, fried bread. means 'pancake' for some speakers but 'fried bread' for other speakers; said to be the most commonly used word for pancake. plural l'ipl'óshk'i. See: aládushka; bl'in'í; pr'isn'ét'. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, food.

n. onion. See: l'úkaw'itsa onion bulb; d'íkay l'uk wild onion. Category: food, plants.

l'uk   ЛУК.

n. onion. See: l'úkaw'itsa onion bulb; d'íkay l'uk wild onion. Category: food, plants.

l'uk   ЛУК.

n. onion. See: l'úkaw'itsa onion bulb; d'íkay l'uk wild onion. Category: food, plants.

malakó   МОЛОКО.

n. milk. variant mal'ikó. Category: food, drink.

malóka   МОЛОКО.

n. milt, sperm. plural malók'i. The milt of fish is traditionally cooked and eaten in Ninilchik. See: ikrá. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, fish, food.

mamáy   n. clam. plural mamáyi. An'í idút na láydu mamáyi kapát'. They are going to the beach to dig clams. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, food.

man'ák   n. picnic. for instance, fish cooked on a stick over a fire outdoors. Category: food, record.

markóf   МОРКОВЬ.

n. carrot. dimunitive markófka. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, food, record.

markófka   МОРКОВКА.

n. carrot. plural markófk'i. non-dimunitive markóf. Category: plants, food.

másla   МАСЛО.

n. 1 • butter, oil. Másla pagásla! The oil burned out. See: zhir.

2 • oil paint. Category: food.

m'ik'in'í   n. turnip greens. variant mak'ín'i. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, plants, food.

n. flour. Category: food.

nakarm'ít'   НАКОРМИТЬ.

v pfv. feed. muká   МУКА.

n. flour. Category: food.

nakarm'ít'   НАКОРМИТЬ.

v pfv. feed. muká   МУКА.

n. flour. Category: food.

nakarm'ít'   НАКОРМИТЬ.

v pfv. feed. Bábushka m'in'é nakarm'íla. Grandma fed me. ipfv: karm'ít'. Category: food.

n'istí   v ipfv. lay (an egg).

Kúra yáytsu n'islá. The chicken laid eggs. Category: birds, food.

Kúra yáytsu n'islá. The chicken laid eggs. Category: birds, food.

pamachít'   ПОМОЧИТЬ.

v ipfv. soak, moisten. for example, soaking the salt out of salt fish. variant pamóchit'. Iwó náda pamachít'. He must soak it (out). Ya bil'ó pamachú. I am soaking the clothes.

pam'idór   ПОМИДОР.

n. tomato. plural pam'idór'i. Category: food.

On r'íbu pamachíl. He soaked out the fish. M'i dozhn'í r'íbu pamachít shto b'im'í waswar'íl'i. ?? We need to soak out the fish so we can cook it. See: w'ímachit'. Category: food.

pam'idór   ПОМИДОР.

n. tomato. plural pam'idór'i. Category: food.

On r'íbu pamachíl. He soaked out the fish. M'i dozhn'í r'íbu pamachít shto b'im'í waswar'íl'i. ?? We need to soak out the fish so we can cook it. See: w'ímachit'. Category: food.

pam'idór   ПОМИДОР.

n. tomato. plural pam'idór'i. Category: food.

pasal'ít'   ПОСОЛИТЬ.

v pfv. salt. refers to preserving meat or fish with salt. On r'íbu pasal'íl. He salted the fish. Ya r'íbu pasal'ú. I'm going to salt fish. Ya pasal'íla r'íbu. I salted the fish. Ya chará r'íbu pasal'íla. ?? I salted fish yesterday. ipfv: sal'ít'. Category: fish, food.

paspét'   v pfv. ripen; get cooked (baked). Kartóf'il paspél, paspél, paspél. Potato is cooked, is cooked, is cooked (said while pulling toy boats in the river, imitating the sound of a boat engine). See: dayt'í. Category: food, cook.

n. pepper. Category: food.

pér'its   ПЕРЕЦ.

n. pepper. Category: food.

pér'its   ПЕРЕЦ.

n. pepper. Category: food.

perm'ín'i   ПЕЛЬМЕНИ.

n. dumplings. They are filled with cabbage or cottage cheese, sometimes meat. Category: food.

p'irashk'í   ПИРОШКИ.

n. little pies, small pies.

p'irazhók   ПИРОЖОК.

n. pie, cake. plural p'ir'ishk'í. p'irashk'í garad'í ?? translation ?? See: p'irók; tárachka. Category: food.

p'irashk'í garad'í ?? translation ?? non-dimunitive p'irók. See: taréchka. Category: food.

p'irazhók   ПИРОЖОК.

n. pie, cake. plural p'ir'ishk'í. p'irashk'í garad'í ?? translation ?? See: p'irók; tárachka. Category: food.

p'irashk'í garad'í ?? translation ?? non-dimunitive p'irók. See: taréchka. Category: food.

p'irazhók   ПИРОЖОК.

n. pie, cake. plural p'ir'ishk'í. p'irashk'í garad'í ?? translation ?? See: p'irók; tárachka. Category: food.

p'irók   ПИРОГ.

n. fish pie, meat pie. plural p'iróg'i. See: p'irazhók. Category: food.

n. food. variant p'ísh'ta ??. bánashnay p'íshcha canned food. On znáy'it shto kakóy p'íshcha imú náda yes'. He knows what food he needs to eat. Category: food.

p'it'   ПИТЬ.

v ipfv. drink. p'íshcha   ПИЩА.

n. food. variant p'ísh'ta ??. bánashnay p'íshcha canned food. On znáy'it shto kakóy p'íshcha imú náda yes'. He knows what food he needs to eat. Category: food.

p'it'   ПИТЬ.

v ipfv. drink. p'íshcha   ПИЩА.

n. food. variant p'ísh'ta ??. bánashnay p'íshcha canned food. On znáy'it shto kakóy p'íshcha imú náda yes'. He knows what food he needs to eat. Category: food.

p'it'   ПИТЬ.

v ipfv. drink. On p'y‎ot'. He's drinking. On p'il'. He drank. Ya wódu p'yu. I'm drinking water. See: w'ip'iwát'. Category: food.

pr'án'ik   n. gingerbread cookie ; Category: food, Kibrik-Bergelson.

prastak'ísha   ПРОСТОКВАША.

n. clabbered milk. Ya búdu prastak'íshu d'élat'. I will make clabbered milk. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, food.

pr'isn'ák   n. unleavened bread ; Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, food, record.

pr'isn'ét'   n. pan bread, fried bread ; See: l'ipl'óshka pancake. Category: food.

rak   РАК.

n. crab. Category: food, Kibrik-Bergelson.

rakúshka   РАКУШКА.

n. mussel, shell. plural rakúshk'i. Some playthings were made from these. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, food.

n. turnip. See: br'úkwa rutabaga. Category: plants, food.

r'is   РИС.

n. rice. See: krupá. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, food, record.

répa   РЕПА.

n. turnip. See: br'úkwa rutabaga. Category: plants, food.

r'is   РИС.

n. rice. See: krupá. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, food, record.

répa   РЕПА.

n. turnip. See: br'úkwa rutabaga. Category: plants, food.

r'is   РИС.

n. rice. See: krupá. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, food, record.

sáhar   САХАР.

n. sugar. another recording (keep which one??) See: sáharn'itsa. Category: food.

salát   САЛАТ.

n. salad. Category: food, record.

sal'ít'   СОЛИТЬ.

v ipfv. salt. typically refers to preserving meat or fish with salt. On búd'it záftri r'íbu sal'ít'. He is going to salt fish tomorrow. On búd'it r'íbu sal'ít'. He will salt the fish. M'i n'i znáyim kak r'íbu sal'ít'. We don't know how to salt fish. pfv: pasal'ít'; noun sol'. Category: food, fish.

s'il'ónay r'íba   salt fish.

n. See: sal'ónay; sol'. Category: taste, fish, food.

s'ir   СЫР.

n. cheese. Category: food.

sm'itána   СМЕТАНА.

n. cream, sour cream. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, food.

sol'   СОЛЬ.

n. salt. plural sól'i. verb sal'ít. See: sal'ónay; pr'isól'nay; rasól. Category: food.

stal'it' ??   СТАВИТЬ ??

v ??. rise, set. of bread dough.

Kwáshn'a stal'ít. ?? The dough is rising. Kwáshn'a zd'élayu, stal'it, skóra búl'u pl'itú. ?? I make dough, it rises, soon I ?? it in the stove. ?? Category: cook, food.

Kwáshn'a stal'ít. ?? The dough is rising. Kwáshn'a zd'élayu, stal'it, skóra búl'u pl'itú. ?? I make dough, it rises, soon I ?? it in the stove. ?? Category: cook, food.

stúd'in   СТУДЕНЬ.

n. head cheese. Ground nose in which spices have been mixed and then the mixture jells. In Ninilchik head cheese was made from the noses of moose. Category: food.

suhár   СУХАРЬ.

n. cracker. dimunitive suhár'ik. Category: food.

suhár'ik   n. cracker. plural suhárik'i; non-dimunitive suhár.

Chiwó t'i hóchish, ízhi hléba ízhi suhár'ik? ?? What do you want, bread or a cracker? ?? Category: food.

Chiwó t'i hóchish, ízhi hléba ízhi suhár'ik? ?? What do you want, bread or a cracker? ?? Category: food.

sup   СУП.

n. soup. Ya sup k'ipyú. I'm boiling soup. r'íb'ishnay sup fish soup. iz r'íb'i sup fish soup. galófk'i sup fish head soup. m'ás'i sup soup with meat. r'íbachi sup fish soup. See: uhá. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, food.

syókla   СВЕКЛА.

n. beet. variant sw'ókla. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, food.

tárachka   n. tart, little pie. plural tárachk'i. See: p'irazhók; tár'ichka. Category: food, record.

tarélka   тарелка.

n. plate. Category: food, containers.

táyshi   n. dried fish tails. 'dried fish' is pronounced as daishi, with three syllables, in Dena'ina; Ninilchik speakers borrowed this Athabaskan word and compressed it to two syllables as táyshi; in Ninilchik this word only refers to fish tails that are dried; dried fish is yúkala. An'í pakúshal'i táyshi. They are eating dried fish. Ya tagdá tаyshú tózhi zd'élаyu. I'm going to make taysha too. See: yúkala; balík; chíkalin. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, Wayne Leman, food, fish.

t'ésta   ТЕСТО.

n. dough. Éta ... patóm, kahdá an'i pastáw'ut kwashn'u, patóm t'ésta ... kahdá {it's all finished} .. tadá t'ésta. It becomes dough when it is all finished (explaining the meaning of the word kwáshn'a). See: kwashn'á. Category: food.

twarók   ТВОРОГ.

n. cottage cheese. Category: food.

uhá   УХА.

n. broth. A htó z'iwáyit uhú hl'ibáyit. Whoever is slow at the dinner table will slurp only broth. See: sup. Category: food.

úksus   УКСУС.

n. vinegar. Category: food, record.

warén'a   ΒΑРЕНЬЕ.

n. jam; jelly; berry preserves ; Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, food, berries.

záftrak   ЗАВТРАК.

n. breakfast. úmadak   n. salted slightly smoked fish. variant úmarak. It is cooked before it is eaten because it has been smoked so little. called an "Aleut" word by Ninilchik people. Category: fish, food.

warén'a   ΒΑРЕНЬЕ.

n. jam; jelly; berry preserves ; Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, food, berries.

záftrak   ЗАВТРАК.

n. breakfast. úmadak   n. salted slightly smoked fish. variant úmarak. It is cooked before it is eaten because it has been smoked so little. called an "Aleut" word by Ninilchik people. Category: fish, food.

warén'a   ΒΑРЕНЬЕ.

n. jam; jelly; berry preserves ; Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, food, berries.

záftrak   ЗАВТРАК.

n. breakfast. another recording; keep which?? Category: eat, food.

zhuwát'   ЖЕВАТЬ.

v ipfv. chew. On séra zhuwál. He was chewing gum. See: gr'iz'ít'. Category: food.