Ninilchik Russian Dictionary



d'im   ДЫМ.

n. smoke. w: d'im'ít'. Category: fire, smoke.

d'im'ít'   ДЫМИТЬ.

v ipfv. smoke. For example, of a house or fire; not of a person smoking tobacco which is kúrit'. On d'im'ít. It's smoking. See: d'im; d'ímna; puwárn'a. Category: fire, smoke.

kapt'ít'   КОПТИТЬ.

v ipfv. smoke.

kasét   n. tobacco pouch. See: tabat'érka tobacco pouch. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, smoke, containers.

another recording; keep which?? On w puwárn'i r'íbu kapt'ít. He smokes fish in the smokehouse. M'i kapt'ím balík w pawárn'i. We smoke fish in the smokehouse. See: puwárn'a. Category: fish, cook, smoke.

kasét   n. tobacco pouch. See: tabat'érka tobacco pouch. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, smoke, containers.

another recording; keep which?? On w puwárn'i r'íbu kapt'ít. He smokes fish in the smokehouse. M'i kapt'ím balík w pawárn'i. We smoke fish in the smokehouse. See: puwárn'a. Category: fish, cook, smoke.

kasét   n. tobacco pouch. See: tabat'érka tobacco pouch. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, smoke, containers.

kúr'it'   КУРИТЬ.

v ipfv. smoke. On kúr'it. He is smoking. Mnóga l'úd'i kur'íl'i. Many people smoked.

Sáray an'í náchi ?? kurít, malad'íya. ?? ... ?? smoked in the shed, they were young ?? Category: smoke.

Sáray an'í náchi ?? kurít, malad'íya. ?? ... ?? smoked in the shed, they were young ?? Category: smoke.

pap'iróska   n. cigarette. The Ninilchik word is the diminutive of the Russian word ПАПИРОСА. Dáy m'in'é pap'irósku! Give me a cigarette! Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, smoke.

s'igára   СИГАРА.

n. cigar. Category: smoke, Kibrik-Bergelson, record.

n. tobacco. See: tabat'érka tobacco pouch. Category: smoke.

tabat'érka   n. tobacco pouch. An'í d'érzhat tabat'érku ... They have a tobacco pouch ... ... zawal'ít polózhat v tabat'érku. ... (and they) put the snoose into the tobacco pouch. See: tabák; kasét. Category: smoke, containers.

tabák   ТАБАК.

n. tobacco. See: tabat'érka tobacco pouch. Category: smoke.

tabat'érka   n. tobacco pouch. An'í d'érzhat tabat'érku ... They have a tobacco pouch ... ... zawal'ít polózhat v tabat'érku. ... (and they) put the snoose into the tobacco pouch. See: tabák; kasét. Category: smoke, containers.

tabák   ТАБАК.

n. tobacco. See: tabat'érka tobacco pouch. Category: smoke.

tabat'érka   n. tobacco pouch. An'í d'érzhat tabat'érku ... They have a tobacco pouch ... ... zawal'ít polózhat v tabat'érku. ... (and they) put the snoose into the tobacco pouch. See: tabák; kasét. Category: smoke, containers.

trúpka   ТРУБКА.

n. pipe. for tobacco smoke. L'íman'ina trúpka Leman's pipe (Joe Leman Sr.'s pipe). non-dimunitive trubá stovepipe. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, smoke.