Wayne Leman
bachómki ?? ?? Payós parách'i bachómki ... ?? ?? Category: Wayne Leman, Kibrik-Bergelson.
bushawát' v ipfv. be rowdy, behave violently. On bushawál. He was rowdy.
(An'í) bushawáyut. ?? They were rowdy. ?? Category: personality, Wayne Leman.
(An'í) bushawáyut. ?? They were rowdy. ?? Category: personality, Wayne Leman.
n. 1 • way, path, road, trail. plural daróg'i; dimunitive daróshka. Daróga pólan gl'ína. The road is muddy. (lit., full of mud). Daróg'i pólan d'ír'iya. The road is full of holes. Daróg'i n'ébul'i n'ichiwó n'ébulo. There were no roads, there was nothing.
2 • lead. Lit: road This is the "road" along which fish swim to arrive in the heart of a fishtrap. r'ib'íchi daróga fish trap lead (lit., fish road). Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, Wayne Leman, travel, fish.
dómchik n. cabin, small house. non-dimunitive dom. Category: house, Wayne Leman.
n. devil. See: chort; sátana. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, Wayne Leman.
eraplán n. airplane, plane. plural eraplán'i. Category: travel, Evgeniy Golovko, Wayne Leman.
n. cannery.
another recording; keep which?? variant pábr'ika. Ya tam na fábrik'i rabótal. I worked there on a factory. na pábr'ik'i on a factory. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, Wayne Leman, Conor Daly, buildings.
another recording; keep which?? variant pábr'ika. Ya tam na fábrik'i rabótal. I worked there on a factory. na pábr'ik'i on a factory. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, Wayne Leman, Conor Daly, buildings.
n. hill, mountain. for instance, the hill area beside the Russian Orthodox church. plural gór'i ‘hills ; mountains ; mountain range’. G'il'd'ís', tam sn'ek na goré! Look, there's snow on the mountain! pad garéa ?? at the bottom of the hill (lit., under the hill). On na makúshk'i na garéa. ?? It's on top of the hill.
Ya znáyu gars'íya (??) kakóy góra. ?? ?? See: bugór; ut'ós. Category: Wayne Leman, Kibrik-Bergelson, locations.
Ya znáyu gars'íya (??) kakóy góra. ?? ?? See: bugór; ut'ós. Category: Wayne Leman, Kibrik-Bergelson, locations.
n. general. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, Wayne Leman, military.
n. sin. plural gr'ehí. U m'in'é mnóga gr'ehí. I have lots of sins. Category: Wayne Leman, Kibrik-Bergelson, church.
n. Indian (Native American). plural Ind'éyts'i. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, Wayne Leman, nationalities.
n. Japanese (person). Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, Wayne Leman, nationalities.
izam'átay ИЗМЯТЫЙ.
adj. wrinkled. B'il'ó izam'át'iya. The clothes are wrinkled. See: izamn'át'. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, Wayne Leman, texture.
n. censer, incense holder. This is an incense holder that a priest swings at a service or when blessing a house. In Ninilchik there was usually a cross on its bottom. In Russia sometimes there is a bell. Category: Wayne Leman, church.
kalabáshka n. fritters. plural kalabáshk'i. Category: Wayne Leman, food.
kat'ónak n. kitten. See: kót'ik; kóshka ‘cat’. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, Wayne Leman, animals.
n. fireweed. Fireweed is called willowherb in some parts of the world. Category: plants, Wayne Leman.
n. Chinese person. plural K'itáyts'i. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, Wayne Leman, nationalities.
n. graveyard, cemetery. Category: Wayne Leman, Kibrik-Bergelson, church, locations, death.
kól'sa n. bracelet. Category: groom, Evgeniy Golovko, Wayne Leman.
n. horse. See: lóshit'. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, Wayne Leman, animals.
kr'il'só n. porch. variant kr'il'tsó. See: paróga; kl'isó. Category: Wayne Leman, house.
prt. cock-a-doodle-do. variant kukaréka. This is the sound that a rooster makes, as it is pronounced in Ninilchik Russian. The following was said in Ninilchik when NR speakers were learning to speak English: Kukaréku, all same do. Cock-a-doodle-do, they all do (say) the same thing. Irene Leman used to say this: A wot éta p'itúh hwána rána kukaréka! But this rooster crowed very early! See: p'itúh ‘rooster’. Category: birds, sounds, Wayne Leman, Kibrik-Bergelson.
n. memorial pudding; a spoonful of rice and raisins eaten after a memorial service for someone. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, Wayne Leman, church, food.
n. summer, years. singular l'et. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, Wayne Leman, time.
n. lazy person. On óchin l'int'áy. He's very lazy. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, Wayne Leman, personality.
n. ice. L'ot kl'ískay. The ice is slippery. See: shugá. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, Wayne Leman, water, weather.
nachátsa НАЧАТЬСЯ.
v pfv. begin. Ya pómn'u kadá ftoróy wayná náchilsa. I remember when Second (World) war began. Category: Conor Daly, Wayne Leman.
náda НАДО.
adv. must, necessary. N'i náda tarap'ítsa! Don't hurry! N'i náda yih slúshat'. You don't need to listen to them. N'i náda n'ikamú gawar'át'! Don't tell anyone! A yá n'i náda, a yá kak ból'na! And I (said) don't, and I (said) it hurts! Chiwó t'ibé náda? What do you want (lit. need)? Rabóta sam n'i pr'id'ót; iwó náda iskát. Work won't arrive on its own; it is necessary to look for it. See: núzhna. Category: Wayne Leman, Conor Daly.
namáz'it' v pfv. spread on. for example, to spread cream on your face or butter on your bread. See: másla. Category: Wayne Leman, record.
nastup'ít' v pfv. step on (something). On na gwost' nastup'íl. He stepped on a nail. ipfv: stupát'. Category: Wayne Leman.
N'éstar НЕСТОР.
n. Ernest. Ernest (Nestor) Matson. Category: names, Wayne Leman, record.
n'éwalachka n. pillow. See: padúshka. Category: bed, Evgeniy Golovko, Wayne Leman.
v pfv. dive. On n'irnúl. He dove. Category: water, Kibrik-Bergelson, Wayne Leman.
nónchi adv. today, nowadays. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, Wayne Leman.
Nórsk'i n. Norwegians. Category: nationalities, Wayne Leman.
n. 1 • nose. plural nas'í. garbátay nos hooked nose. bal'shóy nos bignose. U n'iwó bal'shóy nos. He has a big nose. U n'iwó shirókay nos. He has a wide nose. U n'iwó kr'iwóy nos. He has a crooked nose.
2 • bow (of a ship).
3 • nose card game. The card game is called nos because you get spanked on the nose the number of times that is on your card. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, Wayne Leman, body, boats.
palaw'ínay ПОЛОВИННЫЙ.
adj. divided into two. Category: Wayne Leman, Kibrik-Bergelson, record.
n. steam; vapor. See: par'ít'. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, Wayne Leman, water.
paróga n. porch. See: kr'il'só. Category: Wayne Leman, house, record.
pat'ir'átay adj. lost. On pat'ir'átay. He is lost.
t'ipér'i pat'irátay ?? ?? See: pat'ir'át'. Category: Wayne Leman.
t'ipér'i pat'irátay ?? ?? See: pat'ir'át'. Category: Wayne Leman.
adv. afterwards; later on. See: tadá. Category: time, Evgeniy Golovko, Wayne Leman.
n. skunk, waterhaul, nothing, no result. that is, to get nothing, as no fish from a net or getting skunked in a card game. sétka pazór net waterhaul. U t'ibe pazor. no points in card game ?? See: pazórnay. Category: quantity, Wayne Leman.
péshk'i n. chess piece; checkers piece. singular péshka. Category: play, Wayne Leman.
n. dress. singular plát'i ‘ПЛАТЬЕ’. Twoyí plát'a karótk'iya. Your dresses are short. dl'ín'a plát'i long dress.
Ya záftr'i zashyú nów'iya plát'a. Tomorrow i will sew new dresses. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, Wayne Leman, clothes.
Ya záftr'i zashyú nów'iya plát'a. Tomorrow i will sew new dresses. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, Wayne Leman, clothes.
v ipfv. hunt. Ya ran'chi mnóga pramushl'ál. I hunted a lot before. An'í pramushl'ál'i. They hunted. noun pramushn'ík. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, Wayne Leman, hunt.
pr'ibuwóy adj. flooding; coming in. said of the tide; this is flooding as opposed to ebbing, not flooding where there usually is not water. pr'ibuwóy wadá tide (water) flooding. See: pr'íbuwát'. Category: water, Evgeniy Golovko. Category: Wayne Leman.
adj. empty. variant pushtóy. Iyónay dom pustóy. Her house is empty. Katúshka pustóy. The spool is empty.
Bánka pushtóy. The can is empty. See: aprastát'; w'ís'ipat'. Category: Wayne Leman, Kibrik-Bergelson.
Bánka pushtóy. The can is empty. See: aprastát'; w'ís'ipat'. Category: Wayne Leman, Kibrik-Bergelson.
n. bladder, fish air sac, bubble. plural puz'ir'í. U n'iwó bal'shóy puz'ír. He has a big stomach. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, Wayne Leman, body, fish.
rastr'ópanay adj. messy. Mayí walasá rastr'ópan'iya. My hair is messy. Category: Wayne Leman, hair.
n. creek, river. Lit: little river non-dimunitive r'iká ‘river’. Mál'in'koy Réchka Small Creek. Réchka b'izhít. The river is running. Ya chér'iz réchku pr'ishól. I crossed the river. See: r'ichúshka. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, Wayne Leman, water.
sasát' СОСАТЬ ??
v ipfv. suck. Kamár sas'ót. The mosquito sucks (blood out of you). Kamár krof sas'ót. The mosquito is sucking blood. Kamar'í sasút. Mosquitoes suck (blood). Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, Wayne Leman.
n. net, web, hair net. plural sétk'i. pawuk'ín'ina sétka spider's web. R'íba na sétk'i absóh. The fish in the nets went dry. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, Wayne Leman, fish.
shámsha n. homebrew. S'iwódn'a búd'im p'it' shamshú. Today (we) will drink homebrew. See: makúla. Category: Wayne Leman.
shp'íl'ka n. pin, clothespin, toothpick, hairpin. plural shp'íl'k'i. See: shépka. Category: Wayne Leman, Kibrik-Bergelson, groom, hair.
n. herring. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, Wayne Leman, fish.
s'in'ák n. black and blue. Category: colors, Wayne Leman, record.
slúzhba n. service. w wayénam slúzhb'i in military service. Category: church, Conor Daly, Wayne Leman, Evgeniy Golovko.
n. back, spine. Sp'iná bal'ít. The back hurts. (na) sp'in'é on the back. See: nazát ‘back (direction)’. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, Wayne Leman, body.
st'id'ítsa v ipfv. be ashamed. Aná st'id'ítsa. She is ashamed. Category: emotions, Kibrik-Bergelson, Wayne Leman.
v ipfv. construct, make, build. On haróshay sadók stróyit. He builds good (fish) traps. Kadá ya bul maladóy ya sadók stróyil. When I was young I built a fish trap. Bal'shoy fábr'iku stróyil'i. They built a big cannery. Category: Wayne Leman, Conor Daly.
swéchka СВЕЧА.
n. candle. plural swéchk'i. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, Wayne Leman, Evgeniy Golovko, light.
támbur n. crochet hook ; See: p'órka. Category: Wayne Leman, handcraft, tools.
táyshi n. dried fish tails. 'dried fish' is pronounced as daishi, with three syllables, in Dena'ina; Ninilchik speakers borrowed this Athabaskan word and compressed it to two syllables as táyshi; in Ninilchik this word only refers to fish tails that are dried; dried fish is yúkala. An'í pakúshal'i táyshi. They are eating dried fish. Ya tagdá tаyshú tózhi zd'élаyu. I'm going to make taysha too. See: yúkala; balík; chíkalin. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, Wayne Leman, food, fish.
adj. dark. Can be of a dark color or darkness in the evening. On t'ómnay. He's very dark (skinned). t'ómn'iya glazá dark eyes. t'omnay kómnata dark (poorly lit) room. dimunitive t'ómn'in'kay. See: t'imn'ét'; t'imnatá; chórnay; t'ómna. Category: light, Wayne Leman.
tópkay adj. spongy. Category: texture, Wayne Leman.
adj. dark. Can be of a dark color or darkness in the evening. On t'ómnay. He's very dark (skinned). t'ómn'iya glazá dark eyes. t'omnay kómnata dark (poorly lit) room. dimunitive t'ómn'in'kay. See: t'imn'ét'; t'imnatá; chórnay; t'ómna. Category: light, Wayne Leman.
tópkay adj. spongy. Category: texture, Wayne Leman.
adj. dark. Can be of a dark color or darkness in the evening. On t'ómnay. He's very dark (skinned). t'ómn'iya glazá dark eyes. t'omnay kómnata dark (poorly lit) room. dimunitive t'ómn'in'kay. See: t'imn'ét'; t'imnatá; chórnay; t'ómna. Category: light, Wayne Leman.
tópkay adj. spongy. Category: texture, Wayne Leman.
n. coward. Trus, on fs'o bayítsa. Coward, he is scared of everything. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, Wayne Leman, personality.
tsw'itók ЦВЕТОК.
n. flower. variant sw'itók; plural sw'itk'í, tsw'it'í; dimunitive tsw'itóchka. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, Wayne Leman, plants.
n. cloud. plural túchi. another plural recording; keep which?? Maya máma s'idá gawaréla túchi. ?? My mother always said "tuchi". ?? dazhn'íya túchi rain clouds. See: ablaká. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, Wayne Leman, weather.
n. cloud. plural túchi. another plural recording; keep which?? Maya máma s'idá gawaréla túchi. ?? My mother always said "tuchi". ?? dazhn'íya túchi rain clouds. See: ablaká. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, Wayne Leman, weather.
n. cloud. plural túchi. another plural recording; keep which?? Maya máma s'idá gawaréla túchi. ?? My mother always said "tuchi". ?? dazhn'íya túchi rain clouds. See: ablaká. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, Wayne Leman, weather.
túndrachka n. small swamp. non-dimunitive túndra. Category: locations, flats, swamps. Category: Wayne Leman.
ubrát' v pfv. put away. Ya ubrál. I put (them) away. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, Wayne Leman, move.
adj. smart. úmnay chalawék smart person. See: uchónay. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, Wayne Leman, people.
usnút' v pfv. go to sleep. Ya usnúl. I (male) went to sleep. ipfv: spat'. Category: Wayne Leman, sleep.
Wal'int'ína pn. Juanita. Category: names, Evgeniy Golovko, Wayne Leman.
wazhimát' v ipfv. wring (clothes). Category: Evgeniy Golovko, Wayne Leman.
w'ishiwát' ВЫШИВАТЬ.
v ipfv. embroider. Aná w'ishiwáyit. She is embroidering. See: w'izát'. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, Wayne Leman, handcraft.
w'íshka n. second floor, upstairs. na w'íshk'i upstairs. Category: house, locations, Wayne Leman.
v ipfv. knit, crochet. Ya w'izhú. I am knitting (or crocheting). Aná w'izáyit. She is knitting (or crocheting). Ya lyubl'ú w'izát'. I like to knit. See: w'ishiwát'. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, Wayne Leman, handcraft.
yim ЕМУ.
pro. him. variant im, n'im. Ya s yim paydú. I will go with him. B'izhí sas n'im! Run with him! See: on; iwó; imú; n'ey; iwónay. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, Wayne Leman, pronouns.
zakón'it' v pfv. make law. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, Wayne Leman, government.
zapás'iwat' v ipfv. save. An'í fs'o zapas'iwál'i. They saved everything. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, Wayne Leman, record.
z'il'ézay adj. metallic. See: zhil'éza. Category: Wayne Leman.