Ninilchik Russian Dictionary



al'én'   ОЛЕНЬ.

n. caribou, reindeer, elk. variant l'én'. There used to be caribou in the Ninilchik area but there haven't been any for many years. Because of that, the word is not well known and the pronunciation is uncertain. But the two pronunciations here have been given by remaining speakers as possibilities. They align nicely with the standard Russian word ОЛЕНЬ. Category: animals.

babyór   БОБЕР.

n. beaver. plural babr'í. Category: animals.

barán   БАРАН.

n. sheep. plural barán'i. Category: animals.

bélka   БЕЛКА.

n. squirrel.

another recording; keep which?? Category: animals.

another recording; keep which?? Category: animals.

b'ik   БЫК.

n. bull. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, animals.

b'ilúga   БЕЛУГА.

n. beluga whale. Category: animals, Kibrik-Bergelson.

b'irlóga   БЕРЛОГА.

n. den. especially a bear den. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, animals.

n. turtle. Category: animals.

chíst'it'   ЧИСТИТЬ.

v ipfv. clean, dress out, peel??, shovel. This word is a general word for cleaning and is also used for cleaning (dressing out) animals and shoveling snow. (On) chischít. ?? He's scraping. ?? (On) r'íbu chishít ?? He's cleaning a fish. ?? (On) sahátay chíschit ?? He's dressing out a moose. ?? cher'ipáhin   ЧЕРЕПАХИН.

n. turtle. Category: animals.

chíst'it'   ЧИСТИТЬ.

v ipfv. clean, dress out, peel??, shovel. This word is a general word for cleaning and is also used for cleaning (dressing out) animals and shoveling snow. (On) chischít. ?? He's scraping. ?? (On) r'íbu chishít ?? He's cleaning a fish. ?? (On) sahátay chíschit ?? He's dressing out a moose. ?? cher'ipáhin   ЧЕРЕПАХИН.

n. turtle. Category: animals.

chíst'it'   ЧИСТИТЬ.

v ipfv. clean, dress out, peel??, shovel. This word is a general word for cleaning and is also used for cleaning (dressing out) animals and shoveling snow. (On) chischít. ?? He's scraping. ?? (On) r'íbu chishít ?? He's cleaning a fish. ?? (On) sahátay chíschit ?? He's dressing out a moose. ?? On sn'ek chíst'it. He's shoveling snow (lit. he's cleaning snow). pfv: w'íchist'it'; adjective ch'ístay. Category: animals, fish.

chórnay m'idwét'   n. black bear. Category: animals.

chur'yák   ЧЕРВЯК.

n. worm. plural chur'yak'í; variant cherwák. another recording; which keep?? U r'íb'i cherwak'í. The fish have worms. Category: animals.

dayít'   ДОИТЬ.

v ipfv. provide milk (about the cow). Karówa dayít! Milk the cow! Category: animals.

adj. wild. can also be said about children. d'íkay   ДИКИЙ.

adj. wild. can also be said about children. d'íkay   ДИКИЙ.

adj. wild. can also be said about children. another pronunciation; keep which??

d'íkay kóshka   n. lynx. See: kazná. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, animals.

d'íkay l'uk wild onion. d'íkay kóshka lynx (lit. wild cat). See: bushawát' be rowdy. Category: animals.

d'íkay kóshka   n. lynx. See: kazná. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, animals.

d'íkay l'uk wild onion. d'íkay kóshka lynx (lit. wild cat). See: bushawát' be rowdy. Category: animals.

d'íkay kóshka   n. lynx. See: kazná. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, animals.

garnastáy   ГОРНОСТАЙ.

n. weasel, ermine. kak garnastáy na p'ál'i as an ermine on a skinstretcher. See: láska weasel. Category: animals.

gorp   ГОРБ.

n. hump. as on a moose. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, animals.

n. tail. hwos   ХВОСТ.

n. tail. hwos   ХВОСТ.

n. tail. sabáchi hwos dog's tail. A bilingual rhyme in Ninilchik is: "You're the boss; I'm sabachi hwos (I'm a dog's tail)." The following is sometimes said when you get mad at someone: Éta sabáchi hwos. ?? babróway hwos beaver's tail. babrónay hwos pt'íchk'ina hwos bird's tail.

kála   КАЛ.

n. droppings, animal feces, turd. See: túnta; gawnó. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, animals.

kap'íta   КОПЫТО.

n. hoof. plural kap'ít'i. kap'ít'i nóg'i hoof feet. ét'i twaí kap'ít'i nóg'i those your hoof feet (teasing). Category: animals.

Xvos n'étu, ízhi l'es on takóy karótkay. ?? (A bear) doesn't have a tail, but actually he has a kind of short one. ?? Category: body, animals, sayings.

kála   КАЛ.

n. droppings, animal feces, turd. See: túnta; gawnó. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, animals.

kap'íta   КОПЫТО.

n. hoof. plural kap'ít'i. kap'ít'i nóg'i hoof feet. ét'i twaí kap'ít'i nóg'i those your hoof feet (teasing). Category: animals.

Xvos n'étu, ízhi l'es on takóy karótkay. ?? (A bear) doesn't have a tail, but actually he has a kind of short one. ?? Category: body, animals, sayings.

kála   КАЛ.

n. droppings, animal feces, turd. See: túnta; gawnó. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, animals.

kap'íta   КОПЫТО.

n. hoof. plural kap'ít'i. kap'ít'i nóg'i hoof feet. ét'i twaí kap'ít'i nóg'i those your hoof feet (teasing). Category: animals.

káray m'idwét'   n. brown bear; grizzly bear. possibly can refer to the grizzly bear. Category: animals.

karówa   КОРОВА.

n. cow. plural karów'i. (On) s'yel karówu i b'iká. (He) ate a cow and a bull. See: mátka female (of animals). Category: animals.

kat'ónak   n. kitten. See: kót'ik; kóshka cat. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, Wayne Leman, animals.

kayút   n. coyote. plural kayót'i. Category: animals.

kazná   n. lynx. Some speakers also use this word for a wolverine. variant kázna; plural kazn'í. See: d'íkay kóshka. See: rasamága. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, animals.

n. goat. dimunitive kózl'ik kid. Category: animals.

kaz'ól   КОЗЕЛ.

n. goat. dimunitive kózl'ik kid. Category: animals.

kaz'ól   КОЗЕЛ.

n. goat. dimunitive kózl'ik kid. Category: animals.

k'it   КИТ.

n. whale. plural k'ít'i. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, animals.

kon'   КОНЬ.

n. horse. See: lóshit'. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, Wayne Leman, animals.

n. cat. plural kóshk'i. In Ninilchik this word can refer to either a male or female cat. Kóska bélay. ?? The cat is white. See: kót'ik male cat; kot male cat. Category: animals.

kóshka   КОШКА.

n. cat. plural kóshk'i. In Ninilchik this word can refer to either a male or female cat. Kóska bélay. ?? The cat is white. See: kót'ik male cat; kot male cat. Category: animals.

kóshka   КОШКА.

n. cat. plural kóshk'i. In Ninilchik this word can refer to either a male or female cat. Kóska bélay. ?? The cat is white. See: kót'ik male cat; kot male cat. Category: animals.

kót   КОТ.

n. cat (male), tomcat. dimunitive kót'ik. See: kóshka cat. Category: animals.

kót'ik   КОТИК.

n. kitten, small cat. non-dimunitive kot. See: kat'ónak; kóshka cat. Category: animals.

kózl'ik   n. kid (goat). non-diminutive: kaz'ól. Category: animals.

król'ik   КРОЛИК.

n. rabbit. bélay król'ik white rabbit. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, animals.

láska   ЛАСКА.

n. weasel. See: garnastáy. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, animals.

láyat'   ЛАЯТЬ.

v ipfv. bark. On láyit. He's barking. Category: animals.

l'igúshka   ЛЯГУШКА.

n. frog. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, animals.

l'is'ítsa   ЛИСИЦА.

n. fox. plural l'is'íts'i. krásnay l'is'ítsa red fox. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, animals.

l'itúchay   ЛЕТУЧИЙ.

adj. flying. l'itúchay m'ishónak bat (lit., flying mouse). Category: animals.

lóshit'   ЛОШАДЬ.

n. horse. variant lóshat'; plural lóshad'i. Pradáy m'in'é twoy lóshit'! Sell me your horse! On na lóshad'i pashól. He went on the horse. See: lashad'ín'iy; kon'. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, animals.

makáka   МАКАКА.

n. monkey. plural makák'i. T'i hudóy makáka. You're a no good monkey. Tr'ík'i trák'i, tr'i makák'i; ya zabúl chiwó ishchó Kid's rhymes imitating the sound that a handle on the coal stove makes when sifting down the ashes and rhyming it with the word for the monkey. Lit: Trick-track, three monkeys, I forgot what else was there See: Múnk'ina Réchka Monkey Creek; tr'ík'i trák'i. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, animals.

marskóy   МОРСКОЙ.

adj. of the sea, marine. Category: animals.

marskóy w'ídra   n. sea otter. See: w'idra. Category: animals, record.

m'idwét'   МЕДВЕДЬ.

n. bear. variant m'idw'ít'. káray m'idwét' brown bear. chórnay m'idwét' black bear. Ya m'idwéd'a ub'íl. I killed a bear. Ya w'íd'il m'idwét'. I saw a bear. M'í na m'idwéd'ina kózhi katál'is. We slid on a bear skin. Category: animals.

m'ishónak   МЫШОНОК.

n. mouse. plural m'ishónk'i. bal'shóy m'ishónak rat (lit., big mouse). T'i fs'idá m'ishónk'i bayálsa. You were always afraid of mice. Category: animals.

n'érpa   n. seal. nickname for an Eskimo lady who lived in Ninilchik and liked to eat seals. Category: animals.

nógat'   НОГОТЬ.

n. fingernail, claw. plural nókt'i, nóht'i. Category: body, animals, birds.

nórka   НОРКА.

n. mink. plural nórk'i. Ayayay! Tútaka mózhna nórk'i papkán pastáw'it'! Oh! Here a trap for minks might be set! Category: animals.

paras'ónak   ПОРОСЕНОК.

n. piglet; baby pig; plural paras'áta. See: sw'in'ók; sw'in'yá. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, animals.

payasn'ítsa   ПОЯСНИЦА.

n. rump (animal). See: zhópa. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, animals, body, record.

rasamága   РОСОМАХА.

n. wolverine. plural rasamág'i. See: kazná. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, animals.

rok   РОГ.

n. horn, antler. plural ragá. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, animals.

sabáchka   СОБАЧКА.

n. 1 • puppy. non-dimunitive sabáka. Category: animals.

2 • trigger. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, guns.

sabáka   СОБАКА.

n. 1 • dog. plural sabák'i.

2 • dog salmon. See: k'íta. Category: fish.

3 • trigger. Category: guns.

saháchiy   adj. of moose, belonging to the moose. variant sahát'ina. sabáchi hwos dog's tail. sabáchi dom kennel (lit., dog's house). dimunitive sabáchka. See: súka. Category: animals.

2 • dog salmon. See: k'íta. Category: fish.

3 • trigger. Category: guns.

saháchiy   adj. of moose, belonging to the moose. variant sahát'ina. sabáchi hwos dog's tail. sabáchi dom kennel (lit., dog's house). dimunitive sabáchka. See: súka. Category: animals.

2 • dog salmon. See: k'íta. Category: fish.

3 • trigger. Category: guns.

saháchiy   adj. of moose, belonging to the moose. variant sahát'ina. Éta sahát'ina túnta. That is moose droppings. saháchiy túnta moose droppings. Saháchiy m'ása sám'iy lúchiy w'ihód'it. The elk flesh is usually the most delicious. noun sahát. Category: animals.

sahát   n. moose. plural sahát'i. Ya sahátu ub'íl. I killed a moose. Mán'in'kay sahát bégal … t'il'ónak bégal. A little moose was running, a calf was running around. karów'inay sahát cow moose. sahát'ina karówa cow moose. Fchará nam sahát pr'ishól. Yesterday a moose came to us.

?? (transcribe moose dialogue??) ?? adjective saháchiy. Category: animals.

?? (transcribe moose dialogue??) ?? adjective saháchiy. Category: animals.

shkúra   ШКУРА.

n. skin, hide, pelt, fur. plural shkúr'i. Edward Jackinsky and John Matson with a bear pelt. See: kózha; ragózha. Category: body, animals.

sl'et   СЛЕД.

n. animal track, track - animal, footprint. plural sl'idá. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, animals, hunt.

slon   СЛОН.

n. elephant. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, animals.

súka   СУКА.

n. bitch, mother dog. súk'in s'in son of a bitch. See: sabáka dog; s'in son. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, animals.

sw'in'ók   n. piglet, baby pig. non-dimunitive sw'in'yá. See: paras'ónak. Category: animals.

sw'in'yá   СВИНЬЯ.

n. pig. variant sw'in'á; plural sw'in'ái, sw'in'í. dimunitive sw'in'ók. Category: animals.

t'il'ónak   ТЕЛЕНОК.

n. calf. as of a cow or moose. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, animals.

w'ídra   ВЫДРА.

n. otter. plural w'ídr'i. See: marskóy w'ídra. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, animals.

w'ídranay   adj. about an otter. W'ídranay Túndra Lynx Flat. Category: animals.

w'ídranay   adj. about an otter. W'ídranay Túndra Lynx Flat. Category: animals.

w'ihahál'   ВЫХУХОЛЬ.

n. muskrat, land otter. var=w'ihaháy. This is a humorous song about a man named Antone Olsen: Antóshka w'ihahál', Antóshka garnastáy! Antone muskrat, Antone weasel! Category: animals, songs.

wólka   ВОЛК.

n. wolf. plural wólk'i. See: Wólchi Túndra. Category: animals.

Zhíl-bil u bábushk'i séren'kay kózl'ik   phr. Russian poem for children.

Zhíl-bil u bábushk'i séran'kay kózl'ik. Wot kak, wot kak, séran'kay kózl'ik. Padúmala bábushka w l'es pragul'átsa. Wot kak, wot kak, w l'es pragul'átsa. Napál'i na bábushku sér'iya wólk'i. Wot kak, wot kak, sér'iya wólk'i. Astáw'il'i bábushk'i nóshk'i da róshk'i. Wot kak, wot kak, nóshk'i da róshk'i. There was once a little gray goat who lived with Grandma. Yes, the gray kid, indeed. Once Grandma ?? decided to walk in the woods. Yes, to walk in the woods. Gray wolves attacked her. Yes, the gray wolves. They only left hoofs and horns to Grandma. Yes, just hoofs and horns. See: bábushka. Category: relatives, animals, poems.

Zhíl-bil u bábushk'i séran'kay kózl'ik. Wot kak, wot kak, séran'kay kózl'ik. Padúmala bábushka w l'es pragul'átsa. Wot kak, wot kak, w l'es pragul'átsa. Napál'i na bábushku sér'iya wólk'i. Wot kak, wot kak, sér'iya wólk'i. Astáw'il'i bábushk'i nóshk'i da róshk'i. Wot kak, wot kak, nóshk'i da róshk'i. There was once a little gray goat who lived with Grandma. Yes, the gray kid, indeed. Once Grandma ?? decided to walk in the woods. Yes, to walk in the woods. Gray wolves attacked her. Yes, the gray wolves. They only left hoofs and horns to Grandma. Yes, just hoofs and horns. See: bábushka. Category: relatives, animals, poems.

zwer   ЗВЕРЬ.

n. animal. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, animals.