Ninilchik Russian Dictionary



ad'ín   ОДИН.

num. one. U béyb'ichk'i ad'ín zup. The baby has one tooth. ad'ín p'iró one feather ; one pen. ad'in ras one time. Adnú kartóf'il' atpust'í! Drop in one potato! See: adnóy; pérway first. Category: numbers.

??. one. ádna ras one time. another pronunciation; keep which?? ádna   ОДНО.

??. one. ádna ras one time. another pronunciation; keep which?? ádna   ОДНО.

??. one. ádna ras one time. another pronunciation; keep which?? Ádna ras sáma ras! Once is enough! Ya takóy t'ibé skazhú ádna ras! I'm only telling you once!

Ádna bába skazála chiwó ... chiwóta. ?? See: ad'ín one; adnóy one. Category: numbers.

Ádna bába skazála chiwó ... chiwóta. ?? See: ad'ín one; adnóy one. Category: numbers.

adnarás   ОДИН РАЗ.

adv. once. variant ad'ín ras. Ya takóy t'ibé skazhú adnarás! I'm only telling you this once! See: pará time; ras time. Category: numbers.

adnó   ОДНО.

adj. one. accusative adnú. neuter?? Adnú kartófi at pust'í! Drop in one potato! See: ad'ín; adnóy. Category: numbers, record.

adnóy   adj. one. Adnóy chalawék pr'ishól. One man came. See: adnó; ad'in. Category: numbers.

adnóy   adj. one. Adnóy chalawék pr'ishól. One man came. See: adnó; ad'in. Category: numbers.

chit'ír'i   ЧЕТЫРЕ.

num. four. variant chichír'i. Category: numbers.

chit'írnatsat   ЧЕТЫРНАДЦАТЬ.

num. fourteen. Category: numbers.

d'és'at'   ДЕСЯТЬ.

num. ten. See: d'is'átka. Category: numbers.

d'es'átka   num. ten. variant d'és'it. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, numbers.

d'éw'it'   ДЕВЯТЬ.

num. nine. Category: numbers.

d'éw'it ad'ín   num. ninety one. Category: numbers.

dwa   ДВА.

num. two. dwa s'istr'í/s'óstra two sisters. Category: numbers.

dwa rás   ДВА РАЗ.

adv. twice. Lit: two times Ya t'ibé dwa rás n'i búdu gawar'át'! I won't tell you twice! Category: numbers.

dwátsat'   ДВАДЦАТЬ.

num. twenty. Category: numbers.

ftaróy   ВТОРОЙ.

adj. second. See: pérway first. Category: numbers.

nómer   НОМЕР.

n. number. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, numbers, record.

p'at'   ПЯТЬ.

num. five. Category: numbers.

pérway   ПЕРВЫЙ.

adj. first. Pérway Bánka First Bar. See: ftaróy. Category: numbers.

p'itnátsat   ПЯТНАДЦАТЬ.

num. fifteen. Category: numbers.

sch'ot   СЧЁТ.

n. count. See: chitát'. Category: numbers.

sem   СЕМЬ.

num. seven. Category: numbers.

semd'as'át d'éw'it' ??   num. seventy eight. Ya búdu semd'as'át d'éw'it'. ?? I'm going to be 78 (years old). Category: numbers.

semd'as'át d'éw'it' ??   num. seventy eight. Ya búdu semd'as'át d'éw'it'. ?? I'm going to be 78 (years old). Category: numbers.

sem'sót   num. seven hundred. Category: numbers.

shes'   ШЕСТЬ.

num. six. variant shest'. Category: numbers.

sto   СТО.

num. hundred. sto góda hundred years (old). Category: numbers, record.

trétay   ТРЕТИЙ.

num. third. Category: numbers, record.

tr'i   ТРИ.

num. three. Category: numbers.

tr'inátsat   ТРИНАДЦАТЬ.

num. thirteen. Category: numbers.

tr'ísat'   ТРИДЦАТЬ.

num. thirty. Category: numbers, record.

wós'im'   ВОСЕМЬ.

num. eight. Category: numbers.