n. bathhouse, steambath. See: p'ir'ibán'ik. Category: buildings.
barábara n. underground sod house. Large indentations in the ground, left from these dwellings, have been found in the Ninilchik area; the houses must have been inhabited by Alaska Natives who lived on higher ground before the village was settled permanently. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, buildings.
n. house, home. plural dam'í; dimunitive dómchik. iwónay dom his house. Ya paydú damói. I'm going home. Stupáy nazát damói! Go back home! matré damú inside the house. Ya dóma. I'm home. adjective damáshnay. See: mésta. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, buildings, locations.
n. cannery.
hata дом.
n. house. Hátu stróyit. He builds a house. See: dom. Category: Conor Daly, buildings.
n. room. variant kamnatá. another recording; keep which?? variant pábr'ika. Ya tam na fábrik'i rabótal. I worked there on a factory. na pábr'ik'i on a factory. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, Wayne Leman, Conor Daly, buildings.
hata дом.
n. house. Hátu stróyit. He builds a house. See: dom. Category: Conor Daly, buildings.
n. room. variant kamnatá. another recording; keep which?? variant pábr'ika. Ya tam na fábrik'i rabótal. I worked there on a factory. na pábr'ik'i on a factory. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, Wayne Leman, Conor Daly, buildings.
hata дом.
n. house. Hátu stróyit. He builds a house. See: dom. Category: Conor Daly, buildings.
n. room. variant kamnatá. Chiyá éta kómnata? ?? Category: buildings, house.
n. roof. Kr'ísha t'ik'ót. The roof is leaking. kr'ísha КРЫША.
n. roof. Kr'ísha t'ik'ót. The roof is leaking. kr'ísha КРЫША.
n. roof. Kr'ísha t'ik'ót. The roof is leaking. On na kr'íshu zal'izáit. He's climbing onto the roof. Ya hachú zal'ést'i na kr'íshu. I want to climb up on the roof. See: kr'íshka ‘lid’. Category: house, buildings.
kur'átn'ik n. chicken coop. Moyá mat' m'in'á paslála w kur'átn'ik yáytsi dastawát'. My mom sent me to the chicken coop to get eggs. Mnóga kúr'i w kur'átn'ik'i. There are many hens in the chicken coop. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, buildings.
n. store. plural láfk'i. láfka ЛАВКА.
n. store. plural láfk'i. láfka ЛАВКА.
n. store. plural láfk'i. mál'in'koy láfka small store. Category: buildings.
lashad'ín'iy ЛОШАДИНЫЙ.
adj. relating to horses. lashad'ín'iy skót'n'ik stable. See: lóshit' ‘horse’. Category: buildings.
n. outhouse, toilet, latrine. variant n'úzhn'ik. Lit: something for your needs (little necessary place??) This word was known throughout Russian Alaska. It was called a nuzhn'ik in Ninilchik whether it was outdoors or indoors. This word has also been used in the past in parts of Russia, although Russians today use the word ТУАЛЕТ (toalét), almost identical in pronunciation to the English word "toilet". A common Ninilchik spelling is noozhnik. A gd'é núzhn'ik? Where is the toilet? On sawrál, núzhn'ik n'i tam. He lied, the toilet is not there.
Ya paydú núzhn'ik. I'm going to the toilet. Paráwm'i ya f núzhn'ik it'í. ?? It's time for me to go to the toilet. See: ubórnay ‘bathroom (that is, room for a bath)’; bórn'ita ‘bathroom (that is, room for a bath)’; núzhna ‘necessary’. Category: buildings.
Ya paydú núzhn'ik. I'm going to the toilet. Paráwm'i ya f núzhn'ik it'í. ?? It's time for me to go to the toilet. See: ubórnay ‘bathroom (that is, room for a bath)’; bórn'ita ‘bathroom (that is, room for a bath)’; núzhna ‘necessary’. Category: buildings.
n. tent. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, buildings.
pám'in'ik n. grave house, spirit house; This was a small house placed on top of a grave. Sometimes food or drink would be left at the house. A number of years ago all the spirit houses were removed from the cemetery of the Russian Orthodox church in Ninilchik. Category: death, buildings.
patalók ПОТОЛОК.
n. ceiling. Bába Yagá kost'anáya nagá; nos w patalók ros. Old Lady Yaga had a bony leg; her nose grew to the ceiling. (an old Russian saying). Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, buildings, house, record.
n. bathhouse vestibule, banya dressing room. See: bánya. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, buildings.
póbr'ik n. root cellar, cellar - root. for storing vegetables so they do not freeze during the winter. plural póbr'ik'i. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, buildings, record.
póshta ПОЧТА.
n. post office. Iyónay mush ushól na póshtu. Her husband went to the post office. Category: buildings.
n. smokehouse. variant pawárn'a. Pawárn'a d'im'ít. The smokehouse is smoking. See: kapt'ít'; d'im'ít'. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, buildings.
sal ЗАЛ.
n. hall, saloon. Category: buildings, record.
n. shed. Sáray an'í náchi kurít, malad'íya. ?? ... ?? smoked in the shed, they were young ?? Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, buildings.
sabáchiy dom phr. kennel, dog house. Category: buildings.
sal ЗАЛ.
n. hall, saloon. Category: buildings, record.
n. shed. Sáray an'í náchi kurít, malad'íya. ?? ... ?? smoked in the shed, they were young ?? Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, buildings.
sabáchiy dom phr. kennel, dog house. Category: buildings.
sal ЗАЛ.
n. hall, saloon. Category: buildings, record.
n. shed. Sáray an'í náchi kurít, malad'íya. ?? ... ?? smoked in the shed, they were young ?? Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, buildings.
n. church. variant tsérkaf. M'i sérkaf payd'óm. We will go to church. Category: church, buildings.
n. school. Shkóla zwan'ít. The school is ringing (that is, the school bell is ringing).
Ya káda ?? skólu ushól moy ?? teacher m'in'é w'ignúl. Ya húda gawarél. ?? ?? Category: buildings, school.
Ya káda ?? skólu ushól moy ?? teacher m'in'é w'ignúl. Ya húda gawarél. ?? ?? Category: buildings, school.
skótn'ik n. stable, barn. another recording; keep which?? lashad'ín'iy skótn'ik horse stable. karów'inay skótn'ik cow barn. karów'iy skótn'ik'i the cows' barns. See: stol2. Category: buildings.
stol2 n. stall, barn. cf. СТОЙЛО 'stall'. lashad'ín'iy stol horse stall. homonym stol1 ‘table’. See: skótn'ik ‘barn’. Category: buildings.