Antóshka pn. Antone. Antóshka w'ihahál', Antóshka garnastáy! Antone is a land otter, Antone is a weasel! This is a humorous song about Antone Olsen who lived in Ninilchik. Category: names, songs.
adj. poor. bédnay chalawék poor man. Bédn'iya matróz'i kak an'í stradál'i. The poor sailors how they suffered (part of a song). noun b'idn'áshka; antonym bahátay ‘rich’. Category: money, songs.
bédn'iya matróz'i song phr. Poor sailors song. Bédn'iya matróz'i .. kak an'í stradál'is' .. priyéhal'i w Amér'iku .. wes' mór'a abasrál'is'. Poor sailors, they have suffered a lot. When they came to America, they shit all the sea. Category: songs.
n. God. Sláwa Bóhu! Praise God! Ya znáyu Boh fs'igdá pamóg'it mn'é, ya znáyu Boh fs'igdá pamóg'it mn'é. Yézhl'i ya imú zhivyú i fs'yó imú ya pr'ilazhú, ya znáyu Boh fs'igdá pamóg'it mn'é. I know that God will always help me (2 times). If I live for him and bring everything to him, I know that God will always help me. See: Bózhi. Category: church, songs.
chízhik song phr. ?? Chízhik, chízhik gd'e t'i bul? Za garám'i wótku p'il. W'íp'il r'úmku, w'íp'il dwe, Zashuméla w galawé. Yellow bird, yellow bird, where have you been? I have been drinking vodka behind the hills. I have had one shot, had another shot And got dizzy (lit. there was noise in my head). Category: songs.
n. soul. variant dushá. U n'iwó haróshay dushá. He has a good soul. Ya n'i w'inawát shto t'ibé ch'órnaókuyu ból'shi chem dúshu l'ubl'ú. I am not guilty that I love you, dark-eyed one, more than my soul. Category: body, songs.
v ipfv. choke, suffocate. On dushít. He is choking. On iwó dushíl. ?? He choked him. ?? dushít' ДУШИТЬ.
v ipfv. choke, suffocate. On dushít. He is choking. On iwó dushíl. ?? He choked him. ?? dushít' ДУШИТЬ.
v ipfv. choke, suffocate. On dushít. He is choking. On iwó dushíl. ?? He choked him. ?? Ya iwó dushíl. ?? I choked him. Rawúlka kúr'ichku dushíl. Ralph choked a little hen. Rawúlka kúr'ichku dushíl, dushíl, dushíl.Keep the following example ?? W pamóyn'ik iyó machíl, machíl, machíl. Ap'át' on iyó dushíl, dushíl, dushíl. W sabáchn'ik iyó zakr'íl, i kúr'ichka prapál. Ralph choked a little hen, choked, choked. In the slop bucket he soaked it, soaked, soaked. Again he choked it, choked, choked. In the dog house he closed it, and the little hen perished. N'i náda m'in'é dushít! ?? Don't choke me!
M'in'é dushít. ?? I can't breathe. M'in'é dúshit. (another pronunciation) ?? I can't breathe. See: dúsha ‘breath’; Rawúlka song. Category: songs.
M'in'é dushít. ?? I can't breathe. M'in'é dúshit. (another pronunciation) ?? I can't breathe. See: dúsha ‘breath’; Rawúlka song. Category: songs.
Har'itóshka n. Harry. non-dimunitive Har'itón. Har'itóshka, skar'itóshka, s'yel karówu i b'iká, sem' sot paras'át, ádna lápachk'i l'it'át. Little Harry, he ate a cow and a bull, 700 piglets, nothing but claws are flying. A teasing rhyme said to Harry Leman by his godfather Gregori Oskolkoff when Harry was a boy. Category: songs.
Iwánushka pn. Johnny. John Matson Sr.'s nickname. John Matson, Sr. John Matson used to sing this: Ya krugóm bégay'u nichiwó n'i d'élayu. I'm running around doing nothing. non-dimunitive Iwán. See: Wánka. Category: songs, names.
kal'échka n. ring. Pat'ir'ála ya kal'échku, pat'ir'ála ya l'úbof'. I za étu za kal'échku búdu plákat' d'én' i noch. I have lost my ring, I have lost love. And for this ring I will weep day and night. non-dimunitive kal'tsó. Category: songs.
kúr'ichka n. little chicken, little hen. variant kúr'itsa. non-dimunitive kúra. Rawúlka kúr'ichku dushíl. Ralph choked a little hen (the beginning of a cute song). See: kurapáshka. Category: birds, songs.
n. years. plural l'éta. Skólka wam l'et? How old are you? M'in'é d'íw'atnósta l'et= nu góda {maybe} .. l'et I am 90 years old (lit., To me there are 90 years.) Mnógaya l'éta, mnógaya l'éta, mnógaya l'éta! (birthday song) Many years, many years, many years! "goda" is used with numbers ending in 1, 2, 3, 4; "l'et" is used with numbers ending in 5-9. See: got; l'étam. Category: ages, songs.
n. sailor. plural matróz'i. Bédn'iya matróz'i kak an'í stradál'i. The poor sailors how they suffered (part of a song). See: mar'yák. Category: jobs, boats, songs, record.
adv. many, much. mnóga dalg'í many debts. mnóga kamar'í many mosquitoes. R'íba mnóga. There's many fish. On mnóga yes. He's eating a lot. Mnógaya l'éta, mnógaya l'éta, mnógaya l'éta! (birthday song) Many years, many years, many years! ?? dimunitive mnóshka. See: n'imnóga; ból'shi; mén'chi; óchin'; kúcha. Category: quantity, songs.
pagazhít' v pfv. show. Pagazhí m'n'é! Show it to me! Pagazhí m'n'é daróga damói, ustál ya, spat' hachú. Show me the way to go home; I'm tired and I want to go to bed. (from a Russian song). Category: songs.
Pat'ir'ála ya kal'échku song phr. I lost my ring song. Pat'ir'ála ya kal'échku, pat'ir'ála ya l'úbof'. I za étu za kal'échku búdu plákat' d'én' i noch. I have lost my ring, I have lost love. And for this ring I will weep day and night. Category: songs.
sigowi sigowi. part of a bird song; we referred to the bird as the sigowi bird. Sigowi, apostrofidosi ??? ?? Category: birds, songs.
n. muskrat, land otter. var=w'ihaháy. This is a humorous song about a man named Antone Olsen: Antóshka w'ihahál', Antóshka garnastáy! Antone muskrat, Antone weasel! Category: animals, songs.
Ya t'ib'a wet' n'i zabúl. phr. I will never forget you song. Ya t'ib'a wet' n'i zabúl, ya wet' t'ib'a wet' n'i zabúl, a kak zha ya t'ib'á zabúdu, a t'i tsalúy m'in'é. I will never forget you <two>, so how then I will forget you, and you kiss me! Category: songs.
Ya znáyu Boh fs'igdá pamóg'it' mn'é phr. I know that God will always help me. Ya znáyu Boh fs'igdá pamóg'it' mn'e, ya znáyu Boh fs'igdá pamóg'it' mn'e. Yézhl'i ya imú zhivyú i fs'yó imú ya pr'ilazhú, ya znáyu Boh fs'igdá pamóg'it' mn'e. I know that God will always help me (2 times). If I live for him and bring everything to him, I know that God will always help me. Category: songs.
Yézhl'i t'i m'in'é. phr. Yézhl'i t'i m'in'é w káman'im k'ín'ish, ya Bózhin'k'i skazhú. If you throw a rock at me, I'll tell God on you. (what a local bird says). Category: songs.
zha ЖЕ.
prt. still, well, other meanings. A d'e zha twoy {automobile}? Where is your car? Ya t'ib'a wet' n'i zabúl, ya wet' t'ib'a wet' n'i zabúl, a kak zha ya t'ib'á zabúdu, a t'i tsalúy m'in'é! I will never forget you <two>, so how then I will forget you, and you kiss me! See: Ya t'ib'a wet' n'i zabúl.. Category: songs.