adj. educated. Moy at'éts óchin abl'azónay chalawék bul. My father was a very educated guy. See: uchórnay ‘educated’. Category: $$$$$. [nc 11/30/12 14:14]
Al'ik'ína Kúhnya n. Alec's Kitchen. a place. Category: locations, $$$$$. [nc 11/4/12 51:23]
n. angel. See: S ángilam. Category: $$$$$, church. [sl 11/9/12]
bayshórkay ??. rubbing ?? ?? ?? See: shórkay. Category: $$$$$, RECORD NOW. [sl]
n. letter (of an alphabet). plural búkw'i. Rúskiya búkw'i Russian letters. Category: writing, $$$$$. [nc 11/8/12 47:57]
v. give. See: dat' ‘give’. Category: $$$$$. Ya imú knígu dála. I (female) gave him a book. [sl 10/22/12 24:27] Ya yey knígu dála. I (female) gave her a book. Ya n'i hachú n'e knígu dat. I don't want to give her a book. On t'ibé knígu dal? Did he give you a book? Dáe m'in'é pap'irásku! Give me a cigarette! [bp 4A1 03:35] [sl 10/22/12 24:27]
dapóln'ulsa ?? v. fill. On dapóln'ulsa. ?? Category: $$$$$. [sl 10/22/12 23:35]
v. fill. Wadá dapóln'il. The tide came in. Ya dapóln'il d'irú. I filled the hole. Ya dapólnayu. I'm filling it up. Category: $$$$$. [sl 11/8/12 10:09] [sl 11/9/12 10:11]
dastát' v. get, procure. Ya dastál úgal'. ?? I got coal. Ad'é t'i dastáish úgal'? ?? Where did you get coal? cf. ДОСТАВАТЬ. Category: $$$$$, RECORD. [sl 11/9/12 18:44]
dastrél'it' v. shoot. Ya sahátu dastrél'u. ?? I shot a moose. See: strélyat'. Category: hunt, $$$$$, RECORD. [sl 11/9/12 18:53]
dawát' v. give. ?? ?? See: dat' ‘give’. Category: $$$$$, RECORD. [sl 10/22/12 24:27]
d'íkan n. deacon. variant d'yákan. Category: $$$$$, church. [cd] [sl 10/22/12 53:37]
drazhít' v. shake with chills. On drazhít. He's shaking with chills. Ya drazhú. I'm trembling. See: dr'osh. Category: $$$$$. [sl 10/22/12 42:56]
n. foolish female. masculine durák; dimunitive duráchka. Category: $$$$$. [sl 10/22/12 45:53]
farsít' v. showing off, putting on airs. mostly just for women. Aná farsít. She's putting on airs. Category: personality, $$$$$, RECORD. [sl]
pro. everybody, everyone, everything, all. variant se; accusative fsyo; genitive sex. M'i fse hóchim. We all want. Category: $$$$$. [bp 10/26/12c 06:24]
n. denim jacket. Ques: RECHECK MEANING Category: $$$$$, clothes. [sl 10/22/12 25:36]
gr'éshit' ?? ГРЕШИТЬ.
v. sin. On gr'éshil. (gr'ashíl ??) He sinned. Ya gr'éshu. ?? (gr'ashú ??) I'm sinning. adjective gr'éshnay ‘sinful’. Category: $$$$$.
adj. sinful. óchin gr'éshnay chalawék a very sinful man. Category: $$$$$. [nc 11/8/12 20:59]
adv. loudly. óchin grómka very loudly. Éta chalawék grómka gawarít. That man is talking loudly. See: grom. Category: sounds, $$$$$. [nc 11/8/12 24:32]
gulk'í ??. ?? ?? ?? Category: $$$$$. [nc 11/8/12 44:38]
v. whistle. Cháyn'ik hwist'ít. The teakettle is whistling. Category: $$$$$, sounds. [bp 10/26/12 01:18:45]
imét' ИМЕТЬ.
v. own. Moy brat iméit kát'ir. My brother owns a boat. Category: $$$$$. [nc 10/30/12 18:47]
kacháitsa v. rock. On kacháitsa. He's rocking. See: kachát'; kachálka. Category: motion, $$$$$, RECORD. [sl]
kákus n. hayrope. See: w'iráfka ‘rope’. Category: $$$$$. [nc 11/4/12 43:34]
karán'i n. ?? Category: $$$$$. [jl 10/22/12 01:05:03]
kartús n. box. esp. a small paper box, for example, an oatmeal carton. See: kartón. Category: containers, $$$$$. [sl 11/9/12 28:00]
katát' v. drive. ?? ?? See: run'ít'. Category: $$$$$. [sl 11/9/12 22:21]
Kiríl n. Charles. See: Chál'i. Category: $$$$$, names. [nc 10/30/12 15:00]
k'islatóway adj. sour. Ques: sk'islatóway ?? Éta fs'o k'islatóway. It's all sour. See: k'íslay. Category: $$$$$. [nc 11/4/12 40:30]
prep ?? adv ??. around. variant krugóm. Category: $$$$$. [bp 10/26/12 45:57]
kruk ?? КРУГ.
n. circle. Ques: SEE IF ANYONE KNOWS THIS?? Category: $$$$$.
n. cock-a-doodle-do. variant kukaréka. This is the sound that a rooster makes, as it is pronounced in Ninilchik Russian. Irene Leman used to say this: A wot éta p'itúh hwána rána kukaréka! ?? (AK: A wot éta p'itúh, on rána kukaréka.) But this rooster crowed very early! See: p'itúh ‘rooster’. Category: birds, sounds, Wayne Leman, Kibrik-Bergelson, $$$$$. [nl: kukaréku] [bp 10/26/12 48:30; 49:15 kukaréka]
lafchít' v. feel good. M'iné n'i lafchít. I don't feel good. See: hwarát'. Category: sickness, $$$$$. [nc 11/4/12 00:32]
lagóy ?? adj ??. ?? On nay ?? lagóy praknúl iwónay nógu. ?? It (moose) went through the muscle of his leg. ?? Category: $$$$$. [nc 11/8/12 09:22]
adv. handy. Éta óchin lófka. That's really handy. adjective lófkay. Category: $$$$$. [nc 11/10/12 44:37]
adj. handy, clever. On lófkay. He's handy. adverb lófka. Category: $$$$$. [nc 11/10/12 45:45]
n. monkey. plural makáki. T'i hudóy makáka. You're a bad monkey. U t'ibé l'isó kak makáka. You have a face like a monkey. Tríki tráki, tri makáki, na nawózi, ha ha ha! Shaking-ashes-down-handle, three monkeys, outside (to the ashpile), ha ha ha! See: Múnkina Réchka ‘Monkey Creek’; tríki tráki ‘kb’; animals. Category: $$$$$. [nc 10/30/12 35:15] [nc 10/30/12 35:56]
adv. wet. Óchin makrá nawul'ísi. It's very wet outside. adjective mókray. Category: $$$$$. [nc 11/10/12 41:27]
Márt'in n. Martin. Category: names, $$$$$. [nc 11/4/12 38:20]
adv. nasty, detestable, miserable. Na wúl'isi óchin mérska. It's miserable (weather) outside. adjective mérskay. Category: $$$$$. [nc 11/10/12 38:40]
adj. nasty, detestable, miserable. especially of something that tastes terrible. Wot chiwóta mérskay w'ídala. ?? Here, something nasty I saw (drank?). ?? adverb mérska. Category: $$$$$. [bp 11/9/12] [nc 11/10/12 39:20]
M'ilásha n. Milasha. affectionate name for Melanya. See: Malánya. Category: names, $$$$$. [nc 11/4/12 54:10]
m'ítsa ?? v. bathe. ?? ?? See: m'it'. Category: $$$$$. [sl 11/9/12 13:18]
adv. overcast. Ques: móroshna ?? Na wúl'isi óchin mórashna. Outside it's very overcast. antonym yásna. Category: weather, $$$$$. [nc 11/10/12 00:18]
múchit' v. ?? On s'ibé múchit. He ?? himself. Category: $$$$$. [nc 11/8/12 45:48]
muzhúywitsa v. ?? Muzhúywitsa myása. The meat ?? Category: $$$$$. [nc 11/8/12 36:40]
adv. backwards. that is, contrary to how it should be. Éta f'ó nabarót. Everything is backwards. Éta chalawék f'ó nabarót zd'el. That guy made it all backwards. Shto n'i pan'imáyish éta f'o nabarót? Don't you understand you made it all backwards? Dugarás f'ó nabarót. Sometimes it's all backwards. Category: $$$$$. [nc 11/4/12 27:06]
nad'élsa v. dress. Ya harashó nad'élsa na z'imá. I am dressed well for winter. Category: clothes, $$$$$. [nc 11/10/12 32:04]
v. sated, full of food ?? Ques: RECHECK MEANING vis-a-vis SR Ya naélsa. I'm full.
Ya naélas. I (female) am full. Category: $$$$$, food. [sl 11/9/12]
Ya naélas. I (female) am full. Category: $$$$$, food. [sl 11/9/12]
nakasíh adj. slanted. nakasíh núzhn'ik ?? slanted outhouse. Category: $$$$$. [sl 11/8/12 02:38]
nakr'ít' v. set. for instance, to set the table for a meal. Ya stol nakr'íl. I set the table. Category: food, $$$$$. [sl 11/5/12 15:20]
násapt'irat' v. ?? ?? ?? See: násmark. Category: $$$$$. [sl 11/9/12 18:00]
násmark n. snot. See: násapt'irat'. Category: $$$$$. [sl 11/9/12 18:00]
n'íska adv. low. Category: $$$$$. [sl 11/8/12]
pachahóyn'iku adv. quietly. See: pamal'énku ‘slowly’. Category: $$$$$. [nc 10/30/12 01:03:04]
pagl'id'ét' v. take a look. Ya pagl'id'ú. I'm taking a look. (sl: I'm going to take a look. ??) See: gl'id'ét'; w'íd'it'; gal'ít'. Category: $$$$$. [sl 11/5/12 10:40] [sl 11/5/12 10:40]
pagl'inílsa v. benefitted ?? ?? ?? Category: $$$$$, RECORD NOW. [sl 11/5/12 02:11]
pahódit' ?? v. ?? U m'in'é pahódit ?? shto sn'ek búd'it. It looks to me that it's going to snow. Category: $$$$$. [nc 11/30/12 18:27]
n. memory. The following is said about someone who has died: Wéchnaya památ'! Memory eternal! ВЕЧНАЯ ПАМЯТЬ. See: wéchnay. Category: $$$$$. [nc 11/8/12 18:42]
papál ?? v. hit. Especially to hit the mark with a gun shot. Ques: GET INFINITIVE T'i iwó papál. You hit him. Category: $$$$$. [nc 11/10/12 12:05]
paparal'át' v. ?? On kal'idór paparal'áit. (paparalyáit ?? RECORD COMPLETE SENTENCE) He's ?? the entryway. Category: $$$$$. [sl 10/22/12 01:18:02]
parán'it' ?? v. hurt. parán'ul ?? (he) hurt (e.g. his hand) ?? Category: $$$$$, RECORD. [nc 10/30/12 24:40]
páritsa n. bathing place in the woods. Category: locations, $$$$$. [nc 11/4/12 51:40]
pasád'it' ?? ПОЗАСАДИТЬ ??
v. plant. imperfective.
pasamú ??. ?? On agarót pasad'íl. He planted the garden.wav. Patóm na agarót pasad'él. ?? Then the garden is planted. ?? See: agarót ‘garden’. Category: $$$$$. [sl 6/23/14]
pasamú ??. ?? On agarót pasad'íl. He planted the garden.wav. Patóm na agarót pasad'él. ?? Then the garden is planted. ?? See: agarót ‘garden’. Category: $$$$$. [sl 6/23/14]
pasamú ??. ?? Cháyki pasamú. Seagulls are all over. Category: $$$$$. [nc 11/4/12 41:03]
pastayána adv. constantly. On pastayána gawarít. He talks constantly. adjective pastayánay. Category: $$$$$. [sl 11/5/12 15:46]
Pérway Túndra n. First Flat. Category: locations, $$$$$. [nc 11/4/12 52:15]
n. apron. Category: $$$$$. [nc 11/10/12 07:37]
p'irilamálsa v. break up. P'írilamálsa. It's breaking up (time, in the Spring). ?? Réchka ya p'irilamálsa. ?? See: p'irilamát'; lamát'. Category: time, $$$$$, RECORD NOW. [sl 11/8/12 02:14]
p'ísadu ??. urinated on ?? The following sentence has been passed down about a funny incident in Ninilchik: What's the matter, Mrs. Anderson, your cat pastayána on the crackers, s'i p'ísadu?! What's the matter, Mrs. Anderson, your cat constantly pees on the crackers?! See: p'ísat' ??. Category: $$$$$. [jl 11/11/12]
píshcha n. food. Ques: cf. ПИСЧА 'writing' ?? See: p'ísht'a. Category: food, $$$$$. [sl]
p'itrúshka n. 1 • wild parsley ?? a kind of turnip ?? Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, plants.
2 • Peter. nickname for Peter Oskolkoff. Category: names, $$$$$. [sl 11/2/12 15:45]
prab'izhát' v. run away. Aná hótka prab'izhála. She ran away. (She ran fast. ??) See: b'izhát'; úb'izhat'. Category: motion, $$$$$, RECORD. [sl 11/2/12 23:27] [nc 11/10/12 26:20]
pragarélsa v. Ques: RECHECK go out (of a fire). ?? ?? See: prágarit'. Category: $$$$$, RECORD NOW. [sl 11/5/12 10:07] [cd 16:30]
prapadát' ?? v. die. On mózhit prapadáit. Maybe he is dying. Category: $$$$$. [sl 11/1/12 10:26]
prasméshn'ik n. mocker. This word refers to someone who makes fun of others. verb prasméwat' ??. Category: $$$$$. [nc 10/30/12 36:13] [sl 10/22/12 47:09]
praz'iwát' ПРОЗЕВАТЬ.
v. miss. This verb for 'miss' has to do with not making contact with someone, especially from being late. This is a different meaning from the verb skuzhát' which refers to being lonesome for someone. Ya praz'iwál. I missed it (I was too late). See: z'iwat' ??. Category: $$$$$, RECORD. [sl 11/1/12 00:20] [nc 11/10/12 10:50]
prihódn'itsa v. work out. Nichiwó n'i prihódn'itsa. Nothing worked out. Category: $$$$$. [nc 11/10/12 01:42]
prisát' ?? v. sit. Ya prisél na stal'é. I sat on a table. See: s'id'ét'. Category: $$$$$. [nc 10/30/12 39:39]
v. come, arrive. Ya pr'idú. I'll come here. ?? Ya pr'ishól. I (male) came. Я ПРИШЁЛ. Ya pr'ishlá. I (female) came. Я ПРИШЛА. Atkúy t'i pr'ishól? Where did you (male) come from? Ya étu méstu pr'íshla. I (female) came to this place. On m'in'é pr'ishól. He came to me. M'in'é pr'id'í! Come to me! Wo kak t'i skazála pérhat? Oh, when did you say to come? ВО, КАК ТЫ СКАЗАЛА ПРИЕХАТЬ? See: dayt'í ‘arrive, come’; it'í ‘go’; dayt'í ‘come’; zayt'í ‘come in’. Category: motion, RECORD NOW, $$$$$. [sl 10/22/12 33:34] [sl 11/9/12 09:00] [nc 11/10/12 11:59]
raskalát' v. chop. Ya d'ériwa raskalál. ?? I chopped wood. See: trubít'. Category: $$$$$. [sl 11/9/12 17:36]
raspuskát' ?? v. unravel. Ques: RECHECK THIS AND RECORD INFINITIVE Raspuskáy! Unravel it! cf. РАСПУТАТЬ 'unravel'. See: raspuskátsa ‘bud ??’. Category: $$$$$, RECORD. [nc 11/10/12 36:16]
rastáyat' ?? ТАЯТЬ ??
v. melt. Éta rastáit. It's melting. ?? See: táyat' ??. Category: weather, $$$$$. [nc 11/10/12 01:19]
regá ?? n. ?? Category: $$$$$. [nc 11/10/12 49:49]
run'ít' v. steer. On gazal'ín run'íl. ?? He steered the boat. Category: $$$$$. [sl 11/9/12 22:25]
S ángilam php. Happy Names Day. Lit: with the angels, referring to an angel being on your head See: ángil. Category: church, $$$$$. [sl 11/9/12]
n. Saturday. variant Sabótu, Subóta. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, days, time, $$$$$. [nc 10/30/12 17:55]
sát' (sáhat' ??) v. ?? Ya búdu sáat. I'm going to ?? See: srat'. Category: $$$$$. [nc 11/8/12 44:43]
s'el v. eat. Ques: CHECK FOR INFINITIVVE On s'el. He ate. Éta chalawék f'o hlébu seyál. ?? That guy ate all the bread. See: id'át. Category: $$$$$. [nl] [nc 11/4/12 26:11]
sémashnay adj. same. sémashnay d'en' the same day. Category: $$$$$. [sl 11/2/12 26:00]
sést'i v. sit down. Ya hachu sést'i. I want to sit down. Aná séla. She sat down. ОНА СЕЛА. Category: $$$$$. [sl 11/2/12 16:50]
shabóyke ??. ?? Category: $$$$$. [jl 10/22/12 08:16] [ak 10/22/12 08:17]
shagát' v. walk. ?? ?? Category: motion, $$$$$. [sl 11/9/12 13:33]
shípka ??. because ?? Category: $$$$$, RECORD. [bp 10/26/12 45:00] [sl 11/2/12 23:54]
skatát' СКАТАТЬ.
v. roll. Ya skatáyu. I rolled it. Aná skatait. She rolled it. Category: $$$$$. [nc 11/8/12 30:15]
v. 1 • fold. Ya skládawayu b'il'ó. ?? I'm folding clothes.
2 • play cards alone. kárt'i skládawat to play cards by yourself. See: igrát'. Category: cards, $$$$$. [sl 10/29/2012]
n. bedroom. variant spáyna. Category: house, $$$$$. [nc 10/30/12 11:35] [po 10/24/12 32:20]
spérwa СПЕРВА.
adj. first. Spérwa náda kartófil'i harshénka w'imas patóm yix kipit'í. First you must wash potatoes well then you boil them. СПЕРВА НАДО КАРТОФЕЛЬ ХОРОШЕНЬКО ВЫМЫТЬ И ПОТОМ КИПЯТИТЬ. See: pérway. Category: numbers, RECORD, $$$$$.
sto num. 100, one hundred. sto góda 100 years. Category: $$$$$, numbers. [sl 10/22/12 08:31]
adv. here. Id'í sudá! Come here! See: tut. Category: $$$$$, locations. [nc 11/4/12 25:27]
t'ápnut' ?? v. chop down. Ques: tyápnut' INFINITIVE ?? Ya l'isínu t'ápnul. I chopped down a tree. Category: $$$$$, RECORD. [nc 11/4/12 49:45]
tartáyka n. rolling toy. made from a coffee can lid nailed to the end of a stick. plural tartáyk'i. See: táchka. Category: $$$$$. [nc 11/8/12 13:08]
tayat' ?? ТАЯТЬ.
v. melt.
Nawúl'isi táit. Outside it's melting. See: rastayat' ??. Category: weather, $$$$$. [nc 11/10/12 01:02]
Nawúl'isi táit. Outside it's melting. See: rastayat' ??. Category: weather, $$$$$. [nc 11/10/12 01:02]
n. ladder, mopstick ?? On na tr'ápi zal'és. He climbed up on the ladder.
Tr'ápki mózhna wízhimat maybe to wring the mop ?? synonym l'ésn'itsa. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, tools, $$$$$. [sl 11/5/12 21:44] [sl 6/24/14 00:05:00]
Tr'ápki mózhna wízhimat maybe to wring the mop ?? synonym l'ésn'itsa. Category: Kibrik-Bergelson, tools, $$$$$. [sl 11/5/12 21:44] [sl 6/24/14 00:05:00]
adj. hard, difficult. adverb trúdna; antonym l'énkoy ?? ‘easy’. Category: quality, $$$$$, RECORD. [bp 01:26:40]
tryápkay adj. ?? On tryápkay. ?? Category: $$$$$. [jl 10/22/12 52:22]
tud'ít' ?? v. ?? Éta chiwóta páhim ?? tud'ít. Fú t'i na. ?? This something that smells ... ?? Smelly! Category: $$$$$. [jl 10/22/12 01:08:56]
n. teacher (female). This is Alyce Anderson the first teacher of the American (English) school in Ninilchik: Aná uchítliya. ?? She is a teacher. masculine uchít'il'. Category: $$$$$, Wayne Leman, school, jobs. [nc 11/10/12 54:24]
ushib'ít' УШИБИТЬ.
v. hurt. physical hurt. Ques: RECORD INFINITIVE On iwó ushib'íl. He hurt him. Aná iwó ushiblá. She hurt him. See: ab'izhát'. Category: $$$$$, RECORD. [sl 11/9/12 06:29] [nc 11/10/12 21:19]
ustát' ?? УСТАТЬ.
v. tire. Ya ustál'u. I'm tired. On ustál. He got tired. Ya ustál. I (male) got tired. Ya ustála. I (female) got tired. T'i ustálish? Are you tired? T'i ustal'ósh? Are you tired?
M'i ustál'i. We got tired. ?? Zíl'i búdu rabót'it ya ustánu. If I do this I will be tired. ?? Category: body, $$$$$. [nc 11/10/12 52:35] [sp] [sl 6/23/14]
M'i ustál'i. We got tired. ?? Zíl'i búdu rabót'it ya ustánu. If I do this I will be tired. ?? Category: body, $$$$$. [nc 11/10/12 52:35] [sp] [sl 6/23/14]
vnuk n. grandson. Ques: WAS THIS EVER USED IN NINILCHIK?? Usage: nearly unknown today Category: relatives, $$$$$, RECORD. [sl]
vríchki ?? v. ?? Ya vríchki ?? widál wídru. I ?? saw an otter. ?? Ya vríchki ?? wíd'ul widrí. I ?? saw otters. Category: $$$$$. [nc 11/10/12 43:48]
warazhít ВОРОЖИТЬ.
v. predestine ?? In contemporary Russian this refers to fortune telling. Perhaps in Ninilchik the meaning was extended from telling what your fortune would be to actually making it happen. N'i náda warazhít! Don't make it happen! НЕ НАДО ВОРОЖИТЬ! Category: $$$$$.
adj. eternal. The following is said about someone who has died: Wéchnaya památ'! Memory eternal! (lit., Eternal memory!) ВЕЧНАЯ ПАМЯТЬ. adverb wéchna. Category: $$$$$. [nc 11/8/12 18:42]
Wéchnaya památ'! ВЕЧНАЯ ПАМЯТЬ.
php. Memory eternal! This is said about someone who has died. See: wéchnay. Category: $$$$$. [nc 11/8/12 18:42]
w'ibrát' ?? ВЫБИРАТЬ.
v. pick, choose, select. On w'íbrait. He's choosing. Ya w'íbrayu. I'm choosing. Aná w'íbrala. She chose. Category: $$$$$, RECORD NOW. [sl]
w'ímat' v. wash. Ya w'ímala. I (female) washed it. Pasúd'i w'ímay! ?? Wash the dishes! See: móit' ?? ‘wash’; w'ímatsa. Category: $$$$$. [sl 11/9/12 13:23]
w'isakó adv. high. antonym karótkay. See: w'isókay. Category: size, $$$$$. [sl 11/8/12]
w'ishít' ?? ВИСЕТЬ ??, ВЕШАТЬ ??
v. hang. U m'in'é f pawárnya r'íbu w'ishít. I have fish hanging in the smokehouse. ?? See: wéshisa. Category: $$$$$, RECORD NOW. [nc 11/4/12 42:57]
adv. clear. as of a clear sky. Nawúl'isi óchin yásna. Outside it's very clear. antonym mórashna. Category: weather, $$$$$. [nc 11/10/12 00:17]
adj. capacious, roomy, young ?? Ya búla yómkaya. I (female) was ?? Category: $$$$$. [bp 01:06:44 'young']
v. squeeze. Ya t'im'é?? kak ?? zadaw'íl. He squeezed me tight. Category: $$$$$, RECORD. [jl, sl 11/9/12 38:37]
zad'imét' v. smoke, puff. ?? ?? See: kúrit'. Category: $$$$$, smoke. [sl 11/9/12 20:49]
zadúmalsa v. think. Ya zadúmalsa. I'm thinking. ?? See: dumát'. Category: cognition, $$$$$. [nc 11/4/12 05:52]
zagibát' v. bend, fold. Ques: RECHECK INFINITIVE WITH hachú On iwó zag'ibáit. He is bending him. ?? On go mágu ?? zag'ibáit. He ?? See: zagnut'. Category: $$$$$, RECORD NOW. [sl 11/5/12 20:07]
zakriwát' v. cover. Ya búdu d'irú zakriwát'. I'm going to fill up the hole. Category: $$$$$. [nc 12/10/12 14:59]
zasád'it' ?? ЗАСАДИТЬ.
v. plant ?? Kámin' ya zasád'iyu. ?? I'm planting a rock. ?? Category: $$$$$. [nc 10/30/12 42:36]
zd'élat' v. make. On m'in'é zd'élay. (zd'élait ??) He made it for me. Éta chalawék f'ó nabarót zd'el. That guy made it all backwards. Angr'ú chay zd'élayu. ?? I'm making tea. ?? See: d'élat' ‘make’. Category: $$$$$. [nc 11/10/12 12:41] [bp 10/26/12 01:18:56]
z'éway ?? adj. ?? Aná húdas zd'íyas ?? z'éwaya. ?? She did something bad. ?? Category: $$$$$. [nc 11/10/12 12:36]
z'imawát' v. winter. T'i z'imawáyish. You are in winter. See: zimówat'. Category: $$$$$, RECORD NOW. [sl 12/8/12 01:36]
z'iwát' ?? ЗЕВАТЬ.
v. yawn. Ques: RECHECK MEANING; nc: 'yawn' Ahtó z'iwáit uhú hl'ibáit. Whoever is late (for supper) slurps broth. ?? See: práz'iwat' ??. Category: $$$$$, sayings, RECORD. [sl 10/29/12 08:42] [nc: 'yawn' 11/10/12 29:29]