Ninilchik Russian Dictionary



blahadárnay   БЛАГОДАРНЫЙ.

n. good (person). Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, people, quality, record.

chístay   ЧИСТЫЙ.

adj. clean. Twoy dom chístay. Your house is clean. Moy akóshka chístay. My window is clean. See: chíst'it'; w'íchist'it'. Category: quality.

adj. good, nice. feminine dóbraya. See: haróshay good. See: Dóbraya útra! Good morning!. Category: quality, record.

gládnay   ГЛАДКИЙ.

adj. smooth, serene, peaceful. variant glád'inay. práwa gládnay translation?? (maybe 'warm' as of a warm personality). Daróga gládna. The road is smooth. Category: quality.

gn'ilóy   ГНИЛОЙ.

adj. rotten. gn'ilóy d'ér'iwa rotten wood. Category: quality.

gr'áznay   ГРЯЗНЫЙ.

adj. dirty. dóbray   ДОБРЫЙ.

adj. good, nice. feminine dóbraya. See: haróshay good. See: Dóbraya útra! Good morning!. Category: quality, record.

gládnay   ГЛАДКИЙ.

adj. smooth, serene, peaceful. variant glád'inay. práwa gládnay translation?? (maybe 'warm' as of a warm personality). Daróga gládna. The road is smooth. Category: quality.

gn'ilóy   ГНИЛОЙ.

adj. rotten. gn'ilóy d'ér'iwa rotten wood. Category: quality.

gr'áznay   ГРЯЗНЫЙ.

adj. dirty. dóbray   ДОБРЫЙ.

adj. good, nice. feminine dóbraya. See: haróshay good. See: Dóbraya útra! Good morning!. Category: quality, record.

gládnay   ГЛАДКИЙ.

adj. smooth, serene, peaceful. variant glád'inay. práwa gládnay translation?? (maybe 'warm' as of a warm personality). Daróga gládna. The road is smooth. Category: quality.

gn'ilóy   ГНИЛОЙ.

adj. rotten. gn'ilóy d'ér'iwa rotten wood. Category: quality.

gr'áznay   ГРЯЗНЫЙ.

adj. dirty. Twoy dom gr'áznay. Your house is dirty. Bashmak'í gr'ázn'iya. (Your) shoes are dirty.

On gr'áznay, on zamarálsa. He's dirty, he has gotten dirty. Gr'áznaya b'il'ó mózhna w'íbras'it; an'í stáraya shípka .. abarwát'iya. One can throw away dirty clothes; (if) it is (they are??) very old, ragged.zamarátay. Category: quality.

On gr'áznay, on zamarálsa. He's dirty, he has gotten dirty. Gr'áznaya b'il'ó mózhna w'íbras'it; an'í stáraya shípka .. abarwát'iya. One can throw away dirty clothes; (if) it is (they are??) very old, ragged.zamarátay. Category: quality.

harashó   ХОРОШО.

adv. well, good. variant har'ishó. T'i harashó skazál. You (male) said it well.

T'i harashó spála? Did you (female) sleep well? See: haróshay; l'úchi; lushóy. Category: quality.

T'i harashó spála? Did you (female) sleep well? See: haróshay; l'úchi; lushóy. Category: quality.

haróshay   ХОРОШИЙ.

adj. good. On haróshay chelawék. He is a good person. Éta kóshka haróshay. This cat is good. Éta hl'éba haróshay. This bread is good. Aná haróshaya. She is good. Náshiy dóchka haróshaya. Our daughter is nice. haróshay pagóda good weather. U n'iwó haróshay rabóta. He has a good job.

húda   ХУДО.

adv. badly. Ya húda slúshayu. I hear badly. haróshiya br'úk'i good pants. See: harashó; hudóy; dóbray. Category: quality.

húda   ХУДО.

adv. badly. Ya húda slúshayu. I hear badly. haróshiya br'úk'i good pants. See: harashó; hudóy; dóbray. Category: quality.

húda   ХУДО.

adv. badly. Ya húda slúshayu. I hear badly. Húda, safsém húda! Badly, totally badly! On chiwóta húda zd'élal. He did something bad.

Ya húda gawarél. I spoke (pronounced??) badly. ?? adjective hudóy. See: húzhi worse. Category: quality.

Ya húda gawarél. I spoke (pronounced??) badly. ?? adjective hudóy. See: húzhi worse. Category: quality.

hudóy   ХУДОЙ.

adj. no good, bad. Éta hl'éba hudóy. This bread is bad. T'i hudóy mal'chíshka. You're a bad boy. Hud'ím páhn'it. It smells bad. Hudóy tóka moy! It may be bad but it's mine! hud'íy kl'uchí bad keys. hud'íya l'ud'í ?? bad people. hudáya bába bad woman. See: haróshay; húda. Category: quality.

húzhi   ХУЖЕ.

adv. worse. On húzhi fseh. He's the worst one. See: húda. Category: quality.

int'irésna   ИНТЕРЕСНО.

adv. interesting. T'i s sabóy zabar'í, chitáy .. óchin' int'irésna. Take it (a magazine) with you, read (it), it is very interesting. Category: quality, record.

kasmátay   adj. messy, unruly, disheveled. ispórchinay   adj. rotten. Ya mnóga p'ísht'u w'íbras'ila, ispórchinay p'ísht'u. I have thrown away food, rotten food. Category: quality.

kasmátay   adj. messy, unruly, disheveled. ispórchinay   adj. rotten. Ya mnóga p'ísht'u w'íbras'ila, ispórchinay p'ísht'u. I have thrown away food, rotten food. Category: quality.

kasmátay   adj. messy, unruly, disheveled. Twayí walasá kasmát'iya. Your hair is messy. Mayí walasá kasmát'iya; ya ih atrézhu. My hair is unruly; I'm going for a trim (lit., I'm cutting it). See: zapútanay tangled. Category: groom, quality.

k'íslay   adj. fermented, sour. another recording (keep which??) k'íslay malakó sour milk. k'íslay kapústa sauerkraut. Category: quality, food.

kras'íwa   КРАСИВА ??

adv. beautifully ?? variant kars'íwa.

Na wúl'itsi óchin' kras'íwa. ?? It's very beautiful outside. adjective kras'íway. See: zabáwnay. Category: quality.

Na wúl'itsi óchin' kras'íwa. ?? It's very beautiful outside. adjective kras'íway. See: zabáwnay. Category: quality.

kras'íway   КРАСИВЫЙ.

adj. pretty, beautiful, handsome, good looking. variant karsíway. Aná kras'íwaya. She is pretty. Aná óchin' kras'íwaya. She is very pretty. kras'íw'iya glazá beautiful eyes.

láwushnay   ЛОЖНЫЙ.

adj. made, manufactured, false ??, store-bought ?? An'í t'arál'i ?? kras'íway ya dúmayu. ?? They (tailless cats) ... ?? I think. ?? See: zabáwnay cute. Category: quality.

láwushnay   ЛОЖНЫЙ.

adj. made, manufactured, false ??, store-bought ?? An'í t'arál'i ?? kras'íway ya dúmayu. ?? They (tailless cats) ... ?? I think. ?? See: zabáwnay cute. Category: quality.

láwushnay   ЛОЖНЫЙ.

adj. made, manufactured, false ??, store-bought ?? láwushn'iya zúb'i false teeth (lit., from-the-store teeth).

l'íshnay ??   ЛИШНИЙ.

adj. excessive, extra, superfluous. L'íshnay n'i náda gawarét! ?? Don't speak superfluously! ?? Category: quality.

Láushnay hl'éba zapl'ésn'it. Store-bought bread gets moldy. ?? Category: quality.

l'íshnay ??   ЛИШНИЙ.

adj. excessive, extra, superfluous. L'íshnay n'i náda gawarét! ?? Don't speak superfluously! ?? Category: quality.

Láushnay hl'éba zapl'ésn'it. Store-bought bread gets moldy. ?? Category: quality.

l'íshnay ??   ЛИШНИЙ.

adj. excessive, extra, superfluous. L'íshnay n'i náda gawarét! ?? Don't speak superfluously! ?? Category: quality.

l'óhkay   ЛЕГКИЙ.

adj. 1 • light, slight. Can be light in weight. variant yóhkay. l'óhkay wét'ir light breeze. On l'óhkay. It's light. antonym t'izhólay. Category: weather, weight.

2 • easy. N'i kakóy rabóta n'i l'óhkay. No work is easy. Category: quality. l'óhka ?? lightly ; slightly ; easily ?? ЛЕГКО.

On l'óhka rabótat. ?? He works easily.

adj. better. adverb l'úchi. See: harashó; lushóy. Category: quality.

l'úchay   ЛУЧШИЙ.

adj. better. adverb l'úchi. See: harashó; lushóy. Category: quality.

l'úchay   ЛУЧШИЙ.

adj. better. adverb l'úchi. See: harashó; lushóy. Category: quality.

l'úchi   ЛУЧШЕ.

adv. better. Záftr'i búd'it l'úchi. Tomorrow will be better. l'úchi fseh best.

L'úchi iyó parúsk'i gawarú ?? stárzhit ?? stárshi ?? ... On hwástawisa. (I) speak better Russian than her; I am older. ...  ?? adjective l'úchay. See: harashó; lushóy. Category: quality.

L'úchi iyó parúsk'i gawarú ?? stárzhit ?? stárshi ?? ... On hwástawisa. (I) speak better Russian than her; I am older. ...  ?? adjective l'úchay. See: harashó; lushóy. Category: quality.

m'ílay   adj. tender. Category: quality.

nóway   НОВЫЙ.

adj. new. nóway luná new moon. Mnóga nów'iya l'úd'i. There are many new people. Category: quality.

padrugómu   pro. differently, other way. On padrugómu gawar'ít. He talks differently. l'isín'i padrugómu. The other way (to say) trees. See: rázna; drugóy; tágzha. Category: quality.

adv. variant p'ir'yátna. fine, nicely, pleasantly, kindly. Éta pr'iyétna (??) harasho. ?? This is nicely good. ?? Óchin' pr'iyétna. ?? very fine. Óchin' pr'iyátna(??) zd'es'. translation needed ?? Óchin' p'ir'yátna(??). Balshóy spas'íba shto zashól. Pleased to see you. Thanks for coming. Category: quality, record.

pr'iyátna   ПРИЯТНО.

adv. variant p'ir'yátna. fine, nicely, pleasantly, kindly. Éta pr'iyétna (??) harasho. ?? This is nicely good. ?? Óchin' pr'iyétna. ?? very fine. Óchin' pr'iyátna(??) zd'es'. translation needed ?? Óchin' p'ir'yátna(??). Balshóy spas'íba shto zashól. Pleased to see you. Thanks for coming. Category: quality, record.

pr'iyátna   ПРИЯТНО.

adv. variant p'ir'yátna. fine, nicely, pleasantly, kindly. Éta pr'iyétna (??) harasho. ?? This is nicely good. ?? Óchin' pr'iyétna. ?? very fine. Óchin' pr'iyátna(??) zd'es'. translation needed ?? Óchin' p'ir'yátna(??). Balshóy spas'íba shto zashól. Pleased to see you. Thanks for coming. Category: quality, record.

s'iróy   СЫРОЙ.

adj. raw. s'iróy myása raw meat.

skladnóy   СКЛАДНОЙ.

adj. portable, collapsible. Category: quality, record.

s'iríya kal'íni unripe high bush cranberries. Category: quality.

skladnóy   СКЛАДНОЙ.

adj. portable, collapsible. Category: quality, record.

s'iríya kal'íni unripe high bush cranberries. Category: quality.

skladnóy   СКЛАДНОЙ.

adj. portable, collapsible. Category: quality, record.

stáray   СТАРЫЙ.

adj. old. stáray réchka old creek (that is, the slough).

stáray stár'ik very old man. Category: ages, quality.

stáray stár'ik very old man. Category: ages, quality.

suhóy   СУХОЙ.

adj. dry. suhóy d'ér'iwa dry wood. Category: quality.

swézhay   adj. fresh, freshly. swézhay pasól'nay freshly salted. Category: quality.

tágzha   pro. same. variant tákazhi. tágzhi kak zd'es same as here. See: takóyzha; padrugómu. Category: quality.

takóyzha   ТАКОЙ ЖЕ.

pro. same. See: tágzha; padrugómu; takóy. Category: quality.

trúdna   ТРУДНО.

adv. with difficulty; hard. Imú trúdna had'ít'. It's difficult for him to walk. Category: quality.

adv. tight, hard. Yimú túga papálas'. He is in a tight spot. See: tugóy; ftugúyu. Category: quality.

túga   ТУГО.

adv. tight, hard. Yimú túga papálas'. He is in a tight spot. See: tugóy; ftugúyu. Category: quality.

túga   ТУГО.

adv. tight, hard. Yimú túga papálas'. He is in a tight spot. See: tugóy; ftugúyu. Category: quality.

tugóy   ТУГОЙ.

adj. tight. variant túgay. tugóy w'iráfka tight rope.

Mayí plát'a tug'íya. My dresses are tight. adverb túga; antonym slábay. See: ftugúyu. Category: quality.

Mayí plát'a tug'íya. My dresses are tight. adverb túga; antonym slábay. See: ftugúyu. Category: quality.

yíst'ina   ИСТИНА.

n. truth; variant íst'ina. See: práwda; waíst'inu. Category: quality.

adj. cute. zabáwnay   ЗАБАВНЫЙ.

adj. cute. zabáwnay   ЗАБАВНЫЙ.

adj. cute. Béyb'ichka zabáwnay. The baby is cute. Aná zabáwnaya. She is cute.

zak'ísnay   adj. rotten. zak'ís ?? Yáysa zak'ís. ?? The egg is rotten. ?? Category: quality.

n'i kras'íway, a zabáwnay not pretty, but cute. Eta mal'chíshka zabáwnay. This boy is cute. See: kras'íway. Category: quality.

zak'ísnay   adj. rotten. zak'ís ?? Yáysa zak'ís. ?? The egg is rotten. ?? Category: quality.

n'i kras'íway, a zabáwnay not pretty, but cute. Eta mal'chíshka zabáwnay. This boy is cute. See: kras'íway. Category: quality.

zak'ísnay   adj. rotten. zak'ís ?? Yáysa zak'ís. ?? The egg is rotten. ?? Category: quality.

zamarátay   adj. dirty. See: zamarátsa; gr'áznay. Category: quality.

zamarátsa   v pfv. get dirty. can include getting a dirty diaper.

zapl'és'l'inay   ЗАПЛЕСНЕВЕЛЫЙ ??

adj. moldy. Béyb'ichka zamarálsa. The kid has gotten dirty. On gr'áznay, on zamarálsa. He's dirty, he's dirty. ?? Ya w agarót'i rabótala i zamarálas'. I worked in the garden and got dirty. See: zamarátay; gr'áznay; abasrát'. Category: quality, babies.

zapl'és'l'inay   ЗАПЛЕСНЕВЕЛЫЙ ??

adj. moldy. Béyb'ichka zamarálsa. The kid has gotten dirty. On gr'áznay, on zamarálsa. He's dirty, he's dirty. ?? Ya w agarót'i rabótala i zamarálas'. I worked in the garden and got dirty. See: zamarátay; gr'áznay; abasrát'. Category: quality, babies.

zapl'és'l'inay   ЗАПЛЕСНЕВЕЛЫЙ ??

adj. moldy. zapl'és'l'inay hl'éba moldy bread.

zapl'ésn'it'   ЗАПЛЕСНЕТЬ ??

v pfv. get moldy, get rotten. Láwushnay hl'éba zapl'ésn'it. Store-bought bread gets moldy. ?? Damáshnay hl'éba - haróshiy hl'éba; láwushnay hl'éba zapl'ésn'it, móg'it zapl'ésn'it'. Homemade bread is good bread; store-bought bread gets moldy, can get moldy. Category: quality.

zapútanay   ЗАПУТАННЫЙ.

adj. tangled, messed up. This is not about hair. zapútanay w'ir'ófka tangled rope. W'ir'ófka zapútanay. The rope is tangled. U t'ib'á galawá zapútanay. You have mixed up thinking. See: kasmátay unruly. Category: quality.

zárzha   n. rust. variant zázha. Mnóga zárzha tut. (There is) much rust here. See: zháfchina rust; zarzháway rusty; sázha soot. Category: quality.

W'íbras'i étu zapl'és'l'inay hl'ébu. Throw away this rotten bread. (moldy bread??) See: zapl'ésn'it'. Category: quality.

zapl'ésn'it'   ЗАПЛЕСНЕТЬ ??

v pfv. get moldy, get rotten. Láwushnay hl'éba zapl'ésn'it. Store-bought bread gets moldy. ?? Damáshnay hl'éba - haróshiy hl'éba; láwushnay hl'éba zapl'ésn'it, móg'it zapl'ésn'it'. Homemade bread is good bread; store-bought bread gets moldy, can get moldy. Category: quality.

zapútanay   ЗАПУТАННЫЙ.

adj. tangled, messed up. This is not about hair. zapútanay w'ir'ófka tangled rope. W'ir'ófka zapútanay. The rope is tangled. U t'ib'á galawá zapútanay. You have mixed up thinking. See: kasmátay unruly. Category: quality.

zárzha   n. rust. variant zázha. Mnóga zárzha tut. (There is) much rust here. See: zháfchina rust; zarzháway rusty; sázha soot. Category: quality.

W'íbras'i étu zapl'és'l'inay hl'ébu. Throw away this rotten bread. (moldy bread??) See: zapl'ésn'it'. Category: quality.

zapl'ésn'it'   ЗАПЛЕСНЕТЬ ??

v pfv. get moldy, get rotten. Láwushnay hl'éba zapl'ésn'it. Store-bought bread gets moldy. ?? Damáshnay hl'éba - haróshiy hl'éba; láwushnay hl'éba zapl'ésn'it, móg'it zapl'ésn'it'. Homemade bread is good bread; store-bought bread gets moldy, can get moldy. Category: quality.

zapútanay   ЗАПУТАННЫЙ.

adj. tangled, messed up. This is not about hair. zapútanay w'ir'ófka tangled rope. W'ir'ófka zapútanay. The rope is tangled. U t'ib'á galawá zapútanay. You have mixed up thinking. See: kasmátay unruly. Category: quality.

zárzha   n. rust. variant zázha. Mnóga zárzha tut. (There is) much rust here. See: zháfchina rust; zarzháway rusty; sázha soot. Category: quality.

zarzháway   adj. rusty. variant zárzhinay, zázhinay.

zárzhit'   v pfv. rust, get rusty. zárzhil (It) got rusty. Nózhik zárzhil. The knife got rusty. See: zarzháw'it'; zháfchina; zárzha. Category: quality.

zdaróway   ЗДОРОВЫЙ.

adj. husky, stout, sturdy, well-built, heavy. for instance, of a good-looking moose or a stout, healthy person. zárzhinay nózhik rusty knife. nózhik zázhinay The knife is rusty. ?? See: zháfchina; zárzha; rushównay; zárzhit'; zarzháw'it'. Category: quality.

zárzhit'   v pfv. rust, get rusty. zárzhil (It) got rusty. Nózhik zárzhil. The knife got rusty. See: zarzháw'it'; zháfchina; zárzha. Category: quality.

zdaróway   ЗДОРОВЫЙ.

adj. husky, stout, sturdy, well-built, heavy. for instance, of a good-looking moose or a stout, healthy person. zárzhinay nózhik rusty knife. nózhik zázhinay The knife is rusty. ?? See: zháfchina; zárzha; rushównay; zárzhit'; zarzháw'it'. Category: quality.

zárzhit'   v pfv. rust, get rusty. zárzhil (It) got rusty. Nózhik zárzhil. The knife got rusty. See: zarzháw'it'; zháfchina; zárzha. Category: quality.

zdaróway   ЗДОРОВЫЙ.

adj. husky, stout, sturdy, well-built, heavy. for instance, of a good-looking moose or a stout, healthy person. On zdaróway. He is stout. contract: zdaróf. Category: quality, size.

z'ímnay   adj. winter. Category: quality.