Ninilchik Russian Dictionary



atkr'iwálka   ОТКРЫВАЛКА.

n. opener. for example, a can opener. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, tools.

bláwochka   БУЛАВОЧКА.

n. pin, safety pin. See: buláfka. Category: tools, record.

br'ítwa   БРИТВА.

n. razor. In Ninilchik this referred to the old style straight razor used by men. It was sharpened on a leather strop. See: bret'; abrét'. Category: tools, groom.

brusók   БРУСОК.

n. whetstone, sharpening stone. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, tools.

n. safety pin. dimunitive buláwachka. Category: tools.

buláwachka   n. safety pin. another recording; keep which?? non-dimunitive buláfka. Category: tools.

buláfka   БУЛАВКА.

n. safety pin. dimunitive buláwachka. Category: tools.

buláwachka   n. safety pin. another recording; keep which?? non-dimunitive buláfka. Category: tools.

buláfka   БУЛАВКА.

n. safety pin. dimunitive buláwachka. Category: tools.

buláwachka   n. safety pin. another recording; keep which?? non-dimunitive buláfka. Category: tools.

gal'ík   ГОЛИК.

n. broom.

another recording; keep which?? plural gal'ik'í. See: m'itló. Category: tools, housework.

another recording; keep which?? plural gal'ik'í. See: m'itló. Category: tools, housework.

grábl'i   ГРАБЛИ.

n. rake. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, tools.

n. nail. to hammer. plural gwózd'i. gwos'   ГВОЗДЬ.

n. nail. to hammer. plural gwózd'i. gwos'   ГВОЗДЬ.

n. nail. to hammer. plural gwózd'i. On na gwos' nastup'íl. He stepped on a nail. Category: tools.

holód'n'ik   ХОЛОДИЛЬНИК.

n. variant holódn'ik. refrigerator. Category: tools.

kalawarót   КОЛОВОРОТ.

n. drill. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, tools, record.

kal'isó   КОЛЕСО.

n. wheel. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, tools, record.

kampás   КОМПАС.

n. compass. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, tools.

kaparúl'a   n. pick, mattock. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, tools.

kapkán   КАПКАН.

n. trap. variant papkán. See: sadók. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, Evgeniy Golovko, tools, hunt.

karam'ísla   КОРОМЫСЛО.

n. yoke.

karóga   n. sawhorse. Category: tools.

another recording; keep which?? placed across the shoulders so you can carry two buckets of water hung from the ends of the yoke. variant karam'ízla; plural karam'ísl'i. Ya mnóga karam'íslam wódu taskál. I packed lots of water with the yoke. See: yarma. Category: tools, water.

karóga   n. sawhorse. Category: tools.

another recording; keep which?? placed across the shoulders so you can carry two buckets of water hung from the ends of the yoke. variant karam'ízla; plural karam'ísl'i. Ya mnóga karam'íslam wódu taskál. I packed lots of water with the yoke. See: yarma. Category: tools, water.

karóga   n. sawhorse. Category: tools.

kasá   КОСА.

n. scythe. plural kós'i. mál'in'koy kasá sickle (lit., little scythe). verb kasít' cut grass. Category: tools.

kast'íl'   КОСТЫЛЬ.

n. cane, crutch; walking stick; stick - walking. See: pálka. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, tools.

katúshka   КАТУШКА.

n. 1 • spool. Ap'át' pustóy katúshka. Again the spool is empty.

2 • rolling pin. See: skálka.

3 • rolling toy. See: táchka. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, tools, play, cook.

kl'ésht'i   КЛЕЩИ.

n. pliers. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, tools, record.

n. 1 • key. plural kl'uchí. kl'uch   КЛЮЧ.

n. 1 • key. plural kl'uchí. kl'uch   КЛЮЧ.

n. 1 • key. plural kl'uchí. Kak'íya t'i m'in'é kl'uchí dal! What kind of keys did you give me!

2 • wrench.

3 • spring (water). Kl'uchí was where there were springs where Alfred Cooper used to trap. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, tools, water.

n. hook, gaff hook. plural kruchk'í. See: úd'ichka. Category: tools.

lapáta   ЛОПАТА.

n. shovel. dimunitive lapátka. See: lapátachka. Category: tools.

lapátachka   ЛОПАТОЧКА.

n. turner. See: lapáta. Category: tools.

lapátka   ЛОПАТКА.

n. 1 • shovel. non-dimunitive lapáta. See: lapátachka. Category: tools.

2 • paddle. See: gr'ibók. Category: boats.

l'és'inka   ЛЕСЕНКА.

n. ladder. non-dimunitive l'ésn'itsa. See: trap. Category: tools.

l'ésn'itsa   ЛЕСТНИЦА.

n. ladder. dimunitive l'és'inka. See: trap. Category: tools.

lóshka   ЛОЖКА.

n. spoon. Category: tools.

malatók   МОЛОТОК.

n. hammer. kruchók   КРЮЧОК.

n. hook, gaff hook. plural kruchk'í. See: úd'ichka. Category: tools.

lapáta   ЛОПАТА.

n. shovel. dimunitive lapátka. See: lapátachka. Category: tools.

lapátachka   ЛОПАТОЧКА.

n. turner. See: lapáta. Category: tools.

lapátka   ЛОПАТКА.

n. 1 • shovel. non-dimunitive lapáta. See: lapátachka. Category: tools.

2 • paddle. See: gr'ibók. Category: boats.

l'és'inka   ЛЕСЕНКА.

n. ladder. non-dimunitive l'ésn'itsa. See: trap. Category: tools.

l'ésn'itsa   ЛЕСТНИЦА.

n. ladder. dimunitive l'és'inka. See: trap. Category: tools.

lóshka   ЛОЖКА.

n. spoon. Category: tools.

malatók   МОЛОТОК.

n. hammer. kruchók   КРЮЧОК.

n. hook, gaff hook. plural kruchk'í. See: úd'ichka. Category: tools.

lapáta   ЛОПАТА.

n. shovel. dimunitive lapátka. See: lapátachka. Category: tools.

lapátachka   ЛОПАТОЧКА.

n. turner. See: lapáta. Category: tools.

lapátka   ЛОПАТКА.

n. 1 • shovel. non-dimunitive lapáta. See: lapátachka. Category: tools.

2 • paddle. See: gr'ibók. Category: boats.

l'és'inka   ЛЕСЕНКА.

n. ladder. non-dimunitive l'ésn'itsa. See: trap. Category: tools.

l'ésn'itsa   ЛЕСТНИЦА.

n. ladder. dimunitive l'és'inka. See: trap. Category: tools.

lóshka   ЛОЖКА.

n. spoon. Category: tools.

malatók   МОЛОТОК.

n. hammer. On malatkóm stúkayit. He's hitting (on something) with a hammer. Category: tools.

mál'in'kuy kasá   n. sickle. Lit: little scythe See: kasá. Category: tools, record.

mashínka   МАШИНКА ??

n. skillet, frying pan. See: skówarada; zhárn'ik; skawarótka. Category: cook, tools.

m'itló   МЕТЛА.

n. broom. plural m'itlí. See: gal'ík. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, tools, housework.

nap'íl'n'ik   НАПИЛЬНИК.

n. file. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, tools, record.

nosh   НОЖ.

n. knife. dimunitive nózhik. See: nazhn'ík. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, tools.

n. pocket knife. Ya m'ása rézhu sas nózhikam. ?? I cut meat with a knife. ?? non-dimunitive nosh. See: nazhn'ík; skladn'ík. Category: tools.

nózhn'its'i   НОЖНИЦЫ.

n. scissors. variant nózn'its'i. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, tools.

nózhik   НОЖИК.

n. pocket knife. Ya m'ása rézhu sas nózhikam. ?? I cut meat with a knife. ?? non-dimunitive nosh. See: nazhn'ík; skladn'ík. Category: tools.

nózhn'its'i   НОЖНИЦЫ.

n. scissors. variant nózn'its'i. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, tools.

nózhik   НОЖИК.

n. pocket knife. Ya m'ása rézhu sas nózhikam. ?? I cut meat with a knife. ?? non-dimunitive nosh. See: nazhn'ík; skladn'ík. Category: tools.

nózhn'its'i   НОЖНИЦЫ.

n. scissors. variant nózn'its'i. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, tools.

p'ilá   ПИЛА.

n. saw.

another recording; keep which?? Ya fchira rabotal s piloy. I worked yesterday with a saw. See: p'il'ít'. Category: tools.

another recording; keep which?? Ya fchira rabotal s piloy. I worked yesterday with a saw. See: p'il'ít'. Category: tools.

p'il'ít'   ПИЛИТЬ.

v ipfv. saw. On p'il'ít. He's sawing. On p'il'íl. He sawed. See: p'ilá. Category: tools.

p'órka   n. crochet hook ; See: támbur. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, handcraft, tools.

rúchka   РУЧКА.

n. handle. plural rúchk'i. Category: tools.

shchórka   n. washboard. variant t'órka. See: shtórka curtain. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, tools, housework.

shchótka   ЩЕТКА.

n. brush. for cleaning. variant s'ótka. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, tools, groom.

shíla   ШИЛО.

n. awl. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, tools.

s'íta   n. kitchen tool, sieve. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, tools, record.

skálka   СКАЛКА.

n. rolling pin. See: katúshka. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, cook, tools, record.

skladn'ík   n. pocket knife ; See: nózhik. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, tools.

stralúga   n. work bench. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, tools, record.

strop   СТРОП.

n. strap. leather strap on which old fashioned razors were sharpened. Category: tools, Kibrik-Bergelson.

strush   СТРУЖ.

n. plane, wood plane. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, tools, record.

támbur   n. crochet hook ; See: p'órka. Category: Wayne Leman, handcraft, tools.

tapar'ísha   ТОПОРИЩЕ.

n. ax handle. See: tapór. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, tools.

n. ax. See: tapar'ísha ax handle. Category: tools.

tapór   ТОПОР.

n. ax. See: tapar'ísha ax handle. Category: tools.

tapór   ТОПОР.

n. ax. See: tapar'ísha ax handle. Category: tools.

táska   n. packboard, backboard. A súmka can be strapped to a táska to make it easier to carry the súmka. ruzhyó, moy táska i tapór gun, my packboard and axe. See: súmka. Category: tools.

trap   ТРАП.

n. ladder. See: l'ésn'itsa. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, tools, record.

úd'ichka   УДОЧКА.

n. fishhook, hook. variant údachka. See: kruchók. Category: fish, tools.

n. iron, flat iron. for pressing clothes. genitive ut'ugá. plural ut'uk'í. ut'úk   УТЮГ.

n. iron, flat iron. for pressing clothes. genitive ut'ugá. plural ut'uk'í. ut'úk   УТЮГ.

n. iron, flat iron. for pressing clothes. genitive ut'ugá. plural ut'uk'í. dwa ut'ugá two irons.

Ya n'i l'ubl'ú ut'úk d'irzhát'. I don't like to work with an iron. verb glád'it'. See: zhil'éza iron (metal). Category: tools.

Ya n'i l'ubl'ú ut'úk d'irzhát'. I don't like to work with an iron. verb glád'it'. See: zhil'éza iron (metal). Category: tools.

w'ílka   ВИЛКА.

n. fork. including a garden fork. plural w'ílk'i. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, tools.

n. rope, clothesline. zapútanay w'ir'ófka tangled rope. w'ir'ófka   ВЕРЕВКА.

n. rope, clothesline. zapútanay w'ir'ófka tangled rope. w'ir'ófka   ВЕРЕВКА.

n. rope, clothesline. zapútanay w'ir'ófka tangled rope. dl'ínay w'ir'ófka long rope. Pawés na w'ir'ófk'i! Hang them on the rope (clothesline)! Atrésh w'ir'ófku! Cut the rope! An'í w'ir'ófku zaw'izál'i. They tied the rope. Ya w'ir'ófku d'órgayu. I'm pulling on the rope. See: prád'ifka. Category: material, tools.

w'is'í   ВЕСЬІ.

n. scales. for weighing things. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, tools, record.

yarma   ЯРМО.

n. yoke. See: karam'ísla. Category: tools.

zamók   ЗАМОК.

n. lock, padlock. Atkróy zamók! Open the lock! verb zamaknút'. See: zapór. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, tools.

zawastr'ít'   ЗАОСТРЯТЬ.

v pfv. sharpen. Zawastr'í! Sharpen it! See: wóstray. Category: tools.

zub'íla   ЗУБИЛО.

n. chisel. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, tools, record.