Ninilchik Russian Dictionary



grétsa   ГРЕТЬСЯ.

v ipfv. warm, bask, warm up. Na pl'it'é gréyitsa. It is warmed on the stove. See: gret'. Category: temperature.

halod'ít'   ХОЛОДИТЬ.

v ipfv. draft. Halod'ít. (It feels like a) draft. See: hóladna. Category: temperature.

hóladna   ХОЛОДНО.

adv. cold. variant halódna. M'in'é halódna. I am cold (lit. To me it is cold.) M'in'é hóladna. (another recording, same speaker; keep??) Z'imóy hóladna. It is cold in winter. Óchin' halódna. It's very cold.

pakrasn'ét'   ПОКРАСНЕТЬ.

v pfv. redden, turn red. Imú s'idá hóladna, m'in'é s'idá t'ipló. ?? He is always cold; I am always warm. adjective halódnay. See: halod'ít draft; zast'ílay freezing cold; t'óplay warm; zhárka hot. Category: weather, temperature.

pakrasn'ét'   ПОКРАСНЕТЬ.

v pfv. redden, turn red. Imú s'idá hóladna, m'in'é s'idá t'ipló. ?? He is always cold; I am always warm. adjective halódnay. See: halod'ít draft; zast'ílay freezing cold; t'óplay warm; zhárka hot. Category: weather, temperature.

pakrasn'ét'   ПОКРАСНЕТЬ.

v pfv. redden, turn red. Iwónay nos i úshi pakrasn'él'i. His nose and ears turned red (for example, from the cold). See: pachern'ét'; pas'in'ét'. Category: colors, temperature.

adv. warm. M'in'é t'ipló. I am warm. Tútaka t'ipló. It's warm here. Yimú fs'idá hóladna, m'in'é fsidá t'ipló. He is always cold, (and) I am always warm. adjective t'óplay. See: zhárka; hóladna. Category: temperature.

t'ipló   ТЕПЛО.

adv. warm. M'in'é t'ipló. I am warm. Tútaka t'ipló. It's warm here. Yimú fs'idá hóladna, m'in'é fsidá t'ipló. He is always cold, (and) I am always warm. adjective t'óplay. See: zhárka; hóladna. Category: temperature.

t'ipló   ТЕПЛО.

adv. warm. M'in'é t'ipló. I am warm. Tútaka t'ipló. It's warm here. Yimú fs'idá hóladna, m'in'é fsidá t'ipló. He is always cold, (and) I am always warm. adjective t'óplay. See: zhárka; hóladna. Category: temperature.

t'óplay   ТЕПЛЫЙ.

adj. warm.

zamaróz'it'   v pfv. freeze. Aná swayí pál'tsi zamaróz'ila. Her fingers were frost bitten. (lit., She had her fingers frost bitten?? She froze her fingers??). adjective zamorózinay. See: zam'órznut'. Category: temperature, sickness.

zamoróz'inay   ЗАМОРОЖЕННЫЙ.

adj. frozen. Písht'a zamoróz'inay, m'ása, r'íba zamoróz'inay. The food (is) frozen, meat, fish (is) frozen. ?? Ya zamarózawas. I froze. ?? verb zamaróz'it'. See: marós; zast'ílay. Ya zast'íla ?? zamaróz'iwas. ?? ?? Category: temperature.

zam'órznut'   v pfv. become frozen, freeze. t'óplay d'en' warm day. t'óplay dom warm house. t'óplay mésta warm place. adverb t'ipló. See: hóladna cold. Category: temperature.

zamaróz'it'   v pfv. freeze. Aná swayí pál'tsi zamaróz'ila. Her fingers were frost bitten. (lit., She had her fingers frost bitten?? She froze her fingers??). adjective zamorózinay. See: zam'órznut'. Category: temperature, sickness.

zamoróz'inay   ЗАМОРОЖЕННЫЙ.

adj. frozen. Písht'a zamoróz'inay, m'ása, r'íba zamoróz'inay. The food (is) frozen, meat, fish (is) frozen. ?? Ya zamarózawas. I froze. ?? verb zamaróz'it'. See: marós; zast'ílay. Ya zast'íla ?? zamaróz'iwas. ?? ?? Category: temperature.

zam'órznut'   v pfv. become frozen, freeze. t'óplay d'en' warm day. t'óplay dom warm house. t'óplay mésta warm place. adverb t'ipló. See: hóladna cold. Category: temperature.

zamaróz'it'   v pfv. freeze. Aná swayí pál'tsi zamaróz'ila. Her fingers were frost bitten. (lit., She had her fingers frost bitten?? She froze her fingers??). adjective zamorózinay. See: zam'órznut'. Category: temperature, sickness.

zamoróz'inay   ЗАМОРОЖЕННЫЙ.

adj. frozen. Písht'a zamoróz'inay, m'ása, r'íba zamoróz'inay. The food (is) frozen, meat, fish (is) frozen. ?? Ya zamarózawas. I froze. ?? verb zamaróz'it'. See: marós; zast'ílay. Ya zast'íla ?? zamaróz'iwas. ?? ?? Category: temperature.

zam'órznut'   v pfv. become frozen, freeze. On zam'órs. He's frozen. Ya zam'órzla. I (female) am frozen. See: zast'ít'; marós. Category: temperature.

zast'ílay   adj. frozen. zast'ílay réchka frozen river. See: zast'ít'; halódnay; zamoróz'inay. Category: temperature, weather.

zast'ít'   v pfv. 1 • get cold (about a person). Ya zast'íla. I (female) am cold. Ushá zast'íl. My ear got cold. (lit., The ear got cold) ?? Mayí nóg'i zast'íl'i. My feet got cold. See: zam'órznut'; halódnay.

2 • freeze. L'ot zast'íl. The ice froze. adjective zast'ílay, zamoróz'inay. See: zamaróz'it'. Category: temperature, weather.

zhar   ЖАР.

n. heat, fever. See: zhár'it'. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, sickness, temperature, record.

adv. hot. zhárka   ЖАРКО.

adv. hot. zhárka   ЖАРКО.

adv. hot. Zhárka. It's hot. M'in'é zhárka. I'm hot. (lit., To me it is hot.) See: t'ipló; hóladna; zhár'it'. Category: weather, temperature.