n. August. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, time, months.
n. October. Har'itón rad'ílsa w akt'ibré. Harry was born in October. Category: time, months.
adv. again. Ap'át' m'in'é kr'ichí! Call me again! Category: time.
n. April. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, time, months.
awáy v. already. Ya awáy ad'ihál. I have already rested. Ya awáy w'iígral. I already won.
Ya awáy kónchila b'il'ó st'irát. ?? I already finished scrubbing the clothes. ?? ishó al'í náda ?? (The tide) isn't right yet. ?? See: ishó. Category: time.
Ya awáy kónchila b'il'ó st'irát. ?? I already finished scrubbing the clothes. ?? ishó al'í náda ?? (The tide) isn't right yet. ?? See: ishó. Category: time.
adv. yesterday. variant fchará. On chará p'il. He drank yesterday. Ya yih chará w'íd'ila. I (female) saw them yesterday. See: pazáfchará ‘day before yesterday’. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, time.
n. hour, time. Katór'i chas? What time is it? Chas prashól. An hour has passed. See: s'ichás; wrém'a. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, time.
adv. often. Aná chásta gul'áyit. She visits often. Category: time.
n. clock, watch. karmán'i chis'í pocket watch. Na pólk'i chis'í. The clock is on the shelf. Category: time.
adv. often. Aná chásta gul'áyit. She visits often. Category: time.
n. clock, watch. karmán'i chis'í pocket watch. Na pólk'i chis'í. The clock is on the shelf. Category: time.
adv. often. Aná chásta gul'áyit. She visits often. Category: time.
n. clock, watch. karmán'i chis'í pocket watch. Na pólk'i chis'í. The clock is on the shelf. Category: time.
n. Thursday. variant chitwérik. Category: days, time.
adv. further, hereafter, next. Chiwó isho dál'shi? What else is ahead? Category: time.
adv. long ago; On dawnó úm'ir. He died long ago. See: dólga. Category: time.
n. day. variant d'en; plural d'én'i ??. d'en' ДЕНЬ.
n. day. variant d'en; plural d'én'i ??. d'en' ДЕНЬ.
n. day. variant d'en; plural d'én'i ??. ad'ín d'én' one day.
dwa n'a two days. dwa d'én'i two days. M'in'é ...?? dwa d'én'i éta plát'i zashít. ?? It took me two days to sew this dress. ?? Category: time.
dwa n'a two days. dwa d'én'i two days. M'in'é ...?? dwa d'én'i éta plát'i zashít. ?? It took me two days to sew this dress. ?? Category: time.
n. December. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, time, months.
phr. Good morning! Dóbrey útra. ?? Good morning. Dóbraya útra! ДОБРОЕ УТРО.
phr. Good morning! Dóbrey útra. ?? Good morning. Dóbraya útra! ДОБРОЕ УТРО.
phr. Good morning! Dóbrey útra. ?? Good morning. Dóbrey útra.
Dóbrey útra. (another recording; poor quality ??) ?? discussion about pronunciation of this greeting; during this test with Andrej and Mira, Aunt Selma and Uncle Joe both said that Dóbray útra was better than Dóbraya útra. Category: time.
Dóbrey útra. (another recording; poor quality ??) ?? discussion about pronunciation of this greeting; during this test with Andrej and Mira, Aunt Selma and Uncle Joe both said that Dóbray útra was better than Dóbraya útra. Category: time.
adv. long ; On dólga n'i dazhidáyit. He doesn't wait long. See: dawnó. Category: time.
drugóy ras ДРУГОЙ РАЗ.
adv. sometimes, other times. variant dúga ras. another pronunciation; keep which?? On m'in'é drugóy rás wr'ót. Sometimes he lies to me. On m'in'é dúga ras púshit. ?? Sometimes he bawls me out. Duga ras fs'ó nabarót. ?? Sometimes they say everything backwards. Duga ras an'í pr'idút. ?? Sometimes they come. ??
Dúga ras an'í páma (??) ub'irál'i. ?? ?? Category: time.
Dúga ras an'í páma (??) ub'irál'i. ?? ?? Category: time.
n. February. Category: time, months.
pro. always, all the time. variant fs'igdá; another: s'igdá. fs'idá ВСЕГДА.
pro. always, all the time. variant fs'igdá; another: s'igdá. fs'idá ВСЕГДА.
pro. always, all the time. variant fs'igdá; another: s'igdá. On fs'idá zhálawayitsa. He always complains.
On fs'idá n'ézhitsa. He is nagging all the time. On s'igdá payót. ?? ?? See: wéchna. Category: time.
On fs'idá n'ézhitsa. He is nagging all the time. On s'igdá payót. ?? ?? See: wéchna. Category: time.
pro. all the time, always. variant fs'idá, s'igdá, s'idá. Ya znáyu Boh fs'igdá pamóg'it mn'é, ya znáyu Boh fs'igdá pamóg'it mn'é. Yézhl'i ya imú zhivyú i fs'yó imú ya pr'ilazhú, ya znáyu Boh fs'igdá pamóg'it mn'é. I know that God will always help me (2 times). If I live for him and bring everything to him, I know that God will always help me. On s'igdá payót. ?? ?? See: wéchna. Category: time.
n. Tuesday. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, days, time.
gón'ay adv. always, all the time. On gón'ey bégayit. ?? He always runs around. ?? On gón'ay (gón'i??) tarápisa. ?? He is always in a hurry. On gón'ay wr'ot. He always lies. On gón'ay na láydu id'ót. He is always going to the beach. ?? On gón'i takarwarchít. ?? He always ?? Úb'il gón'i króshk'i. ?? Coal is always scraps. Category: time.
gón'ay adv. always, all the time. On gón'ey bégayit. ?? He always runs around. ?? On gón'ay (gón'i??) tarápisa. ?? He is always in a hurry. On gón'ay wr'ot. He always lies. On gón'ay na láydu id'ót. He is always going to the beach. ?? On gón'i takarwarchít. ?? He always ?? Úb'il gón'i króshk'i. ?? Coal is always scraps. Category: time.
n. year. plural góda.
Ya ad'ínatsat' gadá stárshi iyó. I am eleven years older than she is. Mayá s'istrá ... shabóyka ... ?? My sister ... ?? See: l'et. Category: time.
Ya ad'ínatsat' gadá stárshi iyó. I am eleven years older than she is. Mayá s'istrá ... shabóyka ... ?? My sister ... ?? See: l'et. Category: time.
n. January. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, time, months.
prt. still, yet, more. On ishó id'ót'. He's still coming. An'í ishó n'i dashl'í. They are not ripe yet. Ishó úgal' palósh! Put some more coal in (the stove)! Ishó mn'é kr'ichí! Call me again! Pósl'i ishó. More later. Ishó pósl'i búd'im gawar'át'. We'll talk some more later. T'i hóchish ishó chay Do you want more tea? On ishó m'in'á íshchit. He is still looking for me.
ishó al'í náda ?? (The tide) isn't right yet. ?? See: ap'át'; nazát; awáy. Category: time, quantity.
ishó al'í náda ?? (The tide) isn't right yet. ?? See: ap'át'; nazát; awáy. Category: time, quantity.
n. July. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, time, months.
1 • pro. when. variant kará. Kadá t'i pr'ishlá? When did you (female) get back?
2 • conj. when, during, while. Kadá ya bul maladóy ya sadók stróil. When I was young I built a fish trap. On gawar'ít kadá on sp'it. He talks while he is sleeping. Myása n'i id'át kadá post. Meat is not eaten during Lent. Kadá post prayd'ót m'i búd'im kul'ích yis'. When Lent is over we will eat Easter bread.
Káda i ... ?? ?? See: n'ikadá ‘never’; tadá ‘then’. Category: time.
Káda i ... ?? ?? See: n'ikadá ‘never’; tadá ‘then’. Category: time.
kadán'ibut' pro. sometime, any time. See: kadáta. Category: time.
pro. sometime. Kadáta ya paydú S'úart. Sometime I'm going to Seward. See: kadán'ibut'. Category: time.
kal'indár КАЛЕНДАРЬ.
n. calendar. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, time.
n. end. Éta kan'éts. That's the end. On kákta .. sgawar'ítsa s tabóy i kantsa n'étu! He kind of starts talking to you, and you can't stop him! Category: time.
phr. What time is it? Category: time.
Katór'iy wrémya? phr. What time is it? Category: time.
n. summer, years. singular l'et. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, Wayne Leman, time.
adv. summertime. See: l'et. Category: Evgeniy Golovko, time.
n. March. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, time, months.
n. May. Category: time, months.
n. month. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, time.
m'inúta МИНУТА.
n. minute. variant m'inút. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, time, record.
mnóshka adv. often, quite a lot, quite a few, many times. On zab'iwáit mnóshka. He forgets (things) quite a lot. non-dimunitive mnóga. Category: time, quantity.
nachiwát' v ipfv. overnight, spend the night. An'í nachiwál'i. They are spending the night. Category: time, record.
namédn'i adv. a day before, not long time ago, recently. Category: time, record.
n. November. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, time, months.
n. week. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, time.
pro. never. On n'ikadá n'i zhin'ílsa. He never married. See: kadá. Category: time.
n. night. Spakóynay noch! Have a good night!
nócham adv. at night. Wécharam m'i úzhnaim, nócham m'i sp'im. ?? In the evening we eat supper, at night we sleep. A patóm t'i nócham w'izd'é hód'ish. ?? (But) then at night you walk around everywhere. ?? See: noch; pad wéchir; wéchir. Category: time.
nóchyu adv. nighttime. variant nóchu. See: noch ‘night’. Category: time.
Nóche suzhúki chinúl'i. At night ... (complete translation??) See: nóchyu ‘nighttime’; wéchir ‘evening’. Category: time.
nócham adv. at night. Wécharam m'i úzhnaim, nócham m'i sp'im. ?? In the evening we eat supper, at night we sleep. A patóm t'i nócham w'izd'é hód'ish. ?? (But) then at night you walk around everywhere. ?? See: noch; pad wéchir; wéchir. Category: time.
nóchyu adv. nighttime. variant nóchu. See: noch ‘night’. Category: time.
Nóche suzhúki chinúl'i. At night ... (complete translation??) See: nóchyu ‘nighttime’; wéchir ‘evening’. Category: time.
nócham adv. at night. Wécharam m'i úzhnaim, nócham m'i sp'im. ?? In the evening we eat supper, at night we sleep. A patóm t'i nócham w'izd'é hód'ish. ?? (But) then at night you walk around everywhere. ?? See: noch; pad wéchir; wéchir. Category: time.
nóchyu adv. nighttime. variant nóchu. See: noch ‘night’. Category: time.
n. fall, autumn. See: w'isná. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, time.
adv. in the evening. See: wéchir; wéchiram. Category: time.
n. noon. Lit: half-day genitive paldn'á. See: palnóch. Category: time.
n. Monday. variant Pal'id'én'ik, Pan'id'él'n'ik. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, days, time.
n. midnight. Lit: half-night See: pald'én'. Category: time.
adv. time. Pará yis. It's time to eat. Pará spat'. It's time to sleep.
adv ??. all the time, constantly. Paráwm'i ya f núzhn'ik it'í. ?? It's time for me to go to the toilet. See: ras; adnarás. Category: time.
adv ??. all the time, constantly. Paráwm'i ya f núzhn'ik it'í. ?? It's time for me to go to the toilet. See: ras; adnarás. Category: time.
adv ??. all the time, constantly. another recording; keep which?? Category: time.
n. Friday. variant P'átn'isa. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, days, time.
adv. afterwards; later on. See: tadá. Category: time, Evgeniy Golovko, Wayne Leman.
adv. day before yesterday. See: chará ‘yesterday’. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, time.
póld'en' ПОЛДЕНЬ.
n. noon, midday. Category: time, record.
pólnoch n. midnight. Category: time.
1 • adv. after a while, later. Pósl'i t'i búd'ish mnóga znat. After a while you'll know a lot. Ya t'ibé pósl'i pad'imú. I'll pick you up later. pósl'i ishó more later.
2 • prep. pósl'i úzhnu after suppertime. See: pósl'izáftr'i.
2 • prep. pósl'i úzhnu after suppertime. See: pósl'izáftr'i.
2 • prep. pósl'i abéda in the afternoon (lit., after lunch). Category: time.
adv. day after tomorrow. See: pósl'i ‘after awhile’; záftr'i ‘tomorrow’. Category: time.
pózdnay ПОЗДНИЙ. variant póznay.
adj. late. On pózdnay pr'ishól. He came late. Category: time.
pózna adv. late. See: rána2. Category: time.
adv. early. Ya útram rána fstála. I (female) woke up early. See: pózna; rána1. Category: time.
n. time, occasion. ádna ras one time. ad'in ras one time. Ádna ras sama rás! Once is enough! See: pará. Category: time.
adv. now, right now. s'ichás СЕЙЧАС.
adv. now, right now. s'ichás СЕЙЧАС.
adv. now, right now. Pr'áma s'ichás stupáy! Go right away! Núzhna s'ichás! (I) need it right now! See: chas ‘hour’; t'ipér'i ‘now’. Category: time.
n. second. genitive s'ikúnt. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, time.
n. September. Category: time, months.
n. Wednesday. variant S'iréda. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, days, time.
adv. today. S'iwódn'i m'in'é húda, záftr'i búd'it lúchi. Today is bad for me, tomorrow will be better. S'iwódn'i Woskr'isén'a Today is Sunday. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, time.
adv. soon. Ya skóra paydú. I will go soon. Category: time, record.
Subóta n. Saturday. w subótu on Saturday. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, days, time.
tadá pro. then. See: patóm; kadá. Category: time, record.
adv. now, immediately. another recording (keep which??) An'í raspór'il'is', t'ipér'i an'í n'i gawar'átsa. They got in an argument, now they aren't talking to each other. Ya t'ipér'i húda slúshayu. I cannot hear well now.
t'ipér'icha adv. now. T'ipér'icha on r'íbu sab'irát'. Now he (went to) collect fish. See: t'ipér'i. Category: time, record.
t'ipér'i pat'irátay ?? ?? See: s'ichás; t'ipér'icha. Category: time.
t'ipér'icha adv. now. T'ipér'icha on r'íbu sab'irát'. Now he (went to) collect fish. See: t'ipér'i. Category: time, record.
t'ipér'i pat'irátay ?? ?? See: s'ichás; t'ipér'icha. Category: time.
t'ipér'icha adv. now. T'ipér'icha on r'íbu sab'irát'. Now he (went to) collect fish. See: t'ipér'i. Category: time, record.
adj. entire, whole. tsélay l'éta the whole summer. tsélay kúcha M'ir'ikántsi a whole bunch of Americans. Category: quantity, time.
n. morning. Dóbraya útra! Good morning! Útra pr'ishól. Morning came. ?? See: útram. Category: time.
n. morning. Dóbraya útra! Good morning! Útra pr'ishól. Morning came. ?? See: útram. Category: time.
n. morning. Dóbraya útra! Good morning! Útra pr'ishól. Morning came. ?? See: útram. Category: time.
adv. Ya útram rána fstála. I (female) woke up early. See: útra ‘morning’. Category: time.
adv. suppertime. pósl'i úzhnu after suppertime. Category: time, eat.
adv. suppertime. pósl'i úzhnu after suppertime. Category: time, eat.
adv. suppertime. pósl'i úzhnu after suppertime. Category: time, eat.
n. Sunday. S'iwódn'i Waskr'isén'a. Today is Sunday. See: waskrés ‘risen ??’. Category: days, time.
n. evening.
wéchiram ВЕЧЕРОМ.
adv. in the evening. Wécharam m'i úzhnaim, nócham m'i sp'im. ?? In the evening we eat supper, at night we sleep. See: pad wéchir; wéchir. Category: time.
adv. eternally, all the time. Óchin' haróshay wéchir. (It is) a very nice evening (usually about the weather). See: noch; wéchiram; pad wéchir; mal'útka poem; wét'ir. Category: time.
wéchiram ВЕЧЕРОМ.
adv. in the evening. Wécharam m'i úzhnaim, nócham m'i sp'im. ?? In the evening we eat supper, at night we sleep. See: pad wéchir; wéchir. Category: time.
adv. eternally, all the time. Óchin' haróshay wéchir. (It is) a very nice evening (usually about the weather). See: noch; wéchiram; pad wéchir; mal'útka poem; wét'ir. Category: time.
wéchiram ВЕЧЕРОМ.
adv. in the evening. Wécharam m'i úzhnaim, nócham m'i sp'im. ?? In the evening we eat supper, at night we sleep. See: pad wéchir; wéchir. Category: time.
adv. eternally, all the time. another recording; keep which one?? ... saldat chtop wéchna wayawát' ... ... a soldier (has) to always fight ... See: manáh poem; fs'igdá. Category: time.
n. spring (season), breakup. See: ós'in'. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, time.
n. time. M'in'é wrém'a n'étu. I don't have time (for something). See: chas. Category: time.
Yul' n. July. Category: time, months.
Yun' ИЮНЬ.
n. June. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, time, months, record.
adv. tomorrow. variant záftr'a. Záftr'i búd'it l'úchi. Tomorrow will be better. ЗАВТРА БУДЕТ ЛУЧШЕ. See: pósl'izáftr'i ‘day after tomorrow’. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, time, sayings.
n. winter. Z'imá id'ót. Winter is coming. Múzha?? z'imá pr'ishól. ?? Winter has already arrived. Z'imá pr'ishól. Winter has arrived. See: z'imóy; z'ímnay; z'imawát'. Category: time.
z'imóy adv. wintertime. Z'imóy hóladna. In winter it's cold. Z'imóy ochin' rána t'imn'éyit. In winter it gets dark very early. See: z'imá. Category: time.