Ninilchik Russian Dictionary



gl'ína   ГЛИНА.

n. mud. Daróga pólan gl'ín'i. The road is muddy (lit. full of mud). N'i náda gl'ínu taskát! Don't bring in the mud! Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, nature.

gr'as   ГРЯЗЬ.

n. soil, dirt. See: zéml'a. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, nature.

n. rock. plural kám'in'i, kamén'i, kamén'a. kámin'   КАМЕНЬ.

n. rock. plural kám'in'i, kamén'i, kamén'a. kámin'   КАМЕНЬ.

n. rock. plural kám'in'i, kamén'i, kamén'a. máyn'ikoy kám'in' small rock. M'i had'íl'i na láyd'i . Kamén'a sab'irál'i. We went to the beach to pick up rocks. Tútaka bul z'il'ónay kám'in', bal'shoy. Here there was a green rock, it was big. Yézhl'i t'i m'in'é w káman'im k'ín'ish, ya Bózhin'k'i skazhú. If you throw a rock at me, I'll tell God on you (what a local bird sings). The speaker, Nick Leman, would translate this Russian bird song literally to English as: "If you throw me with a rock, I'll tell God on you." He would point out that this is not natural English, but that it better reflects that the Russian says that throwing was done "with" a rock (instrumental case). The local bird singing this song is ??...... dimunitive kám'ishk'i. See: kam'ín heater. Category: nature.

n. small rocks, gravel. See: kámin'. Category: nature.

kust'inóy   adj. brushy. kust'inóy l'es brushy area. Category: nature.

kám'ishk'i   КАМЕШКИ.

n. small rocks, gravel. See: kámin'. Category: nature.

kust'inóy   adj. brushy. kust'inóy l'es brushy area. Category: nature.

kám'ishk'i   КАМЕШКИ.

n. small rocks, gravel. See: kámin'. Category: nature.

kust'inóy   adj. brushy. kust'inóy l'es brushy area. Category: nature.

luná   ЛУНА.

n. moon. Luná swét'it. The moon is shining. pólnay luná full moon. nóway luná new moon. Category: nature.

n'éba   НЕБО.

n. sky, heaven.

(another recording; which to keep??) Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, nature.

(another recording; which to keep??) Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, nature.

p'il'   ПЫЛЬ.

n. dust.

another recording (keep which??) adjective p'íl'nay. See: zéml'a. Category: nature.

another recording (keep which??) adjective p'íl'nay. See: zéml'a. Category: nature.

p'isók   ПЕСОК.

n. sand. Category: nature, Kibrik-Bergelson.

sóntsa   СОЛНЦЕ.

n. sun. Sóntsa swét'it. It's sunny. Sóntsa padn'imáyitsa. The sun is rising. Sóntsa w'ihód'it. The sun came out. Sóntsa zakat'ílsa. The sun set. (another recording; keep which one??) Sóntsa sel. The sun set. mnóga sóntsa lots of sunshine. See: pad'imátsa rise; zakat'ítsa set. Category: weather, nature.

swet   СВЕТ.

n. 1 • Earth, world.

2 • light. adverb sw'itló. See: swét'it'. Category: nature.

Swet bal'shóy. The world is big. Swet krúglay. The Earth is round.

2 • light. adverb sw'itló. See: swét'it'. Category: nature.

Swet bal'shóy. The world is big. Swet krúglay. The Earth is round.

2 • light. adverb sw'itló. See: swét'it'. Category: nature.

t'en   ТЕНЬ.

n. shadow. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, nature.

t'imn'ét'   ТЕМНЕТЬ.

v ipfv. darken, get dark. T'imn'éyit. It's getting dark. pfv: pat'imn'ét'. See: t'ómna; t'ómnay. Category: nature.

t'ómna   ТЕМНО.

adv. dark.

Tut t'ómna. It's dark here. See: t'ómnay; t'imn'ét'. Category: nature.

Tut t'ómna. It's dark here. See: t'ómnay; t'imn'ét'. Category: nature.

wadapát'   ВОДОПАД.

n. waterfall. This word was especially used to refer to a waterfall on the bluff near where Joe Leman used to have a fishtrap. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, nature.

wulkán   ВУЛКАН.

n. volcano. plural wulkán'i. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, nature.

zakat'ítsa   ЗАКАТИТЬСЯ.

v pfv. set (about the sun). Sóntsa zakat'ílsa. The sun set.

zámatr'isén'a   ЗЕМЛЕТРЯСЕНИЕ.

n. earthquake. variant zéml'atrasén'a. Pómn'ish éta bal'shóy z'éml'atr'is'én'a? Do you remember that huge earthquake? See: zéml'a. Category: nature.

(alternate recording; which keep??) antonym pad'imátsa. See: w'ihad'ít'; sest'. Category: nature.

zámatr'isén'a   ЗЕМЛЕТРЯСЕНИЕ.

n. earthquake. variant zéml'atrasén'a. Pómn'ish éta bal'shóy z'éml'atr'is'én'a? Do you remember that huge earthquake? See: zéml'a. Category: nature.

(alternate recording; which keep??) antonym pad'imátsa. See: w'ihad'ít'; sest'. Category: nature.

zámatr'isén'a   ЗЕМЛЕТРЯСЕНИЕ.

n. earthquake. variant zéml'atrasén'a. Pómn'ish éta bal'shóy z'éml'atr'is'én'a? Do you remember that huge earthquake? See: zéml'a. Category: nature.

zéml'a   ЗЕМЛЯ.

n. ground, earth, dirt, land. variant z'iml'á, z'im'á, zém'a.

zwézdachka   ЗВЕЗДАЧКА.

n. star. plural zwézdachk'i. mnóga zwézdachk'i many stars. Ad'in zwézdachka gar'ít. One star is shining. Fchirá ya w'íd'ila mnóga zwézdachk'i na néb'i. Yesterday I saw many stars in the sky. non-dimunitive zw'izdá. Category: nature.

Palozh yiwo na z'iml'ú .. na zéml'u! Put it on the ground! See: pil' dust; gr'as soil ; dirt; zámatr'isén'a earthquake. Category: nature, land.

zwézdachka   ЗВЕЗДАЧКА.

n. star. plural zwézdachk'i. mnóga zwézdachk'i many stars. Ad'in zwézdachka gar'ít. One star is shining. Fchirá ya w'íd'ila mnóga zwézdachk'i na néb'i. Yesterday I saw many stars in the sky. non-dimunitive zw'izdá. Category: nature.

Palozh yiwo na z'iml'ú .. na zéml'u! Put it on the ground! See: pil' dust; gr'as soil ; dirt; zámatr'isén'a earthquake. Category: nature, land.

zwézdachka   ЗВЕЗДАЧКА.

n. star. plural zwézdachk'i. mnóga zwézdachk'i many stars. Ad'in zwézdachka gar'ít. One star is shining. Fchirá ya w'íd'ila mnóga zwézdachk'i na néb'i. Yesterday I saw many stars in the sky. non-dimunitive zw'izdá. Category: nature.

zw'izdá   ЗВЕЗДА.

n. star. plural zw'ózda, zwézd'i ЗВЕЗДЫ; dimunitive zwézdachka. Category: nature.