n. silly person, clumsy and stupid person, nerd??, dunce?? On astalóp. He is a clumsyperson. M'in'á mnóga raz astalóp naz'iwál'i. I was many times called a nerd. Kazhí shamán'il – astalóp. When you were mischievous - (you were called) a nerd. Category: personality.
balawn'ík БАЛОВНИК.
n. naughty child, brat. Category: personality.
béshinay adj. wild, naughty. the quality of a person, opposite of shyness. astalóp ОСТОЛОП.
n. silly person, clumsy and stupid person, nerd??, dunce?? On astalóp. He is a clumsyperson. M'in'á mnóga raz astalóp naz'iwál'i. I was many times called a nerd. Kazhí shamán'il – astalóp. When you were mischievous - (you were called) a nerd. Category: personality.
balawn'ík БАЛОВНИК.
n. naughty child, brat. Category: personality.
béshinay adj. wild, naughty. the quality of a person, opposite of shyness. astalóp ОСТОЛОП.
n. silly person, clumsy and stupid person, nerd??, dunce?? On astalóp. He is a clumsyperson. M'in'á mnóga raz astalóp naz'iwál'i. I was many times called a nerd. Kazhí shamán'il – astalóp. When you were mischievous - (you were called) a nerd. Category: personality.
balawn'ík БАЛОВНИК.
n. naughty child, brat. Category: personality.
béshinay adj. wild, naughty. the quality of a person, opposite of shyness. Aná béshinaya. She is wild. Category: personality.
adj. crazy, insane, nuts. On b'izúmnay. He's nuts. See: sumashéchay. Category: personality.
bushawát' v ipfv. be rowdy, behave violently. b'ir'óznay adj. out of birch, birch-like, tough, strong. variant b'ir'óz'inay. B'ir'óznay Gará Birch Hill. T'i iz b'ir'óz'inay zd'élan. ?? You are made out of birch. (= you are strong). noun b'ir'óza. Category: trees, personality.
adj. crazy, insane, nuts. On b'izúmnay. He's nuts. See: sumashéchay. Category: personality.
bushawát' v ipfv. be rowdy, behave violently. b'ir'óznay adj. out of birch, birch-like, tough, strong. variant b'ir'óz'inay. B'ir'óznay Gará Birch Hill. T'i iz b'ir'óz'inay zd'élan. ?? You are made out of birch. (= you are strong). noun b'ir'óza. Category: trees, personality.
adj. crazy, insane, nuts. On b'izúmnay. He's nuts. See: sumashéchay. Category: personality.
bushawát' v ipfv. be rowdy, behave violently. On bushawál. He was rowdy.
n. foolish female. masculine durák; dimunitive duráchka. Category: personality.
duráchka n. foolish female. non-dimunitive dúra; masculine durák. Category: personality.
n. 1 • fool. plural durak'í; feminine duráchka. óchin' durák very foolish ?? maldóy durák young fool. See: durnóy; dur'ít'; baldá; glupóy. Category: personality.
2 • fool card game. Category: cards.
durnóy ДУРНОЙ.
adj. foolish, stupid. variant durnáya. (An'í) bushawáyut. ?? They were rowdy. ?? Category: personality, Wayne Leman.
n. foolish female. masculine durák; dimunitive duráchka. Category: personality.
duráchka n. foolish female. non-dimunitive dúra; masculine durák. Category: personality.
n. 1 • fool. plural durak'í; feminine duráchka. óchin' durák very foolish ?? maldóy durák young fool. See: durnóy; dur'ít'; baldá; glupóy. Category: personality.
2 • fool card game. Category: cards.
durnóy ДУРНОЙ.
adj. foolish, stupid. variant durnáya. (An'í) bushawáyut. ?? They were rowdy. ?? Category: personality, Wayne Leman.
n. foolish female. masculine durák; dimunitive duráchka. Category: personality.
duráchka n. foolish female. non-dimunitive dúra; masculine durák. Category: personality.
n. 1 • fool. plural durak'í; feminine duráchka. óchin' durák very foolish ?? maldóy durák young fool. See: durnóy; dur'ít'; baldá; glupóy. Category: personality.
2 • fool card game. Category: cards.
durnóy ДУРНОЙ.
adj. foolish, stupid. variant durnáya. durnóy bába foolish woman. durnáya bába foolish woman. durnóy chalawék foolish man. On durnóy. He is foolish. See: durák. Category: personality.
glupóy ГЛУПЫЙ.
adj. stupid. See: durák. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, people, personality.
adj. intransigent, very stubborn, proud. stronger meaning than upórnay: Selma 06 July27-2017.WAV@00:17. See: upórnay ‘stubborn’. Category: personality.
n. braggart. On takóy hwastún. ?? ?? Category: personality.
adj. intransigent, very stubborn, proud. stronger meaning than upórnay: Selma 06 July27-2017.WAV@00:17. See: upórnay ‘stubborn’. Category: personality.
n. braggart. On takóy hwastún. ?? ?? Category: personality.
adj. intransigent, very stubborn, proud. stronger meaning than upórnay: Selma 06 July27-2017.WAV@00:17. See: upórnay ‘stubborn’. Category: personality.
n. braggart. On takóy hwastún. ?? ?? Category: personality.
n. slowpoke. plural kapúh'i.
Ya kapúha. I'm a slowpoke. An'í kapúh'i. They are slowpokes. See: pamal'énku. Category: personality, speed.
Ya kapúha. I'm a slowpoke. An'í kapúh'i. They are slowpokes. See: pamal'énku. Category: personality, speed.
n. Cossack. Does not seem to have negative connotations in Ninilchik that the corresponding word gussack 'white person, non-Native' does in other Alaska Native towns, such as Bethel. ?? plural kazak'í. Category: personality.
k'ishk'í n. guts, intestines. singular k'ishká, k'ishók, chishká; variant k'is'í. another recording of the plural; keep which?? M'in'é k'ishk'í karótk'iya. I get angry quickly. (lit., I have short guts). U n'iwó karótk'iya k'ishk'í. He is short tempered. karótk'iya k'ishk'í short tempered (lit., short guts). máyin'koy k'ishók short temper ; hot temper. Lit: small gut Category: body, personality.
k'ishk'í n. guts, intestines. singular k'ishká, k'ishók, chishká; variant k'is'í. another recording of the plural; keep which?? M'in'é k'ishk'í karótk'iya. I get angry quickly. (lit., I have short guts). U n'iwó karótk'iya k'ishk'í. He is short tempered. karótk'iya k'ishk'í short tempered (lit., short guts). máyin'koy k'ishók short temper ; hot temper. Lit: small gut Category: body, personality.
n. lazy person. On óchin l'int'áy. He's very lazy. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, Wayne Leman, personality.
n. good person. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, personality.
adj. ?? variant paméshanay; noun pasméshn'ik ??. Category: personality.
adj. ?? variant paméshanay; noun pasméshn'ik ??. Category: personality.
adj. ?? variant paméshanay; noun pasméshn'ik ??. Category: personality.
adv. little by little, slowly, quietly, easily. Pamal'én'ku! Slow down! Aná pamal'én'ku gawar'ít. She talks quietly. Ya pamal'én'ku. I'm slow. See: b'ístra ‘fast’. Category: personality, speed.
n. nature, character, attitude. Category: personality.
pasméshn'ik ?? n. (someone who makes fun of others) ?? variant prasméshn'ik. Ya pasméshn'ik. I make fun of others. ?? adjective pabéshinay ??. Category: personality.
pasméshn'ik ?? n. (someone who makes fun of others) ?? variant prasméshn'ik. Ya pasméshn'ik. I make fun of others. ?? adjective pabéshinay ??. Category: personality.
prasméshn'ik n. joker, jokester, teaser. variant pasméshn'ik ??. See: prasméyiwat'. Category: personality.
prasméyiwat' v ipfv. make fun of, tease, taunt. On m'in'é prasméyiwayit. He's making fun of me.
Ya mnóga ...?? prasmiél. ?? I make fun of others a lot. ?? N'i náda iwó prasméyiwat, on zaikáyitsa. ?? Don't tease him, he stutters. ?? ?? See: prasméshn'ik ‘jokester’. Category: personality.
Ya mnóga ...?? prasmiél. ?? I make fun of others a lot. ?? N'i náda iwó prasméyiwat, on zaikáyitsa. ?? Don't tease him, he stutters. ?? ?? See: prasméshn'ik ‘jokester’. Category: personality.
adj. generous. Aná shchédraya. She's generous. See: skupóy. Category: personality.
s'ird'ítay СЕРДИТЫЙ.
adj. mean. On s'ird'ítay. He is mean. Sabáka s'ird'ítay. The dog is mean. verb sérd'itsa. Category: personality.
adj. stingy. On skupóy. He is stingy. See: shchédray. Category: personality.
smélay СМЕЛЫЙ.
adj. bold. Category: personality, record.
n. patience. U n'ey mnóga t'irpén'a. Not much patience. See: t'irpét' ‘endure, be patient’. Category: personality.
t'irpét' ТЕРПЕТЬ.
v ipfv. endure, be patient.
t'érp'it endures (pain, or misery). On mnóga t'érp'it. He endures a lot. ?? See: t'irpén'a ‘patience’; chirpát' ‘dip’. cf. chérpit', an alternate pronunciation of chirpát'. Category: personality.
t'érp'it endures (pain, or misery). On mnóga t'érp'it. He endures a lot. ?? See: t'irpén'a ‘patience’; chirpát' ‘dip’. cf. chérpit', an alternate pronunciation of chirpát'. Category: personality.
n. coward. Trus, on fs'o bayítsa. Coward, he is scared of everything. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, Wayne Leman, personality.
adj. stubborn. upórnay УПОРНЫЙ.
adj. stubborn. upórnay УПОРНЫЙ.
adj. stubborn. On upórnay. He is stubborn. See: górday ‘very stubborn’. Category: personality.
v ipfv. be grouchy, grumble ?? On gón'ay táka warchít … éta aná! He is always grouchy ... "(no), it's her"! (quote marks??) Category: personality.
v ipfv. be grouchy, grumble ?? On gón'ay táka warchít … éta aná! He is always grouchy ... "(no), it's her"! (quote marks??) Category: personality.
v ipfv. be grouchy, grumble ?? On gón'ay táka warchít … éta aná! He is always grouchy ... "(no), it's her"! (quote marks??) Category: personality.
n. liar. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, personality, people.