n. remainder, leftover, scrap. plural astáfk'i, státk'i ??. See: kusóchik. Category: material.
n. velvet. See: bárhatnay. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, material.
adj. made of velvet. See: bárhat. Category: material.
n. paper. variant gumága, bumáshka; dimunitive gumáshka; plural gumáshk'i, gumág'i. Category: material.
adj. made of velvet. See: bárhat. Category: material.
n. paper. variant gumága, bumáshka; dimunitive gumáshka; plural gumáshk'i, gumág'i. Category: material.
adj. made of velvet. See: bárhat. Category: material.
n. paper. variant gumága, bumáshka; dimunitive gumáshka; plural gumáshk'i, gumág'i. Category: material.
n. flannel. Category: material.
drátwa ДРАТВА.
n. heavy cotton thread. Category: material, Kibrik-Bergelson.
halst'ína ХОЛСТИНА.
n. muslin ?? fabric for dresses. See: parus'ína. Category: material, Kibrik-Bergelson, record.
kózhuch n. hide, leather. See: kózha. Category: material.
kusóchik n. small piece. plural kusóchk'i. kusóchik p'irók a little piece of pirok. non-dimunitive kusók. See: astáfka. Category: material, Conor Daly.
laskutók ЛОСКУТОК.
n. patch, cloth piece. See: pachínka. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, material, sew.
n. washcloth. Category: material.
n. thread. r'íb'ichya n'ítka fishing line. Éta n'ítka pólan úzil. This thread is full of knots. Category: material, sew.
n. thread. r'íb'ichya n'ítka fishing line. Éta n'ítka pólan úzil. This thread is full of knots. Category: material, sew.
n. thread. r'íb'ichya n'ítka fishing line. Éta n'ítka pólan úzil. This thread is full of knots. Category: material, sew.
parus'ína n. gunny sack, burlap bag; See: m'ishók. Category: material.
n. canvas; muslin. See: halst'ína; párus. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, material.
patklátka ПОДКЛАДКА.
n. lining. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, material, record.
prád'ifka n. string. See: w'ir'ófka. Category: material.
prad'iwát' v ipfv. thread. Prad'iwáy n'itku igólka! Thread the thread through the needle! Category: material, record.
prówalka ПРОВОЛОКА.
n. wire. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, material, record.
ragózha n. cover, mat. See: palaw'ík; kózha; shkúra. Category: material.
n. wool. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, material.
sholk ШЕЛК.
n. silk. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, material, record.
n. table cloth. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, material, house.
stakán СТАКАН.
n. glass. See: st'ikl'ónay. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, material, record.
st'ikl'ónay СТЕКЛЯННЫЙ.
adj. glass. st'ikl'ónay bánka glass jar. See: stakán. Category: material, record.
n. rag, cloth.
another recording; which one is better?? plural tr'ápk'i. M'i d'érzhu mókray tr'ápku pasúd'i m'it. ?? We use a dry cloth to wash the dishes. ?? variant trápka; dimunitive trápachka. Category: material, record.
another recording; which one is better?? plural tr'ápk'i. M'i d'érzhu mókray tr'ápku pasúd'i m'it. ?? We use a dry cloth to wash the dishes. ?? variant trápka; dimunitive trápachka. Category: material, record.
n. cotton. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, material.
n. rope, clothesline. zapútanay w'ir'ófka tangled rope. w'ir'ófka ВЕРЕВКА.
n. rope, clothesline. zapútanay w'ir'ófka tangled rope. w'ir'ófka ВЕРЕВКА.
n. rope, clothesline. zapútanay w'ir'ófka tangled rope. dl'ínay w'ir'ófka long rope. Pawés na w'ir'ófk'i! Hang them on the rope (clothesline)! Atrésh w'ir'ófku! Cut the rope! An'í w'ir'ófku zaw'izál'i. They tied the rope. Ya w'ir'ófku d'órgayu. I'm pulling on the rope. See: prád'ifka. Category: material, tools.
n. iron. variant z'il'éza. Nózhik iz zhil'éz'i sd'élanay. The knife is made of iron. An'í w'ítachil'i z'il'ézu. They are sharpening metal. See: z'il'ézay; zád'it' ??. Category: material.