n. game. Ya pat'ir'ál igrá. I (male) lost the game. Category: play.
v ipfv. play. Nick Leman.
igrúshka ИГРУШКА.
n. toy. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, play.
kachél' КАЧЕЛИ.
n. swing. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, play.
kan'ók КОНЕК.
n. skate. plural kan'k'í. See: katátsa. Category: play.
On g'itáru igráit. He's playing the guitar. T'i hóchish kársi igrát? Do you want to play cards? Ya kárt'i igráyu. I play (am playing??) cards. ?? On kárt'i igráyit. ?? He's playing cards. ?? An'i kárt'i igráyut. ?? They played cards. ?? M'i chará kárt'i igrál'i. ?? We played cards yesterday. Aná s kúkla igráyit. ?? She plays with dolls. See: sklád'iwat'. Category: play.
igrúshka ИГРУШКА.
n. toy. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, play.
kachél' КАЧЕЛИ.
n. swing. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, play.
kan'ók КОНЕК.
n. skate. plural kan'k'í. See: katátsa. Category: play.
On g'itáru igráit. He's playing the guitar. T'i hóchish kársi igrát? Do you want to play cards? Ya kárt'i igráyu. I play (am playing??) cards. ?? On kárt'i igráyit. ?? He's playing cards. ?? An'i kárt'i igráyut. ?? They played cards. ?? M'i chará kárt'i igrál'i. ?? We played cards yesterday. Aná s kúkla igráyit. ?? She plays with dolls. See: sklád'iwat'. Category: play.
igrúshka ИГРУШКА.
n. toy. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, play.
kachél' КАЧЕЛИ.
n. swing. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, play.
kan'ók КОНЕК.
n. skate. plural kan'k'í. See: katátsa. Category: play.
v ipfv. slide, skate, ski, ride. M'i na m'id'wéd'ina kózhi skatál'i. We slid on a bear skin. See: kan'ók. Category: motion, play.
n. 1 • spool. Ap'át' pustóy katúshka. Again the spool is empty.
2 • rolling pin. See: skálka.
3 • rolling toy. See: táchka. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, tools, play, cook.
n. doll. plural kúkl'i.
Aná s kúkla igráyit. ?? She plays with dolls. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, play.
Aná s kúkla igráyit. ?? She plays with dolls. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, play.
l'ízhi n. skis. singular l'ízha.
another recording Category: play.
another recording Category: play.
n. sled, dogsled. plural nárt'i. On yézd'it na nárt'i. He's riding on a sled. On na nárt'i payahó?? He rode on a sled. ?? Sabáka nárt'i t'án'it. ?? The dog is pulling the sled. Category: play, travel.
v ipfv. beat, win over. Ya búdu K'itáitsi pab'iwát'. I'm going to try to beat the Chinamen (for example, in Solitaire). pfv: pab'ít'. Category: play.
péshk'i n. chess piece; checkers piece. singular péshka. Category: play, Wayne Leman.
pláwat' ПЛАВАТЬ.
v ipfv. swim, sail, float. An'í pláwayut. They are swimming. Category: play, boats, move.
shár'ik n. ball, balloon. sn'izhóy shár'ik snowball. cf. ШАР. Category: play, Kibrik-Bergelson.
n. 1 • wheelbarrow. variant tár'ichka; plural táchk'i.
2 • rolling toy. This word was used for the name of a toy made in Ninilchik by nailing a can lid to the end of a stick, then running along holding the stick while the lid rolled along the ground. "Andrew Cooper always had the best tachka when I was a kid. You were considered high up if you had a Hills Brothers coffee can lid nailed on the end of a stick." -Dean Kvasnikoff. See: katúshka. Category: play.
tár'ichka n. rolling toy. variant táchka. See: katúshka; tárachka. Category: play.