n. eyeglasses; glasses. variant ashk'í. A gd'é mayí achk'í? Where are my eyeglasses? Grocery store owner Sam Kraskoff used to ask his wife this when he couldn't find his glasses. Often he had forgotten that they were on the top of his head. Category: sight.
v ipfv. 1 • look at, look for. variant g'il'd'ét'. Gl'id'í, sahát! Look, a moose! Gl'id'í, tam sn'ek na garé! Look, there's snow on the mountain! On n'i znáit ad'é gl'id'ét'. He doesn't know where to look. pfv: pagl'id'ét'. See: w'íd'it'.
2 • look after, watch for.
ískat' ИСКАТЬ.
v ipfv. search for, look for. variant ishkát'. On iskáyit. He is looking for (something). Ya béyb'ichku gl'izhú. I am looking after the baby. Ya búdu yiwó gl'id'ét'. I will look after him. An'í yiwó gl'id'át. They watch after him. See: karaúl'it'; nán'it'. Category: sight.
ískat' ИСКАТЬ.
v ipfv. search for, look for. variant ishkát'. On iskáyit. He is looking for (something). Ya béyb'ichku gl'izhú. I am looking after the baby. Ya búdu yiwó gl'id'ét'. I will look after him. An'í yiwó gl'id'át. They watch after him. See: karaúl'it'; nán'it'. Category: sight.
ískat' ИСКАТЬ.
v ipfv. search for, look for. variant ishkát'. On iskáyit. He is looking for (something). On iskáyit iwó. He is looking for him. Ya iskáyu. I'm looking for (something). Ya swoy nózhik iskáyu. I'm looking for my knife. On ishó m'in'é íshit. He is still looking for me.
Ya chirá iskál. I was looking for (something). Rabóta sam n'i pr'id'ót; iwó náda iskát. Work won't arrive on its own; it is necessary to look for it. ?? See: nayt'í ‘find’. Category: sight.
Ya chirá iskál. I was looking for (something). Rabóta sam n'i pr'id'ót; iwó náda iskát. Work won't arrive on its own; it is necessary to look for it. ?? See: nayt'í ‘find’. Category: sight.
pagl'id'ét' v pfv. take a look at, glance at. ipfv: gl'id'ét'. See: w'íd'it'. Category: sight.
phr. I'll see you. See: w'íd'it'. Category: sight.
w'idát' ВИДАТЬ.
v ipfv. see. uw'íd'imsa УВИДИМСЯ.
phr. I'll see you. See: w'íd'it'. Category: sight.
w'idát' ВИДАТЬ.
v ipfv. see. uw'íd'imsa УВИДИМСЯ.
phr. I'll see you. See: w'íd'it'. Category: sight.
w'idát' ВИДАТЬ.
v ipfv. see. On yih w'idál. He saw them. Ya n'ichiwó n'i w'idál. I (male) didn't see anything.
v ipfv. see. On iwó w'íd'il. He saw him. Ya m'idwéd'a w'íd'ila. I (female) saw a bear. Ya w'ízhu m'idwéd'a. I see a bear. Ya t'ibé w'idáyu. I see you. ?? On t'ibé w'idáyit. He sees you. Ya ih w'idáyu. I see them. On so w'idu m?? ?? ?? See: w'íd'it' ‘see’; gl'id'ét' ‘look at’. Category: sight.
v ipfv. see. On iwó w'íd'il. He saw him. Ya m'idwéd'a w'íd'ila. I (female) saw a bear. Ya w'ízhu m'idwéd'a. I see a bear. Ya t'ibé w'idáyu. I see you. ?? On t'ibé w'idáyit. He sees you. Ya ih w'idáyu. I see them. On so w'idu m?? ?? ?? See: w'íd'it' ‘see’; gl'id'ét' ‘look at’. Category: sight.
v ipfv. see. On iwó w'íd'il. He saw him. Ya m'idwéd'a w'íd'ila. I (female) saw a bear. Ya w'ízhu m'idwéd'a. I see a bear. Ya iwó w'ízhu. I see him. Ya iyó w'ízhu. I see her. Ya iyó w'íd'il. I saw her. Ya t'ibé w'ízhu. I see you. Ya w'ízhu t'ibé. I see you. T'i m'in'é w'ízhish. You see me. On yiwó w'íd'it. He sees him. Aná w'íd'it. She sees it. Ya n'i hachú yiwó w'íd'it'. I don't want to see him. U w'íd'imsa. ?? See you again. ?? See: w'idát' ‘see’; gl'id'ét' ‘look’. Category: sight.