n. eagle. plural ar'ól'i. This includes the bald eagle.
n. 1 • bad egg, addle egg. This is an egg which has a shell but nothing inside. The egg doesn't hatch; the inside is rotten. Éta baltún. It's an addle egg.
2 • chatterbox, blabbermouth. See: baltúsha. Category: birds.
mnóga ar'ól'i many eagles. ?? mnóga ar'ól'i (complete transcription??) ... ?? many eagles. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, birds.
n. 1 • bad egg, addle egg. This is an egg which has a shell but nothing inside. The egg doesn't hatch; the inside is rotten. Éta baltún. It's an addle egg.
2 • chatterbox, blabbermouth. See: baltúsha. Category: birds.
mnóga ar'ól'i many eagles. ?? mnóga ar'ól'i (complete transcription??) ... ?? many eagles. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, birds.
n. 1 • bad egg, addle egg. This is an egg which has a shell but nothing inside. The egg doesn't hatch; the inside is rotten. Éta baltún. It's an addle egg.
2 • chatterbox, blabbermouth. See: baltúsha. Category: birds.
n. stomach, belly. dimunitive br'úha. See: krásnaya br'úshka. Category: birds.
n. seagull. plural cháyk'i. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, birds.
chórnaya pt'ítsa n. black bird. Lit: black bird variant chórnay pt'ítsa.
chórnay pt'ítsa black bird. chórnay pt'ítsa or chórnaya pt'ítsa discussion ?? Category: birds.
chórnay pt'ítsa black bird. chórnay pt'ítsa or chórnaya pt'ítsa discussion ?? Category: birds.
n. owl. Category: birds.
n. loon. another recording; keep which?? Ya l'ubl'ú slúshat kadá gagára pláchit. ?? I like to listen when the loon cries. ?? Kadá t'i slíshish gagára búd'it dosh. ?? When you hear a loon it's going to rain. ?? Some Ninilchik people liked to make a play on words between this word for 'loon' and Gagarin, the name of the first astronaut (a Russian cosmonaut) to go into space. Category: birds.
n. loon. another recording; keep which?? Ya l'ubl'ú slúshat kadá gagára pláchit. ?? I like to listen when the loon cries. ?? Kadá t'i slíshish gagára búd'it dosh. ?? When you hear a loon it's going to rain. ?? Some Ninilchik people liked to make a play on words between this word for 'loon' and Gagarin, the name of the first astronaut (a Russian cosmonaut) to go into space. Category: birds.
n. loon. another recording; keep which?? Ya l'ubl'ú slúshat kadá gagára pláchit. ?? I like to listen when the loon cries. ?? Kadá t'i slíshish gagára búd'it dosh. ?? When you hear a loon it's going to rain. ?? Some Ninilchik people liked to make a play on words between this word for 'loon' and Gagarin, the name of the first astronaut (a Russian cosmonaut) to go into space. Category: birds.
n. nest. pt'íchi gn'izdó bird's nest. aról'i gn'izdó eagle's nest. ar'ól'ya gn'izdó eagle's nest. warón'i gn'izdó crow's nest. warón'ina gn'izdó crow's nest. ukúd'ik'ina gn'izdó bee's nest. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, birds.
gus' ГУСЬ.
n. goose. plural gús'i. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, birds.
kl'un КЛЮВ.
n. beak. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, birds.
krásnaya br'úshka КРАСНОЕ БРЮШКО.
n. robin. Lit: red belly variant krásnay br'úshka.
another recording; krásnay br'ushka; keep which?? See: br'úshka ‘belly’; br'úha ‘belly’. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, birds.
another recording; krásnay br'ushka; keep which?? See: br'úshka ‘belly’; br'úha ‘belly’. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, birds.
n. wing. plural kr'íl'a. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, birds.
kukarékat' ΚУΚΑΡΕΚАТЬ.
v ipfv. crow. This is the sound that a rooster makes, as it is pronounced in Russian. See: p'ituh. Category: birds, sounds.
prt. cock-a-doodle-do. variant kukaréka. This is the sound that a rooster makes, as it is pronounced in Ninilchik Russian. The following was said in Ninilchik when NR speakers were learning to speak English: Kukaréku, all same do. Cock-a-doodle-do, they all do (say) the same thing. Irene Leman used to say this: A wot éta p'itúh hwána rána kukaréka! But this rooster crowed very early! See: p'itúh ‘rooster’. Category: birds, sounds, Wayne Leman, Kibrik-Bergelson.
n. sandpiper, snipe. plural kul'ik'í. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, birds.
n. chicken, hen. plural kúr'i; dimunitive kúr'ichka. See: kúr'itsa; tsipl'ónak ‘chick’; kurapáshka ‘ptarmigan’; p'itúh ‘rooster’. Category: birds.
n. ptarmigan. variant kurpáshka; plural kurapáshk'i. See: kúra. Category: birds.
kúr'ichka n. little chicken, little hen. variant kúr'itsa. non-dimunitive kúra. Rawúlka kúr'ichku dushíl. Ralph choked a little hen (the beginning of a cute song). See: kurapáshka. Category: birds, songs.
kúr'itsa КУРИЦА.
n. chicken, hen. See: kúra. Category: birds.
n. sparrow, swallow. sparrows make nests out of mud, swallows out of grass. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, birds.
n'istí v ipfv. lay (an egg).
Kúra yáytsu n'islá. The chicken laid eggs. Category: birds, food.
Kúra yáytsu n'islá. The chicken laid eggs. Category: birds, food.
n. fingernail, claw. plural nókt'i, nóht'i. Category: body, animals, birds.
n. feather. plural pér'ushk'i. non-dimunitive p'iró. Category: birds.
n. 1 • feather. another pronunciation; keep which?? plural pér'ya ‘ПЕРЬЯ’. ad'ín p'iró one feather. mnóga pér'ya many feathers. mnóga p'iró many feathers. Ya nashlá ad'ín pér'ya. I found one feather. U étoy pt'ítsi zabáwn'iya pér'ya. This bird has beautiful feathers. dimunitive pér'ushka. Category: birds.
2 • fin.
3 • pen. Category: school, writing.
p'it'íchk'i n. little birds, baby birds. variant pt'íchk'i; non-dimunitive pt'ítsa. Category: birds.
p'it'íchk'i n. little birds, baby birds. variant pt'íchk'i; non-dimunitive pt'ítsa. Category: birds.
n. rooster. Ya p'ituhá sl'íshu. I hear a rooster. See: kúra. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, birds.
n. bird. plural pt'ítsi. Tsélaya kúcha pt'ítsi l'itáyut. The birds are flying in flocks. pt'ítsi gn'iznó bird's nest. dimunitive p'it'íchk'i. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, birds.
n. spruce hen, grouse. variant rápchik. Category: birds.
n. 1 • magpie. Saróka bélabóka na paróg'i tsikála, i góst'i pr'ishl'í. Magpie the white side on the porch chattered, and guests came. See: saróka b'ilabóka.
2 • chatterbox; chatty person. A chatty person is commonly called a saróka, because they sound like a magpie. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, birds.
s'igaw'í phr. call of a certain bird; part of a bird song; We referred to the bird as the sigowi bird. Betty Boyd Green says this song is by the sparrow. Category: birds.
sigowi sigowi. part of a bird song; we referred to the bird as the sigowi bird. Sigowi, apostrofidosi ??? ?? Category: birds, songs.
sn'izhóy pt'ítsa n. snowbird, snow bunting. See: z'ímnay pt'ítsa; pt'ítsa; sn'ek. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, birds.
n. chick. plural tsipl'ónk'i; variant s'ipl'ónak, s'ip'ónak (s'ipl'ónak??).
U kúr'i s'ipl'ónak. The hen has a chick. See: kúra. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, birds, record.
U kúr'i s'ipl'ónak. The hen has a chick. See: kúra. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, birds, record.
n. duck. See: gagára ‘loon’. Category: birds.
n. crow, raven. The same word is used in Ninilchik for a crow or raven. A raven is bigger than a crow. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, birds.
n. hawk. ... yástr'ip ... ?? ?? Category: birds.
n. crow, raven. The same word is used in Ninilchik for a crow or raven. A raven is bigger than a crow. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, birds.
n. hawk. ... yástr'ip ... ?? ?? Category: birds.
n. crow, raven. The same word is used in Ninilchik for a crow or raven. A raven is bigger than a crow. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, birds.
n. hawk. ... yástr'ip ... ?? ?? Category: birds.
n. 1 • egg. variant yáytsa, yáysa; plural yáyts'i, yáys'i. ad'ín yáytsa one egg. Kúra yáytsu sn'islá. The chicken laid an egg. An'í yáyts'i kráshut. They are coloring eggs.
2 • testicle. Category: body, birds.
Yáysa zak'ís. ?? The egg is rotten. ??
2 • testicle. Category: body, birds.
Yáysa zak'ís. ?? The egg is rotten. ??
2 • testicle. Category: body, birds.
z'ímnay pt'ítsa n. snowbird, snow bunting. Lit: winter bird See: sn'izhóy pt'ítsa ‘snowbord’; zimá ‘winter’. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, birds.