Ninilchik Russian Dictionary



n. cloud. variant óblaka; plural ablak'í. another recording of the plural; keep which?? See: túcha. Category: weather.

ablaká   ОБЛАКО.

n. cloud. variant óblaka; plural ablak'í. another recording of the plural; keep which?? See: túcha. Category: weather.

ablaká   ОБЛАКО.

n. cloud. variant óblaka; plural ablak'í. another recording of the plural; keep which?? See: túcha. Category: weather.

askl'íska   adv. (it is) slippery. variant skl'íska. See: kl'ískay; l'ot. Category: weather.

dazhiwóy   ДОЖДЕВОЙ.

adj. rain. See: dosh; dazhiwóy pal'tó. Category: weather.

d'ímna   ДЫМНО.

adv. cloudy. D'ímna. It's cloudy. See: d'im'ít'. Category: weather.

dosh   ДОЖДЬ.

n. rain. dimunitive dózhd'ik. See: dazhiwóy. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, weather.

dozh   ДОЖДЬ.

n. rain. variant dosh; dimunitive dózhd'ik, dózhik. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, weather.

dózhd'ik   ДОЖДИК.

n. rain. variant dózhik. non-dimunitive dosh. Category: weather.

dózhik   n. rain. variant dózhd'ik; non-dimunitive dosh. Dózhik id'ót? Is it raining? Dózhik id'ót. It's raining. mnóga dózhik lots of rain. Category: weather.

dut'   ДУТЬ.

v ipfv. blow. Dúy! Blow! Dúy na agón'! Blow on the fire! On na agón' dúit. He's blowing on the fire. Wét'ir dúit. The wind is blowing. See: parus'ít'; wét'ir. Category: weather.

gr'at   ГРАД.

n. hail. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, weather.

grom   ГРОМ.

n. thunder.

another recording; keep which?? variant gr'om. See: gr'im'ít' make noise. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, weather.

another recording; keep which?? variant gr'om. See: gr'im'ít' make noise. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, weather.

halódnay   ХОЛОДНЫЙ.

adj. cold. Mayí nog'í halódn'iya. My feet are cold. See: hóladna; zast'ílay. Category: weather.

hóladna   ХОЛОДНО.

adv. cold. variant halódna. M'in'é halódna. I am cold (lit. To me it is cold.) M'in'é hóladna. (another recording, same speaker; keep??) Z'imóy hóladna. It is cold in winter. Óchin' halódna. It's very cold.

kurzhák   n. snow on branches etc. See: sn'ek snow. Category: weather, Kibrik-Bergelson.

Imú s'idá hóladna, m'in'é s'idá t'ipló. ?? He is always cold; I am always warm. adjective halódnay. See: halod'ít draft; zast'ílay freezing cold; t'óplay warm; zhárka hot. Category: weather, temperature.

kurzhák   n. snow on branches etc. See: sn'ek snow. Category: weather, Kibrik-Bergelson.

Imú s'idá hóladna, m'in'é s'idá t'ipló. ?? He is always cold; I am always warm. adjective halódnay. See: halod'ít draft; zast'ílay freezing cold; t'óplay warm; zhárka hot. Category: weather, temperature.

kurzhák   n. snow on branches etc. See: sn'ek snow. Category: weather, Kibrik-Bergelson.

l'óhkay   ЛЕГКИЙ.

adj. 1 • light, slight. Can be light in weight. variant yóhkay. l'óhkay wét'ir light breeze. On l'óhkay. It's light. antonym t'izhólay. Category: weather, weight.

2 • easy. N'i kakóy rabóta n'i l'óhkay. No work is easy. Category: quality. l'óhka ?? lightly ; slightly ; easily ?? ЛЕГКО.

On l'óhka rabótat. ?? He works easily.

l'ot   ЛЕД.

n. ice. L'ot kl'ískay. The ice is slippery. See: shugá. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, Wayne Leman, water, weather.

marós   МОРОЗ.

n. frost. W bal'shóy marós shugá d'élayitsa. When there is a big frost it makes slush ice (on the Inlet). See: zam'órznut'. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, weather.

napát'   v pfv. fall. Mnóga sn'ek napál. A lot of snow fell. Category: weather, motion.

nast   НАСТ.

n. snow crust. See: sn'ek snow. Category: weather, record.

n. cloud. variant ablaká; plural ablak'í. another recording of the plural; keep which?? See: túcha. Category: weather.

óstaway   ОСТОВЫЙ.

adj. eastern. óblaka   ОБЛАКО.

n. cloud. variant ablaká; plural ablak'í. another recording of the plural; keep which?? See: túcha. Category: weather.

óstaway   ОСТОВЫЙ.

adj. eastern. óblaka   ОБЛАКО.

n. cloud. variant ablaká; plural ablak'í. another recording of the plural; keep which?? See: túcha. Category: weather.

óstaway   ОСТОВЫЙ.

adj. eastern. óstaway wét'ir eastern wind ; chinook. Category: weather.

pagóda   ПОГОДА.

n. weather. Kakóy u t'ibé pagóda? How's your weather?

Óchin' karshúa pagóda no l'is'í. ?? ?? Category: weather.

Óchin' karshúa pagóda no l'is'í. ?? ?? Category: weather.

par'ít'   v ipfv. steam. Z'imóy móra par'ít mnóga. In the winter the inlet steams a lot. See: par. Category: weather.

parus'ít'   v ipfv. blow. This verb is used when something hangs in the wind, such as clothes. ?? Parus'ít. It's blowing. Wét'ir parus'ít. The wind is blowing. See: párus; wét'ir; dut'. Category: weather.

n. blizzard. púrga   ПУРГА.

n. blizzard. púrga   ПУРГА.

n. blizzard. Na wúl'is'i púrga. There's a blizzard outside. See: purzhít'. Category: weather.

purzhít'   v ipfv. blizzard. variant puzhít. Purzhít. It's a snow storm ; it's blizzarding. See: púrga. Category: weather.

ráguda   РАДУГА.

n. rainbow. Category: weather.

rastáyit'   РАСТАЯТЬ.

v pfv. thaw, melt. Rastál. It's melted. Sn'ek rastál. The snow has melted. ipfv: táyit'. Category: weather.

sasúl'ka   СОСУЛЬКА.

n. icicle. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, weather.

shl'ákat   СЛЯКОТЬ.

n. sleet. plural shl'akatá. Id'ót shl'ákat. It's sleeting. Pádayit shl'ákat'. It's sleeting. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, weather.

shtorm   ШТОРМ.

n. ocean storm. See: búr'a. Category: weather.

shugá   ШУГА.

n. slush. W bal'shóy marós shugá d'élayitsa. Big frost makes slush ice (on the Inlet). See: sn'ék; l'ot. Category: weather, record.

skl'ískay   adj. slippery. variant kl'ískay. Astarózhna, skl'ískay! Be careful, it's slippery! Daróga skl'ískay The road is slippery. L'ot kl'ískay. The ice is slippery. See: askl'íska. Category: weather.

sn'ek   СНЕГ.

n. snow. Sn'ek id'ót. It's snowing (lit., snow is coming). Sn'ek padaet. Snow is falling. Sn'ek pashól. Snow is starting to come. ...?? sn'ek ... b'úd'it, ... mnóga ... ?? ?? mókray sn'ek wet snow. sn'ek na kustáh snow on bushes. Gl'id'í, tam sn'ek na garé! Look, there's snow on the mountain! adjective sn'izhóy. See: kurzhák; nast; shugá. Category: weather.

sn'izhóy   adj. of snow. sn'izhóy pt'ítsa snow bird. sn'izhóy shár'ik snowball. See: sn'ek snow. Category: weather.

sóntsa   СОЛНЦЕ.

n. sun. Sóntsa swét'it. It's sunny. Sóntsa padn'imáyitsa. The sun is rising. Sóntsa w'ihód'it. The sun came out. Sóntsa zakat'ílsa. The sun set. (another recording; keep which one??) Sóntsa sel. The sun set. mnóga sóntsa lots of sunshine. See: pad'imátsa rise; zakat'ítsa set. Category: weather, nature.

swét'it'   СВЕТИТЬ.

v ipfv. shine, illumine. Sóntsa swét'it. It's sunny (Lit., the sun is shining.) Luná swét'it. The moon is shining. Agón' swét'it. The fire is giving off light. Lámpa swét'it. The lamp is shining. An'í swét'ili. They were shining (for example, about stars). adverb sw'itló. See: swet. Category: weather, light.

táyit'   ТАЯТЬ.

v ipfv. melt. Sn'ek táyit. The snow is melting. Sn'ek id'ót, fs'o táyit. Snow is falling, and melting. pfv: rastáyit'. Category: weather.

n. cloud. plural túchi. another plural recording; keep which?? Maya máma s'idá gawaréla túchi. ?? My mother always said "tuchi". ?? dazhn'íya túchi rain clouds. See: ablaká. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, Wayne Leman, weather.

tumán   ТУМАН.

n. fog. Tumán pad'imáyitsa. The fog is appearing. ?? Category: weather.

wéstoway   ВЕСТОВЫЙ.

n. western. wéstoway wét'ir western wind. Category: weather, record.

túcha   ТУЧА.

n. cloud. plural túchi. another plural recording; keep which?? Maya máma s'idá gawaréla túchi. ?? My mother always said "tuchi". ?? dazhn'íya túchi rain clouds. See: ablaká. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, Wayne Leman, weather.

tumán   ТУМАН.

n. fog. Tumán pad'imáyitsa. The fog is appearing. ?? Category: weather.

wéstoway   ВЕСТОВЫЙ.

n. western. wéstoway wét'ir western wind. Category: weather, record.

túcha   ТУЧА.

n. cloud. plural túchi. another plural recording; keep which?? Maya máma s'idá gawaréla túchi. ?? My mother always said "tuchi". ?? dazhn'íya túchi rain clouds. See: ablaká. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, Wayne Leman, weather.

tumán   ТУМАН.

n. fog. Tumán pad'imáyitsa. The fog is appearing. ?? Category: weather.

wéstoway   ВЕСТОВЫЙ.

n. western. wéstoway wét'ir western wind. Category: weather, record.

wét'ir   ВЕТЕР.

n. wind. plural w'itrá; dimunitive w'it'irók. l'óhkay wét'ir light breeze. nórdway wét'ir northern wind. s'ódway wét'ir southern wind. óstway wét'ir eastern wind ; chinook. S'iwódn'i wét'ir. There is wind today. See: parus'ít' blow; wéchir evening. Category: weather, Kibrik-Bergelson.

w'it'irók   n. light wind. non-dimunitive wét'ir. Category: weather.

zast'ílay   adj. frozen. zast'ílay réchka frozen river. See: zast'ít'; halódnay; zamoróz'inay. Category: temperature, weather.

zast'ít'   v pfv. 1 • get cold (about a person). Ya zast'íla. I (female) am cold. Ushá zast'íl. My ear got cold. (lit., The ear got cold) ?? Mayí nóg'i zast'íl'i. My feet got cold. See: zam'órznut'; halódnay.

2 • freeze. L'ot zast'íl. The ice froze. adjective zast'ílay, zamoróz'inay. See: zamaróz'it'. Category: temperature, weather.

adv. hot. zhárka   ЖАРКО.

adv. hot. zhárka   ЖАРКО.

adv. hot. Zhárka. It's hot. M'in'é zhárka. I'm hot. (lit., To me it is hot.) See: t'ipló; hóladna; zhár'it'. Category: weather, temperature.