Ninilchik Russian Dictionary



ad'énka   php. clothing - piece of. Lit: something that you put on synonym b'il'ó. See: ad'ózha clothes; ad'ét' put on. Category: clothes, record.

ad'ét'   ОДЕТЬ.

v pfv. dress, put on (clothes), wear. Ya plát'i ad'éla. I (female) put on (my) dress. On ad'él swayí b'il'ó. He put on his clothes. Ad'én' étu prad'iwáshku! Put on this footwear! Ad'én' iwó! Put it on! Ad'én dazhiw'ík! ?? Put on ??? ipfv: ad'iwát'. See: ad'iwátsa. Category: clothes.

ad'iwáshka   ОДЕВАШКА.

n. clothing for the upper body.

ad'iwát'   ОДЕВАТЬ.

v ipfv. dress (someone), put on. another recording; which keep?? from Russ. ОДЕВАТЬ 'to put on clothes'. ad'énka (ad'én'ka?? where should this go in database??) See: ad'ózha clothes; nad'iwáshka slipper; prad'iwáshka slip-on clothes. Category: clothes.

ad'iwát'   ОДЕВАТЬ.

v ipfv. dress (someone), put on. another recording; which keep?? from Russ. ОДЕВАТЬ 'to put on clothes'. ad'énka (ad'én'ka?? where should this go in database??) See: ad'ózha clothes; nad'iwáshka slipper; prad'iwáshka slip-on clothes. Category: clothes.

ad'iwát'   ОДЕВАТЬ.

v ipfv. dress (someone), put on. T'i ad'iwáyish br'úk'i? Are you putting on pants? pfv: ad'ét'. See: ad'iwátsa. Category: clothes.

v ipfv. dress (oneself). ad'iwátsa   ОДЕВАТЬСЯ.

v ipfv. dress (oneself). ad'iwátsa   ОДЕВАТЬСЯ.

v ipfv. dress (oneself). On ad'iwáyitsa. He is dressing. Ya ad'iwáyus'. I'm dressing. pfv: ad'ét'. See: ad'iwát'. Category: clothes.

ad'ózha   n. clothes. synonym b'il'ó, rad'ózha. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, clothes.

n. cut off boots. See: prad'iwáshka; bashmák; sapag'í. Category: clothes.

apórk'i   ОПОРКИ.

n. cut off boots. See: prad'iwáshka; bashmák; sapag'í. Category: clothes.

apórk'i   ОПОРКИ.

n. cut off boots. See: prad'iwáshka; bashmák; sapag'í. Category: clothes.

babróway shápka   БОБРОВАЯ ШАПКА.

n. beaver hat. variant bab'órnay shápka. made of beaver fur. Category: clothes.

bashmák   БАШМАК.

n. shoe, boot. plural bashmak'í footwear. Bashmak'í gr'ázn'iya. (Your) shoes are dirty. mayí bashmak'í my shoes. iwónay bashmak'í his shoes. See: t'úhl'i dress shoes; kalbak'í high-heeled shoes; sapag'í heavy boots; apórk'i cut-off boots; prad'iwáshka slip-on shoe. Category: clothes.

n. clothes. b'il'ó   БЕЛЬЕ.

n. clothes. b'il'ó   БЕЛЬЕ.

n. clothes. Aná b'il'ó st'iráit. She's washing clothes.

braz'ír   n. brassiere. synonym l'ífa. Category: clothes, Kibrik-Bergelson.

br'úk'i   БРЮКИ.

n. pants. another recording; keep which?? pachin'ít' br'uk'i to mend pants. Ya spalaskáyu b'il'ó. I'm rinsing clothes. béyb'ichk'ina b'il'ó baby clothes. Wot tam b'il'ó wéshut. ?? ?? See: ad'ózha. Category: clothes, housework.

braz'ír   n. brassiere. synonym l'ífa. Category: clothes, Kibrik-Bergelson.

br'úk'i   БРЮКИ.

n. pants. another recording; keep which?? pachin'ít' br'uk'i to mend pants. Ya spalaskáyu b'il'ó. I'm rinsing clothes. béyb'ichk'ina b'il'ó baby clothes. Wot tam b'il'ó wéshut. ?? ?? See: ad'ózha. Category: clothes, housework.

braz'ír   n. brassiere. synonym l'ífa. Category: clothes, Kibrik-Bergelson.

br'úk'i   БРЮКИ.

n. pants. another recording; keep which?? pachin'ít' br'uk'i to mend pants. T'i ad'iwáyish br'úk'i? Are you putting on (your) pants?

s'ín'iya br'úk'i blue jeans. haróshiya br'úk'i good pants. See: shtan'í underpants; pára suit. Category: clothes.

s'ín'iya br'úk'i blue jeans. haróshiya br'úk'i good pants. See: shtan'í underpants; pára suit. Category: clothes.

dazhaw'ík   ДОЖДЕВИК.

n. raincoat.

dazhiwóy pal'tó   n. raincoat. synonym dózhiw'ík. See: dosh rain. Category: clothes.

dozhiw'ík   ДОЖДЕВИК.

n. raincoat. See: dazhiwóy pal'tó. Category: clothes.

galánka ??   n. denim coat. Category: clothes.

another recording; keep which?? Ad'én dazhaw'ík! ?? Put on (your) raincoat! Category: clothes.

dazhiwóy pal'tó   n. raincoat. synonym dózhiw'ík. See: dosh rain. Category: clothes.

dozhiw'ík   ДОЖДЕВИК.

n. raincoat. See: dazhiwóy pal'tó. Category: clothes.

galánka ??   n. denim coat. Category: clothes.

another recording; keep which?? Ad'én dazhaw'ík! ?? Put on (your) raincoat! Category: clothes.

dazhiwóy pal'tó   n. raincoat. synonym dózhiw'ík. See: dosh rain. Category: clothes.

dozhiw'ík   ДОЖДЕВИК.

n. raincoat. See: dazhiwóy pal'tó. Category: clothes.

galánka ??   n. denim coat. Category: clothes.

gálstuk   ГАЛСТУК.

n. necktie, tie. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, clothes.

galub'íyi shtan'í   ГОЛУБЫЕ ШТАНЫ.

n. blue jeans. See: shtan'í. Category: clothes.

galubóy   ГОЛУБОЙ.

adj. blue. galub'íyi shtan'i blue jeans. See: s'ín'ay blue. Category: clothes, colors.

kalósha   ГАЛОША.

n. 1 • overshoe. plural kalóshi КАЛОШИ.

2 • Tlingit. Category: people, clothes.

kalpák   КОЛПАК.

n. cap. See: shápka. Category: clothes.

kámas'i   ГАМАШИ.

n. boots with soft upper part, moccasins. Category: clothes.

karmán   КАРМАН.

n. pocket. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, clothes.

kófta   КОФТА.

n. jacket. Category: clothes, Kibrik-Bergelson, record.

l'ífa   ЛИФ.

n. brassiere. dimunitive l'ífka. See: braz'ír brassiere. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, clothes.

l'ífka   ЛИФКА.

n. brassiere. non-dimunitive l'ífa. See: braz'ír brassiere. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, clothes.

nad'iwáshk'i   n. slippers. singular nad'iwáshka.

nak'ítka   НАКИДКА.

n. women's night head-dress, house coat. variant nat'ítka. See: prad'iwálka. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, clothes, record.

nad'ét' (where should this go in the database??) See: t'ihastúptsi; prad'iwáshka. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, clothes.

nak'ítka   НАКИДКА.

n. women's night head-dress, house coat. variant nat'ítka. See: prad'iwálka. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, clothes, record.

nad'ét' (where should this go in the database??) See: t'ihastúptsi; prad'iwáshka. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, clothes.

nak'ítka   НАКИДКА.

n. women's night head-dress, house coat. variant nat'ítka. See: prad'iwálka. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, clothes, record.

nask'í   НОСОК.

n. socks. singular nasók. See: chulk'í. Category: clothes.

nós'it'   НОСИТЬ.

v ipfv. wear. On nós'it tón'in'koy rabáshku. ?? He's wearing a thin shirt. ?? On karótk'iya br'úk'i nós'it. He's wearing short pants. Category: clothes, record.

pal'tó   ПАЛЬТО.

n. coat. Pal'tó is a lighter coat than a shúba. See: shúba. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, clothes.

pára   ПАРА.

n. suit, dress suit. See: br'úk'i. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, clothes.

pashtán'ichk'i   n. panties, women's underwear. variant pastán'ishk'i; non-dimunitive pashtán'ik'i. Category: clothes.

pashtán'ik'i   ПОДШТАННИКИ.

n. men's underwear, long johns. muzhíchi pashtán'ik'i men's underwear. Ya mayí pashtán'ik'i abasrál. I dirtied (pooped) my underwear. feminine pashtán'ichk'i. See: shtan'í. Category: clothes.

pastán'ishk'i   n. underwear, panties. variant pashtán'ichk'i. See: pastán'ik'i. Category: clothes.

pastán'ishk'i   n. underwear, panties. variant pashtán'ichk'i. See: pastán'ik'i. Category: clothes.

pat'áshk'i   ПОДТЯЖКИ.

n. suspenders. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, clothes.

pawarótka   n. foot wrapping. This is a special piece of cloth to wrap around one's foot instead of socks. See: pad'órk'i. Category: clothes, record.

plát'a   ПЛАТЬЯ.

n. dress. singular plát'i ПЛАТЬЕ. Twoyí plát'a karótk'iya. Your dresses are short. dl'ín'a plát'i long dress.

Ya záftr'i zashyú nów'iya plát'a. Tomorrow i will sew new dresses. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, Wayne Leman, clothes.

Ya záftr'i zashyú nów'iya plát'a. Tomorrow i will sew new dresses. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, Wayne Leman, clothes.

platók   ПЛАТОК.

n. handkerchief, bandana, scarf. See: babúshka. Category: clothes.

prad'iwálka   n. house coat. something you put on to keep yourself warmer. See: prad'iwáshka; nak'ítka. Category: clothes.

prad'iwáshka   n. slip-on shoes, any clothes that you could grab and put on. plural prad'iwáshk'i. Ad'én étu prad'iwáshku! ?? ?? See: bashmák; sapag'í; apórk'i; nad'iwáshk'i; prad'iwálka; ad'iwáshka. Category: clothes.

prad'iwáshka   n. slip-on shoes, any clothes that you could grab and put on. plural prad'iwáshk'i. Ad'én étu prad'iwáshku! ?? ?? See: bashmák; sapag'í; apórk'i; nad'iwáshk'i; prad'iwálka; ad'iwáshka. Category: clothes.

pr'ichátk'i   n. glove. singular pr'ichátka. See: rakaw'ítsi. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, clothes.

pr'ist'igát'   v ipfv. pin, fasten. On pr'ist'igáit. He is pinning (something). pfv: pr'ist'ignút'. See: zast'igát'. Category: clothes.

rababútsa   n. rubber boot. plural rababútsi. borrowed from English "rubber boots". Category: clothes.

rad'ózha   n. clothes. synonym ad'ózha. Category: clothes.

rakaw'ítsi   РУКАВИЦА.

n. mitten. singular rakaw'ítsa. See: pr'ichátk'i glove. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, clothes.

razd'iwátsa   РАЗДЕВАТЬСЯ.

v ipfv. undress, take off. On razd'iwáyitsa. He is undressing. pfv: razd'ét'. See: ad'iwátsa. Category: clothes.

r'imén'   РЕМЕНЬ.

n. belt. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, clothes.

n. shirt. rubáha   РУБАХА.

n. shirt. rubáha   РУБАХА.

n. shirt. Twoy rubáha z'il'ónay. Your shirt is green. Zast'ign'í twoy rubáhu! Button up your shirt! dimunitive rubáshka. Category: clothes.

rubáshka   n. shirt. non-dimunitive rubáha. Category: clothes, record.

rukáf   РУКАВ.

n. sleeve. plural rukaw'í. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, clothes, record.

n. boots. t'izhólayi sapag'í heavy boots. See: shupak'í; bashmák; apórk'i; t'úhl'i; prad'iwáshka. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, clothes.

sapag'í   САПОГИ.

n. boots. t'izhólayi sapag'í heavy boots. See: shupak'í; bashmák; apórk'i; t'úhl'i; prad'iwáshka. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, clothes.

sapag'í   САПОГИ.

n. boots. t'izhólayi sapag'í heavy boots. See: shupak'í; bashmák; apórk'i; t'úhl'i; prad'iwáshka. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, clothes.

shápka   ШАПКА.

n. hat. plural shápk'i ??. z'ímnay shápka warm (fur) hat. bab'órnay shápka beaver hat. See: shlyápa; kalpák. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, clothes.

shlyápa   ШЛЯПА.

n. wide brimmed hat, fedora. See: shápka. Category: clothes, Kibrik-Bergelson.

shnurók   ШНУРОК.

n. shoelace. plural shnurk'í. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, clothes.

n. underpants. galub'íyi shtan'í blue jeans. muzhíchi shtan'í men's underwear ; long johns. See: br'úk'i pants; pashtán'ik'i long johns. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, clothes.

shtan'í   ШТАНЫ.

n. underpants. galub'íyi shtan'í blue jeans. muzhíchi shtan'í men's underwear ; long johns. See: br'úk'i pants; pashtán'ik'i long johns. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, clothes.

shtan'í   ШТАНЫ.

n. underpants. galub'íyi shtan'í blue jeans. muzhíchi shtan'í men's underwear ; long johns. See: br'úk'i pants; pashtán'ik'i long johns. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, clothes.

shúba   1 • ШУБА.

n. parka, heavy fur coat. See: pal'tó.

2 • n. warm blanket made of furs. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, clothes.

shúpak'í   n. shoe packs. singular shupák. See: sapag'í. Category: clothes.

shw'í   ШВЫ.

n. seams. the singular form in Ninilchik was unavailable. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, clothes, sew, record.

spalasknut'   СПОЛОСНУТЬ ??

v pfv. rinse. Aná s palasknúla b'il'ó. She rinsed the clothes. T'i spalaskn'ósh. You rinse.

st'irát'   СТИРАТЬ.

v ipfv. scrub, wash. refers to scrubbing action to get something clean; not used for washing dishes or bodies. Aná spalaskáyit. She is rinsing (it). Ya spalaskáyu. I am rinsing (it). Ya spalaskáyu b'il'ó. I'm rinsing clothes. Category: clothes, housework.

st'irát'   СТИРАТЬ.

v ipfv. scrub, wash. refers to scrubbing action to get something clean; not used for washing dishes or bodies. Aná spalaskáyit. She is rinsing (it). Ya spalaskáyu. I am rinsing (it). Ya spalaskáyu b'il'ó. I'm rinsing clothes. Category: clothes, housework.

st'irát'   СТИРАТЬ.

v ipfv. scrub, wash. refers to scrubbing action to get something clean; not used for washing dishes or bodies. Aná b'il'ó st'iráyit. She's washing clothes. pfv: w'íst'irat'. See: m'it'. Category: clothes, housework.

tarbasá   ТАРБАСЫ.

n. inner part of winter boots. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, clothes.

t'ihastúptsi   n. slippers. Lit: soft-steppers See: nad'iwáshk'i. Category: clothes.

tónkay rubáshka   n. t-shirt. variant tónkaya rubáshka. Category: clothes, Kibrik-Bergelson, record.

waratn'ík   ВОРОТНИК.

n. collar. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, clothes.

yúpka   ЮБКА.

n. slip, petticoat. plural yupki. U m'in'á yes' dwa yúpk'i. I have two slips. Category: clothes.

zast'igát'   ЗАСТЕГИВАТЬ.

v ipfv. button up. t'úhl'i   n. high heels. These are high heeled women's dress shoes. singular t'úhla; variant t'úfl'i. cf. Cyrillic ТУФЛИ. See: bashmák; kalbak'í. Category: clothes.

waratn'ík   ВОРОТНИК.

n. collar. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, clothes.

yúpka   ЮБКА.

n. slip, petticoat. plural yupki. U m'in'á yes' dwa yúpk'i. I have two slips. Category: clothes.

zast'igát'   ЗАСТЕГИВАТЬ.

v ipfv. button up. t'úhl'i   n. high heels. These are high heeled women's dress shoes. singular t'úhla; variant t'úfl'i. cf. Cyrillic ТУФЛИ. See: bashmák; kalbak'í. Category: clothes.

waratn'ík   ВОРОТНИК.

n. collar. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, clothes.

yúpka   ЮБКА.

n. slip, petticoat. plural yupki. U m'in'á yes' dwa yúpk'i. I have two slips. Category: clothes.

zast'igát'   ЗАСТЕГИВАТЬ.

v ipfv. button up. On zast'igáyit. He's buttoning up. pfv: zast'ignút'. See: pr'ist'igát'. Category: clothes.

zast'ignút'   v pfv. button up. Zast'ign'í! Button up! ipfv: zast'igát'. See: pr'ist'ignút'. Category: clothes.

zhil'étka   ЖИЛЕТКА.

n. vest. Category: clothes, Kibrik-Bergelson, record.

z'ímnay shápka   n. warm (fur) hat, hat for winter weather. Category: clothes.