Ninilchik Russian Dictionary



ból'shi   БОЛЬШЕ.

adv. more. Záftr'i m'i búd'im ból'shi gawar'át'. Tomorrow we'll talk some more. U m'in'é ból'shi sáhara n'étu. I don't have any more sugar. See: mén'chi; mnóga. Category: quantity.

dawól'na   ДОВОЛЬНО.

adv. enough. for example, about eating or working enough.

fseh   pro. everybody, everyone, all. variant fse. M'in'é dawól'na. It's enough for me. (for example, I'm full). See: sáma rás. Category: quantity.

fseh   pro. everybody, everyone, all. variant fse. M'in'é dawól'na. It's enough for me. (for example, I'm full). See: sáma rás. Category: quantity.

fseh   pro. everybody, everyone, all. variant fse. l'úchi fseh best (lit. better than everyone??) See: fs'o. Category: quantity.

fs'o   ВСË.

pro. all, everything. variant so. Fs'o pagarél. Everything burned up. Ya fs'o n'i znáyu. I don't know it all. (everything??) Ya so n'i znáyu. (compare recordings??) I don't know everything. ?? (another recording; keep which one??) Aná dúmayit aná fs'o znáyit! She thinks she knows everything! On mnóga p'il sf'o w'írwal. He drank a lot, (and) vomited up everything. fs'o rawnó doesn't matter. Fs'o harashó w'íshla. Everything went well.

galón   ГАЛЛОН.

n. gallon. pyat' galón five gallons. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, quantity.

gustóy   ГУСТОЙ.

adj. dense, strong. Ya n'i hachú gustóy chay. I don't want strong tea. fs'o fíwo ?? everything (written??) in a book ?? See: fse; fseh. Category: quantity.

galón   ГАЛЛОН.

n. gallon. pyat' galón five gallons. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, quantity.

gustóy   ГУСТОЙ.

adj. dense, strong. Ya n'i hachú gustóy chay. I don't want strong tea. fs'o fíwo ?? everything (written??) in a book ?? See: fse; fseh. Category: quantity.

galón   ГАЛЛОН.

n. gallon. pyat' galón five gallons. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, quantity.

gustóy   ГУСТОЙ.

adj. dense, strong. Ya n'i hachú gustóy chay. I don't want strong tea. Yólk'i pálk'i gustóy l'es! Spruce trees, canes, dense forest! See: tólstay. Category: quantity, sayings.

ishó   ЕЩË.

prt. still, yet, more. On ishó id'ót'. He's still coming. An'í ishó n'i dashl'í. They are not ripe yet. Ishó úgal' palósh! Put some more coal in (the stove)! Ishó mn'é kr'ichí! Call me again! Pósl'i ishó. More later. Ishó pósl'i búd'im gawar'át'. We'll talk some more later. T'i hóchish ishó chay Do you want more tea? On ishó m'in'á íshchit. He is still looking for me.

ishó al'í náda ?? (The tide) isn't right yet. ?? See: ap'át'; nazát; awáy. Category: time, quantity.

ishó al'í náda ?? (The tide) isn't right yet. ?? See: ap'át'; nazát; awáy. Category: time, quantity.

kázhnay   КАЖДЫЙ.

pro. every. kázhnay ras every time. kázhnay dom every house. See: kázhn'i. Category: quantity.

kázhn'i   ??. every ??

kázhn'i d'en every day. See: kázhnay every. Category: quantity.

kázhn'i d'en every day. See: kázhnay every. Category: quantity.

kúcha   КУЧА.

n. swarm, pile, flock; lots of. kúcha klap'í lots of bed bugs. tséla kúcha M'ir'ikántsi a whole bunch of Americans. Pt'ítsi pa kúchi l'itáyut. The birds are flying in flocks. See: mnóga many. Category: quantity.

kusók   КУСОК.

n. piece. kusók hl'éba piece of bread. kusók m'ása piece of bread. dimunitive kusóchik. Category: quantity.

kwórt   n. quart. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, quantity.

mála   МАЛО.

adj. few, a little. R'íba mála. (There is) a few fish. Category: quantity.

mén'chi   МЕНЬШЕ.

adv. less. See: ból'shi more; mnóga many. Category: quantity.

mnóga   МНОГО.

adv. many, much. mnóga dalg'í many debts. mnóga kamar'í many mosquitoes. R'íba mnóga. There's many fish. On mnóga yes. He's eating a lot. Mnógaya l'éta, mnógaya l'éta, mnógaya l'éta! (birthday song) Many years, many years, many years! ?? dimunitive mnóshka. See: n'imnóga; ból'shi; mén'chi; óchin'; kúcha. Category: quantity, songs.

mnóshka   adv. often, quite a lot, quite a few, many times. On zab'iwáit mnóshka. He forgets (things) quite a lot. non-dimunitive mnóga. Category: time, quantity.

naklad'ít'   v pfv. load, fill. Naklad'í pl'itú! Fill up the stove! A chiwó n'i naklál s'udá? Why didn't you put anything in here? See: nal'ít'. Category: quantity.

nal'ít'   НАЛИТЬ.

v pfv. fill with something liquid, pour in. Nal'iwáy lámp'i! Fill the lamp! ipfv: l'it'. See: nakl'ad'ít'. Category: quantity.

adv. not have, , not be, be not, there is no. n'étu   НЕТУ.

adv. not have, , not be, be not, there is no. n'étu   НЕТУ.

adv. not have, , not be, be not, there is no. U m'in'é n'étu sabáka. I don't have a dog. U m'in'é skaméyka n'étu. I don't have a bench. U nas kóshka n'étu. We don't have a cat. N'étu pép'il'. There is no ash. Iyó n'étu. She's not here. U m'in'é ból'shi sáhar n'étu. I don't have anymore sugar. (U) m'in'é wrém'i n'étu. I don't have time (for something). See: n'et no. Category: quantity.

n'imnóga   adv. not much, a little. dimunitive n'imnóshka. See: mnóga. Category: quantity.

n'imnóshka   НЕМНОЖКО.

adv. a little, small amount. N'imnóshka rán'shi éta búla. It was a little bit earlier. non-diminutive: n'imnóga. See: mnóga. Category: quantity.

pazór   ΠΟΖΟΡ.

n. skunk, waterhaul, nothing, no result. that is, to get nothing, as no fish from a net or getting skunked in a card game. sétka pazór net waterhaul. U t'ibe pazor. no points in card game ?? See: pazórnay. Category: quantity, Wayne Leman.

p'int   ПИНТА.

n. pint. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, quantity.

pólan   adj. full. Daróga pólan gl'ína. The road is muddy (lit. full of mud).

Éta n'ítka pólan úz'il. This thread is full of knots. See: pólnay. Category: quantity.

Éta n'ítka pólan úz'il. This thread is full of knots. See: pólnay. Category: quantity.

pólnay   ПОЛНЫЙ.

adj. full. pólnay luná full moon. pólnaya wadá high tide (lit., full water). contract: pólan. Category: quantity.

rázna   РАЗНО ??

adv. differently, variously, in all kinds. rázna gawar'át speak differently. See: padrugómu. Category: quantity.

safsém   СОВСЕМ.

adv. quite, totally, completely. Húda, safsém húda! Badly, totally badly! On safsém n'i gláwnay. It's not main at all. Category: Conor Daly, quantity.

sáma rás   adv. enough. for example, can be said when you have worked enough. Ádnaras sáma rás! Once is enough! Sáma ras gawar'át', t'i dawól'na skazál! Enough talking, you said enough! See: dawól'na. Category: quantity.

shípka   adv. fast, much. See: hótka; bístra; óchin. Category: quantity, speed.

skól'ka   СКОЛЬКО.

pro. how much, how many. variant skóyka. Skól'ka u t'ibé rab'it'íshk'i? How many children do you have? Skól'ka éta stóyit? How much does it cost? Skól'ka pál'ts'i na ruké? How many fingers does he/she have? Category: quantity.

tsélay   ЦЕЛЫЙ.

adj. entire, whole. tsélay l'éta the whole summer. tsélay kúcha M'ir'ikántsi a whole bunch of Americans. Category: quantity, time.