v pfv. go dry. gone dry, as when the tide goes out and something is left dry. apsóhnut' ОБСОХНУТЬ.
v pfv. go dry. gone dry, as when the tide goes out and something is left dry. apsóhnut' ОБСОХНУТЬ.
v pfv. go dry. gone dry, as when the tide goes out and something is left dry. Dór'i absóh. The dory (one) went dry. R'íba na sétk'i absóh. The fish in the nets went dry.
astrawók ОСТРОВОК.
n. small island. non-dimunitive óstraf. Category: water, locations.
another recording but weak; keep which?? An'í mógut apsóhnut'. ?? They might go dry. ?? Category: water.
astrawók ОСТРОВОК.
n. small island. non-dimunitive óstraf. Category: water, locations.
another recording but weak; keep which?? An'í mógut apsóhnut'. ?? They might go dry. ?? Category: water.
astrawók ОСТРОВОК.
n. small island. non-dimunitive óstraf. Category: water, locations.
n. shore, bank. plural bér'ig'i, b'ir'igá. Na b'ir'igú búla mnóga kám'in'i. There were a lot of rocks on the shore. See: láyda ‘beach’. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, water.
búhta БУХТА.
n. bay. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, water.
n. wave. plural buruná, burun'í. na mari burún ?? ?? bal'shóy burún big wave. M'i na láydu shli?? wadá támaka bul burún, tám bul burún. ?? ?? Na wad'é óchin' bal'sháya buruná. The waves are big on the water. See: walná; búr'a. Category: water.
n. wave. plural buruná, burun'í. na mari burún ?? ?? bal'shóy burún big wave. M'i na láydu shli?? wadá támaka bul burún, tám bul burún. ?? ?? Na wad'é óchin' bal'sháya buruná. The waves are big on the water. See: walná; búr'a. Category: water.
n. wave. plural buruná, burun'í. na mari burún ?? ?? bal'shóy burún big wave. M'i na láydu shli?? wadá támaka bul burún, tám bul burún. ?? ?? Na wad'é óchin' bal'sháya buruná. The waves are big on the water. See: walná; búr'a. Category: water.
n. storm. especially about storms over water. búrya na mór'i storm in the sea. See: shtorm. Category: water.
v ipfv. dip. On wódu cherpál. He dipped water. Category: water.
n. dipper. variant chirpálka. See: chirpát'. Category: water, containers.
n. dipper. variant chirpák. verb chirpát'. Category: water, containers.
v ipfv. dip. pfv: chirpnút'. chérpit' chirpálka ЧЕРПАК.
n. dipper. variant chirpák. verb chirpát'. Category: water, containers.
v ipfv. dip. pfv: chirpnút'. chérpit' chirpálka ЧЕРПАК.
n. dipper. variant chirpák. verb chirpát'. Category: water, containers.
v ipfv. dip. pfv: chirpnút'. chérpit' On wódu chirpál. He dipped water.
chirpnút' ЧЕРПНУТЬ.
v pfv. dip. On wódu chirpnúl. He has dipped water. ipfv: chirpát'. Category: water.
dayt'í v pfv. 1 • come. Ya n'i hachú ból'shi chirpát'. ?? I don't want to dip (water) anymore. Ya n'i l'ubl'ú chirpát'. I don't like to dip (water). Ya n'i búdu chirpát'. I'm not going to dip (water). ?? On wódu chirpáyit. He is dipping water. On cherpáyit'. He is dipping (water). See: chirpák ‘dipper’; chirpálka ‘dipper’; t'irpét' ‘endure’. Category: water.
chirpnút' ЧЕРПНУТЬ.
v pfv. dip. On wódu chirpnúl. He has dipped water. ipfv: chirpát'. Category: water.
dayt'í v pfv. 1 • come. Ya n'i hachú ból'shi chirpát'. ?? I don't want to dip (water) anymore. Ya n'i l'ubl'ú chirpát'. I don't like to dip (water). Ya n'i búdu chirpát'. I'm not going to dip (water). ?? On wódu chirpáyit. He is dipping water. On cherpáyit'. He is dipping (water). See: chirpák ‘dipper’; chirpálka ‘dipper’; t'irpét' ‘endure’. Category: water.
chirpnút' ЧЕРПНУТЬ.
v pfv. dip. On wódu chirpnúl. He has dipped water. ipfv: chirpát'. Category: water.
dayt'í v pfv. 1 • come. Ya dashól. I got there. Wadá dashól. The water came up (for example, when the tide came in). Mi na mámina dom dashl'í. We arrived at mama's house. Ya hachú dayt'í. I want to get there. On n'i hóchit tudá dayt'í. He does not want to come up there. Ya daydú tudá. I'm going to get there. ipfv: it'í. See: pr'iyt'í; payt'í; prayt'í.
2 • ripen, be ready. that is, to reach the point (of ripeness) or to be done cooking. An'i dashl'í. They are ripe. An'í ishó n'i dashl'í. They are not ripe yet. Sup dayd'ot. The soup will be ready. See: paspét'. Category: motion, water.
fsk'ip'ít' v pfv. boil. Ya cháyn'ik fsk'ipú. I will put the tea kettle on to boil. Cháyn'ik fsk'ipél? Did the teakettle boil? ipfv: k'ip'ít'. See: kap'yat'ít'. Category: water.
n. well. plural kalód'i, kalód'its'i. Category: water.
kalúzhina КАЛЮЖИНА.
n. puddle. Category: water. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson.
kap'yat'ít' v ipfv. boil. Cháyn'ik búdu kap'yat'ít'. (I) will put the tea kettle on to boil. pfv: fsk'ip'ít'. See: k'ip'ít'. Category: water.
n. well. plural kalód'i, kalód'its'i. Category: water.
kalúzhina КАЛЮЖИНА.
n. puddle. Category: water. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson.
kap'yat'ít' v ipfv. boil. Cháyn'ik búdu kap'yat'ít'. (I) will put the tea kettle on to boil. pfv: fsk'ip'ít'. See: k'ip'ít'. Category: water.
n. well. plural kalód'i, kalód'its'i. Category: water.
kalúzhina КАЛЮЖИНА.
n. puddle. Category: water. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson.
kap'yat'ít' v ipfv. boil. Cháyn'ik búdu kap'yat'ít'. (I) will put the tea kettle on to boil. pfv: fsk'ip'ít'. See: k'ip'ít'. Category: water.
n. yoke.
n. 1 • key. plural kl'uchí. another recording; keep which?? placed across the shoulders so you can carry two buckets of water hung from the ends of the yoke. variant karam'ízla; plural karam'ísl'i. Ya mnóga karam'íslam wódu taskál. I packed lots of water with the yoke. See: yarma. Category: tools, water.
n. 1 • key. plural kl'uchí. another recording; keep which?? placed across the shoulders so you can carry two buckets of water hung from the ends of the yoke. variant karam'ízla; plural karam'ísl'i. Ya mnóga karam'íslam wódu taskál. I packed lots of water with the yoke. See: yarma. Category: tools, water.
n. 1 • key. plural kl'uchí. Kak'íya t'i m'in'é kl'uchí dal! What kind of keys did you give me!
2 • wrench.
3 • spring (water). Kl'uchí was where there were springs where Alfred Cooper used to trap. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, tools, water.
n. beach, spit. M'i payd'óm na láydu. We're going to the beach. A fishing tender was named Layda. See: bér'ik. Category: water, locations.
n. ice. L'ot kl'ískay. The ice is slippery. See: shugá. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, Wayne Leman, water, weather.
machít' МОЧИТЬ.
v ipfv. soak. for instance, of soaking salmon in brine before it is smoked. Skólka chas t'i ih móchish? For how long do you soak it. Category: water.
v ipfv. bathe, wash oneself. On móyitsa. He's bathing. pfv: w'ímatsa. See: m'ít'; w'ímat'. Category: groom, water.
adj. wet. On mókray. He is wet. mókray sn'ek wet snow. mókray ad'ála wet blanket. See: w'ímachit'. Category: water.
n. Cook Inlet, inlet, sea.
búr'a na mór'a storm at sea ?? búr'a na mari (alternate pronunciation) ?? storm at sea ?? na mori ?? at sea ?? Category: locations, water.
búr'a na mór'a storm at sea ?? búr'a na mari (alternate pronunciation) ?? storm at sea ?? na mori ?? at sea ?? Category: locations, water.
N'in'íl'chika Réchka pn. Ninilchik River. Category: water, locations.
v pfv. dive. On n'irnúl. He dove. Category: water, Kibrik-Bergelson, Wayne Leman.
ógara n. ocean. Category: water.
n. island. plural astrawá; dimunitive astrawók. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, water.
n. lake. plural óz'ir'i. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, locations, water.
n. steam; vapor. See: par'ít'. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, Wayne Leman, water.
n. foam. Category: water.
pr'íbat' v pfv. tide come in, increase. especially of the tide (water). Pr'íbul. It came in.
pr'ibawl'át' v ipfv. (tide) come in, increase. On da póln'ulsa, pr'ibul. ?? It (the tide) got high, it came in. ?? ipfv: pr'ibuwát'. See: úbat'. Category: water.
pr'ibawl'át' v ipfv. (tide) come in, increase. On da póln'ulsa, pr'ibul. ?? It (the tide) got high, it came in. ?? ipfv: pr'ibuwát'. See: úbat'. Category: water.
pr'ibawl'át' v ipfv. (tide) come in, increase. Pr'ibawl'áit. It's (the tide's) coming in. See: pr'ibuwát'; ubuwát'. Category: water.
pr'ibuwát' v ipfv. tide come in, increase. Wadá pr'ibuwáyit. The water (tide) is coming in. pfv: pr'íbat'. See: pr'ibawl'át'; úbuwát'. Category: water.
pr'ibuwóy adj. flooding; coming in. said of the tide; this is flooding as opposed to ebbing, not flooding where there usually is not water. pr'ibuwóy wadá tide (water) flooding. See: pr'íbuwát'. Category: water, Evgeniy Golovko. Category: Wayne Leman.
n. ice hole. variant próap, prólup. hole in the ice from which you can get water. k'ínut w prórup (They) throw (it) into an ice hole. Category: water.
n. ice hole. variant próap, prólup. hole in the ice from which you can get water. k'ínut w prórup (They) throw (it) into an ice hole. Category: water.
n. ice hole. variant próap, prólup. hole in the ice from which you can get water. k'ínut w prórup (They) throw (it) into an ice hole. Category: water.
n. creek, river. Lit: little river non-dimunitive r'iká ‘river’. Mál'in'koy Réchka Small Creek. Réchka b'izhít. The river is running. Ya chér'iz réchku pr'ishól. I crossed the river. See: r'ichúshka. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, Wayne Leman, water.
n. stream. See: réchka. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, locations, water.
n. river. dimunitive réchka, r'ichúshka. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, locations, water.
n. current. fast flowing water. variant chut'én'a. Category: water.
t'ik'ót' v ipfv. leak, drip. variant t'ichót. t'ichén'a ТЕЧЕНИЕ.
n. current. fast flowing water. variant chut'én'a. Category: water.
t'ik'ót' v ipfv. leak, drip. variant t'ichót. t'ichén'a ТЕЧЕНИЕ.
n. current. fast flowing water. variant chut'én'a. Category: water.
t'ik'ót' v ipfv. leak, drip. variant t'ichót. T'ik'ót. (It is) leaking.
úb'it' УБЫТЬ.
??. tide go out, decrease, subside. Úb'il. (The tide) went out. Wadá úb'il. ?? The tide (water) went out. ?? antonym pr'ibal'át'. See: úbal'wat' ‘decrease’. Category: water.
ubuwát' УБЫВАТЬ.
v ipfv. tide go out, decrease, subside. another recording (keep which??) Kr'ísha t'ik'ót. The roof is leaking. Próshliy god kr'ísha t'ok. Last year the roof was leaking. Kr'ísha t'ok. The roof leaked. Category: water.
úb'it' УБЫТЬ.
??. tide go out, decrease, subside. Úb'il. (The tide) went out. Wadá úb'il. ?? The tide (water) went out. ?? antonym pr'ibal'át'. See: úbal'wat' ‘decrease’. Category: water.
ubuwát' УБЫВАТЬ.
v ipfv. tide go out, decrease, subside. another recording (keep which??) Kr'ísha t'ik'ót. The roof is leaking. Próshliy god kr'ísha t'ok. Last year the roof was leaking. Kr'ísha t'ok. The roof leaked. Category: water.
úb'it' УБЫТЬ.
??. tide go out, decrease, subside. Úb'il. (The tide) went out. Wadá úb'il. ?? The tide (water) went out. ?? antonym pr'ibal'át'. See: úbal'wat' ‘decrease’. Category: water.
ubuwát' УБЫВАТЬ.
v ipfv. tide go out, decrease, subside. Ubuwáyit. (The tide) is going out. pfv: úbat'. See: pr'ibawl'át'; pr'ibuwát'; úb'it'. Category: water.
ús'a УСТЬЕ.
n. river mouth, mouth of river. Category: water.
wadá ВОДА.
n. water. sw'itóy wadá holy water. glubókay wadá deep water. pólnay wadá high tide. Wadá dashól. The water came in. Wadá úb'il. ?? The tide (water) went out. ?? On wódu táshchit. He's bringing water. On wódu chirpál. He dipped water. Mn'é zhárka, ya hachú wódu p'it'. I'm hot, I want to drink water. Category: water.
walná ВОЛНА.
n. wave. plural wal'í. See: burún. Category: water.
w'ihad'ít' ВЫХОДИТЬ.
v ipfv. come out, go out, emerge, exit, ebb. Sóntse w'ihód'it. The sun is coming out. On w'ihód'it. He's coming out (of something). Wadá w'ihód'it. The tide (lit., water) is going out. antonym zahad'ít' ‘come in, flood’. See: pad'imátsa; zakat'ítsa; pr'ihad'ít'. Category: motion, water.
zahad'ít' ЗАХОДИТЬ ??
v ipfv. enter, come in, flood. Zahad'í! Come in! Ya t'ipér'icha zahód'u. I am now coming in. Wadá zahód'it'. The tide (lit., water) is flooding (lit., coming in). antonym w'ihad'ít'; pfv: zayt'í. Category: motion, water.