Ninilchik Russian Dictionary



ad'é   ГДЕ ??

conj. where. A gd'e mayí achk'í? Where are my eyeglasses? On n'i znáyit ad'é gl'id'ét'. He doesn't know where to look. See: gd'é; ad'éta where; kudá where to; ad'ézha where. Category: locations.

ad'ézha   adv. where. Ad'ézha twoy {atomobíl}? Where is your car? See: ad'é where. Category: locations.

Al'hóway   pn. Ninilchik Point. See: Bábushk'ina M'is. Category: locations, trees.

al'hówn'ik   ОЛЬХОВНИК ??

1 • n. alder, alder patch. plural al'hówn'ik'i; variant al'ihówn'ik.

2 • pn. Ninilchik Point. Ninilchik Point, 4 miles north of Ninilchik village, is called Al'ihown'ik because there are so many alders growing on the bluff there. See: Al'hóway. Category: locations, trees.

Al'ik'ína Kúhnya   pn. Alec's Kitchen. This was an area on the south side of the Kenai River where it was so easy to shoot a moose that it was called a kúhnya 'kitchen'. The full name of this area was Alik'ína Kúhnya. See: kúhnya. Category: locations.

astrawók   ОСТРОВОК.

n. small island. non-dimunitive óstraf. Category: water, locations.

atkúy   pro. where from. Antóshk'ina Kám'in'   pn. Antone's Rock. This was a big brown rock which used to be an important landmark on the beach about 3 miles north of Ninilchik River; named for Antone Olsen. See: kám'in' rock. Category: locations.

astrawók   ОСТРОВОК.

n. small island. non-dimunitive óstraf. Category: water, locations.

atkúy   pro. where from. Antóshk'ina Kám'in'   pn. Antone's Rock. This was a big brown rock which used to be an important landmark on the beach about 3 miles north of Ninilchik River; named for Antone Olsen. See: kám'in' rock. Category: locations.

astrawók   ОСТРОВОК.

n. small island. non-dimunitive óstraf. Category: water, locations.

atkúy   pro. where from. Atkúy t'i pr'ishól? Where did you (male) come from? Atkúy t'i pr'ishlá? Where did you (female) come from? See: attúy. Category: locations.

attúy   pro. from there. variant attúyi. Aná skazála: “ {no} a ya hachú ad'é mayá máma .. Ya magú sa s n'im gawar'át' attúyi." She said: "No, I want (to be buried) where my mom (is). I can talk with him from there." See: atkúy. Category: locations.

Bábushk'ina M'is   pn. Ninilchik Point. Is this the point at the sharp bend in the river by Babushka's house?? See: m'is. Category: locations.

n. marsh. This referred to a marshy shallow area along the southern part of the Ninilchik River, just after the big bend (mis) by Babushka's house. At the balota water would gush in when the tide would raise the level of the river. Because of the balota, people could bring in coal by boat closer to their houses. Category: locations.

Bal'shóy Bánka   pn. Big Can. Category: locations.

balóta   БОЛОТО.

n. marsh. This referred to a marshy shallow area along the southern part of the Ninilchik River, just after the big bend (mis) by Babushka's house. At the balota water would gush in when the tide would raise the level of the river. Because of the balota, people could bring in coal by boat closer to their houses. Category: locations.

Bal'shóy Bánka   pn. Big Can. Category: locations.

balóta   БОЛОТО.

n. marsh. This referred to a marshy shallow area along the southern part of the Ninilchik River, just after the big bend (mis) by Babushka's house. At the balota water would gush in when the tide would raise the level of the river. Because of the balota, people could bring in coal by boat closer to their houses. Category: locations.

Bal'shóy Bánka   pn. Big Can. Category: locations.

Bal'shóy B'igór   БОЛЬШОЙ БУГОР.

pn. Big Hill. Category: locations.

Bal'shóy Óz'ira   БОЛЬШОЕ ОЗЕРО.

pn. Ninilchik Lake. Lit: Big Lake Category: locations, record.

Bal'shóy Túndra   БОЛЬШАЯ ТУНДРА.

pn. Big Flat. located behind (east of) Hostetters at Sterling Highway MP 134. Category: locations, flats, swamps.

bánka   БАНКА.

n. 1 • can, jar. dimunitive bánachka; plural bánk'i. st'ikl'ónay bánka glass jar. Bánka pólnay. The can is full. An'í r'ibú w bánk'i zakr'iwáyut. They are canning fish. (lit., they are closing fish in cans).

2 • river bar. includes an eddy; fish would rest in a banka so it was easier to catch fish there; sometimes village children swam in a banka; when speaking English Ninilchik people translate banka as a "can" because of the polysemy of the word 'banka' in NR . Bayshóy Bánka Big Can. r'íbu palózhit bánku ?? ?? Category: containers.

2 • river bar. includes an eddy; fish would rest in a banka so it was easier to catch fish there; sometimes village children swam in a banka; when speaking English Ninilchik people translate banka as a "can" because of the polysemy of the word 'banka' in NR . Bayshóy Bánka Big Can. r'íbu palózhit bánku ?? ?? Category: containers.

2 • river bar. includes an eddy; fish would rest in a banka so it was easier to catch fish there; sometimes village children swam in a banka; when speaking English Ninilchik people translate banka as a "can" because of the polysemy of the word 'banka' in NR . Bayshóy Bánka Big Can. Pérway Bánka First Bar (of the river). See: láyda beach. Category: locations.

B'ir'óznay Bugór   pn. Birch Hump. variant B'ir'óznay Gará. behind Bill Brody's, about 3/4 mile north of Ninilchik Lake, before Deep Creek Silver Salmon. Category: locations, trees.

B'ir'óznay Gará   pn. Birch Hill. variant B'ir'óznay Bugór. Category: locations.

B'ir'óznay Gará   pn. Birch Hill. variant B'ir'óznay Bugór. Category: locations.

bugór   БУГОР.

n. hump. variant b'igór. See: gará; ut'ós. Category: locations.

n. This is a flat up the Ninilchik River. Where is it? Category: swamps, flats, locations.

Cháyk'ina Túndra   pn. Sea Gull Egg Flat. variant Cháyk'ina Yáytsa Túndra. about 1/2 m'il'e NE of North Bar; some peopl'e said the name without Yaytsa 'egg', but everyone knew the flat was named for the sea gull eggs which people gathered there to eat. Category: locations, flats, swamps.

Buntóway   БУНТОВОЙ.

n. This is a flat up the Ninilchik River. Where is it? Category: swamps, flats, locations.

Cháyk'ina Túndra   pn. Sea Gull Egg Flat. variant Cháyk'ina Yáytsa Túndra. about 1/2 m'il'e NE of North Bar; some peopl'e said the name without Yaytsa 'egg', but everyone knew the flat was named for the sea gull eggs which people gathered there to eat. Category: locations, flats, swamps.

Buntóway   БУНТОВОЙ.

n. This is a flat up the Ninilchik River. Where is it? Category: swamps, flats, locations.

Cháyk'ina Túndra   pn. Sea Gull Egg Flat. variant Cháyk'ina Yáytsa Túndra. about 1/2 m'il'e NE of North Bar; some peopl'e said the name without Yaytsa 'egg', but everyone knew the flat was named for the sea gull eggs which people gathered there to eat. Category: locations, flats, swamps.

chér'is'   ЧЕРЕЗ.

prep. across. Ya chér'is' réchku pr'ishól. I crossed the river. Category: locations.

D'ikríp   pn. Deep Creek. See: D'ikr'ípska M'is. Category: locations.

D'ikr'ípska M'is   pn. Cape Ninilchik, Deep Creek Point. Deep Creek Point; called Cape Ninilchik on maps. See: D'ikríp. Category: locations.

d'es'   pro. here. variant yes. D'es' mnóga yágad'i. There's a lot of berries here. Tut yes (??) mnóga yágad'i. ?? There are many berries here. See: tut. Category: Conor Daly, locations.

D'ikríp   pn. Deep Creek. See: D'ikr'ípska M'is. Category: locations.

D'ikr'ípska M'is   pn. Cape Ninilchik, Deep Creek Point. Deep Creek Point; called Cape Ninilchik on maps. See: D'ikríp. Category: locations.

d'es'   pro. here. variant yes. D'es' mnóga yágad'i. There's a lot of berries here. Tut yes (??) mnóga yágad'i. ?? There are many berries here. See: tut. Category: Conor Daly, locations.

D'ikríp   pn. Deep Creek. See: D'ikr'ípska M'is. Category: locations.

D'ikr'ípska M'is   pn. Cape Ninilchik, Deep Creek Point. Deep Creek Point; called Cape Ninilchik on maps. See: D'ikríp. Category: locations.

d'iréwn'a   ДЕРЕВНЯ.

n. village, small town, settlement. variant d'iréwna. When Ninilchik people speak about "the village" they are referring only to the original settlement built next to Cook the valley along the Ninilchik River. See: d'ir'ównay; s'iló. Category: locations.

d'ir'ównay   ДЕРЕВНЫЙ ??

adj. of village, of small town. d'ir'ównaya yaz'ík village language. noun d'iréwn'a. Category: locations.

Dl'ínay Túndra   pn. Long Flat. big flat east of Hostetters' and Brodys'. Category: locations, flats, swamps.

dom   ДОМ.

n. house, home. plural dam'í; dimunitive dómchik. iwónay dom his house. Ya paydú damói. I'm going home. Stupáy nazát damói! Go back home! matré damú inside the house. Ya dóma. I'm home. adjective damáshnay. See: mésta. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, buildings, locations.

Ftaróy Bánka   pn. Second Bar. See: Perway Bánka. Category: locations.

gará   ГОРА.

n. hill, mountain. for instance, the hill area beside the Russian Orthodox church. plural gór'i hills ; mountains ; mountain range. G'il'd'ís', tam sn'ek na goré! Look, there's snow on the mountain! pad garéa ?? at the bottom of the hill (lit., under the hill). On na makúshk'i na garéa. ?? It's on top of the hill.

gd'e   pro. where. variant a d'e, gd'éta. Ya znáyu gars'íya (??) kakóy góra. ?? ?? See: bugór; ut'ós. Category: Wayne Leman, Kibrik-Bergelson, locations.

gd'e   pro. where. variant a d'e, gd'éta. Ya znáyu gars'íya (??) kakóy góra. ?? ?? See: bugór; ut'ós. Category: Wayne Leman, Kibrik-Bergelson, locations.

gd'e   pro. where. variant a d'e, gd'éta. Gd'e w'i id'ót'i? Where are you (many) going? A d'e twayá doch zhiw'ót? Where does your daughter live? A gd'e t'i rad'ílsa? Where were you born? A gd'e núzhn'ik? Where is the toilet? A gd'éta twoy pal'tó? Where is your coat? A d'e zha twoy {automobile}? Where is your car? See: ad'é; d'es'; kudá. Category: locations.

G'irás'ima Kanáwa   n. Grassim's Ditch. a ravine in the bluff near the present day school on Sterling Highway. See: kanáwa. Category: locations, record.

G'irás'ima Óz'ira   ГЕРАСИМОВО ОЗЕРО.

n. Grassim's Lake. Category: locations.

górat   ГОРОД.

n. town, city. This would be a place bigger than Ninilchik, such as Kenai. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, locations.

pn. Grishka's Flat. Gr'íshk'ina Túndra   ГРИШКИНА ТУНДРА.

pn. Grishka's Flat. Gr'íshk'ina Túndra   ГРИШКИНА ТУНДРА.

pn. Grishka's Flat. another recording; keep which?? Category: locations, flats, swamps.

pn. Mushroom Flat. This is a bumpy flat near Butch Leman's place where people used to pick mushrooms. See: grús mushroom. Category: locations, plants.

Gruzd'óway   ГРУЗДЕВОЙ.

pn. Mushroom Flat. This is a bumpy flat near Butch Leman's place where people used to pick mushrooms. See: grús mushroom. Category: locations, plants.

Gruzd'óway   ГРУЗДЕВОЙ.

pn. Mushroom Flat. This is a bumpy flat near Butch Leman's place where people used to pick mushrooms. See: grús mushroom. Category: locations, plants.

Inak'ént'ina Túndra   pn. Alfred's Flat. located near Clam Gulch. Category: locations, flats, swamps.

K'ináy   pn. Kenai. Ya paydú K'ináy. I'm going to Kenai. Ya hachú it'í K'ináy. I want to go to Kenai. M'i id'óm K'ináy. We're going to Kenai. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, locations.

K'izhuchóy   pn. Silver Salmon Creek. See: k'ízhuch silver salmon. Category: locations.

kládb'ishcha   КЛАДБИЩЕ.

n. graveyard, cemetery. Category: Wayne Leman, Kibrik-Bergelson, church, locations, death.

Kl'uchí   КЛЮЧИ.

pn. Springs (a place where Alfred Cooper used to trap). Category: locations.

kón'chik   КОНЧИК.

n. end, tip. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, locations.

Krásnay M'is   КРАСНЫЙ МЫС.

pn. Red Point. This is a reddish point on the bluff about a mile north of the village. Category: locations.

kray   КРАЙ.

n. edge, outskirts. Category: locations, record.

kudá   КУДА.

pro. where to. Kudá t'i ushól? Where did you go? Kudá t'i id'ósh? Where are you going? Kudá m'i id'óm? Where are we going? variant kud'í. Kud'í t'i id'ósh? Where are you going? See: gd'e; tudá; n'ikudá; kudáta. Category: locations.

láyda   ПАЙДА.

n. beach, spit. M'i payd'óm na láydu. We're going to the beach. A fishing tender was named Layda. See: bér'ik. Category: water, locations.

l'éway   ЛЕВЫЙ.

adj. left (position), left hand. variant l'éwoy, l'éwiy. On l'éwuyú pl'ichó slamál. He broke his left shoulder. See: l'ifshoy; práway. Category: locations.

Mál'in'ka Réchka   pn. Small Creek. variant Mál'in'kuy Réchka. Category: locations.

Mál'in'ka Túndra   pn. Small Flat. This is the flat closest to the Russian Orthodox church on its NE side. Category: locations, flats, swamps.

Mál'in'kuy Réchka   pn. Small Creek. This is a small tributary that flows into Ninilchik River. variant Mál'in'ka Réchka. Category: locations.

Mamáina Réchka   pn. Clam Creek. It is north of Silver Salmon Creek, and runs into Deep Creek. It is named for clam shells some Indians left in a spot there. Category: locations, record.

Maskwá   pn. Moscow. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, locations, record.

n. place, house, room. plural mést'i. t'óplay mesta warm place. iwónay mésta his place. mésta   МЕСТО.

n. place, house, room. plural mést'i. t'óplay mesta warm place. iwónay mésta his place. mésta   МЕСТО.

n. place, house, room. plural mést'i. t'óplay mesta warm place. iwónay mésta his place. Éta mésta bal'shóy. This room is big. Ya étu méstu pr'íshla. I (female) came to this place. See: dom house; kamnatá room. Category: locations.

mezhdu   МЕЖДУ.

prep. between. Category: locations.

m'is   МЫС.

n. point, promontory. In Ninilchik village this referred to the big bend of land on the river next to Babushka's (Matrona Oskolkoff's) house. Krásnay M'is is a reddish point on the bluff about a mile north of the village. Bábushka n'i zhiw'ót na m'iské. Grandma doesn't live on the point (of the river). Krásnay M'is Red Point. Category: locations.

mór'a   МОРЕ.

n. Cook Inlet, inlet, sea.

most   МОСТ.

n. bridge. plural mastá. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, locations.

Múnk'ina Réchka   pn. Monkey Creek. on Ninilchik River abreast of Alfred and Nora Cooper's place. See: makáka. Category: locations, record.

Múrf'iskay Kanáwa   pn. Murphy's Ditch. near Long Flat, named for John Matson's stepfather. Category: locations.

na   НА.

prep. on, to. na góra on the hill. na úl'its'i outside of the house. búr'a na mór'a storm at sea ?? búr'a na mari (alternate pronunciation) ?? storm at sea ?? na mori ?? at sea ?? Category: locations, water.

most   МОСТ.

n. bridge. plural mastá. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, locations.

Múnk'ina Réchka   pn. Monkey Creek. on Ninilchik River abreast of Alfred and Nora Cooper's place. See: makáka. Category: locations, record.

Múrf'iskay Kanáwa   pn. Murphy's Ditch. near Long Flat, named for John Matson's stepfather. Category: locations.

na   НА.

prep. on, to. na góra on the hill. na úl'its'i outside of the house. búr'a na mór'a storm at sea ?? búr'a na mari (alternate pronunciation) ?? storm at sea ?? na mori ?? at sea ?? Category: locations, water.

most   МОСТ.

n. bridge. plural mastá. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, locations.

Múnk'ina Réchka   pn. Monkey Creek. on Ninilchik River abreast of Alfred and Nora Cooper's place. See: makáka. Category: locations, record.

Múrf'iskay Kanáwa   pn. Murphy's Ditch. near Long Flat, named for John Matson's stepfather. Category: locations.

na   НА.

prep. on, to. na góra on the hill. na úl'its'i outside of the house. Iyónay mush ushál na póshtu. Her husband went to the post office. Éta béb'ichka s'id'ít na iwó. That baby is sitting on him. Category: locations.

adv. outside. variant na úl'itsi. variant na wúl'si, na wózi. Na wúl'itsi óchin' kras'íwa. ?? It's very beautiful outside. na wúl'itsi   НА УЛИЦЕ.

adv. outside. variant na úl'itsi. variant na wúl'si, na wózi. Na wúl'itsi óchin' kras'íwa. ?? It's very beautiful outside. na wúl'itsi   НА УЛИЦЕ.

adv. outside. variant na úl'itsi. variant na wúl'si, na wózi. Na wúl'itsi óchin' kras'íwa. ?? It's very beautiful outside. Na wúl'itsi sw'itló. It's light outside. Na wúl'itsi púrga. There's a blizzard outside. See: nawós; wnutré; úl'itsa. Category: locations.

nan'ís   adv. down, downwards. On na n'ís wéshayitsa. It's hanging down. Category: locations.

nawarot   ПОВОРОТ.

n. behind the point, turn. Category: locations, record.

nawós   adv. trash pile, outside. locative nawóz'i. See: na wúl'itsi. Category: locations.

nazát   НАЗАД.

adv. back. direction not the body part, back. Stupáy nazát damóy! Go back home! Palósh iwó nazát! Put it back! M'i nazát pr'id'óm. We will come back. See: spiná back, spine; zád'i behind. Category: locations.

N'in'íl'chik   pn. Ninilchik. Ninilchik probably comes from the Dena'ina word Niqnilchint which means "lodge is built place" or "lodge by the river". Category: locations.

N'in'íl'chika Réchka   pn. Ninilchik River. Category: water, locations.

nórdway   НОРДОВЫЙ.

adj. northern. nórdway wét'ir northern wind. See: wét'ir. Category: locations, record.

ost   n. east. Category: locations.

óz'ira   ОЗЕРО.

n. lake. plural óz'ir'i. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, locations, water.

pád'ik   n. small valley. non-dimunitive pat'. Category: locations.

pasagóm   adv. down the hill. Category: locations, record.

pat'   ПАДЬ.

n. valley, canyon. dimunitive pád'ik small canyon. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, locations.

Pérway Bánka   pn. First Bar. refers to the first gravel bar of the river, esp. of the Ninilchik River; the locals numbered the first several bars of the river; you could swim in these river holes that they created. See: Ftaróy Bánka. Category: locations, record.

Pérway Túndra   pn. First Flat. another recording; keep which?? Category: locations, flats, swamps.

p'ir'ót   ПЕРЁД.

adv. in front. variant fp'ir'ót. Id'í fp'ir'ót! Walk in front! On p'ir'ót; ya zád'i iwó. He's in front; I'm behind him. T'i id'í p'ir'ót, ya búdu szád'i. You go forward, I will keep behind. See: zád'i. Category: locations.

pod   ПОД.

prep. under. pod dómu under the house. pod garé at the bottom of the hill (lit., under the hill). Category: locations.

pol   ПОЛ.

n. floor. plural palí. Ya na palú s'id'ú. I'm sitting on the floor. Ya pol padm'itáyu. I'm sweeping the floor. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, locations.

práway   ПРАВЫЙ.

adj. 1 • true, right. Éta práway. It's true. See: práwa truth; práwda; íst'ina.

2 • right side, right hand. antonym l'éway left. Category: locations.

Rasamág'iy Túndra   pn. Wolverine Flat. near where Bob Covey lives on the Oil Well Road. Category: locations, flats, swamps.

rás'ip   РОССЫПЬ.

n. deposit, gravel deposit, gravel bar. variant rós'ip. especially said of the gravel deposit on the Ninilchik River south of the Kvasnikoff houses: Category: locations.

Ras'íya   РОССИЯ.

n. Russia. See: Rúskay; Rúsak. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, locations.

r'ichúshka   РЕЧУШКА.

n. stream. See: réchka. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, locations, water.

r'iká   РЕКА.

n. river. dimunitive réchka, r'ichúshka. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, locations, water.

Rós'ip   РОССЫПЬ.

pn. deposit, gravel deposit, gravel bar. This refers to the gravel deposit on the Ninilchik River south of Dean Kvasnikoff's village house. na Rós'ip'i at the gravel deposit. especially said of the gravel deposit on the Ninilchik river south of the Kwasnikoff houses. Category: locations.

séw'ir   СЕВЕР.

n. north. Category: locations, record.

S'ib'ír'iya   СИБИРЬ.

pn. Siberia. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, locations.

staraná   СТОРОНА.

n. side, direction. w étu stóranu this way. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, locations.

stáray réchka   n. slough. Lit: old creek Category: locations.

Star??   pn. Stariski Creek. from Dictionary of Alaska Place Names, by Donald J. Orth (page 914): "Starichische," meaning "stout old man" appears to have been given about 1840 by Ilia G. Wosenesenski and published by Contantin Grewingk (1850, map 3). See: stáray old. Category: locations.

straná   СТРАНА.

n. country. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, locations, record.

tam   ТАМ.

pro. there, over there. G'il'd'ís', tam sn'ek na goré! Look, there's snow on the mountain! Dom tam. The house is over there. antonym tut here. See: támaka there. Category: locations.

támaka   ТАМ.

pro. over there, there - over. Chiwó támaka? What's over there? See: tam; tútaka. Category: locations.

túndra   ТУНДРА.

n. flat, swamp, muskeg. called a "flat" in English by Ninilchik people. dimunitive túndrachka. See: W'ídr'inay túndra. Category: locations, flats, swamps.

túndrachka   n. small swamp. non-dimunitive túndra. Category: locations, flats, swamps. Category: Wayne Leman.

tut   ТУТ.

pro. here. tupól'n'ik   n. cottonwood patch, alder patch. uncertainty about this word and its meaning. Where Nick Leman had his house; some men used to trap there and they would kill porcupines there. Category: locations.

tut   ТУТ.

pro. here. tupól'n'ik   n. cottonwood patch, alder patch. uncertainty about this word and its meaning. Where Nick Leman had his house; some men used to trap there and they would kill porcupines there. Category: locations.

tut   ТУТ.

pro. here. Aná tut. She's here. Wa tut d'es yes. ?? ?? antonym tam there. See: sudá here; zd'es' here; d'es' here; tam there; tútaka here. Category: locations. Id'í sudá! Come here! СЮДА.

adv. here. See: tut. Category: locations.

tútaka   pro. here.

another recording; keep which?? synonym tut; antonym támaka there; tam there. See: sudá here; zd'es' here. Category: locations.

another recording; keep which?? synonym tut; antonym támaka there; tam there. See: sudá here; zd'es' here. Category: locations.

úgal   УГОЛ.

n. corner. plural ugalí. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, locations, house.

úl'itsa   УЛИЦЕ.

n. outside. variant úl'isa. na úl'itsi outside of the house (lit., on the street). See: wnutré; na wúl'itsi. Category: locations.

usób'inay   adj. separate. Éta palózh w usób'inay méstu! Put this in a separate place! Category: locations.

usób'inay   adj. separate. Éta palózh w usób'inay méstu! Put this in a separate place! Category: locations.

ut'ós   УТЕС.

n. bluff, cliff. for instance, the bluff area next to the cannery. variant uchós. See: gará; bugór. Category: locations.

wastók   ВОСТОК.

n. east. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, locations, record.

W'ídr'inay Túndra   pn. Lynx Flat, Otter Flat. A flat about 1/2 mile east of Ninilchik, on the south side of the Oil Well Road. See: túndra flat; w'ídra lynx. Category: locations, flats, swamps.

w'íshka   n. second floor, upstairs. Úz'inkay Túndra   pn. Second Flat. Lit: narrow flat located just beyond (east) of the First Flat, but before the highway. See: úzn'ikuy. Category: locations, flats, swamps.

wastók   ВОСТОК.

n. east. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, locations, record.

W'ídr'inay Túndra   pn. Lynx Flat, Otter Flat. A flat about 1/2 mile east of Ninilchik, on the south side of the Oil Well Road. See: túndra flat; w'ídra lynx. Category: locations, flats, swamps.

w'íshka   n. second floor, upstairs. Úz'inkay Túndra   pn. Second Flat. Lit: narrow flat located just beyond (east) of the First Flat, but before the highway. See: úzn'ikuy. Category: locations, flats, swamps.

wastók   ВОСТОК.

n. east. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, locations, record.

W'ídr'inay Túndra   pn. Lynx Flat, Otter Flat. A flat about 1/2 mile east of Ninilchik, on the south side of the Oil Well Road. See: túndra flat; w'ídra lynx. Category: locations, flats, swamps.

w'íshka   n. second floor, upstairs. na w'íshk'i upstairs. Category: house, locations, Wayne Leman.

w'izd'é   ВЕЗДЕ.

pro. everywhere. W'izd'é húda. It's bad everywhere. Aná w'izd'é gul'áyit! She's visiting everywhere!

... patóm an ?? m'in'é w'izd'é iskáyit, ayá n'i magú w ?? ít'i ?? ... then ... ?? Category: locations.

... patóm an ?? m'in'é w'izd'é iskáyit, ayá n'i magú w ?? ít'i ?? ... then ... ?? Category: locations.

wnutré   prep. inside, indoors. wnutré damú inside the house. See: na wúl'itsi. Category: locations.

Yukrán   pn. Ukraine. Category: locations.

zád'i   СЗАДИ.

adv. behind. zád'i pl'itú behind the stove. zád'i dómu behind the house. On p'ir'ót; ya zád'i iwó. He's in front; I'm behind him. See: nazát; p'ir'ót. Category: locations.

Zád'i Kat'ir'ín'i   pn. Behind Katherine's. Category: locations.

zapát'   ЗАПАД.

n. west. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, locations, record.

n. lock, eddy. plural zapór'i. On wz'al zapór i zamaknúl swayí dwér'i. He took a lock and locked his doors. Éta kl'uchí n'i padahód'at na zapór. These keys don't match the lock. See: zamók lock. Category: locations.

zdes'   ЗДЕСЬ.

adv. here. zapór   ЗАПОР.

n. lock, eddy. plural zapór'i. On wz'al zapór i zamaknúl swayí dwér'i. He took a lock and locked his doors. Éta kl'uchí n'i padahód'at na zapór. These keys don't match the lock. See: zamók lock. Category: locations.

zdes'   ЗДЕСЬ.

adv. here. zapór   ЗАПОР.

n. lock, eddy. plural zapór'i. On wz'al zapór i zamaknúl swayí dwér'i. He took a lock and locked his doors. Éta kl'uchí n'i padahód'at na zapór. These keys don't match the lock. See: zamók lock. Category: locations.

zdes'   ЗДЕСЬ.

adv. here. On n'i zd'es'. He's not here. Tak i zdes'; zd'es' tak i nazwál'i bán'a. Here it's the same, here it's called the same – banya. See: bán'a. See: tut here; sudá. Category: locations.

Z'il'ónay Kám'in'   ЗЕЛЕНЫЙ КАМЕНЬ.

pn. Green Rock. This was a big rock located 1/2 mile north of Ninilchik River. The Army Corps of Engineers broke it up and moved the pieces, along with many other rock pieces from the beach, to the mouth of the river for erosion control. Tútaka bul z'il'ónay kám'in', bal'shoy. Here there was a green rock, it was big. See: z'il'ónay. Category: locations.