n. woman. Some say this is of a woman older than a d'éfka. báb'ina chulk'í women's socks (stockings). Aná haróshaya bába. She is a good woman. See: d'éfka. Category: people.
n. dummy, dumbbell, know-nothing. plural bald'í. See: durák. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, people.
2 • PN. name of an old man who used to live in Ninilchik. Category: people.
béyb'ichka n. baby. another recording; keep which?? baby Zoya Oskolkoff. U béyb'ichk'i ad'ín zup. The baby has one tooth.
Béybichka zabáwnay. The baby is cute. Béyb'ichka zamarálsa. The kid has gotten dirty. Category: ages, people, babies.
Béybichka zabáwnay. The baby is cute. Béyb'ichka zamarálsa. The kid has gotten dirty. Category: ages, people, babies.
n. poor person, poor thing, miserable person. dimunitive b'idn'ázhichka; adjective bédnay. Category: people.
b'idn'ázhichka n. poor thing. non-dimunitive b'idn'áshka; adjective bédnay. Category: people.
blahadárnay БЛАГОДАРНЫЙ.
n. good (person). Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, people, quality, record.
n. man, person. another recording (keep which one??) Sometimes the pronunciation is close to chelawék, but the more common pronunciation has the first vowel sounding close to the "a" as in "father". There is uncertainty among Ninilchik speakers about whether chalawék can also be a female. Kibrik and Bergelson also heard these pronunciations: chálowék, chólowék, chélowék, chilowék. plural chalawék'i. On haróshay chalawék. He's a good man.
ad'ín chalawek one man. adnóy chalawék one man. See: muzhík ‘man’; l'úd'i ‘people’. Category: people.
ad'ín chalawek one man. adnóy chalawék one man. See: muzhík ‘man’; l'úd'i ‘people’. Category: people.
n. (young) unmarried woman. Seems to mean 'woman' for most Ninilchik speakers but some say it means a younger woman, approx. in her 20's and 30's. maladáya d'éfka young woman. d'éfk'ina chulk'í women's socks (stockings). See: d'ifchónka; d'éwachka; bába. Category: people.
n. girl (teenager), teenage girl. See: d'ifchónka; d'éfka. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, people.
n. girl. approx. 7-9 years old. plural d'ifchónk'i. See: d'éfka; mal'chíshka. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, people.
d'íwa ДЕВА.
n. virgin, maiden. Category: people.
n. close friend, pal. meaning uncertain but seems to be a closer friend than tawárish. Éta moy druh. This is my pal. See: tawár'ish; pár'in'; chum. Category: people.
dwáyn'ik ДВОЙНИК.
n. twin. plural dwayn'ik'í. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, people.
galashtán adj. naked (person). Galashtán béb'ichka pr'ishól. The baby without pants came. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, people.
garazhán'i n. town people. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, people.
glupóy ГЛУПЫЙ.
adj. stupid. See: durák. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, people, personality.
kalósha ГАЛОША.
n. 1 • overshoe. plural kalóshi ‘КАЛОШИ’.
2 • Tlingit. Category: people, clothes.
kazáchka n. Cossack girl. Ap chom kazáchka pláchit, ap chom b'idn'azhichka gruz'it. I n'i kadá ya n'i zabúdu ... What is the Kossack girl crying about, what is the poor soul sad about? And I will never forget ... Category: people.
n. older fellow man ; Even though Ninilchik speakers interviewed for this dictionary have heard the words kum and kumá, they are not certain of their meaning. See: kumá. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, people.
n. older fellow woman ; See: kum. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, people.
n. prostitute. See: kurwáchiy dom. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, people, jobs.
n. people. Aná l'échit l'ud'éy. She heals (treats) people. Ya sah (fs'o??) l'ud'éy n'i znayu. ?? I don't know all the people. See: chalawék ‘man’. Category: people.
n. boy. Some people may consider mál'chik younger than mal'chíshka. ?? See: mal'chíshka. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, people.
n. boy. another recording (keep which??) plural mal'chíshk'i, mal'chishk'í. Ninilchik boys. Éta mal'chíshka zabáwnay. This boy is cute. mnóga mal'chíshk'i many boys. See: mál'chik; d'ifchónka. Category: people.
n. female (of animals). See: mat'; karówa. Category: people.
n. husband. Éta moy mush. This is my husband. Iyónay mush ushól na póshtu. Her husband went to the post office. Éta mush búd'it? Is he going to be a husband? See: zhiná ‘wife’; muzhík ‘man’. Category: relatives, people, marriage.
n. man. plural muzhik'í. Manáh razhd'ón stab'í mal'ítsa, saldát stap wéchna wayawát' a chinówn'ik shtop s bumágam'i r'ítsa, a muzhík shtop wéchna rabatát'. A monk is born to pray, a soldier to always fight, and an official (=bureaucrat) - to sort papers, and a lay person to work forever (a saying). See: mush; chalawék. Category: people, sayings.
N'ém'its НЕМЕЦ.
n. German. plural N'émtsi. Category: people, record.
n. bride. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, people, relatives.
pákas' n. thief, robber. variant pákas'n'ik; plural pakasn'ik'í. On pákas'n'ik, hudóy chalawék. He (is) a thief, a bad guy. See: warnák; pakast'ít'. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, people.
n. deceased person, dead person. variant pukóyn'ik. Category: people, death.
n. friend. Éta moy pár'in'. He's my friend. See: tawár'ish; druh. Category: people.
p'yán'itsa ПЬЯНИЦА.
n. drunkard. See: p'yánay. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, people, drink, record.
n. child. plural r'ib'ónk'i. See: r'ib'it'íshk'i ‘children’. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, people.
sáywash n. Alaska Native, Native. usually written as siwash but pronounced as [sáywaš] ("sigh" "wash"). not a Russian word ; very derogatory. I think this word is a result of simplification of English "savage." (H. Sheynin). Category: people.
n. villagers. See: s'iló. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, people.
n. orphan. plural s'irat'í. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, people.
n. old man, father, husband. plural starak'í. sometimes used for referring to one's father or husband; perhaps this usage is a borrowing from English. Edward Jackinsky as an old man. Ya starík. I'm an old man.
Éta moy star'ík. That is my old man. stáray star'ík very old man ?? feminine starúha. Category: ages, people, marriage.
Éta moy star'ík. That is my old man. stáray star'ík very old man ?? feminine starúha. Category: ages, people, marriage.
n. woman of middle or old age, mother. Sandra Kelly Cooper Wells as an old woman. stáraya star'úha very old woman. Éta moy star'úha. This is my old woman. mayá star'úha my wife. dimunitive star'úshka; masculine star'ík. See: zhiná ‘wife’. Category: people, ages, marriage.
n. old woman. plural star'úshk'i. ét'i star'úshk'i these old women. non-dimunitive star'úha. Category: people.
n. old woman. plural star'úshk'i. ét'i star'úshk'i these old women. non-dimunitive star'úha. Category: people.
n. old woman. plural star'úshk'i. ét'i star'úshk'i these old women. non-dimunitive star'úha. Category: people.
n. friend, buddy, comrade. plural tawár'ishi. Ya ushól r'ibáchit' sa swayím tawár'ishum. I went fishing with my friends. See: druh. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, people.
trayn'ik n. triplet. plural trayn'ik'í. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, people.
tur'íst ТУРИСТ.
n. tourist. plural tur'íst'i. Category: people.
n. educated. refers to being knowledgeable due to education. uchónay chalawék educated person. See: úmnay ‘smart’; abl'ázónay ‘educated’. Category: people.
adj. smart. úmnay chalawék smart person. See: uchónay. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, Wayne Leman, people.
warnák n. thief, robber. plural warnak'í. See: pákas'. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, people.
wdówa ВДОВА.
n. widow. not well known in Ninilchik. Category: people.
n. liar. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, personality, people.
n. cheater. Category: people.